Sm_skinchooser update to version 5.3
Added new agentmodels to blocklist.
Changed precaching(seems like the issue is back).
Sm_skinchooser update to version 5.2
Added possibility for deleting skinchooser_playermodels.ini-files and skinchooser_armsmodels.ini-files directly, ingame commands are:
sm_clear_models(!clear_models) for playermodels-files
sm_clear_arms(!clear_arms) for armmodel-files.
This requires "Z" flag for Admins.
Sm_skinchooser update to version 5.1
Removed and changed some things , added possibility for using 3rd Person View commands are:
sm_thirdon(!thirdon) for 3rd Person View
sm_thirdoff(!thirdoff) for FPV.
This version should work on any game...
Sm_skinchooser update to version 5.0
Now needed the Extension from here:
thanks to
Kxnrl, you can also download it here below as long it is needed.
Some Optimizings for faster performance.......
Removed cause no longer needed is:
Added new Cvars:
sm_skinchooser_blockagentmodels, if enabled it should block the new Models from "Operation Shattered Web CSGO"
sm_skinchooser_skinadmintimer_enabled(0 = default) and sm_
skinchooser_forceplayerskintimer_enabled(0 = default) this let´s you decide if Models you have setup in forceskinsplayer_team(2,3).ini and forceskinsadmin_team(2,3).ini should get applied before saved models by the players or if saved models should get overwritten, your choise....
This update is only required if you running a CSGO-Server
Sm_skinchooser update to version 4.9
Changed precaching , THX Valve.
This update is only required if you running a CSGO-Server
Sm_skinchooser_hl2dm update to version 3.0
Updated to new Syntax , added possibility to give hrcbots a model.
Sm_skinchooser update to version 4.8
Added to new cvars sm_skinchooser_skinadmintimer and sm_skinchooser_forceplayerskintimer.
With this you can decide yourself when models gets applied if sm_skinchooser_forceplayerskin or sm_skinchooser_skinadmin are enabled. Possible are 1.0 second up to 100.0 seconds.This update is only required if you running a CSGO-Server
Sm_skinchooser update to version 4.7
Added new Cvar "sm_skinchooser_use_request_frame".
Choose which method you want to use for setting the Armmodels in CSGO ,
removing the weapons(default) and equip them new or simply respawn the player(set the cvar to 1).This update is only required if you running a CSGO-Server
Sm_skinchooser update to version 4.6
Fixed Errormessage. This update is only required if you running a CSGO-Server
Sm_skinchooser update to version 4.5
Fixed ForcePlayerSkin to work again..
This update is only required if you running a CSGO-Server
Sm_skinchooser update to version 4.4
Fixed respawning when player is dead.
This update is only required if you running a CSGO-Server
Sm_skinchooser update to version 4.3
This update is only required if you running a CSGO-Server , for other games there are made no changes.
It should fix the "Arms-Overlapping-Bug" that has come with the Glovemodelsupdate.
Sm_skinchooser update to version 4.0
Updated to new Syntax , added some more cvars for more customizing see Cvarlist.
Sm_skinchooser update to version 3.0
Changed the method to get clients SteamId from GetClientAuthString to GetClientAuthId.
This version adds ArmsModelsSupport for CSGO(for other Games not) and the ability to use mapbased configs(Menu and Downloads) , for maps you don´t want to create mapbased configs ,
plugin uses "default_skins.ini , default_skins_downloads.ini , "default_arms.ini and default_armsdownloads.ini" for CSGO and for other Games only "default_skins.ini and default_skins_downloads.ini ".
Tested on DODS , CSS , CSGO.
Examples for setting up the configs are left in the package.
SM_SKINCHOOSER update to 2.7
In this release I have added some more checks if clients are Bots or players because some users reported Bots have become an adminskin , this should now be fixed.
Many thanks are going to
STOONE and TnTSCS for their suggestions/help to fix this.
SM_SKINCHOOSER update to 2.6
Added 1 new cvar:
This works like SkinBots/ForcePlayerSkin.In the configfolder of the package you will find 2 new ini´s ,forceskinsadmin_team2.ini and forceskinsadmin_team3.ini.
Usage is like the ones for Bots And Players.
SM_SKINCHOOSER update to 2.5
Added 3 new cvars:
sm_skinchooser_commandcountsenabled default is 0// setting this to 1 enables the Commandcounter.
sm_skinchooser_commandcounts set this to 1 so users will be able to use the !models command 1 time per Round , event_player_team is also counting , higher numbers ex. 5 means users are able to use it 5 times.
sm_skinchooser_closemenutimer default is 30sec. , means menu is closing automaticly after 30 sec.
Don´t forget to delete the old configfile , new one will be created after Serverrestart/Mapchange and make your adjustments there.
SM_SKINCHOOSER update to 2.4
This is not an important update that brings out new features it´s more a version for beginners to prevent their servers from crashing.
The changes are:
sm_skinchooser_forceplayerskin set by default to
sm_skinchooser_playerspawntimer set by default to
sm_skinchooser_SkinBots set by default to
You should thank my friend
STOONE(he was the one who requested this update) who always supported the guys that needed help here.
Advanced users should not update to 2.4 they know how to setup sm_skinchooser , like I said it´s only for beginners.
You could download the models(STARWARS) that are listed in the ini´s on my forums
Normal-Version and HL2DM-Version updated to 2.3
So with this Update we have some changes , the biggest one is the new cvar "sm_skinchooser_forceplayerskin". It works like "sm_skinchooser_skinbots" , means players will become a skin no matter if they didn´t choosed a model from the menu.
New files are : forceskinsplayer_team2.ini and forceskinsplayer_team3.ini.
Setup for this new files is like setup for the bot-files.
These Cvars must be set to 1:
Also sm_skinchooser now creates a config-file on first start in "cfg/sourcemod(sm_skinchooser.cfg/sm_skinchooser_hl2dm.cfg for HL2-Version)" , make your adjustments there.
Skins.ini , skinchooser_downloads.ini ect. are now moved to "addons/sourcemod/configs/sm_skinchooser(sm_skinchooser_hl2dm for HL2-Version)".
All files in the package must be on your Gameserver!!!
Credits and big THX are going to Stoone and Nightrider for doing some Tests and reporting for this Update to 2.3 !!!
HL2DM-Version updated to 2.2
Added Cvar
Added Cvar sm_skinchooser_adminonly
Added Cvar sm_skinchooser_playerspawntimer
Update to 2.2
Added new Cvar sm_skinchooser_adminonly
With this Cvar you can enable the Menu only for Admins means only Admins will get the menu and can use the "!models" command if enabled.
Added new Cvar sm_skinchooser_playerspawntimer
This is only usefull if you have problems with the player_spawn Event , it enables the SetModel one second later on player_spawn (I made this because Resistance and Liberations seems to make some Probs without Timer.)
Look at the Cvarlist for defaults.
HL2DM-Version updated to 2.1 requested by TheLaser
Plugin now can handle "mp_teamplay 0/1"
In the configsfolder you now will find "skins_dm.ini(deathmatch)" , "skins_tdm.ini(teamdeathmatch)".
Setup is similar to other Versions.
Note !!! Don´t forget to place all files in skinchooserdownloads.ini!!!
Update to 2.1
Added new Cvar
sm_skinchooser_admingroup (1 = enabled(default) , 0 = disabled).
This gives you back the avaibility to use the GroupSystem.
You can now use Flags and Groups!!!
Take a look in the skins.ini included in the 2.1 Package and you see how to setup it.
Update to 2.0
New cvar
sm_skinchooser_SkinBots (1 = enabled(default) , 0 = disabled), forces Bots to have a skin.
Usage: In the configsfolder you will see 2 new ini-files, one for Team2 and one for Team3.
Add your Model that the bots on Team2 should have in the Team2 ini and the Model for Team3 in the Team3 ini.
Take a look in the ini-files and you will see how it works , you must only add the model-path in it , all other files must be listed in skinchooserdownloads.ini.
New cvar
sm_skinchooser_displaytimer (1 = enabled , 0 = disabled(default)), makes it possible to display the menu a little bit
later not directly by choosing a team.
New cvar
sm_skinchooser_menustarttime (default is 5.0 means menu will pop up 5 seconds after joining a Team , only works if sm_skinchooser_displaytimer is set to 1 !!!), here you can modify the time when Menu should be displayed by joining the team
related to sm_skinchooser_displaytimer.
Added new extra Version 2.0 for HL2 Deathmatch(not TDM)
Some people requested it so I did it , hopefully it works without bugs.
If you got some errors please report back.
Update to 1.9
Removed needage of gamedata.txt.
Delete skinchoosergamedata.txt in the gamedatafolder , overwrite sm_skinchooser.smx and restart Server.
Update to 1.8
Fixed a bug.
Update to 1.7
Added new Cvar "sm_skinchooser_autodisplay"
"sm_skinchooser_autodisplay 1" for popup Menu on Teamjoin
"sm_skinchooser_autodisplay 0" for no Menu on Teamjoin but display Menu on
"!models" by typing in Chat
Update to 1.6
Plugin now supports all Flags
("a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,z" and Customflags "o,p,q,r,s,t")
Update to 1.5
Fixed a handle error.
Update to 1.4
Supported Games now DODS,CSS
also added HL2MP support(Teamplay only)
Supported Flags
" " - Public
"b"- Generic Admin
"g"- Mapchange Admin
"z"- Root Admin
"t"- Custom Admin
Fixed some Menubugs.
You will no longer have trouble with "You do not have Access to this Command"
because it´s no longer needed.
Plugin now only shows Sections you have Permission for!!!
Added new arranged skins.ini for better overviewing the keyvalues.
If your old skins.ini is working as well for you you don´t have to overwrite the ini´s.
Examples for setting up the ini´s are left in themselves.
Have Fun and Enjoy!!!
sm_skinchooser_version 1.3
This Plugin is based on Modelmenu from Pred.
I reworked this because Modelmenu didn´t work for most Serveradmins without using sm_downloader and it was requested from a few people.
On Teamjoin the Menu autopopup´s.
You can already use the "!models" Command to change your skin for next spawn.
Changes from Version 1.0
Plugin now handles Flags.
Supported Flags are :b,g,z
For Public leave it ""
Also Plugin supports now DODS and CSS!!!