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High Ping and Ping Booster

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Old 06-12-2009 , 22:15   High Ping and Ping Booster
Reply With Quote #1


I checked well the main rules of this section which is to search before posting gibberish, but I didn't find something that correspond to what I will ask you.

The Problem

For a while ago I was planifying to create my own server, of course buying one is way better and I will in extremely rare cases have problem with it but because of Economic & Card problem, this option couldn't be good for me, so I decided to create my own server that really I like.

The first week I open it, 1 or 2 peoples out of 70 was complaimainting at lag, but I wasn't really paying attention to this since they we're having a great ping. Two weeks ago, this was a big problem, people we're lagging but from a particular way. They weren't lagging all the times, only sometimes ping of players who get a ping of 20 goes up to 195. Imagine the people with a normal 120 ping ! So it was that, for two minutes, people in the server we're lagging than 30 seconds later, they weren't.

What I want to do ? At the end of the topic.

A Solution ?

I searched all around google and the website, than I remember the main server I play was called 9 months ago : Eastern CANADA! BOOSTED 1000FPS. When I see the famous BOOSTED 1000FPS I was thinking only do a quick research on google; I tried first HLBooster since I all ready saw something looking like that, what I get is HlBooster 2.4.0, I downloaded it, sure it would change something. If it did ? A bit, the ping of the players reduce of 5 - 10 depending of the leaving places, but at my big surprise, there we're still that fenomenous lag !

Than I searched, day & night, to get topics like this one or this one. Helped me ? Not really, I don't if the post posted on the links or correct and it's me the problem but It didn't helped me...


Well I think it's impossible to help me without having other infos don't ? ;)
This is are server infos :
Actual Name : (JeSuS) CLAN SERVER 1000FPS
Slots : 22
Location : Montréal, Canada
The fallowing ones are about the speed of my Internet, well I don't know how to convecrt in Kpbs since I'm a real "noob" with that, I get this on www.speedtest.net, I don't got a lot of infos about it, but if you can help me to get other ones, it would be greatful :
Download : 2.81 mb/s
Upload : 0.84 mb/s
Those are what I got on my server.cfg; it's kind of long, some last booster options can be skipped :

// Use this file to configure your DEDICATED server. 
// This config file is executed on server start.

// disable autoaim
sv_aim 0

// disable clients' ability to pause the server
pausable 0

// default server name. Change to "Bob's Server", etc.
hostname "Counter-Strike 1.6 Server"

// maximum client movement speed 
sv_maxspeed 320

// 20 minute timelimit
mp_timelimit 20

sv_cheats 0

// load ban files
exec listip.cfg
exec banned.cfg

map de_dust

sys_ticrate 10000

// booster_show_connmsg x (0 = disabled, 1 = small message, 2 = large message)
//    Shows a console message to players with booster information when they connect.
booster_show_connmsg 1

// booster_autofps x (x = 0 to 1000, 0 = no target FPS)
//      Automatically changes value of sys_ticrate to achieve and maintain the desired server FPS (if possible).
//    It is not recommended to target FPS greater than 200 or so.
//    Note that autofps adjusts sys_ticrate, which makes it incompatible with any booster_lite_mode other
//    than 3. Setting booster_autofps will force booster_lite_mode to 3.
booster_autofps 1000

// booster_minsleepms x (x = 1 to 10, 10 = no change to multimedia timer)
//      This adjusts the multimedia system timer to trick HLDS into sleeping for less time. Note that
//    the lower the value set, the higher the CPU consumption will be for HLDS. Values lower than 3
//    are not recommended, as they can cause massive CPU consumption and/or system instability.
booster_minsleepms 5

// booster_force_systicrate x (x = 0 to 10000, 0 = let Booster2 manage the value itself (no force))
//    Booster2 will force this sys_ticrate value. Note that using this option will set booster_autofps to 0
//    and booster_lite_mode to 3, as these methods rely on a sys_ticrate value untouched by user settings.
//    You should avoid directly setting sys_ticrate in your server.cfg, as manually adjusted values can
//    cause problems with various parts of Booster2.
booster_force_systicrate 10000

// booster_cpu_enabled x [0 to 2] (0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = report CPU only - don't actively manage CPU)
//    Booster2 can monitor CPU usage and adjust the multimedia timer to reduce load when necessary
booster_cpu_enabled 0

// booster_cpu_spikemax x
//      If CPU management is enabled, number of times booster_cpu_spikelevel needs 
//    to be exceeded in order for mmtimer to increase and CPU load to be reduced.      
booster_cpu_spikemax 3

// booster_cpu_spikelevel x [0 to 100]
//    If CPU management is enabled, level which CPU utilization needs to exceed 
//      (booster_cpu_spikemax times) for mmtimer to increase and CPU load to be reduced.
booster_cpu_spikelevel 75

// booster_cpu_floor x [0 to 100]
//    If CPU management is enabled, level which CPU utilization needs to stay under 
//      (for booster_cpu_quiettime seconds) for mmtimer to decrease and FPS to increase.
booster_cpu_floor 50

// booster_cpu_mminc x [1 to 10]
//    If CPU management is enabled, amount mmtimer will increment (Booster2 will also decrease
//      the mmtimer by 1 for every 5 minute period that booster_cpu_spikelevel is not exceeded.
booster_cpu_mminc 2

// booster_cpu_quiettime
//    Seconds required without CPU spike exceeding booster_cpu_floor before
//    mmtimer value is decreased by 1.
booster_cpu_quiettime 300

// booster_cpu_mmmin x [1 to 10]
//    If CPU management is enabled, Booster2 will never set the mmtimer below this value.
booster_cpu_mmmin 3

// booster_cpu_mmmax x [1 to 10]
//    If CPU management is enabled, Booster2 will never set the mmtimer above this value.
booster_cpu_mmmax 8

// booster_lite_mode x [0 to 3]
//    Controls how the Booster-Lite approach is implemented:
//    0 - HLDS sleeps 10ms if no network packets are received. If HLDS
//        receives a packet, it stops sleeping. (this mode has been added
//        to provide backward compatibility with how BL v1.00 worked).
//    1 - HLDS attempts to sleep 10ms. If a packet is received,
//        HLDS stops sleeping. Otherwise it attempts to sleep another 10ms.
//    2 - HLDS attempts to sleep 50ms. If a packet is received, it stops sleeping.
//    3 - HLDS will sleep the standard amount (this value turns this feature off).
booster_lite_mode 3
// booster_lite_extra_sleep_frequency x
//    Forces HLDS server to sleep x milliseconds even if a packet is received.
//    This setting helps to lower CPU usage.
booster_lite_extra_sleep_frequency 0

// booster_stats_cpu_counter
// Sets the string Booster will use to query cpu performance. By default this is 
// "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time". Manually set this only if you need to
// support non-english counter names or to query a specific processor.
// This cvar is only used if booster_cpu_enabled is turned on.

// booster_stats_in_counter
// Sets the string Booster will use to query bandwidth in. By default this is 
// "\Network Interface(NDIS 5.0 driver)\Bytes Received/sec". Manually set this only
// if you need to support non-english counter names or to query a specific interface.
// This cvar is only used if booster_stats is turned on.

// booster_stats_out_counter
// Sets the string Booster will use to query bandwidth out. By default this is 
// "\Network Interface(NDIS 5.0 driver)\Bytes Sent/sec". Manually set this only
// if you need to support non-english counter names or to query a specific interface.
// This cvar is only used if booster_stats is turned on.

// booster_stats [0-1]
// This turns on statistics gathering. This options is not supported. See info at the end
// of the readme regarding this option.

// booster_trigger_cmd
// Sets a command to be executed the first time (during any given map) that CPU consumption
// trips booster_cpu_spikemax. This allows admins to do things such as turn off wallhack
// blocks or other CPU intensive systems under heavy load.

// booster_intping
// This is a read-only value, and holds the current average player ping.

// booster_extping
// This is a read-only value, and holds the current ping to the address set in booster_pingaddr.

// booster_pingaddr
// Sets the address (in IP format x.x.x.x) that Booster will ping once a minute. If no value is
// set, Booster won't ping anything. Pinging an external address is useful in helping determine
// latency issues. If clients are showing high ping, pings to a nearby router can help determine
// if the problem is close to the server or part of something that is beyond the administrator's
// control.
Than finnaly my PC Infos :

CF - 74
T7300 @ 2.00 GHz
1.99 GHz, 0,99 go of RAM


A big thank you if you read all this, it takes me about 1 hour to write it all, hopefully I will find someone to help me, also I want to know if from my connection and PC I can host 22 players, from what I see rom a website, I can host up to 32, but I'm not really beleiving it since it's old about 2 years.

What I want to do ?

Boost my server up to 1000FPS I think it will help players to not lag.
A mini-quick-easy-readable-nice tutorial about "How to reduce server lag".
And finnaly a CoKe !

Last edited by Ronvool; 06-15-2009 at 07:28.
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Old 06-12-2009 , 23:13   Re: High Ping and Ping Booster
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Put code tags around the code.
fysiks is offline
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Old 06-13-2009 , 07:44   Re: High Ping and Ping Booster
Reply With Quote #3

sorry but i didnt read all.. the half the post describes your problem

actually your upload is not enough for 22 players
usually at round start you wud feel lag for 20-30 secs bcoz every client wud be executing commands like buying etc..

maybe you can reduce slots
i m pretty sure by reducing your slots to 18 would cause no more LAG

yes you can try it

increasing ticrate also causes higher bandwidht needed by users.. that wud probably increase it rather then reducing it
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Old 06-15-2009 , 07:25   Re: High Ping and Ping Booster
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That's it ? :'(
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Old 06-15-2009 , 11:29   Re: High Ping and Ping Booster
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They weren't lagging all the times, only sometimes ping of players who get a ping of 20 goes up to 195.
A bit, the ping of the players reduce of 5 - 10 depending of the leaving places, but at my big surprise, there we're still that fenomenous lag !
look at your servers FPS when it is full, it should be allways the same value or near it if it jumps up and down you get lags, if fps is stable problem is in your internet connection
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Old 06-15-2009 , 16:58   Re: High Ping and Ping Booster
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im pretty sure your upload is causing you problems...

there are some ways, u can just 'test' by reducing player slots for an hour or two to see what happens to lag..

or if u dont want to.. and u want to keep 22 slots..
decrease the amount of rate to players..

set it to like sv_maxrate 6000
that wud save 1 kilobyte per person. and may end the lag at all

and let me describe you in detail that
your upload is 850 (or around ) kbits.. divide by 8 would give you Kilobytes ( thats 106 kbs )

every user requires by default 7 kb MAX.. usually decreases after some players die

106/7 = thats a sad 15 peoples... ( can possibly support 17.5 peoples as 7 kb will decrease after sometime )

setting it to 106/6 = nearly 18 peoples ( can possbily support 20 peoples... as stated above )

Actually i dont even understand how are u running a 22 slot server with 0.84 mb upload?

Things you can try:

1) Reduce Slots to MAXIMUM 20. ( if still some lag.. then 18 )
2) Reduce the Rate to players... ( set it to sv_maxrate 6000 )

and Simply if u dont like to change it.. try it for an hour or two as stated above.. if it doesnt work. then u can do whatever u want

Last edited by Captmario; 06-15-2009 at 17:03.
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Old 06-15-2009 , 17:29   Re: High Ping and Ping Booster
Reply With Quote #7

Originally Posted by Captmario View Post
im pretty sure your upload is causing you problems...

there are some ways, u can just 'test' by reducing player slots for an hour or two to see what happens to lag..

or if u dont want to.. and u want to keep 22 slots..
decrease the amount of rate to players..

set it to like sv_maxrate 6000
that wud save 1 kilobyte per person. and may end the lag at all

and let me describe you in detail that
your upload is 850 (or around ) kbits.. divide by 8 would give you Kilobytes ( thats 106 kbs )

every user requires by default 7 kb MAX.. usually decreases after some players die

106/7 = thats a sad 15 peoples... ( can possibly support 17.5 peoples as 7 kb will decrease after sometime )

setting it to 106/6 = nearly 18 peoples ( can possbily support 20 peoples... as stated above )

Actually i dont even understand how are u running a 22 slot server with 0.84 mb upload?

Things you can try:

1) Reduce Slots to MAXIMUM 20. ( if still some lag.. then 18 )
2) Reduce the Rate to players... ( set it to sv_maxrate 6000 )

and Simply if u dont like to change it.. try it for an hour or two as stated above.. if it doesnt work. then u can do whatever u want
I all ready set sv_maxrate to 9999, but I will try your 6000 .
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Old 06-20-2009 , 13:46   Re: High Ping and Ping Booster
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Are you using a windows or linux to host the server?
Windows locks the fps of the server to 64fps by default. By running windows media player process in the background you can get it to 512fps. Remember to set +sys_ticrate 10000 in the command line.

Linux server can have 1000fps, but you have to modify the kernel to have max tickrate of 1000fps.
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Old 06-21-2009 , 09:05   Re: High Ping and Ping Booster
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Originally Posted by anssik View Post
Are you using a windows or linux to host the server?
Windows locks the fps of the server to 64fps by default. By running windows media player process in the background you can get it to 512fps. Remember to set +sys_ticrate 10000 in the command line.

Linux server can have 1000fps, but you have to modify the kernel to have max tickrate of 1000fps.
I'm running in Windows, I all ready set sys_ticrate 10000 on server.cfg, that means my server is running in 1000FPS and I don't need any booster ?
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Old 06-22-2009 , 11:37   Re: High Ping and Ping Booster
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No you don't need any booster only the Windows Media Player running in background not play anything... will consume only 4 or 8 mb of ram but it increase high server's fps... and respond.
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