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Solved [DHooks] Detouring without unstable crashes?

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Old 11-17-2019 , 04:53   [DHooks] Detouring without unstable crashes?
Reply With Quote #1


This discussions topic was changed about 3 times, first from signatures, then the old version of DHooks, then to now.

I'm stuck at a dead end with detouring; it's as unstable as SendProxy in L4D2 is.
Look at the second reply of mine for some details, as well as some of my rage

I think I'm doing something wrong here.

Someone had talked about old DHooks supporting hooking onto addresses, but after someone replied, I've tried it and it doesn't work for entities.

EDIT: Here's the whole code. Using PHP tags lagged browsers, so I'm using CODE tags instead:
#define PLUGIN_NAME "[L4D2] Survivor Animation Fix Pack"
#define PLUGIN_AUTHOR "DeathChaos25, Shadowysn"
#define PLUGIN_DESC "A few quality of life animation fixes for the survivors"
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.5"
#define PLUGIN_URL ""

#define GAMEDATA "l4d2_sequence"

#include <sourcemod>
#include <dhooks>
#include <sdktools>

#pragma newdecls required
#pragma semicolon 1

#define MODEL_NICK "models/survivors/survivor_gambler.mdl"
#define MODEL_ROCHELLE "models/survivors/survivor_producer.mdl"
#define MODEL_COACH "models/survivors/survivor_coach.mdl"
#define MODEL_ELLIS "models/survivors/survivor_mechanic.mdl"
#define MODEL_BILL "models/survivors/survivor_namvet.mdl"
#define MODEL_ZOEY "models/survivors/survivor_teenangst.mdl"
#define MODEL_LOUIS "models/survivors/survivor_manager.mdl"
#define MODEL_FRANCIS "models/survivors/survivor_biker.mdl"

static int incapped[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = 0;
static Handle incapTimer[MAXPLAYERS+1] = null;
static bool pounced[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = false;
static bool charged[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = false;

ConVar IncapAnims;
ConVar CoachEnabled;
ConVar MeleeEnabled;
ConVar MilitaryEnabled;
ConVar PistolEnabled;
ConVar PounceEnabled;
ConVar RifleEnabled;
ConVar IncapChargeEnabled;

Handle hConf = null;

Handle sdkDoAnim;
Handle sdkGetSeqFromString;
Handle hSequenceSet;
#define NAME_SelectWeightedSequence "CTerrorPlayer::SelectWeightedSequence"
#define NAME_DoAnimationEvent "CTerrorPlayer::DoAnimationEvent"
#define NAME_LookupSequence "CBaseAnimating::LookupSequence"
#define SIG_SelectWeightedSequence_LINUX "@_ZN13CTerrorPlayer22SelectWeightedSequenceE8Activity"
#define SIG_SelectWeightedSequence_WINDOWS "\\x55\\x8B\\x2A\\x56\\x57\\x8B\\x2A\\x2A\\x8B\\x2A\\x81\\x2A\\x2A\\x2A\\x2A\\x2A\\x75\\x2A"
#define SIG_DoAnimationEvent_LINUX "@_ZN13CTerrorPlayer16DoAnimationEventE17PlayerAnimEvent_ti"
#define SIG_DoAnimationEvent_WINDOWS "\\x55\\x8B\\x2A\\x56\\x8B\\x2A\\x2A\\x57\\x8B\\x2A\\x83\\x2A\\x2A\\x74\\x2A\\x8B\\x2A\\x2A\\x2A\\x2A\\x2A\\x8B\\x2A"
#define SIG_LookupSequence_LINUX "@_ZN14CBaseAnimating14LookupSequenceEPKc"
#define SIG_LookupSequence_WINDOWS "\\x55\\x8B\\x2A\\x56\\x8B\\x2A\\x83\\x2A\\x2A\\x2A\\x2A\\x2A\\x2A\\x75\\x2A\\xE8\\x7C\\xE0"
#define OFFSET_SelectWeightedSequence_LINUX 207
#define OFFSET_SelectWeightedSequence_WINDOWS 206
#define OFFSET_DoAnimationEvent_LINUX 510
#define OFFSET_DoAnimationEvent_WINDOWS 509

public Plugin myinfo = 
	name = PLUGIN_NAME,
	author = PLUGIN_AUTHOR,
	description = PLUGIN_DESC,
	version = PLUGIN_VERSION,

public void OnPluginStart()
	HookEvent("weapon_reload", Event_Reload);
	HookEvent("lunge_pounce", Event_Pounced);
	HookEvent("charger_carry_end", Event_CarryEnd);
	//RegAdminCmd("sm_incapsetanim", Command_SetAnim, ADMFLAG_ROOT, "Set the animation the incap uses.");
	RegAdminCmd("sm_testsetanim", Command_TestSetAnim, ADMFLAG_ROOT, "Set animation of yourself.");
	RegAdminCmd("sm_testgetseq", Command_TestGetSeq, ADMFLAG_ROOT, "Get animation of player's model from a string.");
	IncapAnims = CreateConVar("enable_l4d1_incap_anims_fix", "1", "Fix missing collapse_to_incap animation for Louis/Bill/Francis?", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	CoachEnabled = CreateConVar("enable_coach_anim_fix", "1", "Fix Coach's Single Pistol/Magnum running animation?", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	MeleeEnabled = CreateConVar("enable_zoey_hurtidlemelee_anim_fix", "1", "Fix broken Zoey idle_injured_frying_pan animations?", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	MilitaryEnabled = CreateConVar("enable_military_anim_fix", "1", "Replace military sniper anims with more fitting versions?", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	PistolEnabled = CreateConVar("enable_empty_pistol_anim_fix", "1", "Fix missing animation for empty pistol reloads?", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	PounceEnabled = CreateConVar("enable_pounce_anim_fix", "1", "Restore pounced to ground animation from original game?", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	RifleEnabled = CreateConVar("enable_rifle_anim_fix", "1", "Replace Francis and Louis' broken rifle idle anims?", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	IncapChargeEnabled = CreateConVar("enable_charge_incap_anim_fix", "1", "Restore IncapFrom_Charger animation in the most likely event?", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	AutoExecConfig(true, "l4d2_animations_fix");

/*public void OnPluginEnd()

Action Command_TestSetAnim(int client, any args)
	if (args < 3 || args > 3)
		ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_testsetanim <player> <number> <set>");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	char player[64];
	char num[64];
	char set[64];
	GetCmdArg(1, player, sizeof(player));
	GetCmdArg(2, num, sizeof(num));
	GetCmdArg(3, set, sizeof(set));
	int int_set = StringToInt(set);
	int player_id = FindTarget(client, player);
	SDKCall(sdkDoAnim, player_id, num, int_set);
	return Plugin_Handled;

Action Command_TestGetSeq(int client, any args)
	if (args < 2 || args > 2)
		ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_testgetseq <player> <string>");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	char player[64];
	char str[64];
	GetCmdArg(1, player, sizeof(player));
	GetCmdArg(2, str, sizeof(str));
	int player_id = FindTarget(client, player);
	PrintToChatAll("%s: %i", str, GetAnimation(player_id, str));
	return Plugin_Handled;

Action Event_Reload(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
	if (!GetConVarBool(PistolEnabled))
	int client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
	int weapon = GetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_hActiveWeapon");
	if (!IsValidEntity(weapon)) return;
	char wepstring[64];
	GetEntityClassname(weapon, wepstring, sizeof(wepstring));
	int clip = GetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Send, "m_iClip1");
	if (IsSurvivor(client) && !IsPlayerHeld(client) && (clip <= 0 || IsDualWielding(client) && clip <= 1) &&
	(StrEqual(wepstring, "weapon_pistol") || StrEqual(wepstring, "weapon_pistol_magnum")) )
		SDKCall(sdkDoAnim, client, 4, 1);
	//else reloading[client] = false;

Action Event_CarryEnd(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
	if (!GetConVarBool(IncapChargeEnabled))
	int victim = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "victim"));
	if (IsSurvivor(victim))
		charged[victim] = true;
		CreateTimer(1.5, SETFALSE_CHARGE, victim);
	else charged[victim] = false;
Action SETFALSE_CHARGE(Handle timer, int client)
	if (IsSurvivor(client))
		charged[client] = false;
		//SDKCall(sdkDoAnim, client, 92, 0);

Action Event_Pounced(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
	if (!GetConVarBool(PounceEnabled))
	int victim = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "victim"));
	if (IsSurvivor(victim))
		pounced[victim] = true;
		CreateTimer(0.9, SETFALSE_POUNCE, victim);
	else pounced[victim] = false;
Action SETFALSE_POUNCE(Handle timer, int client)
	if (IsSurvivor(client))
		pounced[client] = false;
		//SDKCall(sdkDoAnim, client, 92, 0);

Action Incap_StopAnimation(Handle timer, int client)
	incapTimer[client] = null;
	if (!IsValidEntity(client) || !IsClientInGame(client)) return;
	if (IsSurvivor(client))
		incapped[client] = 1;
		//incapped[client] = 3;
		//CreateTimer(1.0, Incap_StopAnimation2, client);

//static int ReceivedAnim[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = -1;
public MRESReturn OnSequenceSet(Address pThis, Handle hReturn, Handle hParams)
//public MRESReturn OnSequenceSet(int client, Handle hReturn, Handle hParams)
	int client = LoadFromAddress(pThis, NumberType_Int16);
	int sequence = DHookGetReturn(hReturn);
	//int param = DHookGetParam(hParams, 1);
	if (!IsValidEntity(client) || !IsPlayerAlive(client) || !IsSurvivor(client)) return MRES_Ignored;
	if (IsSurvivor(client) && IsPlayerAlive(client))
		if (GetConVarBool(PounceEnabled) && sequence == GetPounceIdleSequence(client) && pounced[client])
			int pouncer = GetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_pounceAttacker");
			if (IsValidEntity(pouncer) && IsInfected(pouncer) && IsPlayerAlive(pouncer))
				int pounce = GetPounceSequence(client);
				if (pounce > -1)
					/*float angles[3];
					GetClientAbsAngles(pouncer, angles);
					float new_ang[3];
					if (angles[1] > 0)
					{ new_ang[1] = angles[1]-180; }
					else if (angles[1] <= 0)
					{ new_ang[1] = angles[1]+180; }
					SetEntPropVector(client, Prop_Send, "m_angRotation", new_ang);*/
					DHookSetReturn(hReturn, pounce);
					return MRES_Override;
		else if (GetConVarBool(IncapChargeEnabled) && charged[client] && !IsPlayerHeld(client) && IsIncapacitated(client) && 
		IsInIncapSequence(client, sequence))
			int incapfrom = GetAnimation(client, "ACT_TERROR_CHARGER_PUMMELED");
			if (incapfrom > -1)
				DHookSetReturn(hReturn, incapfrom);
				return MRES_Override;
	//PrintToChatAll("%i", incapped[client]);
	if (IsSurvivor(client) && IsPlayerAlive(client) && !IsPlayerHeld(client))
	//	if (IsMaleL4D1Character(client) && IsIncapacitated(client) && GetConVarBool(IncapAnims) && param == 20)
	//	{
	//		PrintToChat(client, "hParams %i", param);
	//		DHookSetParam(hParams, 1, GetAnimation(client, "Death"));
	//		return MRES_ChangedHandled;
	//	}
		//if (sequence != ReceivedAnim[client])
		//{ PrintToChat(client, "m_nSequence %i", sequence); }
		//ReceivedAnim[client] = sequence;
		//if (IsMaleL4D1Character(client) && IsIncapacitated(client) && GetConVarBool(IncapAnims) && incapTimer[client] == null)
		if (ShouldRemoveIncappedTag(client, sequence))
			if (incapped[client])
			{ incapped[client] = 0; }
		if (!IsMaleL4D1Character(client) || !IsIncapacitated(client) || !GetConVarBool(IncapAnims))
			if (incapped[client])
			{ incapped[client] = 0; }
			if (IsMaleL4D1Character(client) && incapTimer[client] != null)
			{ KillTimer(incapTimer[client]); incapTimer[client] = null; }
		if (IsMaleL4D1Character(client) && IsIncapacitated(client) && GetConVarBool(IncapAnims))
			//PrintToChatAll("m_nSequence %i", sequence);
			if (incapped[client] <= 0 && incapTimer[client] != null)
			{ KillTimer(incapTimer[client]); incapTimer[client] = null; }
			if (incapped[client] == 1 && sequence == -1)
				int incap = -1;
				if (IsDualWielding(client))
				{ incap = GetAnimation(client, "ACT_IDLE_INCAP_ELITES"); }
				{ incap = GetAnimation(client, "ACT_IDLE_INCAP_PISTOL"); }
				//int incap = GetAnimation(client, "ACT_DIE_INCAP");
				if (incap != -1)
					DHookSetReturn(hReturn, incap);
					return MRES_Override;
			else if (incapTimer[client] == null)
				int incap = GetIncapSequence(client);
				if (incap != -1 && sequence == -1)
					DHookSetReturn(hReturn, incap);
					if (incapped[client] <= 0 && incapTimer[client] == null)
					{ incapTimer[client] = CreateTimer(2.75, Incap_StopAnimation, client); }
					incapped[client] = 2;
					return MRES_Override;
			//int incap = GetIncapSequence(client);
			//if (incap != -1 && sequence == -1)
			//	DHookSetReturn(hReturn, incap);
			//	return MRES_Override;
		else if (sequence == GetAnimation(client, "ACT_IDLE_INJURED_FRYINGPAN") && GetConVarBool(MeleeEnabled)) // 581
			char model[64];
			GetClientModel(client, model, sizeof(model));
			if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_ZOEY, false))
				DHookSetReturn(hReturn, GetAnimation(client, "ACT_IDLE_FRYINGPAN")); // 571
				//DHookSetReturn(hReturn, 571);
				return MRES_Override;
		else if (IsMaleL4D1Character(client) && (GetConVarBool(MilitaryEnabled) || GetConVarBool(RifleEnabled)))
			char model[64];
			GetClientModel(client, model, sizeof(model));
			// Military start
			if (GetConVarBool(MilitaryEnabled))
				// Specific models
				if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_BILL, false))
					if (sequence == GetAnimation(client, "ACT_WALK_SNIPER_MILITARY")) // Walk
						DHookSetReturn(hReturn, GetAnimation(client, "ACT_WALK_PUMPSHOTGUN")); // Walk with PumpShotgun
						return MRES_Override;
					else if (sequence == GetAnimation(client, "ACT_RUN_INJURED_SNIPER_MILITARY")) // Limp Run
						DHookSetReturn(hReturn, GetAnimation(client, "ACT_RUN_INJURED_PUMPSHOTGUN")); // Limp Run with PumpShotgun 
						return MRES_Override;
					else if (sequence == GetAnimation(client, "ACT_WALK_INJURED_SNIPER_MILITARY")) // Limp Walk
						DHookSetReturn(hReturn, GetAnimation(client, "ACT_WALK_INJURED_PUMPSHOTGUN")); // Limp Walk with PumpShotgun 
						return MRES_Override;
				else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_FRANCIS, false))
					if (sequence == GetAnimation(client, "ACT_WALK_SNIPER_MILITARY")) // Walk
						DHookSetReturn(hReturn, GetAnimation(client, "ACT_WALK_SHOTGUN")); // Walk with Shotgun
						return MRES_Override;
					else if (sequence == GetAnimation(client, "ACT_RUN_INJURED_SNIPER_MILITARY")) // Limp Run
						DHookSetReturn(hReturn, GetAnimation(client, "ACT_RUN_INJURED_SNIPER")); // Limp Run with Hunting Rifle
						return MRES_Override;
					else if (sequence == GetAnimation(client, "ACT_WALK_INJURED_SNIPER_MILITARY")) // Limp Walk
					DHookSetReturn(hReturn, GetAnimation(client, "ACT_WALK_INJURED_PUMPSHOTGUN")); // Limp Walk with PumpShotgun
					return MRES_Override;
				else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_LOUIS, false))
					if (sequence == GetAnimation(client, "ACT_WALK_SNIPER_MILITARY")) // Walk
						DHookSetReturn(hReturn, GetAnimation(client, "ACT_WALK_PUMPSHOTGUN")); // Walk with PumpShotgun
						return MRES_Override;
					else if (sequence == GetAnimation(client, "ACT_RUN_INJURED_SNIPER_MILITARY")) // Limp Run
						DHookSetReturn(hReturn, GetAnimation(client, "ACT_RUN_INJURED_SNIPER")); // Limp Run with Hunting Rifle
						return MRES_Override;
					else if (sequence == GetAnimation(client, "ACT_WALK_INJURED_SNIPER_MILITARY")) // Limp Walk
						DHookSetReturn(hReturn, GetAnimation(client, "ACT_WALK_INJURED_SNIPER")); // Limp Walk with Hunting Rifle
						return MRES_Override;
				// General
				if (sequence == GetAnimation(client, "ACT_IDLE_SNIPER_MILITARY")) // Idle
					DHookSetReturn(hReturn, GetAnimation(client, "ACT_IDLE_SHOTGUN")); // Idle with Shotgun (Hunting Rifle caused clipping issues)
					return MRES_Override;
				else if (sequence == GetAnimation(client, "ACT_IDLE_CALM_SNIPER_MILITARY")) // Idle Calm
					DHookSetReturn(hReturn, GetAnimation(client, "ACT_IDLE_CALM_SNIPER")); // Idle Calm with Hunting Rifle
					return MRES_Override;
				else if (sequence == GetAnimation(client, "ACT_IDLE_INJURED_SNIPER_MILITARY")) // Idle Injured
					DHookSetReturn(hReturn, GetAnimation(client, "ACT_IDLE_INJURED_PUMPSHOTGUN")); // Idle Injured with PumpShotgun (Hunting Rifle caused clipping issues)
					return MRES_Override;
				else if (sequence == GetAnimation(client, "ACT_RUN_SNIPER_MILITARY")) // Run
					DHookSetReturn(hReturn, GetAnimation(client, "ACT_RUN_PUMPSHOTGUN")); // Run with PumpShotgun (Hunting Rifle caused clipping issues)
					return MRES_Override;
				else if (sequence == GetAnimation(client, "ACT_RUN_CALM_SNIPER_MILITARY")) // Calm Run
					DHookSetReturn(hReturn, GetAnimation(client, "ACT_RUN_CALM_PUMPSHOTGUN")); // Calm Run with PumpShotgun
					return MRES_Override;
				else if (sequence == GetAnimation(client, "ACT_WALK_CALM_SNIPER_MILITARY")) // Calm Walk
					DHookSetReturn(hReturn, GetAnimation(client, "ACT_WALK_CALM_PUMPSHOTGUN")); // Calm Walk with PumpShotgun
					return MRES_Override;
			// Military end
			// Rifle start
			if (GetConVarBool(RifleEnabled) && 
			(StrEqual(model, MODEL_FRANCIS, false) || StrEqual(model, MODEL_LOUIS, false)) )
				if (sequence == GetAnimation(client, "ACT_IDLE_RIFLE"))
					DHookSetReturn(hReturn, GetAnimation(client, "ACT_IDLE_SHOTGUN"));
					return MRES_Override;
				else if (sequence == GetAnimation(client, "ACT_RUN_RIFLE"))
					DHookSetReturn(hReturn, GetAnimation(client, "ACT_RUN_PUMPSHOTGUN"));
					return MRES_Override;
				else if (sequence == GetAnimation(client, "ACT_WALK_RIFLE"))
					DHookSetReturn(hReturn, GetAnimation(client, "ACT_WALK_SHOTGUN"));
					return MRES_Override;
			// Rifle end
		else if (!IsIncapacitated(client) && GetConVarBool(CoachEnabled))
			char model[64];
			GetClientModel(client, model, sizeof(model));
			if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_COACH, false))
				if (sequence == 202 && GetConVarBool(CoachEnabled))
					DHookSetReturn(hReturn, GetAnimation(client, "ACT_RUN_SMG")); //Run_SMG 227
					//DHookSetReturn(hReturn, 227); //Run_SMG
					return MRES_Override;
	return MRES_Ignored;

bool ShouldRemoveIncappedTag(int client, int sequence)
	if (!incapped[client]) return false;
	if (sequence == GetAnimation(client, "ACT_IDLE_INCAP_PISTOL") || sequence == GetAnimation(client, "ACT_IDLE_INCAP_ELITES") || 
	sequence == GetAnimation(client, "ACT_IDLE_INCAP")) return false;
	if (
	-1 == sequence || GetAnimation(client, "ACT_PRIMARYATTACK_PISTOL") == sequence ||
	GetAnimation(client, "ACT_TERROR_JUMP_LANDING") == sequence ||
	GetAnimation(client, "ACT_DIESIMPLE") == sequence || GetAnimation(client, "Death") == sequence ||
	GetAnimation(client, "Flinch_01") == sequence || GetAnimation(client, "Flinch_02") == sequence ||
	GetAnimation(client, "Flinch_03") == sequence ||
	/*GetAnimation(client, "ACT_RELOAD_grenade_launcher") == sequence || GetAnimation(client, "ACT_RELOAD_M4") == sequence ||
	GetAnimation(client, "ACT_RELOAD_PUMPSHOTGUN_END") == sequence || GetAnimation(client, "Reload_Standing_PumpShotgun_loop1") == sequence ||
	GetAnimation(client, "Reload_Standing_PumpShotgun_loop2") == sequence || GetAnimation(client, "Reload_Standing_PumpShotgun_loop3") == sequence ||
	GetAnimation(client, "ACT_RELOAD_PUMPSHOTGUN_START") == sequence || GetAnimation(client, "ACT_RELOAD_RIFLE") == sequence ||
	GetAnimation(client, "ACT_RELOAD_SHOTGUN_END") == sequence || GetAnimation(client, "Reload_Standing_Shotgun_loop1") == sequence ||
	GetAnimation(client, "Reload_Standing_Shotgun_loop2") == sequence || GetAnimation(client, "Reload_Standing_Shotgun_loop3") == sequence ||
	GetAnimation(client, "ACT_RELOAD_SHOTGUN_START") == sequence || GetAnimation(client, "ACT_RELOAD_SMG") == sequence ||*/
	GetAnimation(client, "ACT_RELOAD_PISTOL") == sequence || GetAnimation(client, "ACT_RELOAD_ELITES") == sequence ||
	GetAnimation(client, "ACT_PRIMARYATTACK_ELITES_R") == sequence || GetAnimation(client, "ACT_PRIMARYATTACK_ELITES_L") == sequence ||
	/*GetAnimation(client, "ACT_PRIMARYATTACK_GASCAN1_IDLE") == sequence || GetAnimation(client, "ACT_PRIMARYATTACK_GASCAN1_RUN") == sequence ||
	GetAnimation(client, "ACT_PRIMARYATTACK_GASCAN2_IDLE") == sequence || GetAnimation(client, "ACT_PRIMARYATTACK_GASCAN2_RUN") == sequence ||
	GetAnimation(client, "ACT_PRIMARYATTACK_GREN1_IDLE") == sequence || GetAnimation(client, "ACT_PRIMARYATTACK_GREN1_RUN") == sequence ||
	GetAnimation(client, "ACT_PRIMARYATTACK_GREN2_IDLE") == sequence || GetAnimation(client, "ACT_PRIMARYATTACK_GREN2_RUN") == sequence ||
	GetAnimation(client, "ACT_PRIMARYATTACK_M3S90") == sequence || GetAnimation(client, "ACT_PRIMARYATTACK_MINIGUN") == sequence ||*/
	GetAnimation(client, "ACT_DEPLOY_Pistol") == sequence || GetAnimation(client, "ACT_DEPLOY_Elites") == sequence
	{ return false; }
	return true;

bool IsSurvivor(int client)
	return (client > 0 && client <= MaxClients && IsClientInGame(client) && (GetClientTeam(client) == 2 || GetClientTeam(client) == 4));

bool IsInfected(int client)
	return (client > 0 && client <= MaxClients && IsClientInGame(client) && (GetClientTeam(client) == 3));

bool IsPlayerHeld(int client)
	int jockey = GetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_jockeyAttacker");
	int charger = GetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_pummelAttacker");
	int hunter = GetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_pounceAttacker");
	int smoker = GetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_tongueOwner");
	if (IsValidEntity(jockey) || IsValidEntity(charger) || IsValidEntity(hunter) || IsValidEntity(smoker))
		return true;
	return false;
bool IsIncapacitated(int client)
	if (GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_isIncapacitated", 1) > 0)
		return true;
	return false;

bool IsMaleL4D1Character(int client)
	if (IsSurvivor(client))
		char model[128];
		GetClientModel(client, model, sizeof(model));
		if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_BILL))
		return true;
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_LOUIS))
		return true;
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_FRANCIS))
		return true;
	return false;

/*static int clienthook[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = -1;
public void OnAllPluginsLoaded() //late loading
	for (int client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++)
		if (IsSurvivor(client))
			clienthook[client] = DHookEntity(hSequenceSet, true, client);

public void OnClientPutInServer(int client)
	clienthook[client] = DHookEntity(hSequenceSet, true, client);

int GetAnimation(int entity, const char[] sequence)
	if (!IsValidEntity(entity) || sdkGetSeqFromString == null) return -1;
	return SDKCall(sdkGetSeqFromString, entity, sequence);

int GetIncapSequence(int client)
	int result = -1;
	if (IsSurvivor(client))
		/*char model[64];
		GetEntPropString(client, Prop_Data, "m_ModelName", model, sizeof(model));
		if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_BILL, false))
			return 518;
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_FRANCIS, false))
			return 521;
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_LOUIS, false))
			return 518;
		result = GetAnimation(client, "Death");
	return result;

bool IsInIncapSequence(int client, int sequence)
	if (IsSurvivor(client))
		if (sequence == GetAnimation(client, "ACT_DIESIMPLE") || sequence == -1 || sequence == GetAnimation(client, "Death"))
			return true;
	return false;

/*int GetIncapIdleSequence(int client)
	if (IsSurvivor(client))
		char model[64];
		GetEntPropString(client, Prop_Data, "m_ModelName", model, sizeof(model));
		bool dual = IsDualWielding(client);
		if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_BILL, false))
			if (!dual)
			{ return 521; }
			{ return 520; }
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_FRANCIS, false))
			if (!dual)
			{ return 524; }
			{ return 523; }
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_LOUIS, false))
			if (!dual)
			{ return 521; }
			{ return 520; }
	return -1;

int GetPounceSequence(int client)
	int result = -1;
	if (IsSurvivor(client))
		/*char model[64];
		GetEntPropString(client, Prop_Data, "m_ModelName", model, sizeof(model));
		if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_NICK, false))
			return 618;
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_ROCHELLE, false))
			return 627;
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_ELLIS, false))
			return 623;
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_COACH, false))
			return 619;
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_BILL, false))
			return 526;
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_ZOEY, false))
			return 535;
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_FRANCIS, false))
			return 529;
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_LOUIS, false))
			return 526;
		result = GetAnimation(client, "ACT_TERROR_INCAP_FROM_POUNCE");
	return result;

int GetPounceIdleSequence(int client)
	int result = -1;
	if (IsSurvivor(client))
		/*char model[64];
		GetEntPropString(client, Prop_Data, "m_ModelName", model, sizeof(model));
		if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_NICK, false))
			return 619;
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_ROCHELLE, false))
			return 628;
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_ELLIS, false))
			return 624;
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_COACH, false))
			return 620;
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_BILL, false))
			return 527;
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_ZOEY, false))
			return 536;
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_FRANCIS, false))
			return 530;
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_LOUIS, false))
			return 527;
		result = GetAnimation(client, "ACT_IDLE_POUNCED");
	return result;

/*int GetIncapChargerSequence(client)
	int result = -1;
	if (IsSurvivor(client))
		char model[64];
		GetEntPropString(client, Prop_Data, "m_ModelName", model, sizeof(model));
		if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_NICK, false))
			return 668;
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_ROCHELLE, false))
			return 675;
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_ELLIS, false))
			return 672;
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_COACH, false))
			return 657;
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_BILL, false))
			return 760;
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_ZOEY, false))
			return 820;
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_FRANCIS, false))
			return 763;
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_LOUIS, false))
			return 760;
	return result;

/*int GetPistolReloadSequence(int client, int type)
	if (IsSurvivor(client))
		char model[64];
		GetEntPropString(client, Prop_Data, "m_ModelName", model, sizeof(model));
		if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_NICK, false))
			if (type <= 0)
			{ return 513; }
			else if (type > 0)
			{ return 517; }
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_ROCHELLE, false))
			if (type <= 0)
			{ return 528; }
			else if (type > 0)
			{ return 532; }
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_ELLIS, false))
			if (type <= 0)
			{ return 517; }
			else if (type > 0)
			{ return 521; }
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_COACH, false))
			if (type <= 0)
			{ return 514; }
			else if (type > 0)
			{ return 518; }
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_BILL, false))
			if (type <= 0)
			{ return 426; }
			else if (type > 0)
			{ return 430; }
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_ZOEY, false))
			if (type <= 0)
			{ return 453; }
			else if (type > 0)
			{ return 457; }
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_FRANCIS, false))
			if (type <= 0)
			{ return 430; }
			else if (type > 0)
			{ return 434; }
		else if (StrEqual(model, MODEL_LOUIS, false))
			if (type <= 0)
			{ return 427; }
			else if (type > 0)
			{ return 431; }
	return -1;

bool IsDualWielding(int client)
	if (!IsSurvivor(client)) return false;
	int weapon = GetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_hActiveWeapon");
	if (!IsValidEntity(weapon)) return false;
	if (!HasEntProp(weapon, Prop_Send, "m_isDualWielding")) return false;
	int dual = GetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Send, "m_isDualWielding");
	if (dual > 0)
	return true;
	return false;

void PrepSDKCall()
	if (hConf == null)
		SetFailState("Error: Why do you not have this extension's gamedata file?!");
	//if (!PrepSDKCall_SetFromConf(hConf, SDKConf_Virtual, NAME_DoAnimationEvent))
	if (!PrepSDKCall_SetFromConf(hConf, SDKConf_Signature, NAME_DoAnimationEvent))
	{ SetFailState("Cant find %s Signature in gamedata file", NAME_DoAnimationEvent); }
	PrepSDKCall_AddParameter(SDKType_PlainOldData, SDKPass_Plain);
	PrepSDKCall_AddParameter(SDKType_PlainOldData, SDKPass_Plain);
	sdkDoAnim = EndPrepSDKCall();
	if (sdkDoAnim == null)
	{ SetFailState("Cant initialize %s SDKCall, Signature broken", NAME_DoAnimationEvent); }
	if (!PrepSDKCall_SetFromConf(hConf, SDKConf_Signature, NAME_LookupSequence))
	{ SetFailState("Cant find %s Signature in gamedata file", NAME_LookupSequence); }
	PrepSDKCall_AddParameter(SDKType_String, SDKPass_Pointer);
	PrepSDKCall_SetReturnInfo(SDKType_PlainOldData, SDKPass_Plain);
	sdkGetSeqFromString = EndPrepSDKCall();
	if (sdkGetSeqFromString == null)
	{ SetFailState("Cant initialize %s SDKCall, Signature broken", NAME_LookupSequence); }

void LoadOffset()
	if (hConf == null)
		SetFailState("Error: Gamedata not found");
	hSequenceSet = DHookCreateDetour(Address_Null, CallConv_THISCALL, ReturnType_Int, ThisPointer_CBaseEntity);
	DHookSetFromConf(hSequenceSet, hConf, SDKConf_Signature, NAME_SelectWeightedSequence);
	DHookAddParam(hSequenceSet, HookParamType_Int);
	DHookEnableDetour(hSequenceSet, true, OnSequenceSet);
	/*int offset;
	offset = GameConfGetOffset(hConf, NAME_SelectWeightedSequence);
	if (offset == -1)
		LogError("Unable to get offset for %s", NAME_SelectWeightedSequence);
	hSequenceSet = DHookCreate(offset, HookType_Entity, ReturnType_Int, ThisPointer_CBaseEntity, OnSequenceSet);
	DHookAddParam(hSequenceSet, HookParamType_Int);*/

/*void UnloadOffset()
	if (hSequenceSet == null)
	{ return; }
	DHookDisableDetour(hSequenceSet, true, OnSequenceSet);

void GetGamedata()
	char filePath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
	BuildPath(Path_SM, filePath, sizeof(filePath), "gamedata/%s.txt", GAMEDATA);
	if( FileExists(filePath) )
		hConf = LoadGameConfigFile(GAMEDATA); // For some reason this doesn't return null even for invalid files, so check they exist first.
		PrintToServer("[SM] %s unable to get %i.txt gamedata file. Generating...", PLUGIN_NAME, GAMEDATA);
		Handle fileHandle = OpenFile(filePath, "a+");
		if (fileHandle == null)
		{ SetFailState("[SM] Couldn't generate gamedata file!"); }
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "\"Games\"");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "{");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "	\"left4dead2\"");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "	{");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "		\"Addresses\"");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "		{");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "			\"SelectWeightedSequenceAddress\"");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "			{");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "				\"windows\"");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "				{");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "					\"signature\"	\"%s\"", NAME_SelectWeightedSequence);
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "				}");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "			}");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "		}");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "		\"Signatures\"");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "		{");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "			\"%s\"", NAME_SelectWeightedSequence);
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "			{");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "				\"library\"	\"server\"");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "				\"linux\"	\"%s\"", SIG_SelectWeightedSequence_LINUX);
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "				\"windows\"	\"%s\"", SIG_SelectWeightedSequence_WINDOWS);
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "				\"mac\"		\"%s\"", SIG_SelectWeightedSequence_LINUX);
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "			}");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "			\"%s\"", NAME_DoAnimationEvent);
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "			{");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "				\"library\"	\"server\"");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "				\"linux\"	\"%s\"", SIG_DoAnimationEvent_LINUX);
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "				\"windows\"	\"%s\"", SIG_DoAnimationEvent_WINDOWS);
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "				\"mac\"		\"%s\"", SIG_DoAnimationEvent_LINUX);
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "			}");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "			\"%s\"", NAME_LookupSequence);
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "			{");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "				\"library\"	\"server\"");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "				\"linux\"	\"%s\"", SIG_LookupSequence_LINUX);
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "				\"windows\"	\"%s\"", SIG_LookupSequence_WINDOWS);
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "				\"mac\"		\"%s\"", SIG_LookupSequence_LINUX);
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "			}");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "		}");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "		\"Offsets\"");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "		{");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "			\"%s\"", NAME_SelectWeightedSequence);
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "			{");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "				\"library\"	\"server\"");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "				\"linux\"	\"%i\"", OFFSET_SelectWeightedSequence_LINUX);
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "				\"windows\"	\"%i\"", OFFSET_SelectWeightedSequence_WINDOWS);
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "			}");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "			\"%s\"", NAME_DoAnimationEvent);
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "			{");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "				\"library\"	\"server\"");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "				\"linux\"	\"%i\"", OFFSET_DoAnimationEvent_LINUX);
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "				\"windows\"	\"%i\"", OFFSET_DoAnimationEvent_WINDOWS);
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "			}");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "		}");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "	}");
		WriteFileLine(fileHandle, "}");
		hConf = LoadGameConfigFile(GAMEDATA);
		if (hConf == null)
		{ SetFailState("[SM] Failed to load auto-generated gamedata file!"); }
		PrintToServer("[SM] %s successfully generated %s.txt gamedata file!", PLUGIN_NAME, GAMEDATA);
ragdoll spam, that is all

Steam profile, where I game, obviously.
Youtube channel, where I do Stick Death Maze animations and some other stuff.
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Last edited by Shadowysn; 01-19-2020 at 04:10.
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Join Date: Aug 2014
Old 11-17-2019 , 09:08   Re: GameConfGetOffset except for signatures?
Reply With Quote #2

For DHooks with detour support (assumed to be the case since you're asking about signatures), you'd use DHookSetFromConf:

Handle hSomeDetour = DHookCreateDetour(Address_Null, ...);
DHookSetFromConf(hSomeDetour, hGameConf, SDKConf_Signature, "SomeClass::SomeFunction");
There's no such function to get the string associated with a signature entry.
I do TF2, TF2 servers, and TF2 plugins.
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Last edited by nosoop; 11-17-2019 at 10:21.
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Old 01-17-2020 , 02:21   Re: GameConfGetOffset except for signatures?
Reply With Quote #3

Originally Posted by nosoop View Post
For DHooks with detour support (assumed to be the case since you're asking about signatures), you'd use DHookSetFromConf:

Handle hSomeDetour = DHookCreateDetour(Address_Null, ...);
DHookSetFromConf(hSomeDetour, hGameConf, SDKConf_Signature, "SomeClass::SomeFunction");
There's no such function to get the string associated with a signature entry.
Alright, I tried to switch to the new one, and...

So many problems...

First, the function did get called, but simply did not work due to DHookGetReturn(hReturn) always being at 0. (And it still is the case.)
And then...

Now I've managed to make it crash my game on reload, a la SendProxy for L4D2.
And unlike SendProxy, even with:
sv_parallel_packentities 0
sv_parallel_sendsnapshot 0
It still crashes, which kinda makes sense, but...

well fuck it, not switching to detouring anymore until this stupid thing gets resolved
this was becoming more troublesome than it's worth
and i'd prefer not to re-live my early sourcemod days
ragdoll spam, that is all

Steam profile, where I game, obviously.
Youtube channel, where I do Stick Death Maze animations and some other stuff.
no plugin requests, sorry

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Last edited by Shadowysn; 01-17-2020 at 03:16.
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Join Date: Nov 2016
Old 01-19-2020 , 03:18   Re: [DHooks] Detouring without unstable crashes?
Reply With Quote #4

Fix for this was adding empty pre hook for the same function.
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