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[KR] Korean FAQ Translated!

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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: 한국 S.Korea
Old 01-28-2012 , 02:04   [KR] Korean FAQ Translated!

Q: 다음 버전 언제 나옴?
A: 완성했을때 물어보지 마세요. 빡치니깐.

Q: Pawn이 뭐에여?
A: 3.0 버전때, ITB CompuPhase에서 이름을 바꿧죠. 왜냐면 너무 흔해서.

Q: 하프2랑 카솟에도 amxx 쓸수잇어요?
A: 소스모드 그룹에서 재작성된게 amxx에요. 링크: www.sourcemod.net

Q: 봇이랑도 AMX MOD X 쓸수잇나요?
A: 물론이죠. 어드민모드의 가이드를 한번 읽어보십시오.http://www.adminmod.org/help/online/....50_and_up.htm

Q: 꼭 최신버전으로 업그레이드 해야 하나요?
A: 꼴리는대로 하시면 됩니다, 버그를 수정하거나 좀 더 세밀한 코딩을 할 때에 업그레이드 하세요.
AMX Mod X 의 버전 0.16 은 0.9.8 버전과 0.9.9 버전 거의 동일합니다, 그래서 0.20 부터 가장 근접하게 업데이트 했습니다. (여기서부터 의역임) 만약 님이 플러그인 동작과 관련하여 민감하다면 반드시 업그레이드 하세요. 만약 고장나거나 문제가 생겨서 업그레이드 할수있습니다. 하지만 날 좋아하지 않는다면 업그레이드를 권장하겠슴니다.

Q: 버그 리포트가 생겼음! 어떻함?
A: 관련 포럼에 글을 작성하거나 SF프로젝트에 글을 올리실 수 있습니다. (http://www.sf.net/projects/amxmodx).

Q: 내 아이디어/수정요청/아이디어를 왜 안받아줘요?
A: 우리가 알지못했거나 맘에 안들어서일수도 있습니다만, 왠만한 보고들은 거의 반영하는 정도입니다. AMX MOD X는 GPL 라이센스를 따릅니다. 본인 의사대로 수정하여 사용하든간에 우린 신경쓰지 않아요. (하지만 포럼에 관련 게시물을 올리지 말아주세요)

Q: 혹시 웹페이지에서 컴파일이 가능할까요?
A: 당빠죠! 공식홈페이진 www.amxmodx.org 로 가신뒤 "Compiler"("컴파일러") 를 클릭하세요. AMX Mod X 0.20 컴파일러를 사용합니다. 이름은 "amxxsc" 입니다.

Q: AMX MOD X는 어드민 모드 플러그인을 구동하나요?
A: ㄴㄴ.

Q: AMXMODX는 AMXMOD 플러그인을 사용할 수 있나요?
A: AMX Mod 0.9.8 버전으로 사용하실 수 있습니다. 컴파일 및 사용말입니다. 한가지 제약사항이라면 소스코드를 구한뒤 재 컴파일하여 사용해야 합니다

Q: AMX Mod X 는 AMX Mod 모듈을 사용하나요?
A: AMX Mod 0.9.8 에 존재하는 모듈들은 모두 사용가능합니다. AMX MOD X 1.5 버전에선 모든 기능이 삭제되어씁니다. 왜냐하면 Pawn 업그레이드가 있었기에.

Q: AMX Mod X는 AMX Mod 0.9.9를 지원하나요?
A: 아니오. (ㅈㅅ 여기서 부터 의역입니다.) AMX MOD로 유지 "가치"가 없어서 지원하지 않습니다. 만약 지원해야 한다면 API 부터 개발킷까지 모든걸 싹 갈아엎어야 합니다.. 근데 이건 중요하지 않습니다

Q: AMX Mod X 는 카스1.6 말고도 다른 모드를 지원하나요?
A: 카스를 아주 특별히 그리고 ㅁㄹ하게 지원합니다, 다툴여지가 없을정도로, 하프라이프에서 팀이 이동되었습니다. 다른 모드는 애드온 형식으로 지원합니다 (팀포클래식, 앵, 뇌출혈셀렉션, TS). 메타모드가 지원하는 모든 모드에 동작할겁니다만, 빡세게 지원하진 않습니다

Q: AMXMODX와 어드민모드를 동시에 구동해도 되나요?
A: 네.

Q: AMXMODX와 AMXMOD를 같이 돌려도 되나요?
A: 엄밀히 따지자면 그렇지만, 추천하지 않는 방법이죠.. 한개만 쓰세요.

Q: 메타모드X가 뭐죠?
A: 메타모드X 는 메타모드 프로젝트가 죽어버릴것에 대비한 예비모드 입니다. 이 프로젝트는 모두 BAILOPAN에 의해 작성되었습니다. 메타모드는 계속 작성될것입니다.
(나머지글들은 번역하기 어려워서 삭제하였습니다 ㅠㅠ 사랑합니다여러분들..)

Q: 메타모드-p가 뭐에여?
A: Jussi "hullu" Kivillina에 의해 작성된 메타모드에 특별 디자인된 모드 입니다. 하지만 대부분은 메타모드 일반버전만 사용하죠. 이 버전은 엔터티 링크가 제거되었고 모든 모드를 지원합니다. 또한 AMX Mod X 에서 이 모드와 돌리는걸 지원합니다.
이것역시 번역하기 어렵네요. 먹고살기 힘듭니다..

Q: 아얄씨 혹은 이 포럼의 관리자가 될 수 있나요?
A: 짧게말하면: ㄴㄴ. 길게말하면: ㄴㄴ, 물어보지마세요, 기회를 날려버리니깐요.
운영자는 공개 포럼에서 자연스럽게 등장하게 됩니다 아얄씨 혹은 게시판에서요, 매우 소수이지만 이런 부류의 사람도 있습니다: 변태, 싸이코, 머저리, 광고쟁이, 매-우-찰-진-사-람, 그리고 관리자. 그리고 이 사람들은 특별한 클래스겠지만 이렇게 말한답니다, "나말고 딴사람은 못미더, 근데 난 바보가 아니야. 나는 환자, 관찰력도 있고, 독신이다." 만약 당신이 관리자/사회자를 구걸한다면, 당신은 이런것들이 아무것도 아닐껍니다.

Q: 제가 프로젝트팀에 참가할 수 있을련지요?
A: PM SniperBeamer 는 어플리케이션과 함게합니다. 당신이 누구인지 말을 해보십시오, 당신이 뭘했는지, 경험은 있는지, 그리고 무엇을 좋아하는지.

Q: OLO님 혹은 dJeyL님은 AMX Mod X에 소속되어있나요?
A: 어머나... 난 제발 아니길 바라지! ㅁㄹ

Q: OLO 님은 AMX Mod X를 괜찮게 생각하나요?
A: 내가 알빠야?

Q: AMX Mod X는 AMX Mod 의 소스코드를 뽀려갔나요?
A: 이것 참 애매합니다잉~ 딱 정해드립니다잉! AMX Mod의 소스코드는 GPL를 따릅니다만, AMX MOD는 망하지 않았나요? 일단 코드를 공개하지 않았던것부터 병맛이라고 생각합니다. OLO가 작성했거나 아닌것들: "OLO가 원래 만들었었다." 에라이....

Q: AMX Mod X 는 거북이를 위해 뭣좀 했었나요?
A: 거북이는 매우 재밌지 ㅁㄹ 모두들 그렇게 생각안하나요? 우리는 거북이와 관련해서 아무것도 없어요. 난 욕하겠지만... 하지만 고양이에 관해 이상한 루머가 돌고 있죠. (제작자가 개그에 병맛인듯)

Q: 조으다!
A: 시르다!

So hard to translate these and a little gag...
choco@.@ is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Sweden
Old 03-06-2012 , 10:13   Re: [KR] Korean FAQ Translated!

Q: When the next version naom?
A: Do not ask when completed. Ppakchinikkan.

Q: Pawn over two what?
A: 3.0 beojeonttae, ITB CompuPhase bakkwotjyo in the name. Because so common.

Q: It was half-2 Lang kasotedo write amxx?
A: amxx source mode being here is recreated in the group. Links: www.sourcemod.net

Q: It did write botyirangdo AMX MOD X?
A: Sure. Why not read the guide to the admin mode. Http://www.adminmod.org/help/online/....50_and_up.htm

Q: Do I really need to upgrade to the latest version?
A: Like hell are you, a more precise fix bugs or upgrade when you get to coding.
For version 0.16 of AMX Mod X version 0.9.8 and 0.9.9 versions are almost identical, so the update has been most closely from 0.20. (From here uiyeokim) plug-in operation with respect to the c: dobj must upgrade to get sensitive. If the malfunction or trouble, so I can upgrade. But if you do not like me to upgrade is recommended haget Hart.

Q: newfound bug reports! Eotteotham?
A: SF-related forums in the project in writing, or you can post your message. (Http://www.sf.net/projects/amxmodx).

Q: My idea / modification requests / ideas anbatahjwoyo why?
A: We can not know or do not like the day, but rarely reflect the extent to which they are decent looking. AMX MOD X, follow the GPL license. Whether you use a doctor modify it as we do not mind. (But please do not post on the forum for related posts)

Q: Are you sure you want to you can be compiled on a web page?
A: dangppajyo! As a binary www.amxmodx.org gongsikhompe gasindwi "Compiler" ("compiler") Click The compiler will use AMX Mod X 0.20. The name "amxxsc" is.

Q: AMX MOD X do you run the plug-in admin mode?
A: b b.

Q: AMXMODX the AMXMOD plugin to use?
A: AMX Mod 0.9.8 version is available. Compiling and using it off. If one kind of restriction by recompiling the source code should be used guhandwi

Q: AMX Mod X AMX Mod module is used?
A: AMX Mod 0.9.8 that exist are all available modules. In versions of AMX MOD X 1.5 Indent all the features that has been deleted. Because the upgrade was because the Pawn.

Q: AMX Mod X AMX Mod 0.9.9 is supported?
A: No. (Paraphrase from here is ㅅ ㅈ.) AMX MOD maintain the "value" does not support the absence. If you need support from API development kit gets plowed up must shoot everything. But it does not matter

Q: AMX Mod X 1.6 besides the Americas to the other modes are supported?
A: Cass is a very special and the Klitschko ㄹhage support, to contend with room and smile, Half-Life has been moved from the team. Other modes are supported in the form of an add-on (timpokeulraesik, cherry tree, stroke selection, TS). Meta-mode operation in all modes to support Sr, however, does not support strong for

Q: AMXMODX operate simultaneously with the admin mode you been here before?
A: Yes.

Q: AMXMODX back together and AMXMOD Can I?
A: Technically, however, not recommended ... how's Put only one.

Q: What is meta-mode X?
A: a meta-meta-mode X mode it'd be dead against the project is the standby mode. This project was written by BAILOPAN all. Is a meta-mode will continue writing.
(The remaining posts have been removed are difficult to translate ㅠ ㅠ love everybody.)

Q: a meta-mode-p is more than what?
A: Jussi "hullu" Kivillina created by the meta-mode, specially designed mode. However, most meta-mode do you use regular buttons ago. This version removes the link to the entity and all modes are supported. In addition, AMX Mod X supports this mode, and turn neungeol.
It's also difficult to translate. Hard to make a living. Fuck.

Q: ahyalssi or could be the administrators of this forum is this?
A: In short: b b. Long words: b b, please do not ask, blow an opportunity, sure he
The operator will emerge naturally in a public forum or bulletin board ahyalssi IN THE very few, but there are these kinds of people: freak, psycho, nerd, an ad man, every-ooh-chal-Jean-four-Ram, and administrators. And these people have to tell this particular class, but, "ttansarameun motmideo before me, but I'm not a fool, I patient, observant, and also, is a bachelor." If you are an administrator / moderator if you beg, you may get lucky: Those are not for nothing.

Q: I am able to participate in a project team related right?
A: PM SniperBeamer is in conjunction with the application. Try to say who you are, what you did, that experience, and what if I like.

Q: OLO AMX Mod X Nimes or dJeyL watched Tourism is this?
A: Oh, no. Please I want that n! Klitschko d

Q: OLO AMX Mod X watched context - do you think?
A: I alppaya?

Q: AMX Mod X pporyeogatnayo the source code for the AMX Mod?
A: This is only true jeonghaedeuripnidaing aemaehapnidaing ~! The source code for AMX Mod and follow the GPL, but, AMX MOD is destroyed or not? Anatdeongeot not disclose a code from the byeongmatyirago think. The creation of OLO or not such: "OLO was originally created." Fuck it ....

Q: AMX Mod X Did you something for the turtles?
A: The turtle is very funny do not you think everyone Klitschko d? We have nothing with regard to the turtle. I am, shame ... But strange rumors about the cat's turn. (Author byeongmatindeut to gag).

Q: joeuda!
A: sireuda!
This is the best Google Translate could manage.. Oh Pro Tip = GOOGLE TRANSLATE
kimhypno is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: 한국 S.Korea
Old 04-13-2012 , 11:43   Re: [KR] Korean FAQ Translated!

Originally Posted by kimhypno View Post
Q: When the next version naom?
A: Do not ask when completed. Ppakchinikkan.
Q: Pawn over two what?
A: 3.0 beojeonttae, ITB CompuPhase bakkwotjyo in the name. Because so common.
Q: It was half-2 Lang kasotedo write amxx?
A: amxx source mode being here is recreated in the group. Links: www.sourcemod.net
Q: It did write botyirangdo AMX MOD X?
A: Sure. Why not read the guide to the admin mode. Http://www.adminmod.org/help/online/....50_and_up.htm
Q: Do I really need to upgrade to the latest version?
A: Like hell are you, a more precise fix bugs or upgrade when you get to coding.
For version 0.16 of AMX Mod X version 0.9.8 and 0.9.9 versions are almost identical, so the update has been most closely from 0.20. (From here uiyeokim) plug-in operation with respect to the c: dobj must upgrade to get sensitive. If the malfunction or trouble, so I can upgrade. But if you do not like me to upgrade is recommended haget Hart.
Q: newfound bug reports! Eotteotham?
A: SF-related forums in the project in writing, or you can post your message. (Http://www.sf.net/projects/amxmodx).
Q: My idea / modification requests / ideas anbatahjwoyo why?
A: We can not know or do not like the day, but rarely reflect the extent to which they are decent looking. AMX MOD X, follow the GPL license. Whether you use a doctor modify it as we do not mind. (But please do not post on the forum for related posts)
Q: Are you sure you want to you can be compiled on a web page?
A: dangppajyo! As a binary www.amxmodx.org gongsikhompe gasindwi "Compiler" ("compiler") Click The compiler will use AMX Mod X 0.20. The name "amxxsc" is.
Q: AMX MOD X do you run the plug-in admin mode?
A: b b.
Q: AMXMODX the AMXMOD plugin to use?
A: AMX Mod 0.9.8 version is available. Compiling and using it off. If one kind of restriction by recompiling the source code should be used guhandwi
Q: AMX Mod X AMX Mod module is used?
A: AMX Mod 0.9.8 that exist are all available modules. In versions of AMX MOD X 1.5 Indent all the features that has been deleted. Because the upgrade was because the Pawn.
Q: AMX Mod X AMX Mod 0.9.9 is supported?
A: No. (Paraphrase from here is ㅅ ㅈ.) AMX MOD maintain the "value" does not support the absence. If you need support from API development kit gets plowed up must shoot everything. But it does not matter
Q: AMX Mod X 1.6 besides the Americas to the other modes are supported?
A: Cass is a very special and the Klitschko ㄹhage support, to contend with room and smile, Half-Life has been moved from the team. Other modes are supported in the form of an add-on (timpokeulraesik, cherry tree, stroke selection, TS). Meta-mode operation in all modes to support Sr, however, does not support strong for
Q: AMXMODX operate simultaneously with the admin mode you been here before?
A: Yes.
Q: AMXMODX back together and AMXMOD Can I?
A: Technically, however, not recommended ... how's Put only one.
Q: What is meta-mode X?
A: a meta-meta-mode X mode it'd be dead against the project is the standby mode. This project was written by BAILOPAN all. Is a meta-mode will continue writing.
(The remaining posts have been removed are difficult to translate ㅠ ㅠ love everybody.)
Q: a meta-mode-p is more than what?
A: Jussi "hullu" Kivillina created by the meta-mode, specially designed mode. However, most meta-mode do you use regular buttons ago. This version removes the link to the entity and all modes are supported. In addition, AMX Mod X supports this mode, and turn neungeol.
It's also difficult to translate. Hard to make a living. Fuck.
Q: ahyalssi or could be the administrators of this forum is this?
A: In short: b b. Long words: b b, please do not ask, blow an opportunity, sure he
The operator will emerge naturally in a public forum or bulletin board ahyalssi IN THE very few, but there are these kinds of people: freak, psycho, nerd, an ad man, every-ooh-chal-Jean-four-Ram, and administrators. And these people have to tell this particular class, but, "ttansarameun motmideo before me, but I'm not a fool, I patient, observant, and also, is a bachelor." If you are an administrator / moderator if you beg, you may get lucky: Those are not for nothing.
Q: I am able to participate in a project team related right?
A: PM SniperBeamer is in conjunction with the application. Try to say who you are, what you did, that experience, and what if I like.
Q: OLO AMX Mod X Nimes or dJeyL watched Tourism is this?
A: Oh, no. Please I want that n! Klitschko d
Q: OLO AMX Mod X watched context - do you think?
A: I alppaya?
Q: AMX Mod X pporyeogatnayo the source code for the AMX Mod?
A: This is only true jeonghaedeuripnidaing aemaehapnidaing ~! The source code for AMX Mod and follow the GPL, but, AMX MOD is destroyed or not? Anatdeongeot not disclose a code from the byeongmatyirago think. The creation of OLO or not such: "OLO was originally created." Fuck it ....
Q: AMX Mod X Did you something for the turtles?
A: The turtle is very funny do not you think everyone Klitschko d? We have nothing with regard to the turtle. I am, shame ... But strange rumors about the cat's turn. (Author byeongmatindeut to gag).
Q: joeuda!
A: sireuda!
This is the best Google Translate could manage.. Oh Pro Tip = GOOGLE TRANSLATE
Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg
choco@.@ is offline

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