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Traps! (version 2!) - updated!

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Plugin Info:     Modification:   Counter-Strike        Category:   Fun Stuff        Approver:   v3x (159)
Join Date: Jul 2005
Old 08-07-2008 , 00:24   Traps! (version 2!) - updated!
Reply With Quote #1

\\                                                                                //
//                           AMXX Traps v2.0 by penGuiN^^                         \\
\\                                                                                //
\\                                                                                //
// - Bury Trap   - Player will be buried (they won't lose their weapons)          \\
\\ - Slap Trap   - Player will be slapped with their health cut in half           //
// - Death Trap  - Player will be instantly killed                                \\
\\ - Blind Trap  - Player will become blind                                       //
// - Slow Trap   - Player will lose all of their weapons (except knife)           \\
\\ - Math        - Player will become unable to move until they answer a math     //
//                 problem (they type the answer into chat)                       \\
\\ - Drug        - Player overdoses on drugs                                      //
// - Hiccup      - Player gets the hiccups (jumps at random times)                \\
\\                                                                                //
//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// Console Commands  (ADMIN_KICK) \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\
\\                                                                                //
// - amx_traps          - Changes the cvar traps_enable - <0|1 = OFF/ON>          \\
\\                                                                                //
//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// Cvars <1|0 - on/off> //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\
\\                                                                                //
// - traps_bury         - Enables/Disables usage of Bury Traps (Default = 1)      \\
\\ - traps_slap         - Enables/Disables usage of Slap Traps (Default = 1)      //
// - traps_death        - Enables/Disables usage of Death Traps (Default = 1)     \\
\\ - traps_blind        - Enables/Disabled usage of Blind Traps (Default = 1)     //
// - traps_slow         - Enables/Disables usage of Slow Traps (Default = 1)      \\
\\ - traps_math         - Enables/Disabled usage of Math Traps (Default = 1)      //
// - traps_drug         - Enables/Disables usage of Death Traps (Default = 1)     \\
\\ - traps_hiccup       - Enables/Disabled usage of Blind Traps (Default = 1)     //
\\ - traps_goggle       - Enables/Disables usage of Trap Goggles (Default = 1)    //
// - traps_price_bury   - Price of the Bury Trap                                  \\
\\ - traps_price_slap   - Price of the Slap Trap                                  //
// - traps_price_death  - Price of the Death Trap                                 \\
\\ - traps_price_blind  - Price of the Blind Trap                                 //
// - traps_price_slow   - Price of the Slow Trap                                  \\
\\ - traps_price_math   - Price of the Math Trap                                  //
// - traps_price_drug   - Price of the Drug Trap                                  \\
\\ - traps_price_hiccup - Price of the Hiccup Trap                                //
// - traps_price_goggle - Price of the Trap Goggles                               //
// - traps_max          - Amount of traps that can be bought per round per player \\
\\ - traps_radius       - How big the traps actually are                          //
// - traps_enable       - Enable/Disable usage of Traps                           \\
\\                                                                                //
//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// Credit \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\
\\                                                                                //
// - Idea       - xeroblood's Shootable Proximity Mines plugin.                   \\
\\                                                                                //
// - Coding     - I got a lot of help with the planting code and /help code from  \\
\\                xeroblood's Shootable Proximity Mines plugin.                   //
//              - I got the Drug code from somwhere, but forgot where!            \\
\\              - I got the blind code from a plugin made by T(+)rget/f117bomb    //
//              - Gangien wrote the equation generation code for the Math Trap    \\
\\              - Gangien created the sprites for the traps                       //
//              - Took some coding from Necro's Block Maker plugin                \\
\\                                                                                //
// - Shouts     - Stashio                                                         \\
\\              - OpTiKaL                                                         //
//              - HutCh`                                                          \\
\\              - Gangien                                                         //
//              - brian                                                           \\
\\              - Camper Joe                                                      //
//              - Sheyla (Pro!)                                                   \\
\\              - saladfingers (http://www.fat-pie.com/salad.htm)                 //
//                                                                                \\
\\ - PhooGi     - Hide N Seek -                               //
//              - KZ (Kreedz) -                               \\
\\                                                                                //
Hi! I created this plugin back in 2005, and have just recently started editing it again for a HNS server. I made a lot of changes to it, and it is now easier to use and a lot more fun!

Original Plugin: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=132486

What's New?

- traps now have a timer (you won't be blind/buried/etc the whole round)
- slow trap (causes the player to run at half speed)
- math trap (causes the player to become buried until they answer an algebreic equation
- hiccup trap (cuases the player to get the hiccups. it makes them jump randomly and plays a lil' noise)
- drug trap (causes the player to be drugged)
- made planting easier by adding it to the menu (instead of using +settrap)
- added trap visibility. you can see yours and your teammates planted traps. each type of trap has a unique picture. enemies will not be able to see them
- added trap goggles that players can buy for the round to see traps. they will see ?'s, so they will not know what kind of trap is there

I also used an Unlimited Money plugin (located at http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=206335 ), but I included it in the rar. you must download the rar or it won't compile due to the UL plugin! I already compiled it in there, but I have included the SMA for people who wish to manually compile.

=== UPDATE ===
Added Trap Immunity, available to buy for a round from the main menu.

traps_immunity (enables or disables it)
traps_price_immunity (sets how much it costs)
Attached Files
File Type: rar Traps_v2.rar (498.1 KB, 4233 views)
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (amx_traps.sma - 4635 views - 47.5 KB)
File Type: amxx amx_traps.amxx (37.9 KB, 1654 views)
File Type: rar Traps_v2_nomoney.rar (487.1 KB, 2464 views)

Last edited by xx_sirhc_xx; 09-04-2008 at 18:50. Reason: Updated
xx_sirhc_xx is offline
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Old 08-07-2008 , 00:36   Re: Traps! (version 2!)
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Very fun plugin *Hiccup*
steeLh is offline
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Old 08-09-2008 , 17:21   Re: Traps! (version 2!)
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Yeah looks cool.
Originally Posted by wisam187
why all the great scriptors..... always.... leave and let their works go into oblivion ???
i miss your way in making outstanding plugins...
this forum needs lots of the likes of you..... and less of the idiots that spread right now.
Fry! is offline
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Old 08-09-2008 , 18:35   Re: Traps! (version 2!)
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Wow that looks amazing, gj
PvtSmithFSSF is offline
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Old 08-10-2008 , 10:32   Re: Traps! (version 2!)
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hahaha hiccups
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Old 08-12-2008 , 00:25   Re: Traps! (version 2!)
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very nice! i love the math traps.
gangien is offline
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Old 08-20-2008 , 22:27   Re: Traps! (version 2!)
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nobody has any feedback on this? did you like the update? hate it? want me to add something else? want me to change something? let's hear it!
xx_sirhc_xx is offline
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Old 08-22-2008 , 05:39   Re: Traps! (version 2!)
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i'm a chinese i use it in my server for hns it was great
can u add Trap immunity? because trap is unfair to CT
i'm not very well at english don't laugh at me
veryluckko is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Old 08-22-2008 , 17:26   Re: Traps! (version 2!)
Reply With Quote #10

Originally Posted by veryluckko View Post
i'm a chinese i use it in my server for hns it was great
can u add Trap immunity? because trap is unfair to CT
i'm not very well at english don't laugh at me
in the update I added Trap Goggles. you can buy these for a round and it will allow you to SEE the enemies traps. this way you can jump over them or go around them.
xx_sirhc_xx is offline

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