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[CSGO] Only 1 team change is allowed

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AlliedModders Donor
Join Date: Jun 2012
Old 09-01-2012 , 16:28   [CSGO] Only 1 team change is allowed
Reply With Quote #1

went to spectate and now I can't join either team.

says"Only 1 team change is allowed"

Can't find/don't know the cvar to change it :\

hostname "24/7 SURF-RPG SlayersGaming.com"

rcon_password ""
sv_password "" //Only set this if you intend to have a private server!

log on //This is set to turn on logging!
mp_freezetime 5 //The amount of time players are frozen to buy items
mp_join_grace_time 0 //The amount of time players can join teams after a round has started
mp_match_end_restart 0 // Defines whether a map should be restarted after a game has ended
sv_cheats 0 //This should always be set, so you know it's not on
sv_lan 0 //This should always be set, so you know it's not on
//**The bot commands below are mostly default with the exception of
bot_difficulty 1
bot_chatter "off"
bot_join_after_player 1
bot_quota 0
bot_quota_mode "fill"
//**The following commands manage kicks and bans

mp_warmuptime 0

net_maxfilesize 99999
sv_downloadurl "http://hgs4763.hostedd.com/csgo"
sv_allowupload 1
sv_allowdownload 1

mp_autokick 0

mp_maxrounds 50
mp_roundtime 15

exec banned_user.cfg
exec banned_ip.cfg

sv_maxrate 2000000
sv_minrate 50000


// To customize your server, see gamemodes_server.txt.example

			"value"				"0"
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_GameTypeClassic"

					"value"			 	"0"
					"nameID"		 	"#SFUI_GameModeCasual"
					"descID"		 	"#SFUI_GameModeCasualDesc"
					"matchmakingvalue"	"casual"
					"uid"				"1"
					"maxplayers"			"32"

					// These are the descriptive ui elements to display in the information box on.
					// These key/values should be pairs of strings.  The "key" will appear in the left
					// column, the "value" will appear in the right column.
						"0"		{ "label" "#SFUI_CashColon"				"value" "$400" }
						"1"		{ "label" "#SFUI_WinMatchColon"			"value" "30 #SFUI_Minutes" }
						"2"		{ "label" "#SFUI_TimePerRoundColon"		"value" "3 #SFUI_Minutes" }
						"3"		{ "label" "#SFUI_BuyTimeColon"			"value" "45 #SFUI_Seconds" }
						"4"		{ "label" "#SFUI_SpectateColon"			"value" "#SFUI_SpectateAnyone" }
						"5"		{ "label" "#SFUI_BotsColon"				"value" "#SFUI_BotDifficulty2" }

					// These are the convars that get setup when a game mode of this type is created.			
						"bot_quota_mode"					"fill"
						"bot_quota"						"10"
						"bot_defer_to_human_items"			"1"
						"bot_defer_to_human_goals"			"0"
						"bot_difficulty"					"1"
						"bot_dont_shoot"					"0"
						"bot_chatter"						"normal"
						"cl_playerspraydisable"				"1"
						"mp_friendlyfire"					"0"
						"ff_damage_reduction_grenade"		"0"
						"ff_damage_reduction_bullets"		"0"
						"ff_damage_reduction_other"			"0"
						"ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self"	"0"
						"mp_afterroundmoney"				"0"
						"mp_playercashawards"				"1"
						"mp_teamcashawards"					"1"
						"mp_maxrounds"						"99"
						"mp_halftime"						"0"
						"mp_timelimit"						"45"
						"mp_roundtime"						"15"
						"mp_freezetime"						"5"
						"mp_buytime"						"45"
						"mp_forcecamera"					"0"			// Set to 1 for team only spectating.
						"mp_defuser_allocation"				"2"			// 0=none, 1=random, 2=everyone
						"mp_death_drop_gun"					"1"			// 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best
						"mp_death_drop_grenade"				"2"			// 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best
						"mp_death_drop_defuser"				"1"	
						"cl_enable_roundstart_autobuy"		"1"
						"sv_ignoregrenaderadio"				"0"
						"mp_molotovusedelay"				"0"
						"sv_alltalk"						"1"
						"sv_deadtalk"						"1"
						"mp_force_pick_time"				"15"
						"bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low"	"-2.0"	// Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount below avg human contribution score, below which a bot should raise its difficulty)
						"bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high"	"0.0"	// Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount above avg human contribution score, above which a bot should lower its difficulty)
						"spec_freeze_time"					"5.0"
						"spec_freeze_panel_extended_time"	"0"
						"mp_match_can_clinch"				"1"			// 0=No mercy rule, 1=team can clinch match win early if they win > 1/2 total rounds
						"mp_startmoney"						"1000"
						"mp_maxmoney"						"10000"

						"sv_allow_votes"					"1"		// Voting allowed in this mode
						"sv_arms_race_vote_to_restart_disallowed_after"	"0"

						// cash award convars
						"cash_team_terrorist_win_bomb"				"2700"
						"cash_team_elimination_hostage_map"			"2700"
						"cash_team_elimination_bomb_map"			"2700"
						"cash_team_win_by_time_running_out"			"2700"
						"cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb"			"2700"
						"cash_team_win_by_hostage_rescue"			"2700"
						"cash_team_loser_bonus"						"2400"
						"cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds"	"0"
						"cash_team_rescued_hostage"					"100"
						"cash_team_hostage_alive"					"0"
						"cash_team_planted_bomb_but_defused"		"200"
						"cash_team_hostage_interaction"				"50"
						"cash_player_killed_teammate"				"-3300"
						"cash_player_killed_enemy_default"			"200"
						"cash_player_killed_enemy_factor"			"0.5"
						"cash_player_bomb_planted"					"200"
						"cash_player_bomb_defused"					"200"
						"cash_player_rescued_hostage"				"200"
						"cash_player_interact_with_hostage"			"0"
						"cash_player_damage_hostage"				"-30"
						"cash_player_killed_hostage"				"-1000"

						// gungame tr defaults (not used in this mode)
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_respawn_delay"			"0"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_detonation_bonus"			"1"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_defuse_bonus"				"1"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_upgrade"			"2"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_he"				"3"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_flash"			"4"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_molotov"			"5"
						"mp_ggtr_halftime_delay"				"0.0"
						"mp_ggtr_rounds_per_half"				"5"
						"mp_ggtr_end_round_kill_bonus"			"1"
						"mp_ggtr_last_weapon_kill_ends_half"	"0"

						// gungame progressive defaults (not used in this mode)
						"mp_gungameimmunitytime"				"4"
						"mp_ggprogressive_round_restart_delay"	"15"
						"mp_ggprogressive_win_panel_pct"		"0.33333"

						"mp_weapons_allow_zeus"					"1"
						"mp_solid_teammates"					"0"
						"mp_free_armor"							"1"			

					// Map groups for offline modes
						"mg_de_train"		""
						"mg_de_dust"		""
						"mg_de_dust2"		""
						"mg_de_aztec"		""
						"mg_de_inferno"		""
						"mg_de_nuke"		""
						"mg_cs_italy"		""
						"mg_cs_office"		""
						"random_classic"	""
						"surf_skyworld"		""
						"surf_dustwave_b1"	""
						"surf_csgo_10x_v2"	""

					// Map groups for online modes
						"mg_bomb"		""
						"mg_hostage"		""
						"mg_dust"		""
						"surf_skyworld"		""
						"surf_dustwave_b1"	""
						"surf_csgo_10x_v2"	""
						"surf_cherryberry"	""
						"surf_green_b2"		""
						"surf_ski_2_GO"		""

					"value"			  	"1"
					"nameID"		  	"#SFUI_GameModeCompetitive"
					"descID"		  	"#SFUI_GameModeCompetitiveDesc"
					"matchmakingvalue"	"competitive"
					"uid"				"2"
					"maxplayers"			"10"
					// These are the descriptive ui elements to display in the information box on.
					// These key/values should be pairs of strings.  The "key" will appear in the left
					// column, the "value" will appear in the right column.
						"0"		{ "label" "#SFUI_CashColon"				"value" "$800" }
						"1"		{ "label" "#SFUI_WinMatchColon"			"value" "30 #SFUI_Rounds" }
						"2"		{ "label" "#SFUI_TimePerRoundColon"		"value" "2 #SFUI_Minutes" }
						"3"		{ "label" "#SFUI_BuyTimeColon"			"value" "45 #SFUI_Seconds" }
						"4"		{ "label" "#SFUI_SpectateColon"			"value" "#SFUI_SpectateTeamOnly" }
						"5"		{ "label" "#SFUI_BotsColon"				"value" "#SFUI_BotDifficulty3" }

					// These are the convars that get setup when a game mode of this type is created.			
						"bot_quota_mode"					"fill"
						"bot_quota"						"10"
						"bot_defer_to_human_items"			"1"
						"bot_defer_to_human_goals"			"1"
						"bot_difficulty"					"2"
						"bot_dont_shoot"					"0"
						"bot_chatter"						"normal"
						"cl_playerspraydisable"				"1"
						"mp_friendlyfire"					"1"
						"ff_damage_reduction_grenade"		"0.85"
						"ff_damage_reduction_bullets"		"0.33"
						"ff_damage_reduction_other"			"0.4"
						"ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self"	"1"
						"mp_afterroundmoney"				"0"
						"mp_playercashawards"				"1"
						"mp_teamcashawards"					"1"
						"mp_maxrounds"						"30"
						"mp_halftime"						"1"
						"mp_timelimit"						"0"
						"mp_roundtime"						"2"
						"mp_freezetime"						"15"
						"mp_buytime"						"45"
						"mp_forcecamera"					"1"			// Set to 1 for team only spectating.
						"mp_defuser_allocation"				"0"
						"mp_death_drop_gun"					"1"			// 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best
						"mp_death_drop_grenade"				"2"			// 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best
						"mp_death_drop_defuser"				"1"	
						"cl_enable_roundstart_autobuy"		"0"
						"sv_ignoregrenaderadio"				"0"
						"mp_molotovusedelay"				"0"
						"sv_alltalk"						"0"
						"sv_deadtalk"						"1"
						"bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low"	"-2.0"	// Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount below avg human contribution score, below which a bot should raise its difficulty)
						"bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high"	"0.0"	// Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount above avg human contribution score, above which a bot should lower its difficulty)
						"mp_force_pick_time"				"15"
						"spec_freeze_time"					"5.0"
						"spec_freeze_panel_extended_time"	"0"
						"mp_match_can_clinch"				"1"			// 0=No mercy rule, 1=team can clinch match win early if they win > 1/2 total rounds
						"mp_startmoney"						"800"
						"mp_maxmoney"						"16000"

						"sv_allow_votes"						"1"		// Voting allowed in this mode
						"sv_arms_race_vote_to_restart_disallowed_after"	"0"

						// cash award convars
						"cash_team_terrorist_win_bomb"				"3500"
						"cash_team_elimination_hostage_map"			"3000"
						"cash_team_elimination_bomb_map"			"3250"
						"cash_team_win_by_time_running_out"			"3250"
						"cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb"			"3500"
						"cash_team_win_by_hostage_rescue"			"3500"
						"cash_team_loser_bonus"						"1400"
						"cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds"	"500"
						"cash_team_rescued_hostage"					"750"
						"cash_team_hostage_alive"					"150"
						"cash_team_planted_bomb_but_defused"		"800"
						"cash_team_hostage_interaction"				"150"
						"cash_player_killed_teammate"				"-3300"
						"cash_player_killed_enemy_default"			"300"
						"cash_player_killed_enemy_factor"			"1"
						"cash_player_bomb_planted"					"300"
						"cash_player_bomb_defused"					"300"
						"cash_player_rescued_hostage"				"1000"
						"cash_player_interact_with_hostage"			"150"
						"cash_player_damage_hostage"				"-30"
						"cash_player_killed_hostage"				"-1000"

						// gungame tr defaults (not used in this mode)
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_respawn_delay"			"0"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_detonation_bonus"			"1"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_defuse_bonus"				"1"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_upgrade"			"2"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_he"				"3"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_flash"			"4"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_molotov"			"5"
						"mp_ggtr_halftime_delay"				"0.0"
						"mp_ggtr_rounds_per_half"				"5"
						"mp_ggtr_end_round_kill_bonus"			"1"
						"mp_ggtr_last_weapon_kill_ends_half"	"0"

						// gungame progressive defaults (not used in this mode)
						"mp_gungameimmunitytime"				"4"
						"mp_ggprogressive_round_restart_delay"	"15"
						"mp_ggprogressive_win_panel_pct"		"0.33333"

						"mp_weapons_allow_zeus"					"0"
						"mp_solid_teammates"					"1"
						"mp_free_armor"							"0"			


					// Map groups for offline modes
						"mg_de_train"		""
						"mg_de_dust"		""
						"mg_de_dust2"		""
						"mg_de_aztec"		""
						"mg_de_inferno"		""
						"mg_de_nuke"		""
						"mg_cs_italy"		""
						"mg_cs_office"		""
						"random_classic"	""
						"surf_skyworld"		""
						"surf_dustwave_b1"	""
						"surf_csgo_10x_v2"	""

					// Map groups for online modes
						"mg_bomb"		""
						"mg_hostage"		""
						"mg_dust"		""
						"surf_skyworld"		""
						"surf_dustwave_b1"	""
						"surf_csgo_10x_v2"	""

			"value"				"1"
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_GameTypeGungame"

			// This is the list of game modes supported by this game type.
					"value"				"0"
					"nameID"			"#SFUI_GameModeGGProgressive"
					"descID"			"#SFUI_GameModeGGProgressiveDesc"
					"matchmakingvalue"	"competitive"
					"uid"				"11"
					"maxplayers"			"10"

					// These are the descriptive ui elements to display in the information box on.
					// These key/values should be pairs of strings.  The "key" will appear in the left
					// column, the "value" will appear in the right column.
						"0"		{ "label" "#SFUI_WinMatchColon"			"value" "30 #SFUI_Minutes" }
						"1"		{ "label" "#SFUI_SpectateColon"			"value" "#SFUI_SpectateAnyone" }
						"2"		{ "label" "#SFUI_BotsColon"				"value" "#SFUI_BotDifficulty2" }

					// These are the convars that get setup when a game mode of this type is created.			
						"bot_quota_mode"					"fill"
						"bot_quota"						"10"
						"bot_defer_to_human_items"			"1"
						"bot_defer_to_human_goals"			"0"
						"bot_difficulty"					"1"
						"bot_dont_shoot"					"0"
						"bot_chatter"						"off"
						"cl_playerspraydisable"				"1"
							// bot_quota is ommited here because the map's min/max players determine's it's value.
						"mp_friendlyfire"					"1"
						"ff_damage_reduction_grenade"		"0.4"
						"ff_damage_reduction_bullets"		"0.1"
						"ff_damage_reduction_other"			"0.4"
						"ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self"	"0"
						"mp_startmoney"						"0"
						"mp_maxmoney"						"0"
						"mp_afterroundmoney"				"0"
						"mp_playercashawards"				"0"
						"mp_teamcashawards"					"0"
						"mp_timelimit"						"30"
						"mp_roundtime"						"30"
						"mp_freezetime"						"6"
						"mp_buytime"						"0"
						"mp_forcecamera"					"0"			// Set to 1 for team only spectating.
						"mp_defuser_allocation"				"0"			// 0=none, 1=random, 2=everyone
						"mp_death_drop_gun"					"0"			// 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best
						"mp_death_drop_grenade"				"0"			// 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best
						"mp_death_drop_defuser"				"0"	
						"mp_match_can_clinch"				"0"			// 0=No mercy rule, 1=team can clinch match win early if they win > 1/2 total rounds

						"mp_gungameimmunitytime"			"4"
						"cl_enable_roundstart_autobuy"		"0"
						"spec_freeze_time"					"2"
						"spec_freeze_panel_extended_time"	"1"
						"sv_ignoregrenaderadio"				"1"
						"mp_ggprogressive_round_restart_delay" "15"
						"mp_ggprogressive_win_panel_pct" "0.33333"

						"mp_weapons_allow_zeus"				"0"
						"mp_solid_teammates"				"0"
						"mp_free_armor"							"1"			

						"mp_molotovusedelay"				"0"
						"sv_alltalk"						"1"
						"sv_deadtalk"						"1"
						"bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low"	"-2.0"	// Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount below avg human contribution score, below which a bot should raise its difficulty)
						"bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high"	"0.0"	// Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount above avg human contribution score, above which a bot should lower its difficulty)

						"sv_allow_votes"						"1"		// Voting allowed in this mode
						"sv_arms_race_vote_to_restart_disallowed_after"	"26"

						// cash award convars (not used in this mode)
						"cash_team_terrorist_win_bomb"				"0"
						"cash_team_elimination_hostage_map"			"0"
						"cash_team_elimination_bomb_map"			"0"
						"cash_team_win_by_time_running_out"			"0"
						"cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb"			"0"
						"cash_team_win_by_hostage_rescue"			"0"
						"cash_team_loser_bonus"						"0"
						"cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds"	"0"
						"cash_team_rescued_hostage"					"0"
						"cash_team_hostage_alive"					"0"
						"cash_team_planted_bomb_but_defused"		"0"
						"cash_team_hostage_interaction"				"0"
						"cash_player_killed_teammate"				"0"
						"cash_player_killed_enemy_default"			"0"
						"cash_player_killed_enemy_factor"			"0"
						"cash_player_bomb_planted"					"0"
						"cash_player_bomb_defused"					"0"
						"cash_player_rescued_hostage"				"0"
						"cash_player_interact_with_hostage"			"0"
						"cash_player_damage_hostage"				"0"
						"cash_player_killed_hostage"				"0"

						// gungame tr defaults (not used in this mode)
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_respawn_delay"			"0"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_detonation_bonus"			"1"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_defuse_bonus"				"1"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_upgrade"			"2"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_he"				"3"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_flash"			"4"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_molotov"			"5"
						"mp_ggtr_halftime_delay"				"0.0"
						"mp_ggtr_rounds_per_half"				"5"
						"mp_ggtr_end_round_kill_bonus"			"1"
						"mp_ggtr_last_weapon_kill_ends_half"	"0"

						// required defaults
						"mp_maxrounds"						"0"
						"mp_halftime"						"0"
						"mp_force_pick_time"				"15"
					// Map groups for offline modes
						"mg_ar_baggage"		""
						"mg_ar_shoots"		""
						"random_ar"			""

					// Map groups for online modes
						"mg_armsrace"	""

					"no_reset_vote_threshold_ct" 		"knife"
					"no_reset_vote_threshold_t" 		"knife"

						"mp9"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"mac10"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"mp7"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"bizon"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"ump45"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"p90"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"nova"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"mag7"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"xm1014"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"sawedoff"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"galilar"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"famas"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"ak47"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"m4a1"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"sg556"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"aug"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"awp"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"m249"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"negev"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"glock"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"hkp2000"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"tec9"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"p250"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"deagle"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"fiveseven"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"elite"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"knifegg"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"mp9"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"mac10"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"mp7"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"bizon"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"ump45"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"p90"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"nova"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"mag7"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"xm1014"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"sawedoff"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"galilar"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"famas"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"ak47"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"m4a1"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"sg556"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"aug"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"awp"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"m249"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"negev"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"glock"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"hkp2000"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"tec9"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"p250"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"deagle"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"fiveseven"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"elite"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"knifegg"			{ "kills"	"1" }

					"value"				"1"
					"nameID"			"#SFUI_GameModeGGBomb"
					"descID"			"#SFUI_GameModeGGBombDesc"
					"matchmakingvalue"	"competitive"
					"uid"				"12"
					"maxplayers"			"10"

					// These are the descriptive ui elements to display in the information box on.
					// These key/values should be pairs of strings.  The "key" will appear in the left
					// column, the "value" will appear in the right column.

						"0"		{ "label" "#SFUI_WinMatchColon"			"value" "10 #SFUI_Rounds" }
						"1"		{ "label" "#SFUI_TimePerRoundColon"		"value" "90 #SFUI_Seconds" }
						"2"		{ "label" "#SFUI_SpectateColon"			"value" "#SFUI_SpectateTeamOnly" }
						"3"		{ "label" "#SFUI_BotsColon"				"value" "#SFUI_BotDifficulty3" }

					// These are the convars that get setup when a game mode of this type is created.			
						"bot_quota_mode"					"fill"
						"bot_quota"						"10"
						"bot_defer_to_human_items"			"1"
						"bot_defer_to_human_goals"			"0"
						"bot_difficulty"					"2"
						"bot_dont_shoot"					"0"
						"bot_chatter"						"normal"
						"cl_playerspraydisable"				"1"
						"mp_friendlyfire"					"1"
						"ff_damage_reduction_grenade"		"0.85"
						"ff_damage_reduction_bullets"		"0.33"
						"ff_damage_reduction_other"			"0.4"
						"ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self"	"0"
						"mp_startmoney"						"0"
						"mp_maxmoney"						"0"
						"mp_afterroundmoney"				"0"
						"mp_playercashawards"				"0"
						"mp_teamcashawards"					"0"
						"mp_timelimit"						"0"
						"mp_roundtime"						"1.5"
	 					"mp_freezetime"						"6"
						"mp_buytime"						"0"
						"mp_forcecamera"					"0"			// Set to 1 for team only spectating.
						"mp_defuser_allocation"				"2"			// 0=none, 1=random, 2=everyone
						"mp_death_drop_gun"					"0"			// 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best
						"mp_death_drop_grenade"				"0"			// 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best
						"mp_death_drop_defuser"				"0"	
						"mp_match_can_clinch"				"1"			// 0=No mercy rule, 1=team can clinch match win early if they win > 1/2 total rounds
						"mp_gungameimmunitytime"				"0"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_respawn_delay"			"1"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_detonation_bonus"			"1"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_defuse_bonus"				"0"
						"cl_enable_roundstart_autobuy"			"0"
						"sv_ignoregrenaderadio"					"1"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_upgrade"			"1"		// Kill points required to upgrade a player's weapon
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_he"				"2"		// Kill points required in a round to get a bonus HE grenade
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_flash"			"3"		// Kill points required in a round to get a bonus flash grenade
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_molotov"			"4"		// Kill points required in a round to get a bonus molotov cocktail
						"mp_ggtr_halftime_delay"				"10.0"	// Number of seconds to delay during half-time
						"mp_ggtr_rounds_per_half"				"10"		// Number of rounds to play before/after half-time
						"mp_molotovusedelay"					"0"
						"sv_alltalk"							"0"
						"sv_deadtalk"							"0"
						"mp_ggtr_end_round_kill_bonus"			"0"		// Number of bonus points to award the team when a "knife" kill ends the last round
						"bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low"		"-2.0"	// Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount below avg human contribution score, below which a bot should raise its difficulty)
						"bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high"		"0.0"	// Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount above avg human contribution score, above which a bot should lower its difficulty)
						"mp_ggtr_last_weapon_kill_ends_half"	"0"		// End the half and give a team round point when a player makes a kill using the final weapon

						"sv_allow_votes"						"1"		// Voting allowed in this mode
						"sv_arms_race_vote_to_restart_disallowed_after"	"0"

						// cash award convars (not used in this mode)
						"cash_team_terrorist_win_bomb"				"0"
						"cash_team_elimination_hostage_map"			"0"
						"cash_team_elimination_bomb_map"			"0"
						"cash_team_win_by_time_running_out"			"0"
						"cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb"			"0"
						"cash_team_win_by_hostage_rescue"			"0"
						"cash_team_loser_bonus"						"0"
						"cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds"	"0"
						"cash_team_rescued_hostage"					"0"
						"cash_team_hostage_alive"					"0"
						"cash_team_planted_bomb_but_defused"		"0"
						"cash_team_hostage_interaction"				"0"
						"cash_player_killed_teammate"				"0"
						"cash_player_killed_enemy_default"			"0"
						"cash_player_killed_enemy_factor"			"0"
						"cash_player_bomb_planted"					"0"
						"cash_player_bomb_defused"					"0"
						"cash_player_rescued_hostage"				"0"
						"cash_player_interact_with_hostage"			"0"
						"cash_player_damage_hostage"				"0"
						"cash_player_killed_hostage"				"0"

						// gungame progressive defaults (not used in this mode)
						"mp_ggprogressive_round_restart_delay"	"15"
						"mp_ggprogressive_win_panel_pct"		"0.33333"

						"mp_weapons_allow_zeus"					"0"
						"mp_solid_teammates"					"0"
						"mp_free_armor"							"1"			

						// required defaults
						"mp_maxrounds"						"0"
						"mp_halftime"						"1"
						"mp_force_pick_time"				"15"
						"spec_freeze_time"					"5.0"
						"spec_freeze_panel_extended_time"	"0"

					// Map groups for offline modes
						"mg_de_bank"		""
						"mg_de_lake"		""
						"mg_de_safehouse"	""
						"mg_de_sugarcane"	""
						"mg_de_stmarc"		""
						"mg_de_shorttrain"	""
						"random_demo"		""

					// Map groups for online modes
						"mg_demolition"		""

						"m4a1"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"p90"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"ump45"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"deagle"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"nova"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"fiveseven"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"hkp2000"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"ssg08"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"awp"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"Scar20"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"ak47"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"p90"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"bizon"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"deagle"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"nova"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"p250"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"glock"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"ssg08"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"awp"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"g3sg1"			{ "kills"	"1" }

			"value"				"3"
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_GameTypeFreestyle"
			"singleplayeronly"	"1"
					"value"				"0"
					"nameID"			"#SFUI_GameTypeTraining"
					"descID"			"#SFUI_GameModeTrainingDesc"
					"showdisclaimer"	"1"
					"uid"				"21"
					"maxplayers"		"1"
					// These are the descriptive ui elements to display in the information box on.
					// These key/values should be pairs of strings.  The "key" will appear in the left
					// column, the "value" will appear in the right column.
						"0"		{ "label" "#SFUI_CashColon"				"value" "$16,000" }
						"1"		{ "label" "#SFUI_WinMatchColon"			"value" "30 #SFUI_Minutes" }
						"2"		{ "label" "#SFUI_TimePerRoundColon"		"value" "5 #SFUI_Minutes" }
						"3"		{ "label" "#SFUI_BuyTimeColon"			"value" "90 #SFUI_Seconds" }
						"4"		{ "label" "#SFUI_SpectateColon"			"value" "#SFUI_SpectateAnyone" }
						// Bot data is determined by user selection.
					// These are the convars that get setup when a game mode of this type is created.			
						// For offline games, bot_difficulty and bot_quota are specified in the "botDifficulty" section later in this file.
						"bot_quota_mode"				"fill"
						"bot_defer_to_human_items"		"1"
						"bot_defer_to_human_goals"		"0"
						"bot_chatter"					"normal"
						"bot_difficulty"					"1"
						"bot_dont_shoot"					"0"
							// bot_quota is ommited here because the map's min/max players determine's it's value.
						"mp_friendlyfire"					"0"
						"ff_damage_reduction_grenade"		"0"
						"ff_damage_reduction_bullets"		"0"
						"ff_damage_reduction_other"			"0"
						"ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self"	"0"
						"mp_startmoney"						"0"
						"mp_maxmoney"						"0"
						"mp_afterroundmoney"				"0"
						"mp_playercashawards"				"0"
						"mp_teamcashawards"					"0"
						"mp_timelimit"						"0"
						"mp_roundtime"						"0"
						"mp_freezetime"						"0"
						"mp_buytime"						"0"
						"mp_forcecamera"					"0"			// Set to 1 for team only spectating.
						"mp_defuser_allocation"				"0"
						"cl_enable_roundstart_autobuy"		"0"
						"sv_ignoregrenaderadio"				"0"
						"sv_deadtalk"						"0"

						"sv_allow_votes"					"0"			// No voting allowed in this mode
						"sv_arms_race_vote_to_restart_disallowed_after"	"0"

						// cash award convars (not used in this mode)
						"cash_team_terrorist_win_bomb"				"0"
						"cash_team_elimination_hostage_map"			"0"
						"cash_team_elimination_bomb_map"			"0"
						"cash_team_win_by_time_running_out"			"0"
						"cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb"			"0"
						"cash_team_win_by_hostage_rescue"			"0"
						"cash_team_loser_bonus"						"0"
						"cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds"	"0"
						"cash_team_rescued_hostage"					"0"
						"cash_team_hostage_alive"					"0"
						"cash_team_planted_bomb_but_defused"		"0"
						"cash_team_hostage_interaction"				"0"
						"cash_player_killed_teammate"				"0"
						"cash_player_killed_enemy_default"			"0"
						"cash_player_killed_enemy_factor"			"0"
						"cash_player_bomb_planted"					"0"
						"cash_player_bomb_defused"					"0"
						"cash_player_rescued_hostage"				"0"
						"cash_player_interact_with_hostage"			"0"
						"cash_player_damage_hostage"				"0"
						"cash_player_killed_hostage"				"0"

						// gungame tr defaults (not used in this mode)
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_respawn_delay"			"0"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_detonation_bonus"			"1"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_defuse_bonus"				"1"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_upgrade"			"2"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_he"				"3"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_flash"			"4"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_molotov"			"5"
						"mp_ggtr_halftime_delay"				"0.0"
						"mp_ggtr_rounds_per_half"				"5"
						"mp_ggtr_end_round_kill_bonus"			"1"
						"mp_ggtr_last_weapon_kill_ends_half"	"0"

						// gungame progressive defaults (not used in this mode)
						"mp_gungameimmunitytime"				"4"
						"mp_ggprogressive_round_restart_delay"	"15"
						"mp_ggprogressive_win_panel_pct"		"0.33333"

						// required defaults
						"mp_weapons_allow_zeus"				"0"
						"mp_solid_teammates"				"0"
						"mp_free_armor"						"1"			
						"cl_playerspraydisable"				"1"
						"mp_maxrounds"						"0"
						"mp_halftime"						"0"
						"mp_death_drop_gun"					"0"
						"mp_death_drop_grenade"				"0"
						"mp_death_drop_defuser"				"0"	
						"mp_molotovusedelay"				"0"
						"sv_alltalk"						"0"
						"mp_force_pick_time"				"15"
						"bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low"	"-2.0"
						"bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high"	"0.0"
						"spec_freeze_time"					"5.0"
						"spec_freeze_panel_extended_time"	"0"
						"mp_match_can_clinch"				"0"

					// Map groups for offline modes
						"mg_training1"		""

		// Map cycle groups

			"imagename"		"mapgroup-hostage"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Mapgroup_hostage"
			"name"			"mg_hostage"
				"cs_office"		""
				"cs_italy"		""

			"imagename"		"mapgroup-bomb"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Mapgroup_bomb"
			"name"			"mg_bomb"
				"de_dust2"		""
				"de_train"		""
				"de_inferno"		""
				"de_dust"		""
				"de_aztec"		""
				"de_nuke"		""
				"surf_skyworld"		""
				"surf_dustwave_b1"	""
				"surf_csgo_10x_v2"	""


			"imagename"		"map-dust2-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Mapgroup_dust"
			"name"			"mg_dust"
				"de_dust"		""
				"de_dust2"		""

			"imagename"		"mapgroup-armsrace"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Mapgroup_armsrace"
			"name"			"mg_armsrace"
				"ar_shoots"		""
				"ar_baggage"		""

			"imagename"		"mapgroup-demolition"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Mapgroup_demolition"
			"name"			"mg_demolition"
				"de_lake"		""
				"de_stmarc"		""
				"de_sugarcane"		""
				"de_bank"		""
				"de_safehouse"		""
				"de_shorttrain"		""
		// Single map groups

			"imagename"		"map-train-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_de_train"
			"name"			"mg_de_train"
				"de_train"		""

			"imagename"		"map-dust-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_de_dust"
			"name"			"mg_de_dust"	
				"de_dust"		""

			"imagename"		"map-dust2-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_de_dust2"
			"name"			"mg_de_dust2"
				"de_dust2"		""

			"imagename"		"map-aztec-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_de_aztec"
			"name"			"mg_de_aztec"
				"de_aztec"		""

			"imagename"		"map-inferno-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_de_inferno"
			"name"			"mg_de_inferno"
				"de_inferno"		""

			"imagename"		"map-nuke-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_de_nuke"
			"name"			"mg_de_nuke"
				"de_nuke"		""

			"imagename"		"map-italy-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_cs_italy"
			"name"			"mg_cs_italy"
				"cs_italy"		""

			"imagename"		"map-office-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_cs_office"
			"name"			"mg_cs_office"
				"cs_office"		""

			"imagename"		"map-baggage-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_ar_baggage"
			"name"			"mg_ar_baggage"
				"ar_baggage"		""

			"imagename"		"map-vietnam-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_ar_shoots"
			"name"			"mg_ar_shoots"
				"ar_shoots"		""

			"imagename"		"map-bank-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_de_bank"
			"name"			"mg_de_bank"
				"de_bank"		""

			"imagename"		"map-boathouse-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_de_lake"
			"name"			"mg_de_lake"
				"de_lake"		""

			"imagename"		"map-house-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_de_safehouse"
			"name"			"mg_de_safehouse"
				"de_safehouse"		""

			"imagename"		"map-mill-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_de_sugarcane"
			"name"			"mg_de_sugarcane"
				"de_sugarcane"	""

			"imagename"		"map-shacks-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_de_stmarc"
			"name"			"mg_de_stmarc"
				"de_stmarc"		""

			"imagename"		"map-train-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_de_shorttrain"
			"name"			"mg_de_shorttrain"
				"de_shorttrain"		""

			"imagename"		"map-alleyway-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_training1"
			"name"			"mg_training1"
				"training1"		""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_random"
			"imagename"			"map-random-ar"
			"name"				"random"
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_random"
			"imagename"			"map-random-demo"
			"name"				"random"
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_random"
			"imagename"			"map-random-overall"
			"name"				"random"

		// Classic Maps

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_cs_italy"
			"name"				"cs_italy"
			"imagename"			"map-italy-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_separatist.mdl"
				"tm_separatist"		""
				"tm_separatist_variantA"		""
				"tm_separatist_variantB"		""
				"tm_separatist_variantC"		""
				"tm_separatist_variantD"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_gign.mdl"
				"ctm_gign"		""
				"ctm_gign_variantA"	""
				"ctm_gign_variantB"	""
				"ctm_gign_variantC"	""
				"ctm_gign_variantD"	""
				"models/hostage/hostage.mdl"	""
				"models/hostage/hostage_variantA.mdl"	""
				"models/hostage/hostage_variantB.mdl"	""
				"models/hostage/hostage_variantC.mdl"	""
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_cs_office"
			"name"				"cs_office"
			"imagename"			"map-office-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_anarchist.mdl"
				"tm_anarchist"		""
				"tm_anarchist_variantA"		""
				"tm_anarchist_variantb"		""
				"tm_anarchist_variantc"		""
				"tm_anarchist_variantd"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_fbi.mdl"
				"ctm_fbi"		""
				"ctm_fbi_variantA"	""
				"ctm_fbi_variantB"	""
				"ctm_fbi_variantC"	""
				"ctm_fbi_variantD"	""
				"models/hostage/hostage_variantD.mdl"	""
				"models/hostage/hostage_variantE.mdl"	""
				"models/hostage/hostage_variantF.mdl"	""
				"models/hostage/hostage_variantG.mdl"	""
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_aztec"
			"name"				"de_aztec"
			"imagename"			"map-aztec-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_phoenix.mdl"
				"tm_phoenix"		""
				"tm_phoenix_variantA"	""
				"tm_phoenix_variantB"	""
				"tm_phoenix_variantC"	""
				"tm_phoenix_variantD"	""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_st6.mdl"
				"ctm_st6"		""
				"ctm_st6_variantA"	""
				"ctm_st6_variantB"	""
				"ctm_st6_variantC"	""
				"ctm_st6_variantD"	""
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_train"
			"name"				"de_train"
			"imagename"			"map-train-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_balkan.mdl"
				"tm_balkan_variantA"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantB"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantC"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantD"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantE"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_st6.mdl"
				"ctm_st6"		""
				"ctm_st6_variantA"	""
				"ctm_st6_variantB"	""
				"ctm_st6_variantC"	""
				"ctm_st6_variantD"	""
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_dust"
			"name"				"de_dust"
			"imagename"			"map-dust-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms.mdl"
				"tm_leet_variantA"		""
				"tm_leet_variantB"		""
				"tm_leet_variantC"		""
				"tm_leet_variantD"		""
				"tm_leet_variantE"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_idf.mdl"
				"ctm_idf"		""
				"ctm_idf_variantB"	""
				"ctm_idf_variantC"	""
				"ctm_idf_variantD"	""
				"ctm_idf_variantE"	""
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_dust2"
			"name"				"de_dust2"
			"imagename"			"map-dust2-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms.mdl"
				"tm_leet_variantA"		""
				"tm_leet_variantB"		""
				"tm_leet_variantC"		""
				"tm_leet_variantD"		""
				"tm_leet_variantE"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_idf.mdl"
				"ctm_idf"		""
				"ctm_idf_variantB"	""
				"ctm_idf_variantC"	""
				"ctm_idf_variantD"	""
				"ctm_idf_variantE"	""
				// We can only have 5 of these models so I'm removing this last one since it won't get read in anyway.
				//"ctm_idf_variantF"	""
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_inferno"
			"name"				"de_inferno"
			"imagename"			"map-inferno-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_separatist.mdl"
				"tm_separatist"		""
				"tm_separatist_variantA"		""
				"tm_separatist_variantB"		""
				"tm_separatist_variantC"		""
				"tm_separatist_variantD"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_sas.mdl"
				"ctm_sas_variantA"		""
				"ctm_sas_variantB"		""
				"ctm_sas_variantC"		""
				"ctm_sas_variantD"		""
				"ctm_sas"		""
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_nuke"
			"name"				"de_nuke"
			"imagename"			"map-nuke-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_balkan.mdl"
				"tm_balkan_variantA"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantB"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantC"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantD"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantE"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_sas.mdl"
				"ctm_sas_variantA"		""
				"ctm_sas_variantB"		""
				"ctm_sas_variantC"		""
				"ctm_sas_variantD"		""
				"ctm_sas"		""

		// Gun Game Maps

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_ar_baggage"
			"name"				"ar_baggage"
			"imagename"			"map-baggage-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_phoenix.mdl"
				"tm_phoenix"		""
				"tm_phoenix_variantA"	""
				"tm_phoenix_variantB"	""
				"tm_phoenix_variantC"	""
				"tm_phoenix_variantD"	""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_gsg9.mdl"
				"ctm_gsg9"		""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantA"	""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantB"	""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantC"	""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantD"	""
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_ar_shoots"
			"name"				"ar_shoots"
			"imagename"			"map-vietnam-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_pirate.mdl"
				"tm_pirate"		""
				"tm_pirate_variantA"	""
				"tm_pirate_variantC"	""
				"tm_pirate_variantD"	""
				"tm_pirate_variantB"	""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_gign.mdl"
				"ctm_gign"		""
				"ctm_gign_variantA"	""
				"ctm_gign_variantB"	""
				"ctm_gign_variantC"	""
				"ctm_gign_variantD"	""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_lake"
			"name"				"de_lake"
			"imagename"			"map-boathouse-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_phoenix.mdl"
				"tm_phoenix"		""
				"tm_phoenix_variantA"	""
				"tm_phoenix_variantB"	""
				"tm_phoenix_variantC"	""
				"tm_phoenix_variantD"	""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_st6.mdl"
				"ctm_st6"		""
				"ctm_st6_variantA"	""
				"ctm_st6_variantB"	""
				"ctm_st6_variantC"	""
				"ctm_st6_variantD"	""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_bank"
			"name"				"de_bank"
			"imagename"			"map-bank-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_professional.mdl"
				"tm_professional"		""
				"tm_professional_var1"		""
				"tm_professional_var2"		""
				"tm_professional_var3"		""
				"tm_professional_var4"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_swat.mdl"
				"ctm_swat"			""
				"ctm_swat_variantA"		""
				"ctm_swat_variantB"		""
				"ctm_swat_variantC"		""
				"ctm_swat_variantD"		""


			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_safehouse"
			"name"				"de_safehouse"
			"imagename"			"map-house-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_professional.mdl"
				"tm_professional"		""
				"tm_professional_var1"		""
				"tm_professional_var2"		""
				"tm_professional_var3"		""
				"tm_professional_var4"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_swat.mdl"

				"ctm_swat"			""
				"ctm_swat_variantA"		""
				"ctm_swat_variantB"		""
				"ctm_swat_variantC"		""
				"ctm_swat_variantD"		""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_sugarcane"
			"name"				"de_sugarcane"
			"imagename"			"map-mill-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_pirate.mdl"
				"tm_pirate"		""
				"tm_pirate_variantA"	""
				"tm_pirate_variantC"	""
				"tm_pirate_variantD"	""
				"tm_pirate_variantB"	""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_gign.mdl"
				"ctm_gign"		""
				"ctm_gign_variantA"	""
				"ctm_gign_variantB"	""
				"ctm_gign_variantC"	""
				"ctm_gign_variantD"	""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_stmarc"
			"name"				"de_stmarc"
			"imagename"			"map-shacks-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_pirate.mdl"
				"tm_pirate"		""
				"tm_pirate_variantA"	""
				"tm_pirate_variantC"	""
				"tm_pirate_variantD"	""
				"tm_pirate_variantB"	""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_gign.mdl"
				"ctm_gign"		""
				"ctm_gign_variantA"	""
				"ctm_gign_variantB"	""
				"ctm_gign_variantC"	""
				"ctm_gign_variantD"	""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_shorttrain"
			"name"				"de_shorttrain"
			"imagename"			"map-train-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_balkan.mdl"
				"tm_balkan_variantA"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantB"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantC"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantD"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantE"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_sas.mdl"
				"ctm_sas_variantA"		""
				"ctm_sas_variantB"		""
				"ctm_sas_variantC"		""
				"ctm_sas_variantD"		""
				"ctm_sas"		""

		// Random Map

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_random"
			"name"				"random"
			"minplayers"		"#SFUI_VariesByMap"
			"maxplayers"		"#SFUI_VariesByMap"
			"imagename"			"map-random-overall"
				// these will be pulled from the assigned map
				// these will be pulled from the assigned map

		// DLC Maps

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_embassy"
			"name"				"de_embassy"
			"imagename"			"map-dust-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms.mdl"
				"tm_anarchist"		""
				"tm_anarchist_variantA"		""
				"tm_anarchist_variantb"		""
				"tm_anarchist_variantc"		""
				"tm_anarchist_variantd"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_swat.mdl"
				"ctm_swat"			""
				"ctm_swat_variantA"		""
				"ctm_swat_variantB"		""
				"ctm_swat_variantC"		""
				"ctm_swat_variantD"		""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_cs_assault"
			"name"				"cs_assault"
			"imagename"			"map-assault-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_phoenix.mdl"
				"tm_phoenix"		""
				"tm_phoenix_variantA"	""
				"tm_phoenix_variantB"	""
				"tm_phoenix_variantC"	""
				"tm_phoenix_variantD"	""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_fbi.mdl"
				"ctm_fbi"		""
				"ctm_fbi_variantA"	""
				"ctm_fbi_variantB"	""
				"ctm_fbi_variantC"	""
				"ctm_fbi_variantD"	""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_balkan"
			"name"				"de_balkan"
			"imagename"			"map-vostok-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_balkan.mdl"
				"tm_balkan_variantA"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantB"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantC"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantD"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantE"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_gsg9.mdl"
				"ctm_gsg9"		""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantA"	""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantB"	""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantC"	""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantD"	""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_vertigo"
			"name"				"de_vertigo"
			"imagename"			"map-vertigo-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_professional.mdl"
				"tm_professional"		""
				"tm_professional_var1"		""
				"tm_professional_var2"		""
				"tm_professional_var3"		""
				"tm_professional_var4"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_fbi.mdl"
				"ctm_fbi"		""
				"ctm_fbi_variantA"	""
				"ctm_fbi_variantB"	""
				"ctm_fbi_variantC"	""
				"ctm_fbi_variantD"	""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_cranes"
			"name"				"de_cranes"
			"imagename"			"map-cranes-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_professional.mdl"
				"tm_professional"		""
				"tm_professional_var1"		""
				"tm_professional_var2"		""
				"tm_professional_var3"		""
				"tm_professional_var4"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_fbi.mdl"
				"ctm_fbi"		""
				"ctm_fbi_variantA"	""
				"ctm_fbi_variantB"	""
				"ctm_fbi_variantC"	""
				"ctm_fbi_variantD"	""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_ar_monastery"
			"name"				"ar_monastery"
			"imagename"			"map-tibet-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_balkan.mdl"
				"tm_balkan_variantA"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantB"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantC"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantD"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantE"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_gsg9.mdl"
				"ctm_gsg9"		""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantA"	""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantB"	""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantC"	""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantD"	""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_depot"
			"name"				"de_depot"
			"imagename"			"map-depot-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_balkan.mdl"
				"tm_balkan_variantA"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantB"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantC"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantD"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantE"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_gsg9.mdl"
				"ctm_gsg9"		""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantA"	""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantB"	""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantC"	""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantD"	""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_alleyway"
			"name"				"de_alleyway"
			"imagename"			"map-alleyway-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_professional.mdl"
				"tm_professional"		""
				"tm_professional_var1"		""
				"tm_professional_var2"		""
				"tm_professional_var3"		""
				"tm_professional_var4"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_swat.mdl"
				"ctm_swat"			""
				"ctm_swat_variantA"		""
				"ctm_swat_variantB"		""
				"ctm_swat_variantC"		""
				"ctm_swat_variantD"		""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_training1"
			"name"				"training1"
			"minplayers"		"1"
			"maxplayers"		"1"
			"extraspectators"	"2"
			"imagename"			"map-alleyway-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_phoenix.mdl"
				"tm_phoenix"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_st6.mdl"
				"ctm_st6"		""
			"nameID" "#SFUI_BotDifficulty0"
			"value" "0"
			"awardProgressDisabled" "1"
				"bot_difficulty"		"0"
				"bot_dont_shoot"		"1"
				"bot_quota"				"0"
			"nameID" "#SFUI_BotDifficulty1"
			"value" "1"
			"awardProgressDisabled" "1"
				"bot_difficulty"		"0"
				"bot_dont_shoot"		"1"
			"nameID" "#SFUI_BotDifficulty2"
			"value" "2"
			"awardProgressDisabled" "0"
				"bot_difficulty"		"0"
				"bot_dont_shoot"		"0"
			"nameID" "#SFUI_BotDifficulty3"
			"value" "3"
			"awardProgressDisabled" "0"
				"bot_difficulty"		"1"
				"bot_dont_shoot"		"0"
			"nameID" "#SFUI_BotDifficulty4"
			"value" "4"
			"awardProgressDisabled" "0"
				"bot_difficulty"		"2"
				"bot_dont_shoot"		"0"
			"nameID" "#SFUI_BotDifficulty5"
			"value" "5"
			"awardProgressDisabled" "0"
				"bot_difficulty"		"3"
				"bot_dont_shoot"		"0"
			"nameID" "#SFUI_SessionVisibilityPublic"
			"value" "0"
			"matchmakingvalue" "public"
			"nameID" "#SFUI_SessionVisibilityPrivate"
			"value" "1"
			"matchmakingvalue" "private"

			"nameID" "#SFUI_BombMap"
			"imagename" "icon-overview-bomb"
			"nameID" "#SFUI_HostageMap"
			"imagename" "icon-overview-hostage"

			"nameID" "#SFUI_GunGameProgressiveMap"
			"imagename" "icon-overview-progressive"
			"nameID" "#SFUI_GunGameTRMap"
			"imagename" "icon-overview-trbomb"

			"nameID" "#SFUI_TrainingSelectMap"
			"imagename" "icon-overview-select"
			"nameID" "?"

Last edited by PresidentEvil; 09-01-2012 at 23:50.
PresidentEvil is offline
AlliedModders Donor
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: London
Old 09-02-2012 , 19:29   Re: [CSGO] Only 1 team change is allowed
Reply With Quote #2

csgo/cfg/ - and there are files like:


and here you have all the cvars that you can change that Valve gave to you. You've to change the cvars in that file that depends on your gamemode you have on the server.

Last edited by LambdaLambda; 09-02-2012 at 19:30.
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Location: United Kingdom
Old 09-02-2012 , 19:35   Re: [CSGO] Only 1 team change is allowed
Reply With Quote #3

He's talking about the issue with going to spectator only to find out you can't switch to CT or T unless you reconnect or map changes because of the team change limit. I don't believe there is a cvar for that.

Last edited by 4bdul; 09-02-2012 at 19:35.
4bdul is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Old 09-02-2012 , 20:04   Re: [CSGO] Only 1 team change is allowed
Reply With Quote #4

Originally Posted by LambdaLambda View Post
csgo/cfg/ - and there are files like:


and here you have all the cvars that you can change that Valve gave to you. You've to change the cvars in that file that depends on your gamemode you have on the server.
don't see those files

Originally Posted by 4bdul View Post
He's talking about the issue with going to spectator only to find out you can't switch to CT or T unless you reconnect or map changes because of the team change limit. I don't believe there is a cvar for that.
yes exactly, is there a plugin perhaps?
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Old 09-02-2012 , 20:31   Re: [CSGO] Only 1 team change is allowed
Reply With Quote #5

These files have to be there.

Yh, but i didn't know that is any cvar for it, so i gave him where he have to look for it.

These files must be there. Can't believe they'r not. Try to update the server.

http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=186668 - or look for this cvar over here.

PS from that what i remember, in CS:S was a cvar to change it, so why it not be in CS:GO?

Last edited by LambdaLambda; 09-02-2012 at 20:32.
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Old 11-14-2012 , 14:07   Re: [CSGO] Only 1 team change is allowed
Reply With Quote #6

"Only 1 team change is allowed" unlocking for "mp_forcecamera 2" ?? wait 2 rounds for join team :/ fast reconnect :/
PlasteR is offline
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Old 11-15-2012 , 06:59   Re: [CSGO] Only 1 team change is allowed
Reply With Quote #7


does this help?
Ade is offline
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Old 01-12-2016 , 06:56   Re: [CSGO] Only 1 team change is allowed
Reply With Quote #8

That does not help.
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Old 01-12-2016 , 07:23   Re: [CSGO] Only 1 team change is allowed
Reply With Quote #9

Originally Posted by ImACow View Post
That does not help.
Check the date on this thread.

If using sourcemod, check this plugin:
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