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I cant add other heros

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Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2008
Old 01-02-2009 , 08:30   I cant add other heros
Reply With Quote #1

Hello ,everyone ,I am a chinese.

All the basic heroes(for example : batman ) have No problem.

But , if I want to add some other hero(for example :hero steel),My server displays : [AMXX] Plugin "sh_steel.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "SuperHero Core" required for plugin. Check modules.ini.

what is this words mean?

my plugins-shero.ini is :

//To save XP to a nVault file (default)
//To save XP to the VAULT file (uncomment this and comment out the other core plugin)
//To save XP to a mysql database (uncomment this and comment out the other core plugin)
//Add Heroes Here

My shconfig.cfg is :

echo "[SH] Successfully Loaded Superhero Config File"
//********************** 常规参数设置 **********************
//开启/关闭超级英雄插件 0=关闭, 1=打开
sv_superheros 1
sh_adminaccess m
//是否允许无C-D death的玩家游戏,0=允许,1=禁止
sh_cdrequired 0
//Debug 信息方式
// 0 = 关闭, 1 = 在服务器的控制台上显示, 2 = 在服务器上记录log, 3+ = 全部信息显示并做log记录
sh_debug_messages 0
sh_maxbinds 3
//玩家可以使用的最大能力数, 也同样限制你的等级数.
sh_maxpowers 20
sh_minlevel 5
//如果设置成0,那么在每个地图结束后都清空玩家经验值,设置成1则保存玩家的经验值 .
sh_savexp 1
sh_xpsavedays 14
//Default server wide reload mode.
//Used only if the hero is set to use the server's reload mode setting.
// 0 - do nothing, normal cs ammo and reloading functionality
// 1 - continuous shooting, no reload
// 2 - fill the backpack (must reload)
// 3 - drop the gun and get a new one with full clip (not recommended)
sh_reloadmode 1
sh_endroundsave 1
//This cvar sets the level of XP given/taken from players for these events.
//Hostage rescues only get 1/4th the XP because there is usually 4 of them.
//设置为 -1 关闭这个功能.
sh_bombhostxp 0
//DO NOT USE WITH LONG-TERM XP--等级平衡,解决等级相差悬殊的问题
//1 = on | 0 = off - 升级比较慢
sh_autobalance 0
//玩家加入服务器时,从数据库中加载他的经验吗 (数据库一大可能会造成延迟)
sh_loadimmediate 0
// MercyXP 如果玩家在一局里什么经验也没有得到的话,将给予一定数量的经验值以鼓励其继续游戏
// 0 = MercyXP模式关闭
// 1 = 给予玩家用参数sh_mercyxp定义的经验.
// 2 = 玩家只有达到设定的等级才给予 MercyXP, 等级由参数 sh_mercyxp来设置
// XP given will be the inverse of the amount they would get for killing
// someone at thier level, then this is diveded by 2 to keep it low.
// So as a players level increases they will get less MercyXP with mode 2
sh_mercyxpmode 0
//Mode 1: 给予玩家多少经验
//Mode 2: 玩家拥有多少等级才给予 MercyXP
sh_mercyxp 0
//1 = on | 0 = off - 开启关闭游戏画面右边显示的命令帮助信息.
sh_cmdprojector 1
//1 = on | 0 = off - 控制是否只有生存的玩家可以看到游戏画面的命令帮助信息?off=只有死亡的玩家可以看到该信息 .
sh_cpalive 0
//如果设置为2 而客户端的等级是9,那么他只可以选用2个等级为9 的英雄.
//There is a bunch of complicated math that goes into this system and it limits more than
//just the highest level avliable to that person, try it and see what I mean.
sh_lvllimit 1
// 1 = 新风格的菜单, 禁用的英雄将在菜单上变成灰色,代表不能选择
// 0 = 旧风格的菜单, 禁用的英雄将在菜单上被隐藏,代表不能选择
sh_menumode 1
//设置为1将不加倍. 设置为0的话,
sh_hsmult 1.0
//如果设置为开启的话,比如蝙蝠侠, 你可以用他来得到所有的武器, 然后可以丢弃他再使用别的英雄.是不是有点耍赖的感觉.
sh_alivedrop 0
// *** MySQL设置, Only Needed if using the mysql saving method ***
// 如果你要启用该方式来保存经验值,请将注释//去掉
sh_mysql_host "localhost"
sh_mysql_user "root"
sh_mysql_pass ""
sh_mysql_db "sherodb"
// *************** END STANDARD SUPERHERO CVARS ***************
// ***************** 英雄参数设置 ****************
//basic heros :
anubis_level 1
anibus_showdamage 1 //(0|1) - hide|show 伤害数值..
anibus_showchat 1 //(0|1) - hide|show 死后聊天信息..
aquaman_level 3
aquaman_armorcost 0 //使用该技能耗费的装甲值
aquaman_numbubbles 7 //使用几次该技能才能杀死一个人
aquaman_bubbledamage 10 //最大伤害数
batman_level 3
batman_health 125 //每局开始的生命值
batman_armor 125 //每局开始的装甲值
bomberman_level 4
bomberman_xpbased 0 //是否开启在每升一级的时候给予一定的炸弹(def=0)
bomberman_bombs 1 //每局开始后可以得到的炸弹数 (def=1)
bomberman_bpl 1 //每提高一级可获得多少炸弹 (def=1)
bomberman_radius 400 //炸弹爆炸的伤害半径(def=400)
bomberman_maxdamage 100 //炸弹爆炸的最大伤害值(def=100)
//Captain America美国大兵
captaina_level 1
captaina_pctperlev 0.02 //有百分之多少的概率随即进入上帝模式
captaina_godsecs 1 //上帝模式的时间(秒)
cyclops_level 5
cyclops_laser_ammo 20 //每局可以发射的激光数
cyclops_laser_burndecals 1 //Show the burn decals on the walls
cyclops_cooldown 0.20 //每次发射的冷却时间(间隔时间)
cyclops_mulishot 0.20 //连续发射的间隔时间
daredevil_level 1
daredevil_radius 600 //环形半径
daredevil_bright 192 //环形半径的明亮度
dazzler_level 2
dazzler_radius 3000 //多大范围的玩家受到影像
dazzler_cooldown 15 //闪光的时间
dracula_level 3
dracula_pctperlev 0.03 //每伤害敌人将返回多少百分比的hp给自己
flash_level 5
flash_speed 350 //奔跑的速度
//Hob Goblin小妖精
goblin_level 6
goblin_grenademult 1.5 //手榴弹伤害的倍数
goblin_grenadetimer 10 //每多少秒可以得到一个新的手榴弹
hulk_level 1
hulk_radius 1800 //多大范围的玩家将受到影像
hulk_cooldown 7 //使玩家保持钉住状态的时间
hulk_stuntime 3 //使用该技能的次数
hulk_stunspeed 70 //使玩家钉住的速度
//Human Torch火焰人
htorch_level 4
htorch_armorcost 15 //每发一次火焰耗费多少装甲值
htorch_numburns 5 //使敌人燃烧多久(秒)
htorch_burndamage 10 //每次燃烧使敌人损失多少伤害
//Iron Man铁人
ironman_level 7
ironman_timer 0.1 //每次向上推进的时间
ironman_thrust 125 //向上推进的高度
ironman_maxspeed 400 //飞行时xy方向的最大移动速度
ironman_xymult 1.05 // x,y移动速度的倍数
ironman_armorfuel 1 //使用装甲做燃料
ironman_fuelcost 1 //每次开火耗费的装甲值
ironman_armor 100 //每次开局时给予多少装甲值?
kamikaze_level 4
kamikaze_radius 300 //多大范围的玩家受到影像
kamikaze_fuse 15 //爆炸的延迟时间
kamikaze_maxdamage 200 //最大伤害数
magneto_level 2
magneto_cooldown 8 //每次使用的间隔时间
magneto_boost 300 //把枪扔掉的距离
magneto_giveglock 0 //如果枪被吸走,给予普通手枪吗?
mystique_level 9
mystique_cooldown 0 //变形后保持的时间
mystique_maxtime 0 //最大变形次数
mystique_toggle 1 //设置是否需要一直按着该技能键(1不需要)
//Night Crawler夜行者
nightc_level 4
nightc_cooldown 30 //穿墙的时间间隔
nightc_cliptime 10 //有多长的时间可以穿墙.
punisher_level 2
punisher_dropwpn 0 //在没子弹时,是加子弹还是再给一把新枪(0=加子弹)
skeletor_level 8
skeletor_cooldown 20 // 使用该技能的间隔时间
skeletor_camptime 10 // 露营的时间
skeletor_movedist 10 // minimum amount of dist player has to move b4 considered not camping
spiderman_level 7
spiderman_moveacc 140 //在绳索上的移动速度
spiderman_reelspeed 400 //在绳索上摇动速度
spiderman_hookstyle 2 //1=spacedude, 2=spacedude auto reel (spiderman), 3=cheap kids real (batgirl)
spiderman_teamcolored 1 //1=根据加入的队伍而变换不同的颜色(t红色ct蓝色) 0=白色的
spiderman_maxhooks 60 //使用该技能的最大次数 (-1为不限制)
superman_level 3
superman_gravity 0.35 //重力设置(百分比)
superman_health 150 //每局开始的生命值
superman_armor 150 //每局开始的装甲值
windwalker_level 1 //走路没有声音
wolv_level 2
wolv_healpoints 3 //每秒恢复的hp值
wolv_knifespeed 290 //拿小刀时的移动速度
wolv_knifemult 1.35 //用小刀的伤害倍数
xavier_level 5
xavier_traillength 25 //发光拖尾的长度
xavier_showteam 0 //使队友发光
xavier_showenemy 1 //使敌人发光
xavier_refreshtimer 5.0 //发光的时间
zeus_level 10
zeus_cooldown 600 // 使用该技能的时间
bazooka_level 9
bazooka_missile_buy 1
bazooka_missile_cost1 1000
bazooka_missile_cost2 1300
bazooka_missile_cost3 1600
bazooka_missile_cost4 1800
bazooka_missile_cost5 2000
bazooka_missile_cost6 2200
bazooka_missile_cost7 2500
bazooka_missile_gunspeed 380
bazooka_missile_fuel 20

//adding heros :
//隐身人The Invisble Man
invisman_level 10
invisman_invisibility 20
invisman_clockedmove 1
//流氓luke skywalker
luke_level # = What level is he avalible
luke_sabertime = The Time Luke Can Have His Saber Active (Seconds) (Def=20)
luke_sabermode = 1=Kills Only Enemies 2=Kills Enemies And Friendlies (Def=2)
luke_cooldown = The Time It Takes For The Lightsaber To Recharge (Seconds) (Def=20)
//Poison Ivy毒藤女
poisonivy_level 0
poisonivy_damage 1 //Damage per second from infection
poisonivy_cooldown 0.0 //Seconds before you can infect another player
poisonivy_xpbased 0 //Do they cause more damage each xp level, 0=no 1=yes (def=0)
poisonivy_dpl 1 //Amount of additonal damage per level
poisonivy_maxdpl 0 //Maximum possible damage amount if xpbased (0=no max set)
poisonivy_self 1 //Can users with Poison Ivy be infected, 0=no 1=yes
garrow_level 0 //What level is he avalible
garrow_arrows 10 //How Many arrows do he get (def=10)
garrow_getscout 0 //Does he get a free scout (def=0)
thief_level 4
thief_cashperlev 100 //How much money he steals per hit per his level (Default 100)
//Invisible Woman隐身女
inviswoman_level 6
inviswoman_alpha 0 //Value of invisiblity 0-invisible 255-completly visible (default=0)
inviswoman_time 5 //# of seconds of invisiblity
inviswoman_cooldown 30 //# of seconds before invisiblity can be used again from keydown
polaris_level 5
polaris_boost 400 // How much boost to give to the grenades
polaris_range 300 // How close the grenades have to be before polaris reacts
rambo_level 10
rambo_health 125 //Health
rambo_armor 150 //Armor
rambo_m249mult 1.5 //Damage multiplier for PARA M249
//Neo Reloaded黑客帝国NEO
neor_level 9
neor_slowmotime 10 //Slow motion time in seconds
neor_cooldown 40 //Cooldown time in seconds
neor_dodge 40 //Chance out of 100 a bullet will be stopped
neor_radius 100 //Bullets stopped at this radius
neor_speed 100 //Speed of neo during slow motion
neor_bulletspeed 475 //Speed of neos bullet during slow motion
neor_nospeed 75 //Speed of non-neos during slow motion
neor_nobulletspeed 450 //Speed of non-neos bullet during slow motion
scorpion_level 9
scorpion_maxhooks 30 //Max ammout of spears/hooks allowed, -1 is an unlimited ammount (Default 30)
scorpion_reelspeed 1000 //How fast hook line reels speared users in (Default 1000)
scorpion_dragmates 0 //Drag teammates, 0-no 1-yes
scorpion_knifefight 0 //Knife only with enemies you speared til death, 0-no 1-yes (Default 0)
scorpion_mode 1 //0-no xtra mode/dmg, 1-uppercut dmg, 2-line dmg and stun, 3-both 1 and 2 (Default 1)
//If scorpion_mode 1 or 3, this gets used:
scorpion_uppercutdmg 20 //Amount of Damage for uppercut performed when speared user is touched (Default 20)
//If scorpion_mode 2 or 3, these get used:
scorpion_speardmg 20 //Amount of Damage done when user is speared (Default 20)
scorpion_stuntime 2 //Seconds of stun when user is speared (Default 2)
tank_gravity - he cant jump high......mostly cause he is a frigin tank
tank_level - what level must they be for throwing nades?
//Vash the Stampede西部牛仔
vash_level 4
vash_deaglemult 2.5 //Damage multiplyer for his Deagle
vash_gravity 1.0 //Default 1.0 = normal gravity (0.50 is 50% of normal gravity, ect.)
//The Tick软体人
thetick_level 0
//Super Saiyan Gohan龟仙人
ssjgohan_level 9
ssjgohan_damage 125 //Damage spread over radius of blast (Default 125)
ssjgohan_radius 300 //Radius of the damage (Default 300)
ssjgohan_cooldown 30 //Seconds til next available use from power explode (Default 30)
ssjgohan_powerspeed 1000 //Speed of Kamehameha, min-500 max-(server's sv_maxvelocity) (Default 1000)
ssjgohan_blast_decals 1 //Show the burn decals from blast (Default 1)
stick_level 0
stick_speed 560 //How fast Stick runs (def 560)
stick_radius 1024 //Radius of the rings (def 1024)
stick_bright 192 //How bright to make the rings (def 192)
stick_teamcolored 0 //0=default color 1=team colored rings
stick_enemyonly 0 //0=rings on all players 1=rings on enemy only
steel_level 0
steel_hpsetsuit 40 //Health # to set suit on (def 40)
steel_aps 3 //Amount of Armor regenerated per second when suit is on (def 3)
steel_maxaps 100 //Max Armor regenerated per second when suit is on (def 100)
squall_level 10
squall_bullets 4
slayer_level 6
slayer_cooldown 40 //cooldown between god removals
slayer_chance 0.05 //chance of assassination
shangchi_level 1
shangchi_armor 130 //Starting Armor (Default 130)
shangchi_health 80 //Max HP Shang-Chi will reduce knife damage to (Default 80)
//Raiden (MGS2)无声无形女
raiden_level 0
raiden_health 125 //Default 125
raiden_armor 125 //Default 125
raiden_alpha 127 //Alpha value when invisible (0=completely invisible, 255=completely visible)
psylocke_level 2
penguin_level 0
penguin_grenademult 1.0 //Damage multiplyer, 1.0 = no xtra dmg (def 1.0)
penguin_grenadetimer 30.0 //How many seconds delay for new grenade after nade is thrown (def 30.0)
penguin_cooldown 120.0 //How many seconds until penguin grenade can be used again (def 120.0)
penguin_fuse 5.0 //Length of time Penguin grenades can seek for before blowing up (def 5.0)
penguin_nadespeed 900 //Speed of Penguin grenades when seeking (def 900)
goten_level 6
goten_health 400 //Default HP 400
goten_armor 100 //Default AP 100
goten_cooldown 30 //Cooldown timer between shots in seconds
goten_maxdamage 75 //Max Damage from blast
goten_radius 100 //Radius of blast
goten_blast_decals 1 //Show the burn decals on the walls
frogger_level 0
fartman_level 7
fartman_gasdmg 10 //Amount of damage caused (Default 10)
fartman_gasradius 200 //Damage radius from smoke grenade to player, 200-250 is the normal smoke radius (Default 200)
fartman_gasfreq 2.0 //Every # of seconds gas damage is caused again (Default 2.0)
fartman_grenadetimer 10.0 //# of seconds until new smoke grenade is given (Default 10.0)
//Dr. Doom子弹打人时别人被震
drdoom_level 10
drdoom_armor 200 //Default 200
drdoom_speed 200 //Default 200
drdoom_laser_ammo 30 //total # of shots given each round, -1 is unlimited (Default 30)
drdoom_laser_burndecals 1 //Show the burn decals on the walls
drdoom_cooldown 0.0 //Cooldown timer between laser use
drdoom_multishot 0.25 //Delay for multishots on holding key down, set to -1 for only 1 shot per keydown (Default 0.25)
drdoom_switchtoknife 1 //Switch to knife when firing laser, 0-no 1-yes (changing requires map change)
domino_level 0
domino_maxmult 2.0 //Max possible damage multiplier, range 1.01 to 2.0 (Default 2.0)
copper_level 0
copper_none 0.0 //Bet multiplier for getting nothing
copper_two 1.0 //Bet multiplier for getting one pair
copper_double 5.0 //Bet multiplier for getting two pairs
copper_three 6.0 //Bet multiplier for getting 3 of a kind
copper_straight 7.5 //Bet multiplier for getting sequential numbers
copper_four 10.0 //Bet multiplier for getting 4 of a kind
copper_1337 1337 //Bet multiplier for getting 1337
catwoman_level 1
catwoman_seconds 0.5 //Seconds after round starts that she sneaks to other base
catwoman_change 10.0 //Look like the enemy when you sneak? 0 dont look like enemy. 1.0 look like enemy for entire round. 2.0 and above is the time you look like the enemy.
catwoman_mode 2 //Mode of sneaking-
// 1. It multiplies pctperlev cvar times current level and if it is higher than a random number, you sneak
// 2. Works like my abomination, takes maxrounds and subtracts your level from it.
// This number is how many rounds you have to wait until you can sneak.
// It won't go under the minrounds.
//Catwoman - mode 1
catwoman_pctperlev 0.01 //Percent chance per level of sneaking
//Catwoman - mode 2
catwoman_maxrounds 20 //Max rounds to wait (minus your level) until you can sneak
catwoman_minrounds 5 //Min rounds to wait until you can sneak, no matter your level, it wont go under this

my modules.ini is :

; 要启用一个模块,去掉名字前面的注释符(;)。
; 如果不在这里,只需增加它的名字,一行一个。
; 你不需要写上“_amxx”部分和文件的扩展名。
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;
;; SQL模块经常需要你手动启用。你可以同时启用多个。 ;;
;; 使用sql.cfg中的amx_sql_type来指定默认数据库类型 ;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;
;; 将第三方模块添加到下面。你可以只列出它们的名字, ;;
;; 不要“_amxx”和文件扩展名。 ;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;
;; 这些模块将会自动检测并在需要的时候加载,你不需要 ;;
;; 在这里启用它们,除非你碰到有问题。 ;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;

And I use amxmodx1.8.1

How can I add the other heros ? help me ,please~

or , Could anybody share the whole documents with adding heros ? thanks a lot ~thanks a lot !

Last edited by fansofspeed; 01-02-2009 at 09:56.
fansofspeed is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2008
Old 01-02-2009 , 09:13   Re: I cant add other heros
Reply With Quote #2

my meta list is :
] meta list
Currently running plugins:
[ 1] AMX Mod X, v1.8.1.3746, Aug 16 2008, by AMX Mod X Dev Team, see http://www.amxmodx.org
[ 2] WinHL-Booster, v1.70, 15.8.2003, by Jussi Kivilinna <[email protected]>, see http://hullu.xtragaming.com/
[ 3] MySQL, v1.8.1.3746, Aug 16 2008, by AMX Mod X Dev Team, see http://www.amxmodx.org/
[ 4] Fun, v1.8.1.3746, Aug 16 2008, by AMX Mod X Dev Team, see http://www.amxmodx.org
[ 5] Engine, v1.8.1.3746, Aug 16 2008, by AMX Mod X Dev Team, see http://www.amxmodx.org
[ 6] FakeMeta, v1.8.1.3746, Aug 16 2008, by AMX Mod X Dev Team, see http://www.amxmodx.org
[ 7] CStrike, v1.8.1.3746, Aug 16 2008, by AMX Mod X Dev Team, see http://www.amxmodx.org
[ 8] CSX, v1.8.1.3746, Aug 16 2008, by AMX Mod X Dev Team, see http://www.amxmodx.org/
[ 9] Ham Sandwich, v1.8.1.3746, Aug 16 2008, by AMX Mod X Dev Team, see http://www.amxmodx.org
[ 10] SuperHero, v2.001a, Aug 29 2005, by Freecode, see http://shero.rocks-hideout.com
[ 11] Li_GeoIP, v1.75, Aug 17 2006, by Icarusli, see http://icarusli.vicp.net/blo

If I type amx_plugins , I will be kicked automatically ,with the server shows "Reliabel channel overflowed"

waiting for help


Last edited by fansofspeed; 01-02-2009 at 09:21.
fansofspeed is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Old 01-02-2009 , 09:37   Re: I cant add other heros
Reply With Quote #3

my plugins-shero.ini is :

//To save XP to a nVault file (default)
//To save XP to the VAULT file (uncomment this and comment out the other core plugin)
//To save XP to a mysql database (uncomment this and comment out the other core plugin)
//Add Heroes Here
Where is sh_steel.amxx?

Also, do you have the sh_steel.amxx in your plugins folder? Failing to load generally means you have a reference to it (which, as far as I see, you don't), but the file is not there.
I am 68% addicted to Counterstrike. What about you?
MyZna is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2008
Old 01-02-2009 , 09:55   Re: I cant add other heros
Reply With Quote #4

Originally Posted by MyZna View Post
Where is sh_steel.amxx?

Also, do you have the sh_steel.amxx in your plugins folder? Failing to load generally means you have a reference to it (which, as far as I see, you don't), but the file is not there.
sh_steel is just a example,

All the adding heros is the same problem.

The adding heros which I mean ,is as the following :

//隐身人The Invisble Man
invisman_level 10
invisman_invisibility 20
invisman_clockedmove 1
//流氓luke skywalker
luke_level # = What level is he avalible
luke_sabertime = The Time Luke Can Have His Saber Active (Seconds) (Def=20)
luke_sabermode = 1=Kills Only Enemies 2=Kills Enemies And Friendlies (Def=2)
luke_cooldown = The Time It Takes For The Lightsaber To Recharge (Seconds) (Def=20)
//Poison Ivy毒藤女
poisonivy_level 0
poisonivy_damage 1 //Damage per second from infection
poisonivy_cooldown 0.0 //Seconds before you can infect another player
poisonivy_xpbased 0 //Do they cause more damage each xp level, 0=no 1=yes (def=0)
poisonivy_dpl 1 //Amount of additonal damage per level
poisonivy_maxdpl 0 //Maximum possible damage amount if xpbased (0=no max set)
poisonivy_self 1 //Can users with Poison Ivy be infected, 0=no 1=yes
garrow_level 0 //What level is he avalible
garrow_arrows 10 //How Many arrows do he get (def=10)
garrow_getscout 0 //Does he get a free scout (def=0)
thief_level 4
thief_cashperlev 100 //How much money he steals per hit per his level (Default 100)
//Invisible Woman隐身女
inviswoman_level 6
inviswoman_alpha 0 //Value of invisiblity 0-invisible 255-completly visible (default=0)
inviswoman_time 5 //# of seconds of invisiblity
inviswoman_cooldown 30 //# of seconds before invisiblity can be used again from keydown
polaris_level 5
polaris_boost 400 // How much boost to give to the grenades
polaris_range 300 // How close the grenades have to be before polaris reacts
rambo_level 10
rambo_health 125 //Health
rambo_armor 150 //Armor
rambo_m249mult 1.5 //Damage multiplier for PARA M249
//Neo Reloaded黑客帝国NEO
neor_level 9
neor_slowmotime 10 //Slow motion time in seconds
neor_cooldown 40 //Cooldown time in seconds
neor_dodge 40 //Chance out of 100 a bullet will be stopped
neor_radius 100 //Bullets stopped at this radius
neor_speed 100 //Speed of neo during slow motion
neor_bulletspeed 475 //Speed of neos bullet during slow motion
neor_nospeed 75 //Speed of non-neos during slow motion
neor_nobulletspeed 450 //Speed of non-neos bullet during slow motion
scorpion_level 9
scorpion_maxhooks 30 //Max ammout of spears/hooks allowed, -1 is an unlimited ammount (Default 30)
scorpion_reelspeed 1000 //How fast hook line reels speared users in (Default 1000)
scorpion_dragmates 0 //Drag teammates, 0-no 1-yes
scorpion_knifefight 0 //Knife only with enemies you speared til death, 0-no 1-yes (Default 0)
scorpion_mode 1 //0-no xtra mode/dmg, 1-uppercut dmg, 2-line dmg and stun, 3-both 1 and 2 (Default 1)
//If scorpion_mode 1 or 3, this gets used:
scorpion_uppercutdmg 20 //Amount of Damage for uppercut performed when speared user is touched (Default 20)
//If scorpion_mode 2 or 3, these get used:
scorpion_speardmg 20 //Amount of Damage done when user is speared (Default 20)
scorpion_stuntime 2 //Seconds of stun when user is speared (Default 2)
tank_gravity - he cant jump high......mostly cause he is a frigin tank
tank_level - what level must they be for throwing nades?
//Vash the Stampede西部牛仔
vash_level 4
vash_deaglemult 2.5 //Damage multiplyer for his Deagle
vash_gravity 1.0 //Default 1.0 = normal gravity (0.50 is 50% of normal gravity, ect.)
//The Tick软体人
thetick_level 0
//Super Saiyan Gohan龟仙人
ssjgohan_level 9
ssjgohan_damage 125 //Damage spread over radius of blast (Default 125)
ssjgohan_radius 300 //Radius of the damage (Default 300)
ssjgohan_cooldown 30 //Seconds til next available use from power explode (Default 30)
ssjgohan_powerspeed 1000 //Speed of Kamehameha, min-500 max-(server's sv_maxvelocity) (Default 1000)
ssjgohan_blast_decals 1 //Show the burn decals from blast (Default 1)
stick_level 0
stick_speed 560 //How fast Stick runs (def 560)
stick_radius 1024 //Radius of the rings (def 1024)
stick_bright 192 //How bright to make the rings (def 192)
stick_teamcolored 0 //0=default color 1=team colored rings
stick_enemyonly 0 //0=rings on all players 1=rings on enemy only
steel_level 0
steel_hpsetsuit 40 //Health # to set suit on (def 40)
steel_aps 3 //Amount of Armor regenerated per second when suit is on (def 3)
steel_maxaps 100 //Max Armor regenerated per second when suit is on (def 100)
squall_level 10
squall_bullets 4
slayer_level 6
slayer_cooldown 40 //cooldown between god removals
slayer_chance 0.05 //chance of assassination
shangchi_level 1
shangchi_armor 130 //Starting Armor (Default 130)
shangchi_health 80 //Max HP Shang-Chi will reduce knife damage to (Default 80)
//Raiden (MGS2)无声无形女
raiden_level 0
raiden_health 125 //Default 125
raiden_armor 125 //Default 125
raiden_alpha 127 //Alpha value when invisible (0=completely invisible, 255=completely visible)
psylocke_level 2
penguin_level 0
penguin_grenademult 1.0 //Damage multiplyer, 1.0 = no xtra dmg (def 1.0)
penguin_grenadetimer 30.0 //How many seconds delay for new grenade after nade is thrown (def 30.0)
penguin_cooldown 120.0 //How many seconds until penguin grenade can be used again (def 120.0)
penguin_fuse 5.0 //Length of time Penguin grenades can seek for before blowing up (def 5.0)
penguin_nadespeed 900 //Speed of Penguin grenades when seeking (def 900)
goten_level 6
goten_health 400 //Default HP 400
goten_armor 100 //Default AP 100
goten_cooldown 30 //Cooldown timer between shots in seconds
goten_maxdamage 75 //Max Damage from blast
goten_radius 100 //Radius of blast
goten_blast_decals 1 //Show the burn decals on the walls
frogger_level 0
fartman_level 7
fartman_gasdmg 10 //Amount of damage caused (Default 10)
fartman_gasradius 200 //Damage radius from smoke grenade to player, 200-250 is the normal smoke radius (Default 200)
fartman_gasfreq 2.0 //Every # of seconds gas damage is caused again (Default 2.0)
fartman_grenadetimer 10.0 //# of seconds until new smoke grenade is given (Default 10.0)
//Dr. Doom子弹打人时别人被震
drdoom_level 10
drdoom_armor 200 //Default 200
drdoom_speed 200 //Default 200
drdoom_laser_ammo 30 //total # of shots given each round, -1 is unlimited (Default 30)
drdoom_laser_burndecals 1 //Show the burn decals on the walls
drdoom_cooldown 0.0 //Cooldown timer between laser use
drdoom_multishot 0.25 //Delay for multishots on holding key down, set to -1 for only 1 shot per keydown (Default 0.25)
drdoom_switchtoknife 1 //Switch to knife when firing laser, 0-no 1-yes (changing requires map change)
domino_level 0
domino_maxmult 2.0 //Max possible damage multiplier, range 1.01 to 2.0 (Default 2.0)
copper_level 0
copper_none 0.0 //Bet multiplier for getting nothing
copper_two 1.0 //Bet multiplier for getting one pair
copper_double 5.0 //Bet multiplier for getting two pairs
copper_three 6.0 //Bet multiplier for getting 3 of a kind
copper_straight 7.5 //Bet multiplier for getting sequential numbers
copper_four 10.0 //Bet multiplier for getting 4 of a kind
copper_1337 1337 //Bet multiplier for getting 1337

But , the basic heros works well

the basic heros ,which I mean is as the followings :
anubis_level 1
anibus_showdamage 1 //(0|1) - hide|show 伤害数值..
anibus_showchat 1 //(0|1) - hide|show 死后聊天信息..
aquaman_level 3
aquaman_armorcost 0 //使用该技能耗费的装甲值
aquaman_numbubbles 7 //使用几次该技能才能杀死一个人
aquaman_bubbledamage 10 //最大伤害数
batman_level 3
batman_health 125 //每局开始的生命值
batman_armor 125 //每局开始的装甲值
bomberman_level 4
bomberman_xpbased 0 //是否开启在每升一级的时候给予一定的炸弹(def=0)
bomberman_bombs 1 //每局开始后可以得到的炸弹数 (def=1)
bomberman_bpl 1 //每提高一级可获得多少炸弹 (def=1)
bomberman_radius 400 //炸弹爆炸的伤害半径(def=400)
bomberman_maxdamage 100 //炸弹爆炸的最大伤害值(def=100)
//Captain America美国大兵
captaina_level 1
captaina_pctperlev 0.02 //有百分之多少的概率随即进入上帝模式
captaina_godsecs 1 //上帝模式的时间(秒)
cyclops_level 5
cyclops_laser_ammo 20 //每局可以发射的激光数
cyclops_laser_burndecals 1 //Show the burn decals on the walls
cyclops_cooldown 0.20 //每次发射的冷却时间(间隔时间)
cyclops_mulishot 0.20 //连续发射的间隔时间
daredevil_level 1
daredevil_radius 600 //环形半径
daredevil_bright 192 //环形半径的明亮度
dazzler_level 2
dazzler_radius 3000 //多大范围的玩家受到影像
dazzler_cooldown 15 //闪光的时间
dracula_level 3
dracula_pctperlev 0.03 //每伤害敌人将返回多少百分比的hp给自己
flash_level 5
flash_speed 350 //奔跑的速度
//Hob Goblin小妖精
goblin_level 6
goblin_grenademult 1.5 //手榴弹伤害的倍数
goblin_grenadetimer 10 //每多少秒可以得到一个新的手榴弹
hulk_level 1
hulk_radius 1800 //多大范围的玩家将受到影像
hulk_cooldown 7 //使玩家保持钉住状态的时间
hulk_stuntime 3 //使用该技能的次数
hulk_stunspeed 70 //使玩家钉住的速度
//Human Torch火焰人
htorch_level 4
htorch_armorcost 15 //每发一次火焰耗费多少装甲值
htorch_numburns 5 //使敌人燃烧多久(秒)
htorch_burndamage 10 //每次燃烧使敌人损失多少伤害
//Iron Man铁人
ironman_level 7
ironman_timer 0.1 //每次向上推进的时间
ironman_thrust 125 //向上推进的高度
ironman_maxspeed 400 //飞行时xy方向的最大移动速度
ironman_xymult 1.05 // x,y移动速度的倍数
ironman_armorfuel 1 //使用装甲做燃料
ironman_fuelcost 1 //每次开火耗费的装甲值
ironman_armor 100 //每次开局时给予多少装甲值?
kamikaze_level 4
kamikaze_radius 300 //多大范围的玩家受到影像
kamikaze_fuse 15 //爆炸的延迟时间
kamikaze_maxdamage 200 //最大伤害数
magneto_level 2
magneto_cooldown 8 //每次使用的间隔时间
magneto_boost 300 //把枪扔掉的距离
magneto_giveglock 0 //如果枪被吸走,给予普通手枪吗?
mystique_level 9
mystique_cooldown 0 //变形后保持的时间
mystique_maxtime 0 //最大变形次数
mystique_toggle 1 //设置是否需要一直按着该技能键(1不需要)
//Night Crawler夜行者
nightc_level 4
nightc_cooldown 30 //穿墙的时间间隔
nightc_cliptime 10 //有多长的时间可以穿墙.
punisher_level 2
punisher_dropwpn 0 //在没子弹时,是加子弹还是再给一把新枪(0=加子弹)
skeletor_level 8
skeletor_cooldown 20 // 使用该技能的间隔时间
skeletor_camptime 10 // 露营的时间
skeletor_movedist 10 // minimum amount of dist player has to move b4 considered not camping
spiderman_level 7
spiderman_moveacc 140 //在绳索上的移动速度
spiderman_reelspeed 400 //在绳索上摇动速度
spiderman_hookstyle 2 //1=spacedude, 2=spacedude auto reel (spiderman), 3=cheap kids real (batgirl)
spiderman_teamcolored 1 //1=根据加入的队伍而变换不同的颜色(t红色ct蓝色) 0=白色的
spiderman_maxhooks 60 //使用该技能的最大次数 (-1为不限制)
superman_level 3
superman_gravity 0.35 //重力设置(百分比)
superman_health 150 //每局开始的生命值
superman_armor 150 //每局开始的装甲值
windwalker_level 1 //走路没有声音
wolv_level 2
wolv_healpoints 3 //每秒恢复的hp值
wolv_knifespeed 290 //拿小刀时的移动速度
wolv_knifemult 1.35 //用小刀的伤害倍数
xavier_level 5
xavier_traillength 25 //发光拖尾的长度
xavier_showteam 0 //使队友发光
xavier_showenemy 1 //使敌人发光
xavier_refreshtimer 5.0 //发光的时间
zeus_level 10
zeus_cooldown 600 // 使用该技能的时间
bazooka_level 9
bazooka_missile_buy 1
bazooka_missile_cost1 1000
bazooka_missile_cost2 1300
bazooka_missile_cost3 1600
bazooka_missile_cost4 1800
bazooka_missile_cost5 2000
bazooka_missile_cost6 2200
bazooka_missile_cost7 2500
bazooka_missile_gunspeed 380
bazooka_missile_fuel 20

Last edited by fansofspeed; 01-02-2009 at 10:10.
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Old 01-02-2009 , 10:08   Re: I cant add other heros
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Personally, I do not have these things in my modules.ini. I suggest you comment them out and see what happens.
I am 68% addicted to Counterstrike. What about you?
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Old 01-02-2009 , 10:12   Re: I cant add other heros
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Originally Posted by MyZna View Post
Personally, I do not have these things in my modules.ini. I suggest you comment them out and see what happens.
The same,nothing changed
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Old 01-02-2009 , 10:30   Re: I cant add other heros
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I come back to the issue that you might not have the .amxx files for the heroes in your amxmodx/plugins folder. If not that, then I don't know what to tell you. Sorry, helped the best I could.
I am 68% addicted to Counterstrike. What about you?
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Old 01-02-2009 , 19:28   Re: I cant add other heros
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You are mixing all kinds of versions here so I don't know what to tell you.

That error does mean that you are trying to run a hero compiled for SH plugin version 1.2.0 but are not actually running SH 1.2.0.

From the looks of it, it seems you are trying to run the module version of SH which i do not support and trying to use heroes made for the plugin version of SH.
If that is the case read this: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=35918
and only use heroes from this section: http://forums.alliedmods.net/forumdisplay.php?f=100
(and be sure to compile them with module version includes.)
And good luck cause again I don't support that.
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Old 01-02-2009 , 23:37   Re: I cant add other heros
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Originally Posted by vittu View Post
You are mixing all kinds of versions here so I don't know what to tell you.

That error does mean that you are trying to run a hero compiled for SH plugin version 1.2.0 but are not actually running SH 1.2.0.

From the looks of it, it seems you are trying to run the module version of SH which i do not support and trying to use heroes made for the plugin version of SH.
If that is the case read this: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=35918
and only use heroes from this section: http://forums.alliedmods.net/forumdisplay.php?f=100
(and be sure to compile them with module version includes.)
And good luck cause again I don't support that.
I download the hero of sh_empyrean from Module Heroesjust now, and I have put it in the right place , but my server displays "[AMXX] Plugin "sh_empyrean.amxx" failed to load: Module/Library "SHeroPlugin" required for plugin. Check modules.ini."

It makes me mad

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Old 01-03-2009 , 01:30   Re: I cant add other heros
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Then I guess you are running old plugin version (with module version loaded but not doing anything) and trying to use heroes compiled for the new plugin version.

Post the output from the console command: "amxx plugins" (can not help you without this information since you screwed up your install entirely).

Delete from your modules.ini:
shero - module version of sh, if you are not using it don't load it.
monster - assuming this is supposed to be monster mod (it's not an amxx modules that's for sure). If so you are supposed to load it in metamod.
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