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[CS:S] VoiceMgr v2.2.2 (Updated 23-07-2011)

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Old 10-28-2011 , 11:42   Re: [CS:S] VoiceMgr v2.2.2 (Updated 23-07-2011)
Reply With Quote #31

OMG thank you very much. Can you add a feature that player can view channel's player list before/when you join the channel?
duydangle is offline
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Old 10-28-2011 , 12:47   Re: [CS:S] VoiceMgr v2.2.2 (Updated 23-07-2011)
Reply With Quote #32

download: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showpos...6&postcount=26

V 1.2
- ADDED cvar to show all players with channel @ public channel

Last edited by zipcore; 10-28-2011 at 12:47.
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Old 10-28-2011 , 16:48   Re: [CS:S] VoiceMgr v2.2.2 (Updated 23-07-2011)
Reply With Quote #33

Awesome stuff, thanks.
StrikerMan780 is offline
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Old 10-29-2011 , 12:45   Re: [CS:S] VoiceMgr v2.2.2 (Updated 23-07-2011)
Reply With Quote #34

download: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showpos...6&postcount=26

V 1.3
- FIXED hud bugs of v1.2
zipcore is offline
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Old 11-01-2011 , 09:54   Re: [CS:S] VoiceMgr v2.2.2 (Updated 23-07-2011)
Reply With Quote #35

download: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showpos...6&postcount=26

- IMPROVED hud output
- ADDED cvar to allow admins ignore channel password
- ADDED cvar to set public chanel id
- RE-ADDED !vcs to set channels
- RE-ADDED !vcl to list channels (with passwords if admin)

Last edited by zipcore; 11-01-2011 at 09:55.
zipcore is offline
AlliedModders Donor
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Old 11-01-2011 , 19:59   Re: [CS:S] VoiceMgr v2.2.2 (Updated 23-07-2011)
Reply With Quote #36

EDIT: Updated my changes, to work in 1.4. Adds TF2 Support, plus there's some stuff added to make it easier to add support for other games such as HL2DM or DODS.

#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <colors>
#include <smlib>
//#include <cstrike>

#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.5"

#define MAXCLIENTS 255
#define ARRAYS_SIZE 128

// Added by StrikerMan780
new game;
#define UNKNOWN 0
#define CSTRIKE 1
#define DODS    2
#define HL2DM    3
#define TF2        4

#define CS_TEAM_T 2
#define CS_TEAM_CT 3

#define TF2_TEAM_RED 2
#define TF2_TEAM_BLU 3

new g_iChannels;
new g_iChannelsMode[64];
new g_iChannelsTeams[64];
new g_iChannelsCount[64];
new String:g_sChannelsName[64][ARRAYS_SIZE];
new String:g_sChannelsPass[64][ARRAYS_SIZE];
new String:g_sChannelsFlag[64][ARRAYS_SIZE];
new String:SavePath[256]
new g_iClientChannel[MAXCLIENTS+1];
new g_iClientSpeakAll[MAXCLIENTS+1];
new g_iClientListenAll[MAXCLIENTS+1];
new g_iClientMuted[MAXCLIENTS+1][64];
new g_iClientInvites[MAXCLIENTS+1];
new g_iClientChTryPrivate[MAXCLIENTS+1];
new g_iClientChTryPw[MAXCLIENTS+1];

new Handle:HudHintTimers[MAXPLAYERS+1];

new Handle:vc_enable = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:vc_invite_max = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:vc_invite_admins = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:vc_intive_enable = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:vc_invite_admin_only = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:vc_invite_public_only = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:vc_hud_enable = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:vc_hud_show_status = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:vc_hud_show_self = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:vc_hud_show_player_count = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:vc_hud_show_invites = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:vc_hud_show_invite_cmd = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:vc_hud_show_channel_cmd = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:vc_hud_show_team = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:vc_hud_show_public_all = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:vc_show_incoming = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:vc_store_channel = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:vc_admin_ignore_channel_pw = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:vc_public_channel_id = INVALID_HANDLE;

new cvar_vc_enable;
new cvar_vc_invite_max;
new cvar_vc_invite_admins;
new cvar_vc_intive_enable;
new cvar_vc_invite_admin_only;
new cvar_vc_invite_public_only;
new cvar_vc_hud_enable;
new cvar_vc_hud_show_status;
new cvar_vc_hud_show_self;
new cvar_vc_hud_show_player_count;
new cvar_vc_hud_show_invites;
new cvar_vc_hud_show_invite_cmd;
new cvar_vc_hud_show_channel_cmd;
new cvar_vc_hud_show_team;
new cvar_vc_hud_show_public_all;
new cvar_vc_show_incoming;
new cvar_vc_store_channel;
new cvar_vc_admin_ignore_channel_pw;
new cvar_vc_public_channel_id;

public Plugin:myinfo = {
    name = "VoiceMgr",
    author = "s1dex & zipcore",
    description = "Advanced Voice Manager [CS:S]",
    version = PLUGIN_VERSION,
    url = "http://forums.alliedmods.net/showpost.php?p=1584256&postcount=26"

public OnPluginStart()
    vc_enable = CreateConVar("vc_enable", "1", "Enable VoiceMgr (0=disable; 1=enable)");
    vc_show_incoming = CreateConVar("vc_show_incoming", "0", "Show channel transfer msg if client connected (0=disable; 1=enable)");
    vc_store_channel = CreateConVar("vc_store_channel", "1", "Store last channel? (0=disable; 1=enable)");
    vc_admin_ignore_channel_pw = CreateConVar("vc_admin_ingore_channel_pw", "1", "Can Admins join private channels without password? (0=disable; 1=enable)");
    vc_public_channel_id = CreateConVar("vc_public_channel_id", "0", "Id of your public channel");
    vc_invite_max = CreateConVar("vc_invite_max", "3", "Max. invites per map for non-admins (0=unl.)");
    vc_invite_admins = CreateConVar("vc_invite_admins", "1", "Can non-admins invite admins? (0=disable; 1=enable)");
    vc_intive_enable = CreateConVar("vc_intive_enable", "1", "Enable invite cmd (0=disable; 1=enable)");
    vc_invite_admin_only = CreateConVar("vc_invite_admin_only", "0", "Only admins can invite (0=disable; 1=enable)");
    vc_invite_public_only = CreateConVar("vc_invite_public_only", "1", "Only invite player if they are in public channel (0=disable; 1=enable)");
    vc_hud_enable = CreateConVar("vc_hud_enable", "1", "Enable channel HUD (0=disable; 1=enable)");
    vc_hud_show_status = CreateConVar("vc_hud_show_status", "1", "Show [ALIVE] & [DEAD] behind name (0=disable; 1=enable)");
    vc_hud_show_self = CreateConVar("vc_hud_show_self", "1", "Show yourself listed (0=disable; 1=enable)");
    vc_hud_show_player_count = CreateConVar("vc_hud_show_player_count", "1", "Show count of online players in channel (0=disable; 1=enable)");
    vc_hud_show_invites = CreateConVar("vc_hud_show_invites", "1", "Show invites left (0=disable; 1=enable)");
    vc_hud_show_invite_cmd = CreateConVar("vc_hud_show_invite_cmd", "2", "Show !vci? (0=disable; 1=ever; 2=only if public channel is not empty)");
    vc_hud_show_channel_cmd = CreateConVar("vc_hud_show_channel_cmd", "2", "Show !vc? (0=disable; 1=ever; 2=only in public channel)");
    vc_hud_show_team = CreateConVar("vc_hud_show_team", "1", "Show team tags in front of name (0=disable; 1=enable)");
    vc_hud_show_public_all = CreateConVar("vc_hud_show_public_all", "1", "Show channels channel list instead if current channel is public channel (0=disable; 1=only not empty 2=all channels [!only 254 chars can be displayed])");
    AutoExecConfig(true, "voice_mgr");
    cvar_vc_enable = GetConVarInt(vc_enable);
    if(cvar_vc_enable == 1)
        BuildPath(Path_SM, SavePath, 255, "data/VoiceMgrSave.txt");
        RegConsoleCmd("vc", VCChooseChannelGui);
        RegConsoleCmd("vcs", VCSetChnl);
        RegConsoleCmd("vcl", VCList);
        RegConsoleCmd("say", CmdSay);
        HookEvent("player_team", EventPlayerTeam);
        cvar_vc_invite_max = GetConVarInt(vc_invite_max);
        cvar_vc_invite_admins = GetConVarInt(vc_invite_admins);
        cvar_vc_intive_enable = GetConVarInt(vc_intive_enable);
        cvar_vc_invite_admin_only = GetConVarInt(vc_invite_admin_only);
        cvar_vc_invite_public_only = GetConVarInt(vc_invite_public_only);
        cvar_vc_hud_enable = GetConVarInt(vc_hud_enable);
        cvar_vc_hud_show_status = GetConVarInt(vc_hud_show_status);
        cvar_vc_hud_show_self = GetConVarInt(vc_hud_show_self);
        cvar_vc_hud_show_player_count = GetConVarInt(vc_hud_show_player_count);
        cvar_vc_hud_show_invites = GetConVarInt(vc_hud_show_invites);
        cvar_vc_hud_show_invite_cmd = GetConVarInt(vc_hud_show_invite_cmd);
        cvar_vc_hud_show_channel_cmd = GetConVarInt(vc_hud_show_channel_cmd);
        cvar_vc_hud_show_team = GetConVarInt(vc_hud_show_team);
        cvar_vc_hud_show_public_all = GetConVarInt(vc_hud_show_public_all);
        cvar_vc_show_incoming = GetConVarInt(vc_show_incoming);
        cvar_vc_store_channel = GetConVarInt(vc_store_channel);
        cvar_vc_admin_ignore_channel_pw = GetConVarInt(vc_admin_ignore_channel_pw);
        cvar_vc_public_channel_id = GetConVarInt(vc_public_channel_id);

public OnClientDisconnect(client)
    if(cvar_vc_enable == 1 && cvar_vc_hud_enable == 1)

public OnClientPutInServer(client)
    if(cvar_vc_enable == 1 && Client_MatchesFilter(client, CLIENTFILTER_INGAME))
        if(cvar_vc_hud_enable == 1)
        g_iClientChTryPw[client] = 0;
        g_iClientChTryPrivate[client] = 0;
        for (new i=0;i<=g_iChannels;i++)
            if (g_iChannelsMode[i] != 0)
            if(cvar_vc_public_channel_id >= 0)
                g_iClientChannel[client] = cvar_vc_public_channel_id;
                g_iClientChannel[client] = i;
            if(cvar_vc_store_channel == 1)
            if(cvar_vc_show_incoming == 1)
                decl String:name[64];
                GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name));
                CPrintToChatAll("%t", "ChangeChannel", name, g_sChannelsName[g_iClientChannel[client]]);

public OnMapStart()
    if(cvar_vc_enable == 1)
        g_iChannels = -1;
        for(new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) 
            g_iClientInvites[i] = cvar_vc_invite_max;
        decl String:file[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
        BuildPath(Path_SM, file, sizeof(file), "configs/voicemgr.channels.cfg");
        new Handle:kv = CreateKeyValues("Channels");
        FileToKeyValues(kv, file);
        if (KvGotoFirstSubKey(kv))
                decl String:buffer[32];
                KvGetSectionName(kv, g_sChannelsName[g_iChannels], ARRAYS_SIZE);
                KvGetString(kv, "mode", buffer, sizeof(buffer), "public");
                if (StrEqual(buffer, "private"))
                    g_iChannelsMode[g_iChannels] = 1;
                else if (StrEqual(buffer, "admins"))
                    g_iChannelsMode[g_iChannels] = 2;
                    g_iChannelsMode[g_iChannels] = 0;
                if (g_iChannelsMode[g_iChannels] == 1)
                    KvGetString(kv, "password", g_sChannelsPass[g_iChannels], ARRAYS_SIZE, "pw");
                if (g_iChannelsMode[g_iChannels] == 2)
                    KvGetString(kv, "flag", g_sChannelsFlag[g_iChannels], ARRAYS_SIZE, "slay");
                g_iChannelsTeams[g_iChannels] = KvGetNum(kv, "teams", 0);
            while (KvGotoNextKey(kv))

public Action:EventPlayerTeam(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
    if(cvar_vc_enable == 1)
        new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));

public Action:VCChooseChannelGui(client, args)
    if(cvar_vc_enable == 1 && Client_MatchesFilter(client, CLIENTFILTER_INGAME))
        decl String:szText[254];
        new Handle:menu = CreateMenu(MenuChooseChannel);
        SetMenuTitle(menu, "Choose a voice channel [current: %s]", g_sChannelsName[g_iClientChannel[client]]);
        decl String:buffer[5];
        for (new i=0;i<=g_iChannels;i++)
            Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s (%d online)", g_sChannelsName[i], g_iChannelsCount[i]);
            IntToString(i, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
            AddMenuItem(menu, buffer, szText);
        SetMenuExitButton(menu, true);
        DisplayMenu(menu, client, 20);
    return Plugin_Handled;

public Action:VCSetChnl(client, args)
    if(cvar_vc_enable == 1 && Client_MatchesFilter(client, CLIENTFILTER_INGAME))
        decl String:arg[32];
        GetCmdArg(1, arg, sizeof(arg));
        new chnl = StringToInt(arg);
        if (chnl > g_iChannels)
            CPrintToChat(client, "%t", "NotRegistered", chnl);
            return Plugin_Handled;
        else if (chnl == g_iClientChannel[client])
            CPrintToChat(client, "%t", "AlreadyIn");
            return Plugin_Handled;
            if (g_iChannelsMode[chnl] == 2)
                new AdminId:admin;
                if ((admin = GetUserAdmin(client)) == INVALID_ADMIN_ID)
                    CPrintToChat(client, "%t", "AdminsOnly");
                    return Plugin_Handled;
                    new AdminFlag:flag;
                    FindFlagByName(g_sChannelsFlag[chnl], flag);
                    if (!GetAdminFlag(admin, flag))
                        CPrintToChat(client, "%t", "InvalidFlag", g_sChannelsFlag[chnl]);
                        return Plugin_Handled;
            else if (g_iChannelsMode[chnl] == 1)
                decl String:info[128];
                GetClientInfo(client, "_vcpass", info, sizeof(info));
                if (!StrEqual(info, g_sChannelsPass[chnl]))
                    CPrintToChat(client, "%t", "Private1");
                    CPrintToChat(client, "%t", "Private2");
                    return Plugin_Handled;
            decl String:name[64];
            GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name));
            g_iClientChannel[client] = chnl;
            CPrintToChatAll("%t", "ChangeChannel", name, g_sChannelsName[chnl]);
    return Plugin_Handled;

public Action:VCList(client, args)
    if(cvar_vc_enable == 1 && Client_MatchesFilter(client, CLIENTFILTER_INGAME))
        PrintToConsole(client, "[VoiceMgr] Channels:");
        for (new i=0;i<=g_iChannels;i++)
            if(Client_IsAdmin(client) && g_iChannelsMode[i] == 1)
                PrintToConsole(client, "ID: %d - %s (pw: %s)", i, g_sChannelsName[i], g_sChannelsPass[i]);
                PrintToConsole(client, "ID: %d - %s", i, g_sChannelsName[i]);
        CPrintToChat(client, "%t", "ListChannels");
    return Plugin_Handled;

public Action:VCKickGui(client, args)
    if(cvar_vc_enable == 1 && Client_MatchesFilter(client, CLIENTFILTER_INGAME))
        decl String:szText[254];
        new i_counter;
            if(g_iClientChannel[client] != cvar_vc_public_channel_id)
                new Handle:menu = CreateMenu(MenuKickChannel);
                SetMenuTitle(menu, "Kick a player out of your channel [current: %s]", g_sChannelsName[g_iClientChannel[client]]);
                decl String:buffer[5];
                for (new i=1;i<=MAXPLAYERS;i++)
                    if(Client_IsIngame(i) && i != client && g_iClientChannel[client] == g_iClientChannel[i])
                        Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%N", i);
                        IntToString(i, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
                        AddMenuItem(menu, buffer, szText);
                if(i_counter < 1)
                    Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "Sorry, no other players found!");
                    IntToString(-1, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
                    AddMenuItem(menu, buffer, szText);
                SetMenuExitButton(menu, true);
                DisplayMenu(menu, client, 20);
                CPrintToChat(client, "%t", "KickFailedPublic");
            CPrintToChat(client, "%t", "KickFailedPermission");
    return Plugin_Handled;

public Action:VCInviteGui(client, args)
    if(cvar_vc_enable == 1 && Client_MatchesFilter(client, CLIENTFILTER_INGAME))
        if(cvar_vc_intive_enable == 1)
            decl String:szText[254];
            new i_counter;
            if((cvar_vc_invite_admin_only < 1 && g_iClientInvites[client] > 0) || Client_IsAdmin(client) || cvar_vc_invite_max < 1)
                new Handle:menu = CreateMenu(MenuInviteChannel);
                SetMenuTitle(menu, "Invite a player into your channel [current: %s]", g_sChannelsName[g_iClientChannel[client]]);
                decl String:buffer[5];
                for (new i=1;i<=MAXPLAYERS;i++)
                    if(Client_IsIngame(i) && i != client)
                        if(cvar_vc_invite_public_only == 0 || g_iClientChannel[i] == cvar_vc_public_channel_id)
                            if((cvar_vc_invite_admins == 1 || !Client_IsAdmin(i)) || Client_IsAdmin(client))
                                Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%N", i);
                                IntToString(i, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
                                AddMenuItem(menu, buffer, szText);
                if(i_counter < 1)
                    Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "Sorry, no other players found!");
                    IntToString(-1, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
                    AddMenuItem(menu, buffer, szText);
                SetMenuExitButton(menu, true);
                DisplayMenu(menu, client, 20);
                CPrintToChat(client, "%t", "NoInvitesLeft", cvar_vc_invite_max);
    return Plugin_Handled;

public Action:CmdSay(client, args)
    if(cvar_vc_enable == 1 && Client_MatchesFilter(client, CLIENTFILTER_INGAME))
        decl String:text[128];
        decl String:name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH+1];
        GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name));
        GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text));
        ReplaceString(text, sizeof(text), "\"", "");
        if (Client_MatchesFilter(client, CLIENTFILTER_INGAME))
            if (g_iClientChTryPw[client] == 1)
                if(StrEqual(text, g_sChannelsPass[g_iClientChTryPrivate[client]]))
                    if(g_iClientChannel[client] != g_iClientChTryPrivate[client])
                        CPrintToChatAll("%t", "ChangeChannel", name, g_sChannelsName[g_iClientChTryPrivate[client]]);
                        g_iClientChannel[client] = g_iClientChTryPrivate[client];
                        if(cvar_vc_store_channel == 1)
                        CPrintToChat(client, "%t", "AlreadyIn");
                    CPrintToChat(client, "%t", "PasswordIncorrect");
                g_iClientChTryPw[client] = 0;
                g_iClientChTryPrivate[client] = 0;
                return Plugin_Handled;    
    return Plugin_Continue;

public MenuKickChannel(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, client, param2)
    if(cvar_vc_enable == 1)
        if ( action == MenuAction_Select ) 
            decl String:info[5];
            GetMenuItem(menu, param2, info, sizeof(info));
            new target = StringToInt(info);
            decl String:clientname[64];
            GetClientName(client, clientname, sizeof(clientname));
            decl String:targetname[64];
            GetClientName(target, targetname, sizeof(targetname));
            if(target > -1)
                CPrintToChatAll("%t", "KickedOutOfChannel", targetname, g_sChannelsName[g_iClientChannel[client]], clientname);

public MenuInviteChannel(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, client, param2)
    if(cvar_vc_enable == 1)
        if ( action == MenuAction_Select ) 
            decl String:info[5];
            GetMenuItem(menu, param2, info, sizeof(info));
            new target = StringToInt(info);
            new chnl = g_iClientChannel[client];
            if(target > -1)
                if(cvar_vc_invite_max > 0)
                new Handle:menu2 = CreateMenu(MenuChooseChannel);
                SetMenuTitle(menu2, "%N invited you to join %s voice channel:", client, g_sChannelsName[chnl]);
                decl String:buffer[5];
                IntToString(chnl, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
                AddMenuItem(menu2, buffer, "Change");
                IntToString(-1, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
                AddMenuItem(menu2, buffer, "Stay");
                SetMenuExitButton(menu, true);
                DisplayMenu(menu2, target, 20);

public MenuChooseChannel(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, client, param2)
    if(cvar_vc_enable == 1)
        if (action == MenuAction_Select)
            decl String:info[5];
            GetMenuItem(menu, param2, info, sizeof(info));
            new chnl = StringToInt(info);
            if (chnl > -1)
                if (g_iChannelsMode[chnl] == 2)
                    new AdminId:admin;
                    if ((admin = GetUserAdmin(client)) == INVALID_ADMIN_ID)
                        CPrintToChat(client, "%t", "AdminsOnly");
                        new AdminFlag:flag;
                        FindFlagByName(g_sChannelsFlag[chnl], flag);
                        if (!GetAdminFlag(admin, flag))
                            CPrintToChat(client, "%t", "InvalidFlag", g_sChannelsFlag[chnl]);
                else if (g_iChannelsMode[chnl] == 1)
                    if(cvar_vc_admin_ignore_channel_pw == 1 && Client_IsAdmin(client))
                        g_iClientChannel[client] = chnl;
                        g_iClientChTryPrivate[client] = chnl;
                        g_iClientChTryPw[client] = 1;
                        CPrintToChat(client, "%t", "Private1");
                decl String:name[64];
                GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name));
                if(g_iClientChannel[client] != chnl)
                    CPrintToChatAll("%t", "ChangeChannel", name, g_sChannelsName[chnl]);
                g_iClientChannel[client] = chnl;
                if(cvar_vc_store_channel == 1)

public Action:Timer_UpdateHudHint(Handle:timer, any:client)
    decl String:szText[254];
    new ch_count;
    szText[0] = '\0';
    if (0 < client <= MaxClients)
        if(cvar_vc_hud_show_public_all > 0 && g_iClientChannel[client] == cvar_vc_public_channel_id)
            Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "Player-channel list:\n\n");
            for (new i=0;i<=g_iChannels;i++)
                if(i== 0)
                if(g_iChannelsCount[i] > 0 || cvar_vc_hud_show_public_all == 2)
                    if(cvar_vc_hud_show_player_count == 1)
                        Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s%s: %d online\n", szText, g_sChannelsName[i], g_iChannelsCount[i]);
                        Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s%s:\n", szText, g_sChannelsName[i]);
                    for(new j = 1; j <= MaxClients; j++) 
                        if (Client_MatchesFilter(j, CLIENTFILTER_INGAME))
                            if(g_iClientChannel[j] == i)
                                Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s- ", szText);
                                if(cvar_vc_hud_show_team == 1 && game == CSTRIKE)
                                    if(GetClientTeam(j) == TEAM_SPECTATOR) 
                                        Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s[SPEC] ", szText);
                                    else if(GetClientTeam(j) == CS_TEAM_CT) 
                                        Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s[CT] ", szText);
                                    else if(GetClientTeam(j) == CS_TEAM_T) 
                                        Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s[T] ", szText);
                                else if(cvar_vc_hud_show_team == 1 && game == TF2)
                                    if(GetClientTeam(j) == TEAM_SPECTATOR) 
                                        Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s[SPEC] ", szText);
                                    else if(GetClientTeam(j) == TF2_TEAM_RED) 
                                        Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s[RED] ", szText);
                                    else if(GetClientTeam(j) == TF2_TEAM_BLU) 
                                        Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s[BLU] ", szText);
                                if(cvar_vc_hud_show_status == 1)
                                    if(!Client_MatchesFilter(j, CLIENTFILTER_SPECTATORS))
                                        if(Client_MatchesFilter(j, CLIENTFILTER_ALIVE))
                                            Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s%N [ALIVE]\n", szText, j);
                                            Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s%N [DEAD]\n", szText, j);
                                        Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s%N\n", szText, j);
                                    Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s%N\n", szText, j);
            if(cvar_vc_hud_show_player_count == 1)
                Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s: %d(%d) online\n\n", g_sChannelsName[g_iClientChannel[client]], (g_iChannelsCount[g_iClientChannel[client]]-1), g_iChannelsCount[g_iClientChannel[client]]);
                Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s:\n\n", g_sChannelsName[g_iClientChannel[client]]);
            for(new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) 
                if (!Client_MatchesFilter(i, CLIENTFILTER_INGAME))
                if(g_iClientChannel[client] != g_iClientChannel[i])
                if(g_iClientChannel[client] == g_iClientChannel[i])
                if (cvar_vc_hud_show_self != 1 && i == client)
                if(cvar_vc_hud_show_team == 1 && game == CSTRIKE)
                    if(GetClientTeam(i) == TEAM_SPECTATOR) 
                        Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s[SPEC] ", szText);
                    else if(GetClientTeam(i) == CS_TEAM_CT) 
                        Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s[CT] ", szText);
                    else if(GetClientTeam(i) == CS_TEAM_T) 
                        Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s[T] ", szText);
                else if(cvar_vc_hud_show_team == 1 && game == TF2)
                    if(GetClientTeam(i) == TEAM_SPECTATOR) 
                        Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s[SPEC] ", szText);
                    else if(GetClientTeam(i) == TF2_TEAM_RED) 
                        Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s[RED] ", szText);
                    else if(GetClientTeam(i) == TF2_TEAM_BLU) 
                        Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s[BLU] ", szText);
                if(cvar_vc_hud_show_status == 1)
                    if(!Client_MatchesFilter(i, CLIENTFILTER_SPECTATORS))
                        if(Client_MatchesFilter(i, CLIENTFILTER_ALIVE))
                            Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s%N [ALIVE]\n", szText, i);
                            Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s%N [DEAD]\n", szText, i);
                        Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s%N\n", szText, i);
                    Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s%N\n", szText, i);
        if((g_iClientChannel[client] == cvar_vc_public_channel_id && cvar_vc_hud_show_channel_cmd == 2) || cvar_vc_hud_show_channel_cmd == 1)
            Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s\nType !vc to change your voice channel", szText);
        if(cvar_vc_intive_enable  == 1)
            if((g_iChannelsCount[0] > 0 && cvar_vc_hud_show_invite_cmd == 2) || cvar_vc_hud_show_invite_cmd == 1)
                Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s\nType !vci to invite other players", szText);
        if(!Client_IsAdmin(client) && cvar_vc_hud_show_invites == 1 && cvar_vc_invite_max > 0)
            Format(szText, sizeof(szText), "%s\nYou have %d invites left this map", szText, g_iClientInvites[client]);
        g_iChannelsCount[g_iClientChannel[client]] = ch_count;
        // Send our message
        new Handle:hBuffer = StartMessageOne("KeyHintText", client); 
        BfWriteByte(hBuffer, 1); 
        BfWriteString(hBuffer, szText); 
    return Plugin_Continue;

stock RefreshClientChannel(client)
    if(0 < client <= MaxClients)
    for (new i=1;i<=MaxClients;i++)
        if (IsClientInGame(i))
            if (g_iClientChannel[client] == g_iClientChannel[i])
                if (g_iChannelsTeams[g_iClientChannel[client]])                
                    if (GetClientTeam(client) == GetClientTeam(i))
                        SetListenOverride(client, i, Listen_Yes);
                        SetListenOverride(i, client, Listen_Yes);
                        SetListenOverride(client, i, Listen_No);
                        SetListenOverride(i, client, Listen_No);
                    SetListenOverride(client, i, Listen_Yes);
                    SetListenOverride(i, client, Listen_Yes);
                SetListenOverride(client, i, Listen_No);
                SetListenOverride(i, client, Listen_No);

    if(0 < client <= MaxClients)
        decl Handle:kv
        decl String:cName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]
        kv = CreateKeyValues("Settings")
        FileToKeyValues(kv, SavePath);
        GetClientAuthString(client, cName, sizeof(cName))
        KvJumpToKey(kv, cName, true)
        KvSetNum(kv, "channelid", g_iClientChannel[client])
        KeyValuesToFile(kv, SavePath)

    if(0 < client <= MaxClients)
        decl Handle:kv
        decl String:cName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]
        kv = CreateKeyValues("Settings")
        FileToKeyValues(kv, SavePath)
        GetClientAuthString(client, cName, sizeof(cName))
        KvJumpToKey(kv, cName, true)
        g_iClientChannel[client] = KvGetNum(kv, "channelid", 0)

    HudHintTimers[client] = CreateTimer(1.0, Timer_UpdateHudHint, client, TIMER_REPEAT|TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);

    if (HudHintTimers[client] != INVALID_HANDLE)
        HudHintTimers[client] = INVALID_HANDLE;

// Added by StrikerMan780

public SetGameVersion()
    new String:gamestr[64];
    GetGameFolderName(gamestr, sizeof(gamestr));
    if (!strcmp(gamestr, "cstrike"))
        game = CSTRIKE;
    else if (!strcmp(gamestr, "dod"))
        game = DODS;
    else if (!strcmp(gamestr, "hl2mp"))
        game = HL2DM;
    else if (!strcmp(gamestr, "tf"))
        game = TF2;
        game = UNKNOWN;

Last edited by StrikerMan780; 11-02-2011 at 03:29.
StrikerMan780 is offline
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Location: m_flZipcore
Old 11-02-2011 , 06:10   Re: [CS:S] VoiceMgr v2.2.2 (Updated 23-07-2011)
Reply With Quote #37

looks like u was faster than me i was on they way doing this today

i will create this plugin as a new thread and will support it from now on

btw thx to your code
zipcore is offline
AlliedModders Donor
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Location: Canada
Old 11-11-2011 , 20:45   Re: [CS:S] VoiceMgr v2.2.2 (Updated 23-07-2011)
Reply With Quote #38

Any news?
StrikerMan780 is offline
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Location: m_flZipcore
Old 11-11-2011 , 23:17   Re: [CS:S] VoiceMgr v2.2.2 (Updated 23-07-2011)
Reply With Quote #39

sry I'm very busy at the moment

next weeked i will spend some free time to finish what I started up ;)
zipcore is offline
AlliedModders Donor
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Canada
Old 11-13-2011 , 01:47   Re: [CS:S] VoiceMgr v2.2.2 (Updated 23-07-2011)
Reply With Quote #40

Ah, good to know that this isn't dead at least.

EDIT: Hello again?

Last edited by StrikerMan780; 11-21-2011 at 13:44.
StrikerMan780 is offline

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