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[L4D2] Error in plugin

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Join Date: Mar 2019
Old 10-03-2022 , 21:06   [L4D2] Error in plugin
Reply With Quote #1

Works fine in CS.

L 10/04/2022 - 02:47:01: [SM] Exception reported: Client index 0 is invalid
L 10/04/2022 - 02:47:01: [SM] Blaming: game.smx
L 10/04/2022 - 02:47:01: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 10/04/2022 - 02:47:01: [SM]   [0] IsClientInGame
L 10/04/2022 - 02:47:01: [SM]   [1] Line 429, input.sp::UnhookClient
L 10/04/2022 - 02:47:01: [SM]   [2] Line 897, game.sp::Event_PlayerDeath
L 10/04/2022 - 02:47:15: [SM] Exception reported: Client index 0 is invalid
//new player_buttons_or[2];
new game_buttons[2];
new game_buttons_last[2];
new bool:block_e[2];

//new Float:button_time_pressed[INPUT_NUM_BUTTONS];
new button_strokes[2][INPUT_NUM_BUTTONS];
new Float:impulse_time[2];

new bool:looking_at_weapon[MAXPLAYERS+1];

public Action:Noblock_Reset() {

SetClientNoblock( client ) { 
	SetEntProp( client, Prop_Send, "m_CollisionGroup", 2 );

UnsetClientNoblock( client ) {
	SetEntProp( client, Prop_Send, "m_CollisionGroup", 5 );

ResetInput() {
	for( new i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
		if( game_clients[i] ) UnhookClient( game_clients[i] );

FlushKeyClicks() {
	for( new p = 0; p < 2; p++ ) {
		for( new i = 0; i < INPUT_NUM_BUTTONS; i++ ) {
			button_strokes[p][i] = 0;

KeyClicks( player, key_index, bool:reset=true ) {
	new clicks = button_strokes[player][key_index];
	if( reset ) {
		button_strokes[player][key_index] = 0;
	return clicks;

KeyState( player ) {
	return game_buttons[player];

bool:KeyDown( player, key ) {
	return (game_input_last[player] & key) == 0 &&
			(game_input[player] & key) != 0;
bool:KeyHeld( player, key ) {
	return (game_buttons[player] & key) != 0;
bool:KeyUp( player, key ) {
	return (game_input_last[player] & key) != 0 &&
			(game_input[player] & key) == 0;
UpdateInput() {
	// check if clients are valid
	for( new i = 0; i < 2; i++ ){
		if( game_clients[i] ) {
			if( !IsClientInGame(game_clients[i]) ) {
				game_clients[i] = 0;
			decl Float:ang[3];
			GetClientEyeAngles( game_clients[i],ang );
			if( ang[1] < 0.0 ) ang[1] += 360.0;
			new Float:a = ang[1] + 360.0;
			new Float:b = player_vectors[1][1] + 360.0;
			a = a - RoundToFloor(a / 360.0) * 360.0;
			b = b - RoundToFloor(b / 360.0) * 360.0;
			a = FloatAbs(a - b);
			if( a > 180.0 ) a = 360.0 - a;
			if( a > 70.0 && (gametime_at_frame > client_hook_time[i] + 1.0) ) {
				// unhook!
				UnhookClient( game_clients[i] ) ;
		new bool:updatebuttons[3];
		if( (game_input_last[i]&BUTTON_MASK1) != (game_input[i]&BUTTON_MASK1) ) updatebuttons[0] = true;
		if( (game_input_last[i]&BUTTON_MASK2) != (game_input[i]&BUTTON_MASK2) ) updatebuttons[1] = true;
		if( (game_input_last[i]&BUTTON_MASK3) != (game_input[i]&BUTTON_MASK3) ) updatebuttons[2] = true;
		game_input_last[i] = game_input[i];
		new buttons = player_buttons_or[i]; 
		player_buttons_or[i] = player_buttons[i];
		game_input[i] = 0;
		if( buttons & IN_MOVELEFT )		game_input[i] |= INPUT_LEFT;
		if( buttons & IN_MOVERIGHT )	game_input[i] |= INPUT_RIGHT;
		if( buttons & IN_FORWARD )		game_input[i] |= INPUT_UP;
		if( buttons & IN_BACK )			game_input[i] |= INPUT_DOWN;
		if( buttons & IN_JUMP )			game_input[i] |= INPUT_JUMP;
		if( buttons & IN_SPEED )		game_input[i] |= INPUT_SHIFT;
		if( buttons & IN_DUCK )			game_input[i] |= INPUT_CTRL;
		if( buttons & IN_USE )			game_input[i] |= INPUT_E;
		if( buttons & (1<<29) )			game_input[i] |= INPUT_F;
		if( buttons & IN_RELOAD )		game_input[i] |= INPUT_R;
		new inp = game_input[i];
		if( updatebuttons[0] ) {
			new sequence = 0;
			if( inp & INPUT_R ) sequence += 1;
			if( inp & INPUT_JUMP ) sequence += 2;
			if( inp & INPUT_CTRL ) sequence += 4;
			if( inp & INPUT_SHIFT ) sequence += 8;
			SetEntProp( ent_controller_buttons[i], Prop_Send, "m_nSequence", sequence );
		if( updatebuttons[1] ) {
			new sequence = 0;
			if( inp & INPUT_E ) sequence += 1;
			if( inp & INPUT_F ) sequence += 2;
			SetEntProp( ent_controller_buttons2[i], Prop_Send, "m_nSequence", sequence );
		if( updatebuttons[2] ) {
			new sequence = 0;
			if( inp & INPUT_UP ) sequence += 1;
			if( inp & INPUT_RIGHT ) sequence += 2;
			if( inp & INPUT_DOWN ) sequence += 4;
			if( inp & INPUT_LEFT ) sequence += 8;
			SetEntProp( ent_controller_dpad[i], Prop_Send, "m_nSequence", sequence );

TranslateSourceButtons( buttons, Float:impulsetime, &r_block_e ) {
	new result = 0;
	if( buttons & IN_MOVELEFT )		result |= INPUT_LEFT;
	if( buttons & IN_MOVERIGHT )	result |= INPUT_RIGHT;
	if( buttons & IN_FORWARD )		result |= INPUT_UP;
	if( buttons & IN_BACK )			result |= INPUT_DOWN;
	if( buttons & IN_JUMP )			result |= INPUT_JUMP;
	if( buttons & IN_SPEED )		result |= INPUT_SHIFT;
	if( buttons & IN_DUCK )			result |= INPUT_CTRL;
	if( buttons & IN_USE ) {
		if( !r_block_e )
			result |= INPUT_E;
	} else {
		r_block_e = false;
	if( (GetGameTime() - impulsetime) < 0.1 ) result |= INPUT_F;
	if( buttons & IN_RELOAD )		result |= INPUT_R;
	return result;

public Action:OnLookAtWeapon( client, const String:command[], argc ) {
	if( client == game_clients[0] || client == game_clients[1] ) {
		looking_at_weapon[client] = true; 
		return Plugin_Handled;
	return Plugin_Continue;

public Action:OnReleaseLookAtWeapon( client, const String:command[], argc ) {
	looking_at_weapon[client] = false; 
	return Plugin_Continue;

public Action:OnPlayerRunCmd(client, &buttons, &impulse, Float:vel[3], Float:angles[3], &weapon) {
	if( testing && !IsFakeClient(client) ) {
		PrintToServer( "%d", buttons );
		return Plugin_Handled;
	if( client == game_clients[0] || client == game_clients[1] ) {
		if( !GameActive() ) return Plugin_Continue;
		new index = client == game_clients[0] ? 0 : 1;
		if( impulse == 100 ) impulse_time[index] = GetGameTime();
		new buttons2 = TranslateSourceButtons( buttons, impulse_time[index], block_e[index] );
		if( impulse == 100 || impulse_time[index] ) { // block flashlight 
			impulse = 0;
		if( looking_at_weapon[client] ) {
			buttons2 |= INPUT_F;
		if( buttons2 != game_buttons_last[index] ) {
			game_buttons[index] = buttons2;
			new changes = (game_buttons_last[index] ^ buttons2);
			new clicks = changes & buttons2;
			//new released = (player_buttons_last[index] ^ buttons2) & player_buttons_last[index];
			for( new i = 0, tclicks = clicks; i < INPUT_NUM_BUTTONS; i++ ) {
				if( tclicks & 1 ) button_strokes[index][i]++;
			new inp = game_buttons[index];
			if( changes & BUTTON_MASK1 ) {
				new sequence = 0;
				if( inp & INPUT_R ) sequence += 1;
				if( inp & INPUT_JUMP ) sequence += 2;
				if( inp & INPUT_CTRL ) sequence += 4;
				if( inp & INPUT_SHIFT ) sequence += 8;
				SetEntProp( ent_controller_buttons[index], Prop_Send, "m_nSequence", sequence );
			if( changes & BUTTON_MASK2 ) {
				new sequence = 0;
				if( inp & INPUT_E ) sequence += 1;
				if( inp & INPUT_F ) sequence += 2;
				SetEntProp( ent_controller_buttons2[index], Prop_Send, "m_nSequence", sequence );
			if( changes & BUTTON_MASK3 ) {
				new sequence = 0;
				if( inp & INPUT_UP ) sequence += 1;
				if( inp & INPUT_RIGHT ) sequence += 2;
				if( inp & INPUT_DOWN ) sequence += 4;
				if( inp & INPUT_LEFT ) sequence += 8;
				SetEntProp( ent_controller_dpad[index], Prop_Send, "m_nSequence", sequence );
			game_buttons_last[index] = buttons2;
		buttons &= ~(IN_USE|IN_DUCK|IN_RELOAD);
		return Plugin_Changed;
	return Plugin_Continue;

HookClient( client, ent ) {
	if( IsClientHooked(client) ) return;
	if( game_broken ) return; // dont hook without tv!

	new entindex;
	if( ent != 0 ) {
		if( ent == ent_controller[0] ) entindex = 0;
		else entindex = 1;
		if( !controller_plugged_in[0] ) entindex = 0;
	} else {
		if( !game_clients[0] ) {
			entindex = 0;
		} else if( !game_clients[1] ) {
			entindex = 1;
		} else {

	new newclient = entindex;

	if( game_clients[entindex] ) return; // controller in use
//	if( game_clients[0] == 0 ) {
//		newclient = 0;
//	} else if( game_clients[1] == 0 ) {
//		newclient = 1;
//	}
//	if( newclient == -1 ) return; // game is full
	controller_being_used[newclient] = true;
	SetEntityMoveType( client, MOVETYPE_NONE );
	game_clients[newclient] = client;
	client_hook_time[newclient] = GetGameTime();

	new Float:playervec[3];
	new Float:playerang[3];
	for( new i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) playervec[i] = player_vectors[newclient*2][i];
	for( new i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) playerang[i] = player_vectors[newclient*2+1][i];

	if( !IsPlayerAlive(client) ) {
		playervec[2] += 64.0;
		new Float:vel[3];
		TeleportEntity( client, playervec, playerang, vel );
		SetEntProp( client, Prop_Send, "m_iObserverMode", 0 );

		SetEntProp( client, Prop_Send, "m_iHideHUD", GetEntProp( client, Prop_Send, "m_iHideHUD" ) | (HIDEHUD_CROSSHAIR | (1<<3)|(1<<4)) );
	} else {
		new Float:vel[3];
		TeleportEntity( client, playervec, playerang, vel );
		SetEntProp( client, Prop_Send, "m_iHideHUD", GetEntProp( client, Prop_Send, "m_iHideHUD" ) | HIDEHUD_CROSSHAIR );

	new Float:vec[3];
	new Float:ang[3] = {240.0,270.0,0.0};
	if( IsPlayerAlive(client) && GAME ==GAME_CSGO ) {
		SetVariantString( "!activator" );
		AcceptEntityInput( ent_controller[newclient], "SetParent", client );
		if( GAME == GAME_CSGO ){ 
			SetVariantString( "weapon_bone" );
			AcceptEntityInput( ent_controller[newclient], "SetParentAttachment" );
		} else {
			//SetVariantString( "muzzle_flash" ); // (dumb)
			//ang[0] = -45.0; ang[1] = 45.0; ang[2] = 0.0;
			ang[0] = 0.0; ang[1] = 0.0; ang[2] = 0.0;
			vec[2] += 40.0;
			vec[1] += 10.0;
		//AcceptEntityInput( ent_controller[newclient], "DisableMotion" );
	} else {
		vec[0] -= 15.0;
		vec[2] -= 8.0;

		vec[0] += playervec[0];
		vec[1] += playervec[1];
		vec[2] += playervec[2];// + 64.0;
		ang[0] = -30.0;
		ang[1] = 180.0;
		ang[2] = 0.0;

		if( GAME == GAME_CSS ) {
			vec[2] += 64.0;
		//SetVariantString( "!activator" );
		//AcceptEntityInput( ent_controller[newclient], "SetParent", client );
		AcceptEntityInput( ent_controller[newclient], "DisableMotion" );
		SetEntityMoveType( ent_controller[newclient], MOVETYPE_NONE );
		SetEntProp( ent_controller[newclient], Prop_Send, "m_CollisionGroup", 2 );
	TeleportEntity( ent_controller[newclient], vec, ang, NULL_VECTOR );
	if( !controller_plugged_in[newclient] ) {
		controller_plugged_in[newclient] = true;
	block_e[newclient] =true;
	looking_at_weapon[newclient] = false;

	SetClientNoblock( client );


UnhookClient( client, bool:resetclient=true ) {
	new bool:hooked;
	new hooked_index;
	if( game_clients[0] == client ) {
		hooked_index = 0;
		game_clients[0] = 0;
	} else if( game_clients[1] == client ) {
		hooked_index = 1;
		game_clients[1] = 0;
	} else {
	game_buttons[hooked_index] = 0;
	game_buttons_last[hooked_index] = 0;
	controller_being_used[hooked_index] = false;
	if( !IsClientInGame(client) || !resetclient ) return;
	if( hooked ) {
		UnsetClientNoblock( client );

		if( !IsPlayerAlive(client) ) {
			SetEntProp( client, Prop_Send, "m_iHideHUD", (GetEntProp( client, Prop_Send, "m_iHideHUD" ) | (1<<3)|(1<<4)) & ~(HIDEHUD_CROSSHAIR) );
			SetEntProp( client, Prop_Send, "m_iObserverMode", 6 );
			SetEntityMoveType( client, MOVETYPE_OBSERVER );
		} else {
			SetEntProp( client, Prop_Send, "m_iHideHUD", GetEntProp( client, Prop_Send, "m_iHideHUD" ) & (~HIDEHUD_CROSSHAIR)  );
			SetEntityMoveType( client, MOVETYPE_WALK );
	if( game_setup ) {
		AcceptEntityInput( ent_controller[hooked_index], "ClearParent" );
		AcceptEntityInput( ent_controller[hooked_index], "EnableMotion" );
		//TeleportEntity( ent_controller[hooked_index], controller_creation_point[hooked_index], controller_creation_angles[hooked_index], NULL_VECTOR );
		new Float:vel[3] = {0.0,0.0,50.0};
		SetEntityMoveType( ent_controller[hooked_index], MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS );
		TeleportEntity( ent_controller[hooked_index], NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR, vel );

bool:AreClientsPlaying() {
	return game_clients[0] >0 || game_clients[1] >0;

bool:IsClientHooked(client) {
	if( game_clients[0] == client ) {
		return true;
	} else if( game_clients[1] == client ) {
		return true;
	return false;

public Action:Ghosting_OnAllowCmd( client ) {

	// block ghost action if client is hooked
	if( game_clients[0] == client || game_clients[1] == client ) {
		return Plugin_Handled;

	return Plugin_Continue;

public Action:Ghosting_OnUse( client, entity ) {

	OnPlayerUse( client, entity );

Last edited by JLmelenchon; 10-03-2022 at 21:07.
JLmelenchon is offline
Veteran Member
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: Brazil
Old 10-03-2022 , 21:55   Re: [L4D2] Error in plugin
Reply With Quote #2

I know you are some kind of T-Rex, but as I always ask (and already did in several threads), do some effort and add all the necessary .sp files to compile, or link the related plugin if you expect help.

For someone that already opened several threads about similar issues, should already be able to read and understand the self-explanatory errors:

Exception reported: Client index 0 is invalid
Obvious Fix: Check if the client index/variable is "0" before calling UnhookClient (or safecheck inside UnhookClient method)

Last edited by Marttt; 10-03-2022 at 22:00.
Marttt is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2019
Old 10-04-2022 , 01:52   Re: [L4D2] Error in plugin
Reply With Quote #3

Sorry. This is the part that cause problem:

public Event_PlayerDeath( Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast ) {
	new client = GetClientOfUserId( GetEventInt( event,"userid" ) );
	UnhookClient( client );
	if( player_has_cartridge[client] ) {
The error is triggered as soon as the map load, which is not the case in counter strike.

Fixed it:
 if( client <= 0 ) return;
if( !IsClientInGame(client) || !IsFakeClient(client)) return;

Last edited by JLmelenchon; 10-04-2022 at 03:30.
JLmelenchon is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2019
Old 10-04-2022 , 13:32   Re: [L4D2] Error in plugin
Reply With Quote #4

Still something wrong anyway even after updating the code a little to recompile changing game folder and fixing entity spawn timer the logic seems broken, gamepad and cartridges do not spawn only the the console and the TV with an error cuz it's missing in L4D2.. Took me hours just for nothing meh.


Anyway shared what i did in last post, you will have to find coordinates with a spawn prop plugin nand stripper source for the config.

Last edited by JLmelenchon; 10-04-2022 at 13:47.
JLmelenchon is offline

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