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script to more easily donate money

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Old 01-15-2025 , 01:50   Re: script to more easily donate money
Reply With Quote #11

For testing, I would recommend that you don't use the listen server method at all. If you have a powerful enough PC (every modern PC should be good enough) then I would recommend that you install the Windows Standalone HLDS via SteamCMD. This should be closer to the Linux HLDS. I run entirely on Linux so I have the Linux Standalone HLDS that I test with but I do write plugins for a Windows HLDS server that is hosted online and can't think of anything like this off the top of my head.. I think it's rare to have functionality differences between Windows and Linux.

I feel like in the past, I did try to install AMX Mod X on a listen server and it didn't work so well (that was when I was on Windows).
fysiks is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Old 01-15-2025 , 01:56   Re: script to more easily donate money
Reply With Quote #12

Originally Posted by Bugsy View Post
If you’re using FM_CmdStart then it makes no sense to not use the uc handle for buttons..why did you bother changing it to pev_buttons? It’s likely that when CmdStart fires, the players buttons have not yet been set in pev_buttons.
It was a code sample I found somewhere in the forum. I don't really know the api, hook chain, etc. I just started toying with this about 48h ago, so I didn't notice that mistake.

Originally Posted by fysiks View Post
For testing, I would recommend that you don't use the listen server method at all. If you have a powerful enough PC (every modern PC should be good enough) then I would recommend that you install the Windows Standalone HLDS via SteamCMD. This should be closer to the Linux HLDS. I run entirely on Linux so I have the Linux Standalone HLDS that I test with but I do write plugins for a Windows HLDS server that is hosted online and can't think of anything like this off the top of my head.. I think it's rare to have functionality differences between Windows and Linux.

I feel like in the past, I did try to install AMX Mod X on a listen server and it didn't work so well (that was when I was on Windows).
Thanks for the tip. Will do.

I will post the finalized plugin for approval tomorrow.
Thank you all for your help.
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