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Phoenix (VIP)

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DJ Fox
Join Date: Jun 2010
Old 04-07-2012 , 08:31   Phoenix (VIP)
Reply With Quote #1

First Good morning / Good afternoon / Good Night

I encontri the hero sasuke here on the forum and saw that it was only for those who have access to flasg who could use it, I found this enteressante and try to make the hero (PHOENIX) except that it did not work out, what went wrong in script?

# Include <amxmod>
# Include <amxmisc>
# Include <Vexd_Utilities>
# Include <superheromod>

g_heroName new [] = "Phoenix \ y (\ rVIP \ y) \ w"
new bool: g_hasPhoenix [SH_MAXSLOTS +1]
new bool: g_phoenixPowerUsed [SH_MAXSLOTS +1]
new bool: g_betweenRounds
new g_userTeam [SH_MAXSLOTS +1]
new bool: gHasPowers [SH_MAXSLOTS +1]
new bool: gSelected [SH_MAXSLOTS +1]
new g_savedOrigin [SH_MAXSLOTS +1] [3]
new g_lastPosition [SH_MAXSLOTS +1] [3]
new g_spriteSmoke, g_spriteRing, g_spriteExplosion
/ / ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
public plugin_init ()
/ / Plugin Info
register_plugin ("SUPERHERO Phoenix", "1.1", "[FTW]-SWAT / Vittu")

register_cvar ("phoenix_level", "8")
register_cvar ("phoenix_adminflag", "h");
register_cvar ("phoenix_cooldown", "120")
register_cvar ("phoenix_radius", "375")
register_cvar ("phoenix_maxdamage", "90")

shCreateHero (g_heroName, "\ yRenascer the ashes," "How the Phoenix you should raise their burning ashes." false, "phoenix_level")

/ / INIT
register_srvcmd ("phoenix_init", "phoenix_init")
shRegHeroInit (g_heroName, "phoenix_init")

register_event ("DeathMsg", "phoenix_death", "a")

register_logevent ("round_start," 2 "= 1 Round_Start")
register_logevent ("round_end," 2 "= 1 Round_End")
register_logevent ("round_end", 2 "& 1 Restart_Round_")
/ / ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
public plugin_precache ()
g_spriteSmoke precache_model = ("sprites/steam1.spr")
g_spriteRing precache_model = ("sprites / white.spr")
g_spriteExplosion precache_model = ("sprites/explode1.spr")
precache_sound ("ambience/port_suckin1.wav")
precache_sound ("ambience/3dmeagle.wav")
/ / ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
public phoenix_init ()
/ / If (! Cmd_access (id, level, cid, 0) && (get_cvar_num ("phoenix_adminonly") == 1))

new temp [6];
read_argv (1, temp, 5);

new id = str_to_num (temp);
read_argv (2, temp, 5);
hasPowers str_to_num = new (temp);
gHasPowers [id] = (hasPowers! = 0);

gSelected [id] = gHasPowers [id];

if (is_user_connected (id)) {
if (hasPowers) {
phoenix_admincheck (id);


set_task (1.0, "phoenix_loop", 0, "", 0, "b");

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
public phoenix_init ()
/ / First Argument is an id
new temp [6]
read_argv (1, temp, 5)
new id = str_to_num (temp)

/ / 2nd Argument is 0 or 1 depending on Whether the id has the hero
read_argv (2, temp, 5)
hasPowers str_to_num = new (temp)

g_hasPhoenix [id] = (hasPowers! = 0)
/ / ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
public phoenix_death ()
if (! shModActive () | | g_betweenRounds) return

id = read_data new (second)

if (! is_user_connected (id) | |! g_hasPhoenix [id]) return

g_userTeam [id] = get_user_team (id)

/ / Save users origin on death
get_user_origin (id, g_savedOrigin [id])
g_savedOrigin [id] [2] + 8 =

/ / Look for self to raise from dead
if (! is_user_alive (id) &&! g_phoenixPowerUsed [id]) {
new parm [1]
parm [0] = id
/ / Respawn it faster then Zues, let this power be used before Zues's
/ / September never higher or lower then 1.9 then 0.5
set_task (0.6, "phoenix_respawn", 0, parm, 1)
/ / ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
public phoenix_respawn (parm [])
new id = parm [0]

if (! is_user_connected (id) | | is_user_alive (id)) return
if (g_phoenixPowerUsed [id] | | g_betweenRounds) return
if (g_userTeam [id]! get_user_team = (id)) return / / prevents respawning spectators

emit_sound (id, CHAN_STATIC, "ambience/port_suckin1.wav", 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM)

client_print (id, print_chat, "[SH] (Phoenix) You used to power the Phoenix from the Ashes Rise Again!")

/ / Prevents the Double spawn glitch in HUD
user_spawn (id)
user_spawn (id)

/ / Respawned by Phoenix, it's ok to set cooldown now.
new Float: = phoenixCooldown get_cvar_float ("phoenix_cooldown")
if (phoenixCooldown> 0.0) {
set_task (phoenixCooldown, "enable_phoenix", id)
g_phoenixPowerUsed [id] = true

emit_sound (id, CHAN_STATIC, "ambience/3dmeagle.wav", 0.6, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM)

shGlow (id, 248, 20, 25)
set_task (3.0, "phoenix_unglow", 0, parm, 1)
set_task (1.0, "phoenix_teamcheck", 0, parm, 1)

set_user_health (ID 75)
phoenix_teleport (id)
/ / ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
public phoenix_unglow (parm [])
new id = parm [0]
shUnglow (id)
/ / ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
public phoenix_teamcheck (parm [])
new id = parm [0]

if (g_userTeam [id]! get_user_team = (id)) {
client_print (id, print_chat, "[SH] (Phoenix) You changed teams and used Phoenix Respawn, now you Shall die")

user_kill (id, 1)

/ / Stop Until Phoenix from respawning round ends
remove_task (id)
g_phoenixPowerUsed [id] = false
/ / ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
public round_start ()
g_betweenRounds = false
/ / ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
public round_end ()
if (! shModActive ()) return

g_betweenRounds = true

/ / Reset the cooldown on round end, to start fresh for a new round
for (new id = 1; id <= SH_MAXSLOTS; id + +) {
if (g_hasPhoenix [id]) {
/ / Reset the cooldown on round end, to start fresh for a new round
remove_task (id)
g_phoenixPowerUsed [id] = false
/ / ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
public enable_phoenix (id)
g_phoenixPowerUsed [id] = false
/ / ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
public phoenix_teleport (id)
/ / Teleport the player
set_user_origin (id, g_savedOrigin [id])

/ / Teleport Effects
write_byte (11) / / TE_TELEPORT
write_coord (g_savedOrigin [id] [0]) / / start position
write_coord (g_savedOrigin [id] [1])
write_coord (g_savedOrigin [id] [2])
message_end ()

positionChangeTimer (id)

Blowup (id)
/ / ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
public positionChangeTimer (id)
if (! is_user_alive (id)) return

get_user_origin (id, g_lastPosition [id])

new Float: velocity [3]
Entvars_Get_Vector (id, EV_VEC_velocity, velocity)

if (velocity [0] == 0.0 && velocity [1] == 0.0) {
/ / Force a Move (small jump)
velocity [0] + = 20.0
velocity [2] + = 100.0
Entvars_Set_Vector (id, EV_VEC_velocity, velocity)

set_task (0.4, "positionChangeCheck", id +100)
/ / ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
public positionChangeCheck (id)
id - = 100

if (! is_user_alive (id)) return

new origin [3]
get_user_origin (id, origin)

/ / Kill this player if Stuck in Wall!
if (g_lastPosition [id] [0] == origin [0] && g_lastPosition [id] [1] == origin [1] && g_lastPosition [id] [2] == origin [2] && is_user_alive (id)) {
user_kill (id, 1)
client_print (id, print_chat, "[SH] (Phoenix) You Were Killed for Being stuck in the wall")
/ / ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
public Blowup (id)
new Float: DRatio, damage, distanceBetween
new origin [3], origin1 [3], name [32]
new dmgRadius = get_cvar_num ("phoenix_radius")
new MaxDamage = get_cvar_num ("phoenix_maxdamage")
new FFOn = get_cvar_num ("mp_friendlyfire")

get_user_origin (id, origin)

get_user_name (id, name, 31)

/ / Blowup even if dead
explode_effect (origin, dmgRadius)

is (a = new one, a <= SH_MAXSLOTS; to + +) {
if (is_user_alive (a) && a! = id && (get_user_team (id)! get_user_team = (a) | | FFOn)) {

get_user_origin (a, origin1)

distanceBetween get_distance = (origin, origin1)

if (distanceBetween <dmgRadius) {
set_hudmessage (248, 20, 25, 0.05, 0.65, 2, 0.02, 3.0, 0.01, 0.1, 85)
show_hudmessage (a, "% s Re-Born was using the power of the Phoenix", name)

DRatio = float (distanceBetween) / float (dmgRadius)
damage = MaxDamage - floatround (MaxDamage DRatio *)
shExtraDamage (a, id, damage, "Phoenix Re-Birth")
/ / ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
public explode_effect (vec1 [3], dmgRadius)
/ / Ring
message_begin (MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY, vec1)
write_byte (21) / / TE_BEAMCYLINDER
write_coord (vec1 [0]) / / center position
write_coord (vec1 [1])
write_coord (vec1 [2] + 10)
write_coord (vec1 [0]) / / axis and radius
write_coord (vec1 [1])
write_coord (vec1 [2] + floatround (dmgRadius * 3.5))
write_short (g_spriteRing) / / sprite index
write_byte (0) / / frame starting
write_byte (0) / / frame rate in 0.1 's
write_byte (2) / / life in 0.1 's
write_byte (20) / / line width in 0.1 's
write_byte (0) / / noise amplitude in 12:01's
write_byte (24 / / color
write_byte (20)
write_byte (25)
write_byte (255) / / brightness
write_byte (0) / / scroll speed in 0.1 's
message_end ()

/ / Explosion2
write_byte (12) / / TE_EXPLOSION2
write_coord (vec1 [0]) / / start position
write_coord (vec1 [1])
write_coord (vec1 [2])
write_byte (18 / / starting color
write_byte (10) / / in colors
message_end ()

/ / Explosion
message_begin (MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY, vec1)
write_byte (3) / / TE_EXPLOSION
write_coord (vec1 [0]) / / start position
write_coord (vec1 [1])
write_coord (vec1 [2])
write_short (g_spriteExplosion) / / sprite index
write_byte (dmgRadius / 9) / / scale in 0.1 's
write_byte (10) / / framerate
write_byte (0) / / flags
message_end ()

/ / Smoke
message_begin (MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY, vec1)
write_byte (5) / / TE_SMOKE
write_coord (vec1 [0]) / / start position
write_coord (vec1 [1])
write_coord (vec1 [2])
write_short (g_spriteSmoke) / / sprite index
write_byte (dmgRadius/14) / / scale in 0.1 's
write_byte (10) / / framerate
message_end ()
/ / ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
public phoenix_admincheck (id) {
new accessLevel [10];
get_cvar_string ("phoenix_adminflag" accessLevel, 9);
/ / Trim (accessLevel);
console_print (1, "% s", accessLevel);
if (accessLevel [0]! = '0 ') {
if (gSelected [id] &&! (get_user_flags (id) & read_flags (accessLevel))) {
client_print (id, print_chat, "[SH] You do not have access to this command, Type More information / vip chat." gHeroName)
gHasPowers [id] = false;
client_cmd (id, "say drop% s", gHeroName);

DJ Fox is offline
The Art of War
Veteran Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Sweden Rock Festival
Old 04-08-2012 , 06:38   Re: Phoenix (VIP)
Reply With Quote #2

If you want to restrict a hero to only be used by people with a certain access flag, use G-Dog's awesome plugin instead:


Delete the "custom access flag restriction code" you added to the hero and simply use the simple plugin!

P.S: If you want people to look at the code you post it's much easier to read if you wrap it in
PHP Code:

Last edited by The Art of War; 04-08-2012 at 06:38.
The Art of War is offline
DJ Fox
Join Date: Jun 2010
Old 04-09-2012 , 13:49   Re: Phoenix (VIP)
Reply With Quote #3

thank you !
DJ Fox is offline

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