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First plugin Rate of Fire for HL2DM--need some help

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Join Date: Sep 2008
Old 03-18-2009 , 23:32   First plugin Rate of Fire for HL2DM--need some help
Reply With Quote #1

Hello Guys and Gals,

This plugin is based off of this Rof plugin


But my plugin is for HL2DM not for CSS.
I compile it fine but when I started the server with it in the plugins it threw this at me

L 03/18/2009 - 17:46:11: [SM] Native "HookEvent" reported: Game event "player_activeweapon" does not exist
L 03/18/2009 - 17:46:11: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "Rof_beta.smx":
L 03/18/2009 - 17:46:11: [SM] [0] Line 60, Rof_beta.sp::OnPluginStart()

I'm attaching the .sp file and the .smx file
Thanks for any help guys and gals.


here is the source code

* ====================
*  Rate of Fire
* ==================== 
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools_sound>
#define VERSION "0.9"
// activeWeapon uses the same weapon to integer representations as enum WeaponType
// i.e.  The weapon pistol = 1; the smg1 = 2; ect.
new activeWeapon[MAXPLAYERS+1];
// Modes:  0 = no mode  ---  1 = auto  ---  2 = semi-auto  ---  3 = burst
new primWeaponMode[MAXPLAYERS+1];
new secWeaponMode[MAXPLAYERS+1];
// 0 = Active Weapon Switched  ---  1 = Change Rof command used
new bool:weaponChanged[MAXPLAYERS+1];
static const String:bindAuto[] = "bind z +auto";
static const String:bindSemi[] = "bind z semi";
static const String:bindBurst[] = "bind z burst";
static const String:xBurst[] = "+attack2; w5; -attack2";
//static const String:crosshair[] = "cl_crosshairscale";
static const String:soundFile[] = "weapons/RoF.wav";
static const Float:soundVolume = 1.0;
new Handle:WeaponTrie;
enum WeaponType
 Weapon_None = 0,
 Weapon_pistol = 1,
 Weapon_smg1 = 2,
 Weapon_ar2 = 3,
 Weapon_shotgun = 4,
 Weapon_crossbow = 5,
 Weapon_357 = 6,
 Weapon_frag = 7,
public OnPluginStart()player_activeweapon
 // ======================================================================
 RegConsoleCmd("rof", RateOfFire, "Changes weapons rate of fire");
 // ======================================================================
 HookEvent("player_activeweapon", WeaponChange);
 HookEvent("player_drop", WeaponDrop);
 HookEvent("player_spawn", PlayerSpawn);
 // ======================================================================
 PrecacheSound((soundFile), true);
 // ======================================================================
 // Inactive
 //enum WeaponType
 // Weapon_None = 0,
 // Weapon_pistol = 1,
 // Weapon_smg1 = 2,
 // Weapon_ar2 = 3,
 // Weapon_shotgun = 4,
 // Weapon_crossbow = 5,
 // Weapon_357 = 6,
 // Weapon_frag = 7,
 WeaponTrie = CreateTrie();
 // Primary
 SetTrieValue(WeaponTrie, "none", Weapon_None);
 SetTrieValue(WeaponTrie, "pistol", Weapon_pistol);
 SetTrieValue(WeaponTrie, "smg1", Weapon_smg1);
 SetTrieValue(WeaponTrie, "ar2", Weapon_ar2);
 SetTrieValue(WeaponTrie, "shotgun", Weapon_shotgun);
 SetTrieValue(WeaponTrie, "crossbow", Weapon_crossbow);
 SetTrieValue(WeaponTrie, "357", Weapon_357);
 SetTrieValue(WeaponTrie, "frag", Weapon_frag);
 CreateConVar("gs_selective_fire_version",VERSION,"[SelectiveFire] Current version of this plugin",FCVAR_PLUGIN|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_UNLOGGED|FCVAR_DONTRECORD|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_NOTIFY);
public Action:WeaponChange(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
 new index = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
 weaponChanged[index] = true;
 decl String:weapon[24];
 GetEventString(event, "weapon", weapon, sizeof(weapon));
 GetTrieValue(WeaponTrie, weapon, activeWeapon[index]);
public Action:WeaponDrop(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
 new index = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
 decl String:weapon[24];
 GetEventString(event, "weapon", weapon, sizeof(weapon));
 new weaponDropped;
 GetTrieValue(WeaponTrie, weapon, weaponDropped);
 switch (weaponDropped)
  case 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16:
   // No primary weapon mode now
   primWeaponMode[index] = 0;
  case 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24:
   // No secondary weapon mode now
   secWeaponMode[index] = 0;
public Action:PlayerSpawn(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
 new index = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
 // Resets rate of fire to automatic
 primWeaponMode[index] = 1;
 secWeaponMode[index] = 1;
 weaponChanged[index] = true;
public Action:RateOfFire(client, args)
 if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
  new index = client;
  weaponChanged[index] = false;
 return Plugin_Handled;
 switch (activeWeapon[client])
  case 1:
   if (weaponChanged[client])
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, bindAuto);
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, bindSemi);
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
   // Rof Command used
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, bindSemi);
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 2;
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, bindAuto);
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 1;
  case 2:
   if (weaponChanged[client])
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, bindAuto);
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, bindSemi);
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
   // Rof Command used
   //elseif (rofCommandUsed)
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, bindSemi);
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 2;
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, bindAuto);
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 1;
  case 3:
   if (weaponChanged[client])
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(cl_crosshairscale, 0, false, false);
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
   // Rof Command used
   //elseif (rofCommandUsed)
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 2;
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 1;
  case 4:
   if (weaponChanged[client])
    // Set to auto
    ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
    //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
    primWeaponMode[client] = 1;
  case 5:
   if (weaponChanged[client])
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
   // Rof Command used
   //elseif (rofCommandUsed)
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 2;
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 1;
  case 6:
   if (weaponChanged[client])
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
   // Rof Command used
   //elseif (rofCommandUsed)
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 2;
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 1;
  case 7:
   if (weaponChanged[client])
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
   // Rof Command used
   //elseif (rofCommandUsed)
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 2;
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 1;
  case 8:
   if (weaponChanged[client])
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
     // if burst
     case 3:
      // Set to burst
      ClientCommand(client, (bindBurst));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1500, false, false);
   // Rof Command used
   //elseif (rofCommandUsed)
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 2;
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to burst
      ClientCommand(client, (bindBurst));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1500, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 3;
     // if burst
     case 3:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 1;
  case 9:
   if (weaponChanged[client])
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
     // if burst
     case 3:
      // Set to burst
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1500, false, false);
   // Rof Command used
   //elseif (rofCommandUsed)
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 2;
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to burst
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      ClientCommand(client, (xBurst));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1500, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 3;
     // if burst
     case 3:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      ClientCommand(client, (xBurst));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 1;
  case 10:
   if (weaponChanged[client])
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
   // Rof Command used
   //elseif (rofCommandUsed)
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 2;
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 1;
  case 11:
   if (weaponChanged[client])
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
   // Rof Command used
   //elseif (rofCommandUsed)
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 2;
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 1;
  case 12:
   if (weaponChanged[client])
    // Set to auto
    ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
    //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
    primWeaponMode[client] = 1;
  case 13:
   if (weaponChanged[client])
    // Set to auto
    ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
    //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
    primWeaponMode[client] = 1;
  case 14:
   if (weaponChanged[client])
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
   // Rof Command used
   //elseif (rofCommandUsed)
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 2;
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 1;
  case 15:
   if (weaponChanged[client])
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
   // Rof Command used
   //elseif (rofCommandUsed)
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 2;
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 1;
  case 16:
   if (weaponChanged[client])
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
   // Rof Command used
   //elseif (rofCommandUsed)
    switch (primWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 2;
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
      primWeaponMode[client] = 1;
  // Secondary
  case 17:
   if (weaponChanged[client])
    switch (secWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
   // Rof Command used
   //elseif (rofCommandUsed)
    switch (secWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
      secWeaponMode[client] = 2;
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
      secWeaponMode[client] = 1;
  case 18:
   if (weaponChanged[client])
    switch (secWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
   // Rof Command used
   //elseif (rofCommandUsed)
    switch (secWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to semi-auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindSemi));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1750, false, false);
      secWeaponMode[client] = 2;
     // if semi-auto
     case 2:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
      secWeaponMode[client] = 1;
  case 19:
   if (weaponChanged[client])
    switch (secWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
     // if burst
     case 3:
      // Set to burst
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1500, false, false);
   // Rof Command used
   //elseif (rofCommandUsed)
    switch (secWeaponMode[client])
     // if auto
     case 1:
      // Set to burst
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      ClientCommand(client, (xBurst));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 1500, false, false);
      secWeaponMode[client] = 3;
     // if burst
     case 3:
      // Set to auto
      ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
      ClientCommand(client, (xBurst));
      //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
      secWeaponMode[client] = 1;
  case 20, 21, 22, 23, 24:
   if (weaponChanged[client])
    // set to auto
    ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
    //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
    secWeaponMode[client] = 1;
  // Accessories
  case 25, 26, 27, 28, 29:
   if (weaponChanged[client])
    // set to auto
    ClientCommand(client, (bindAuto));
    //SetConVarInt(crosshair, 0, false, false);
 EmitSoundToClient(client, (soundFile), _, _, _, _, (soundVolume));
// End
Attached Files
File Type: smx Rof_beta.smx (5.7 KB, 180 views)
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (Rof_beta.sp - 423 views - 22.4 KB)

Last edited by bl4nk; 12-17-2009 at 19:04. Reason: please use the [code][/code] tags
jdproper34 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Old 12-17-2009 , 16:47   Re: First plugin Rate of Fire for HL2DM--need some help
Reply With Quote #2

Have yet to test this
Wanted to ask does the mod change the rate of fire and just put up these errors?
menotyou is offline
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Old 12-18-2009 , 15:11   Re: First plugin Rate of Fire for HL2DM--need some help
Reply With Quote #3

L 03/18/2009 - 17:46:11: [SM] Native "HookEvent" reported: Game event "player_activeweapon" does not exist
As the log says the event doesn´t exist in your game so you have to find another way.
Waiting for HL3,Day of Defeat3 ,but will it ever come? So I'm gonna play COD WW2.>>>>SM_SKINCHOOSER<<<<
>>You need Models for DODS/CSS/CSGO , than click here!!!<<
andi67 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Old 12-18-2009 , 17:12   Re: First plugin Rate of Fire for HL2DM--need some help
Reply With Quote #4

Originally Posted by andi67 View Post
As the log says the event doesn´t exist in your game so you have to find another way.
Is there any plugins to change the rate of fire in hl2dm that you know of as i have searched and found only thus
menotyou is offline

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