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[TF2][BETA] Wearable Items [12/24/09] (Requires SM1.3)

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Join Date: Mar 2009
Plugin ID:
Plugin Version:
Core: 1.0 / Manager: 1.0
Plugin Category:
Fun Stuff
Plugin Game:
Team Fortress 2
Plugin Dependencies:
    Servers with this Plugin:
    Plugin Description:
    The evolution of the Equipment Manager
    Reason for Unapproving:
    This is dead in the water unless Valve reconsiders :(
    Old 12-24-2009 , 12:26   [TF2][BETA] Wearable Items [12/24/09] (Requires SM1.3)
    Reply With Quote #1

    [TF2][BETA] Wearable Items (Core 1.0 / Manager 1.0)

    [Please READ]

    Rewritten from the grounds up, this plugin is the evolution of the Equipment Manager plugin. It allows players to equip wearable items (those being hats, armors, or anything the administrator sets in the server) to customize the visuals of the characters.

    Basically, the plugin is now divided in two: the core plugin, wich manages the basic funcionalities (Equipping items, removing them, managing and storing item attributes, etc.) and interfaces with other Sourcemod plugins; and the manager plugin, wich parses the repository files and manages the menu interface with the core.

    This new plugin features a huge lot of new functionalities, but due to lack of time on my side, it's still not complete (at least, not as flexible as the Equipment manager) so it's meant to be used in development environments rather than on real servers.

    I'm releasing this hoping to find people who could
    help me making plugins to expand/enhance it's funcionality (for example, creating an interface to the Custom Achievements plugin) and improving the core plugins.

    [/Please READ]

    • Support for wearable items - Both the original ones and custom ones.
    • Up to 8 slots with customizable slot name.
    • Modular item reference system - Just drag and drop the reference to the repository folder, there's no need to edit the config file anymore.
    • Rewrote with modularity in mind (completely Trie based).
    • Plugin can interface through fake natives and forwards - Other plugins are able to communicate with it, useful for allowing players to use a hat after achieving a custom achievement.
    • Makes use of clientprefs to remember wich hats the player was using.
    • tf_items_version - Current version of the core plugin.
    • tf_items_manager_version - Current version of the manager plugin.
    • tf_items - Used to equip and remove items.
    • items - Used to equip and remove items (alias).
    • hats - Used to equip and remove items (alias).
    • em - Used to equip and remove items (alias).
    Usage: tf_items <equip/remove> <shortname/slot>. If no arguments are present, a menu with the slots and options will appear.
    How to Install:
    • Place the provided files in the zip file on the correct folders in Sourcemod.
    • In case of updating, delete the previous files used by the plugin, before placing the new contents.
    How to Configure:

    1. Changing the repository location:
    The repository is the folder where the plugin will start to search for item definition files (item.res). Basically, the plugin will iterate the subfolders located in the repository and search for it. You could have it anywhere, but in the example provided, it is on the custom models folder I use on my server.

    Open up the config.cfg file located at /addons/Sourcemod/config/items/ and change this line:
    PHP Code:
    "string:repository"        "models/rss-custom/hats/" 
    For the repository directory you want.

    2. Changing the slot names:
    Again, open up the config.cfg file located at /addons/Sourcemod/config/items/ and change these lines:
    PHP Code:
        "string:slot0"            "Comϊnes"
        "string:slot1"            "Personalizados"
        "string:slot2"            "Especiales" 
    Basically, you need to set a name for each slot in the same fashion as the example config does ("string:slotN", where N is the slot number, from 0 to 7). The slots whose names aren't set won't be visible on the manager's menu.

    3. How to add / modify the items.
    As said, the items are defined through the item.res file, located at each subfolder inside the repository folder. Inside the .res file, you can define any number of items you want, as long as you follow the rules correctly. A basic example on how to setup a manager plugin compliant item would be the following:
    PHP Code:
    // These are the basic values common to all the items. need to be set in order to
    // properly work.
    // +========================+===========+===========================================+
    // | NAME                   | TYPE      | DESCRIPTION                               |
    // +========================+===========+===========================================+
    // | name                   | String    | Short, identificative name. Used for      |
    // |                        |           | referring to an item. Needs to be unique. |
    // +------------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+
    // | long-name              | String    | Long name, as it appears on the menus.    |
    // +------------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+
    // | model                  | String    | The model of this item.                   |
    // +------------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+
    // | index                  | Integer   | The equivalent TF2 item index value. This |
    // |                        |           | really should be set to one of the hats   |
    // |                        |           | values found in the items.ctx, or else    |
    // |                        |           | the plugin may not work as expected.      |
    // +------------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+
    // | quality                | Integer   | The quality level of the item. Determines |
    // |                        |           | the color in wich will it appear. Valid   |
    // |                        |           | values are from 0 to 8. Anything beyond   |
    // |                        |           | that will make the server crash.          |
    // +------------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+
    // | level                  | Integer   | The level of the item. Level 100 afro!    |
    // +------------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+
    // | slot                   | Integer   | The slot where this item will be found.   |
    // |                        |           | The range of slots should lie between 0   |
    // |                        |           | and 7.                                    |
    // +------------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+
    // | bodygroups             | Integer   | Field to set the bodygroups wich will be  |
    // |                        |           | invisible with this hat. This field       |
    // |                        |           | is filled as a bitfield, so it may not be |
    // |                        |           | so user friendly. Instead, use the        |
    // |                        |           | bodygroups-table if you're using the      |
    // |                        |           | manager plugin along the core.            |
    // +------------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+
    // The manager plugin also needs a number of keys that need to be set in order to
    // properly work.
    // +========================+===========+===========================================+
    // | NAME                   | TYPE      | DESCRIPTION                               |
    // +========================+===========+===========================================+
    // | class-restrictions     | String    | Sets wich classes can use this item. Each |
    // |                        |           | class name should be separated by a       |
    // |                        |           | comma. Valid parameters:                  |
    // |                        |           |                                           |
    // |                        |           | all, scout, sniper, soldier, demoman,     |
    // |                        |           | medic, heavy, pyro, spy, engineer         |
    // +------------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+
    // | team-restrictions      | String    | Sets wich teams can use this item. It     |
    // |                        |           | works pretty much like the one above.     |
    // |                        |           | Valid parameters:                         |
    // |                        |           |                                           |
    // |                        |           | all, red, blue                            |
    // +------------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+
    // | admin-restrictions     | String    | Admin flags needed for a client to be     |
    // |                        |           | able to use this item. If not set, there  |
    // |                        |           | is no admin restriction.                  |
    // +------------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+
    // | bodygroups-table       | String    | Special field to set the bodygroups in a  |
    // |                        |           | more user-friendly fashion. The parame-   |
    // |                        |           | ters are separated by comma.              |
    // |                        |           | Valid parameters:                         |
    // |                        |           |                                           |
    // |                        |           | scout_hat, scout_headphones, heavy_hands, |
    // |                        |           | engineer_helmet, sniper_quiver,           |
    // |                        |           | sniper_hat, soldier_rocket, soldier_medal,|
    // |                        |           | soldier_helmet                            |
    // +------------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+
    // The resources are the files (models, textures, particles) that need to be precached
    // and used along the item model for it to work. Each of the resources listed will
    // automatically be precached and downloaded to the tables list at the start of each
    // map.

    // - Basics ----------------------------------
    "string:name"                "demomanfro"
        "string:long-name"            "Demoman's Fro"
        "string:model"                "models/player/items/demo/demo_afro.mdl"
        "integer:index"                "47"
        "integer:quality"            "3"
        "integer:level"                "100"
        "integer:slot"                "0"
        "integer:bodygroups"        "0"
    // - Manager ---------------------------------
    "string:class-restrictions"    "demoman"
        "string:team-restrictions"    "all"
        "string:bodygroups-table"    "scout_hat, scout_headphones, sniper_hat, soldier_helmet, engineer_helmet"

    Another example of a custom hat with download table references
    PHP Code:
    // - Basics ----------------------------------
    "string:name"                "pedobear"
        "string:long-name"            "Casco de Pedobear"
        "string:model"                "models/rss-custom/hats/pedobear/pedobear.mdl"
        "integer:index"                "125"
        "integer:quality"            "3"
        "integer:level"                "100"
        "integer:slot"                "1"
        "integer:bodygroups"        "0"
    // - Manager ---------------------------------
    "string:class-restrictions"    "heavy"
        "string:team-restrictions"    "all"
        "string:bodygroups-table"    "scout_hat, scout_headphones, sniper_hat, soldier_helmet, engineer_helmet"

    // - Resources -------------------------------
    "string:resource-0"        "materials/models/rss-custom/hats/pedobear/pedobear.vtf"
        "string:resource-1"        "materials/models/rss-custom/hats/pedobear/pedobear.vmt"
        "string:resource-2"        "models/rss-custom/hats/pedobear/pedobear.dx80.vtx"
        "string:resource-3"        "models/rss-custom/hats/pedobear/pedobear.dx90.vtx"
        "string:resource-4"        "models/rss-custom/hats/pedobear/pedobear.mdl"
        "string:resource-5"        "models/rss-custom/hats/pedobear/pedobear.phy"
        "string:resource-6"        "models/rss-custom/hats/pedobear/pedobear.sw.vtx"
        "string:resource-7"        "models/rss-custom/hats/pedobear/pedobear.vvd"

    How to interface:
    The core plugin supplies a basic (but powerful) interface with it so other plugins can know what's going on, interact with the core and modify item settings.

    The include file to interface with it is called items_core.inc wich describes the following:
    PHP Code:
    #if defined _items_core_included
    #define _items_core_included

    **    ______                 __              __      
    **   / ____/___  ____  _____/ /_____ _____  / /______
    **  / /   / __ \/ __ \/ ___/ __/ __ `/ __ \/ __/ ___/
    ** / /___/ /_/ / / / (__  ) /_/ /_/ / / / / /_(__  ) 
    ** \____/\____/_/ /_/____/\__/\__,_/_/ /_/\__/____/  

    // ---- Flags and everything -------------------------------------------------------
    #define MAX_SLOTS                  8

    #define FLAG_HIDE_SCOUT_HAT        (1 << 0)
    #define FLAG_HIDE_SCOUT_HEADPHONES (1 << 1)
    #define FLAG_HIDE_HEAVY_HANDS      (1 << 2)
    #define FLAG_HIDE_ENGINEER_HELMET  (1 << 3)
    #define FLAG_SHOW_SNIPER_QUIVER    (1 << 4)
    #define FLAG_HIDE_SNIPER_HAT       (1 << 5)
    #define FLAG_HIDE_SOLDIER_ROCKET   (1 << 6)
    #define FLAG_HIDE_SOLDIER_HELMET   (1 << 7)
    #define FLAG_SHOW_SOLDIER_MEDAL    (1 << 8)

    #define BODYGROUP_SCOUT_HAT        (1 << 0)
    #define BODYGROUP_HEAVY_HANDS      (1 << 0)
    #define BODYGROUP_ENGINEER_HELMET  (1 << 0)
    #define BODYGROUP_SNIPER_QUIVER    (1 << 0)
    #define BODYGROUP_SNIPER_HAT       (1 << 1)
    #define BODYGROUP_SOLDIER_ROCKET   (1 << 0)
    #define BODYGROUP_SOLDIER_HELMET   (1 << 1)
    #define BODYGROUP_SOLDIER_MEDAL    (1 << 2)

    // ---- Plugin constants -----------------------------------------------------------
    enum eItemCodes
    Success                  1,
    Error_InvalidItem        = -1,
    Error_NotInit            = -2,
    Error_AlreadyExists      = -3,
    Error_NotFound           = -4,
    Error_Cancelled          = -5,
    Error_CanNotUse          = -6,
    Error_InvalidClient      = -7,
    Error_InvalidSlot        = -8

    **     ______                                   __    
    **    / ____/___  ______      ______ __________/ /____
    **   / /_  / __ \/ ___/ | /| / / __ `/ ___/ __  / ___/
    **  / __/ / /_/ / /   | |/ |/ / /_/ / /  / /_/ (__  ) 
    ** /_/    \____/_/    |__/|__/\__,_/_/   \__,_/____/  

    /* OnItemCreated()
    ** Called whenever an item has been created and registered in the plugin.
    ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    forward OnItemCreated(Handle:hItem);

    /* OnItemDeleted()
    ** Called whenever an item has been deleted.
    ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    forward OnItemDeleted(Handle:hItem);

    /* CanPlayerUseItem()
    ** Determines if the given item can be used by the client. The reference va-
    ** riable "bCanUse" tells the plugin if it's permitted to use it or not. The
    ** "iTopLevel" one is an optional variable in case you want to stablish an
    ** hierarchy between plugins when deciding if it's usable.
    ** For example, if plugin A with level 4 says the item is usable, but the
    ** plugin B with level 10 says it isn't, if both plugins respect the hierachical
    ** levels, the plugin B will be the one to decide if it's useable.
    ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    forward CanPlayerUseItem(iClientHandle:hItem, &bool:bCanUse, &iTopLevel);

    /* OnPlayerEquipItem()
    ** Called whenever a client successfully equipped an item.
    ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    forward OnPlayerEquipItem(iClientHandle:hItembool:bRegenerating);

    /* OnPlayerEquipItemPre()
    ** Called whenever a client is about to equip an item. This call is always done
    ** before the CanPlayerUseItem forward, and returning the action Plugin_Stop will
    ** inmediately cancel the equip method.
    ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    forward Action:OnPlayerEquipItemPre(iClientHandle:hItembool:bRegenerating);

    /* OnPlayerRemoveItem()
    ** Called whenever a client successfully removed an item.
    ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    forward OnPlayerRemoveItem(iClientHandle:hItembool:bDeleted);

    /* OnPlayerRemoveItemPre()
    ** Called whenever a client is about to remove an item. Returning the action
    ** state Plugin_Stop will inmediately cancel the remove method.
    ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    forward Action:OnPlayerRemoveItemPre(iClientHandle:hItembool:bDeleted);

    /* OnItemPreload()
    ** Tells the other plugins we're about to preload.
    ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    forward OnItemPreload();

    **     _   __      __  _                
    **    / | / /___ _/ /_(_)   _____  _____
    **   /  |/ / __ `/ __/ / | / / _ \/ ___/
    **  / /|  / /_/ / /_/ /| |/ /  __(__  ) 
    ** /_/ |_/\__,_/\__/_/ |___/\___/____/  

    /* CreateItem()
    ** Fake native method wich obtains an item structure and registers it onto the
    ** plugin tables.
    ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    native eItemCodes:CreateItem(Handle:hItem);

    /* DeleteItem()
    ** Deletes the given item from the tables and removes it from any player that 
    ** had it equipped.
    ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    native eItemCodes:DeleteItem(Handle:hItem);

    /* FindItemByName()
    ** Looksup the tables to find the given item through it's short name.
    ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    native Handle:FindItemByName(String:strName[]);

    /* CountItems()
    ** Returns the item count.
    ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    native CountItems();

    /* GetItemFromTable()
    ** Navigates and returns an item from the table.
    ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    native Handle:GetItemFromTable(iIndex);

    /* CountItemSlots()
    ** Retrieves the number of slots available for the items.
    ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    native CountItemSlots();

    /* GetItemAtSlot()
    ** Retrieves the equipped item at the given slot.
    ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    native Handle:GetItemAtSlot(iClientiSlot);

    /* SetItemAtSlot()
    ** Sets the equipped item at the given slot.
    ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    native Handle:SetItemAtSlot(iClientiSlotHandle:hItem);

    /* QueryPlayerCanUseItem()
    ** Queries the other plugins to check if the given item can be used by the
    ** client.
    ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    native bool:QueryPlayerCanUseItem(iClientHandle:hItem);

    /* EquipPlayerItem()
    ** Equips the given item on the player, querying the other plugins for it.
    ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    native eItemCodes:EquipPlayerWearableItem(iClientHandle:hItem);

    /* RemovePlayerItem()
    ** Removes the given item on the player (if it's equipped)
    ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    native eItemCodes:RemovePlayerWearableItem(iClientHandle:hItem);

    /* RemovePlayerItemSlot()
    ** Removes the item equipped on the slot (if any)
    ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    native eItemCodes:RemoveWearableItemSlot(iClientiSlot);

    ** ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
    **      __  ___            _             __      __  _           
    **     /  |/  /___ _____  (_)___  __  __/ /___ _/ /_(_)___  ____ 
    **    / /|_/ / __ `/ __ \/ / __ \/ / / / / __ `/ __/ / __ \/ __ \
    **   / /  / / /_/ / / / / / /_/ / /_/ / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / /
    **  /_/  /_/\__,_/_/ /_/_/ .___/\__,_/_/\__,_/\__/_/\____/_/ /_/ 
    **                      /_/                                       
    ** ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

    /* SetItem...()
    ** Methods to change the basic properties of the item structures.
    ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    stock SetItemName(Handle:hItemString:strBuffer[])     { SetTrieString(hItem"name",       strBuffer);   }
    stock SetItemLongName(Handle:hItemString:strBuffer[]) { SetTrieString(hItem"long-name",  strBuffer);   }
    stock SetItemModel(Handle:hItemString:strBuffer[])    { SetTrieString(hItem"model",      strBuffer);   }
    stock SetItemIndex(Handle:hItemiIndex)                { SetTrieValue(hItem,  "index",      iIndex);      }
    stock SetItemQuality(Handle:hItemiQuality)            { SetTrieValue(hItem,  "quality",    iQuality);    }
    stock SetItemLevel(Handle:hItemiLevel)                { SetTrieValue(hItem,  "level",      iLevel);      }
    stock SetItemSlot(Handle:hItemiSlot)                  { SetTrieValue(hItem,  "slot",       iSlot);       }
    stock SetItemBodyGroups(Handle:hItemiBodyGroups)      { SetTrieValue(hItem,  "bodygroups"iBodyGroups); }

    /* GetItem...()
    ** Methods to retrieve the basic properties of the item structures.
    ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    stock GetItemName(Handle:hItemString:strBuffer[], iMaxLength)     { GetTrieString(hItem"name",      strBufferiMaxLength); }
    stock GetItemLongName(Handle:hItemString:strBuffer[], iMaxLength) { GetTrieString(hItem"long-name"strBufferiMaxLength); }
    stock GetItemModel(Handle:hItemString:strBuffer[], iMaxLength)    { GetTrieString(hItem"model",     strBufferiMaxLength); }
    stock GetItemIndex(Handle:hItem)                                    { decl iValueGetTrieValue(hItem"index",      iValue); return iValue; }
    stock GetItemQuality(Handle:hItem)                                  { decl iValueGetTrieValue(hItem"quality",    iValue); return iValue; }
    stock GetItemLevel(Handle:hItem)                                    { decl iValueGetTrieValue(hItem"level",      iValue); return iValue; }
    stock GetItemSlot(Handle:hItem)                                     { decl iValueGetTrieValue(hItem"slot",       iValue); return iValue; }
    stock GetItemBodyGroups(Handle:hItem)                               { decl iValueGetTrieValue(hItem"bodygroups"iValue); return iValue; }

    **     ____                            __                _          
    **    / __ \___  ____  ___  ____  ____/ /__  ____  _____(_)__  _____
    **   / / / / _ \/ __ \/ _ \/ __ \/ __  / _ \/ __ \/ ___/ / _ \/ ___/
    **  / /_/ /  __/ /_/ /  __/ / / / /_/ /  __/ / / / /__/ /  __(__  ) 
    ** /_____/\___/ .___/\___/_/ /_/\__,_/\___/_/ /_/\___/_/\___/____/  
    **           /_/                                                    
    public SharedPlugin:__pl_ItemsCore 
    name "ItemsCore",
    file "TF2_ItemsCore.smx",
    #if defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
    required 1,
    required 0,


    • Core
      • 1.0.0. -
        • Initial beta release.
    • Manager
      • 1.0.0. -
        • Initial beta release.
    Known Issues:
    • May be a little slow sometimes - Perhaps I need to find a better way other than tries (or at least, less memory hog).
    • The plugin forces to reset the bodygroups, so if a client already has equipped and item wich modifies these, the two will overlap.
    • When the player dies, on non-drop hat types, the ragdoll hat skin appears as Red. Aesthetical problem, I still haven't figured how to fix it, but it's not very relevant.
    To do:
    • Fix the bodygroups issue [/lazy]
    • Integrate admin functionalities.
    • Integrate admin menu funcionalities.
    • Expand the manager to allow more restrictions (steamid based, perhaps).
    • Translations, of course.
    • Pedobear item model by Dobkeratops. Thanks to him for this
    • Thanks to everyone who helped enhance the Equipment Manager (and who will help me to enhance this one).
    Attached Files
    File Type: zip TF2_Items_(1.0.0).zip (124.0 KB, 864 views)
    Dat annoying guy

    Last edited by Damizean; 01-12-2010 at 08:08.
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    Old 12-24-2009 , 13:33   Re: [TF2][BETA] Wearable Items [12/24/09]
    Reply With Quote #2

    Holy. It's hard to comprehend all that. Keep up the good work!
    Chris-_- is offline
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    Old 12-24-2009 , 13:36   Re: [TF2][BETA] Wearable Items [12/24/09]
    Reply With Quote #3

    Fantastic, I'll be reading this in further detail and upgrading in no time!

    EDIT: I've got several ideas for plugins, although I'm not currently working on the achievements plugin, I'm sure the current developer of that will gladly work on something for this. I plan to start off with a small and simple plugin that equips a certain hat on everyone during Sudden Death.

    Last edited by Jindo; 12-24-2009 at 14:10.
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    Old 12-24-2009 , 16:38   Re: [TF2][BETA] Wearable Items [12/24/09]
    Reply With Quote #4

    Not to criticize, but how much of a memory increase are we talking about here?
    All I can see for real improvements to the plugin are the increased slot number with custom names(which was already possible, I already modded ours), and the interfaceable natives, which are very useful.

    As for the dynamic parsing of directories...I can see how this makes the plugin a bit more...flashy...but it doesnt really add any truly useful new functionality, especially if it comes with the cost of being more cpu and memory intensive.

    The cfg+dependencies system of the previous plugin worked, it worked well, and it was efficient.

    The dynamic parsing+.res system merges the cfg and dependencies into 1 file, would actually require MORE setup by server admins and would result in a SLOWER system, which is really the opposite what it should do.

    The only other things I can see added are custom quality and level of item...which is just a superfluous detail.

    I guess what Im getting to is this - I appreciate what you're trying to do, but this new version of Equipment Manager provides very little new functionality or benefit over the older version, and if it hogs memory like you say, then it simply isnt worth the cost.

    Dont take this the wrong way, and keep up the awesome work.
    CnB|Omega is offline

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    Old 12-24-2009 , 16:52   Re: [TF2][BETA] Wearable Items [12/24/09]
    Reply With Quote #5

    Please consider not continuing to put the FCVAR_NOTIFY on every single cvar you create in all of your plugins. The only ones that need to have it for statistics tracking are the version cvars. There is a bug in the current version of the Orangebox engine that truncates the response of A2S_RULES queries when too many cvars have this flags.
    psychonic is offline
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    Old 12-24-2009 , 19:21   Re: [TF2][BETA] Wearable Items [12/24/09]
    Reply With Quote #6

    Originally Posted by psychonic View Post
    Please consider not continuing to put the FCVAR_NOTIFY on every single cvar you create in all of your plugins. The only ones that need to have it for statistics tracking are the version cvars. There is a bug in the current version of the Orangebox engine that truncates the response of A2S_RULES queries when too many cvars have this flags.
    Thanks for the heads up, I had no idea it would have such impact on the engine. I'll fix it right away.

    Originally Posted by CnB|Omega
    Not to criticize, but how much of a memory increase are we talking about here?
    All I can see for real improvements to the plugin are the increased slot number with custom names(which was already possible, I already modded ours), and the interfaceable natives, which are very useful.

    As for the dynamic parsing of directories...I can see how this makes the plugin a bit more...flashy...but it doesnt really add any truly useful new functionality, especially if it comes with the cost of being more cpu and memory intensive.

    The cfg+dependencies system of the previous plugin worked, it worked well, and it was efficient.

    The dynamic parsing+.res system merges the cfg and dependencies into 1 file, would actually require MORE setup by server admins and would result in a SLOWER system, which is really the opposite what it should do.

    The only other things I can see added are custom quality and level of item...which is just a superfluous detail.

    I guess what Im getting to is this - I appreciate what you're trying to do, but this new version of Equipment Manager provides very little new functionality or benefit over the older version, and if it hogs memory like you say, then it simply isnt worth the cost.

    Dont take this the wrong way, and keep up the awesome work.
    The real benefits of this new version do not lie in these basic features, but in it's extendable "architecture".

    I don't know about the memory usage as I couldn't really measure the actual impact of the Tries on my tests, but they allows a very flexible system for plugins to exploit this capability, by simply letting the manager parse any extra custom variable you would need to expand it's functionality, without doing any real modification to the core.

    As for the "dynamic parsing", it has little to no real effect as the parsing is done only once at map start where all the stuff related to it are as pre-calculated as possible (that also includes the items menus, wich previously were dynamic), and it actually reduces the time consumed on setting up the plugin, as you would simply need to drag & drop the file in the proper folder (and in the worst case scenario, all you would need to do is edit the slot).

    I've had this plugin running for months on my server, and I didn't notice any slowdown whatsoever, at least not more than with the Equipment Manager, and the benefits are good (IMHO), but as stated it's in a beta stage, we'll see what we can do from now on to enhance this.
    Dat annoying guy

    Last edited by Damizean; 12-24-2009 at 19:45.
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    Old 12-24-2009 , 21:11   Re: [TF2][BETA] Wearable Items [12/24/09]
    Reply With Quote #7

    Perhaps Im just ranting because Im not looking forward to the extensive number of changes I would have to make in order to use this updated plugin.

    I would love to make use of the native interface, but in order to do so, someone like myself, who previously used the Equipment Manager (wonderful thing, btw) would have to create a .res file for every hat they already use, as well as reorganize the file structure extensively to do so.

    I only have two other questions about what you currently have.
    1) We previously used that Mega Hat Pack from the Equipment Manager plugin, but the hats were divided into 2 directories. "custom" and "rss-custom". If Im understanding your source correctly, your plugin only supports parsing one directory(and all subdirectories). Am I correct?
    1b) Honestly, Im really hoping it can parse more than 1 directory, because if I have to reorganize the files to get this to work, Im not going to be very happy, and neither are a number of my clients if they have to redownload the hats they already have, simply because the directory changed.
    1c) And yes, parsing the entire models folder is simply out of the question.
    EDIT: 1d) I forgot to add, I cant simply move the models into a new directory. I would have have to decomplile, edit the .qc, and recompile the model for the new directory. 100-odd times. Or I can just move the .mdl file and leave the .phy, .vvd, and other files in the old directories. But that would result in a very messy file structure.

    2) Can you explain more about the admin-restrictions? If Im understanding the source correctly, its based on admin flags, but what format does the plugin require for the flags? ie. would a "z" suffice for root? "ADMFLAG_ROOT"? "Admin_Root"? There's absolutely no documentation on how to use the admin-restrictions.

    Last edited by CnB|Omega; 12-24-2009 at 21:21.
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    Old 12-24-2009 , 17:15   Re: [TF2][BETA] Wearable Items [12/24/09]
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    I enjoy hiding my server info, makes it harder for copy cats to copy me. Not trying to be an instigator or anything. <3

    DontWannaName is offline

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    Old 01-01-2010 , 21:04   Re: [TF2][BETA] Wearable Items [12/24/09]
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    Originally Posted by DontWannaName View Post
    I enjoy hiding my server info, makes it harder for copy cats to copy me. Not trying to be an instigator or anything. <3
    I find this silly. Here's a full list of your plugins.

      01 "Admin File Reader" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
      02 "Admin Help" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
      03 "Admin Menu" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
      04 "AdminSentinel" (1.0.115) by <eVa>StrontiumDog 
      05 "Admin Sounds" (1.2.0) by cadav0r,dalto,o_O.Uberman.O_o,|HS|Jesus
      06 "AFK Manager" (3.2.2) by Rothgar
      07 "Anti-Flood" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
      08 "Basic Chat" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
      09 "Basic Commands" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
      10 "Basic Info Triggers" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
      11 "Basic Votes" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
      12 "Change visible Slot size" (1.0) by FeuerSturm
      13 "TF2 Class Restrictions" (0.5.1) by Tsunami, Winter Phoenix
      14 "Client Preferences" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
      15 "Colored Chat" (1.0) by DWN (goerge really) :p
      16 "Destroy Engineer Buildings" (1.0.2) by bl4nk
      17 "Execute Configs" (1.1) by Tsunami
      18 "fakeitem.smx"
      19 "Forlix DeadChat" (1.15) by Forlix (Dominik Friedrichs)
      20 "Fun Commands" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
      21 "Fun Votes" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
      22 "gameME Plugin" (3.2) by TTS Oetzel & Goerz GmbH
      23 "gScramble + Balance" (2.4.02) by Goerge
      24 "HLSW Info" (1.1) by Tsunami
      25 "High Ping Kicker - DoGs Edition" ( by glottis
      26 "Immunity Reserve Slots" (0.3.3) by Jamster (original plugin by *pRED)
      27 "Jukebox" ( by SirLamer
      28 "MapChooser" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
      29 "Map Rate" (0.10) by Ryan "FLOOR_MASTER" Mannion
      30 "TF2 Medipacks" (1.2.3) by Hunter
      31 "Melee Mode" (0.4) by chundo
      32 "Anti-Micspam" (0.3) by Ryan "FLOOR_MASTER" Mannion
      33 "M3Motd - MOTD / Rules Display" (0.2.1) by M3Studios, Inc.
      34 "Nextmap" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
      35 "Map Nominations" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
      36 "Player Commands" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
      37 "Players Votes" (1.5.0) by The Resident, pZv!
      38 "M3Motd - MOTD / Display" (0.2.3) by M3Studios, Inc.
      39 "Waiting For Players Mayhem" (3.2) by GOERGE, DWN
      40 "QAutobalancer" (1.8) by [-Q-] Shana
      41 "SourceMod Radio" ( by dubbeh
      42 "RandomCycle+" ( by Jamster
      43 "RateChecker" (0.2) by pRED*
      44 "RCON Lock" (0.3.4) by devicenull
      45 "Advanced Client Redirect" (1.0) by Olly/Tobi
      46 "Reserved Slots" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
      47 "M3Motd - MOTD / Display" (0.2.3) by M3Studios, Inc. & DWN
      48 "Rock The Vote" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
      49 "Simple AllTalk Manager" (1.4.$Rev: 22 $) by Simple Plugins
      50 "Simple Plugins Core Plugin" (1.1.$Rev: 57 $) by Simple Plugins
      51 "Simple Round Immunity" (1.1.$Rev: 4 $) by Simple Plugins
      52 "Simple Spectate" (1.2.1.$Rev: 34 $) by Simple Plugins
      53 "Simple Message Suppression" (1.1.0) by FlyingMongoose, psychonic
      54 "Simple Team Manager" (1.0.1) by Antithasys
      55 "Advertisements from Database" (1.2.100) by Tsunami and <eVa>Dog
      56 "Comms Tools" (1.6.000) by <eVa>Dog/AlliedModders LLC
      57 "Player Rename" (1.6.000) by <eVa>Dog
      58 "Sound Commands" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
      59 "SourceBans" (1.4.6) by InterWave Studios Development Team
      60 "Spectate Time" (2.3) by TigerOx
      61 "Spray Pruning" ( by sslice
      62 "Spray Tracer" (5.8) by Nican132, CptMoore, Lebson506th
      63 "TeamSwitch" (1.3) by MistaGee
      64 "[TF2] Equipment Manager" (1.1.6) by Damizean
      65 "Play Thriller" (1.0) by DWN
      66 "PreGame Score Tracker" (2.0) by Goerge
      67 "Web Shortcuts" (1.0.1) by James "sslice" Gray
      68 "Donator Welcome Message" (2.0) by DWN
      69 "DWN's REBOOTER" (2000.1) by Goerge

    Last edited by psychonic; 01-01-2010 at 21:10.
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    Old 01-01-2010 , 21:07   Re: [TF2][BETA] Wearable Items [12/24/09]
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