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Superheromod Can't compile whhy !?

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Join Date: Jul 2014
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Old 12-06-2014 , 20:18   Superheromod Can't compile whhy !?
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/* AMX Mod X script.
*   SuperHero Mod (superheromod.sma)

// XP Saving Method
// **Make sure only ONE is uncommented**
//#define SAVE_METHOD 1		//Saves XP to vault.ini (Note: Use also for non-save xp to avoid loading extra modules)
#define SAVE_METHOD 2		//Saves XP to superhero nVault (default)
//#define SAVE_METHOD 3		//Saves XP to a MySQL database

*   Version 1.2.1 - Date: ??/??/20??
*   Original by {HOJ} Batman <[email protected]>
*   Currently being maintained by the SuperHero Team
*   http://shero.alliedmods.net/index.php?page=credit
*   1) keep # of binds small and determinable (i.e. no matter what new heroes come along)
*   2) reuse binds amongst heroes (so you don't have to keep rebinding)
*   3) modular heroes - can add and take away using plugins.ini and separate hero *.sma scripts
*  Admin Commands:
*    amx_shsetxp			- Allows admins to set a players XP to a specified amount
*    amx_shaddxp			- Allows admins to give a players a specified amount of XP
*    amx_shsetlevel			- Allows admins to set a players level to a specified number
*    amx_shban				- Allows admins to ban players from using powers
*    amx_shunban			- Allows admins to un-ban players from using powers
*    amx_shimmunexp			- Allows admins to set/unset players immune from save days XP reset (Unavailable for nVault)
*    amx_shresetxp			- Allows admins with ADMIN_RCON to reset all the saved XP
*  Client Command:
*    say /help				- Shows help window with all other client commands.
*  CVARs: Plase See the shconfig.cfg for the cvar settings
*                     ******** FUN Module REQUIRED ********
*                  ********  Fakemeta Module REQUIRED ********
*                 *******  Ham Sandwich Module REQUIRED *******
*                  ********  CStrike Module REQUIRED  ********
*                     ******** CSX Module REQUIRED ********
*  Changelog:
*  v1.2.1 - vittu - ??/??/??
*	- 
*	- Changed SH_ARMOR_RATIO to 0.5 since in cs armor seems to reduce damage by 50% not 80%
*	- Added native sh_set_hero_dmgmult for weapon multipliers to directly hook damage instead of faking damage with sh_extra_damage
*	- Added removal of all Monster Mod monsters on new round, stops monster freezetime attacks
*	- Added option to force save by IP or save by name with cvar sh_saveby 
*	- Added option for Free For All servers to gain money/frags/xp on tk instead of losing money/frags/xp on tk with cvar sh_ffa
*	- Fixed shield restrict forcing drop of shield to actually drop shield not just active weapon
*	- Removed /savexp say command due to complaint of the xp removal it has done since version 1.17.4
*	- Converted superheromysql.inc to use sqlx instead of dbi and optimized a bit
*	- Fixed passing of some buffers into format routines
*	- Changed menu string size and made it smaller, it had too much overhead
*	- Added use of charsmax
*	- Removed unnecessary checks and static's in stocks
*	- Fixed Ham_Spawn's first Ham_Spawn call block method
*	- Fix for amb1961: superhero.ini was being read too late causing sh_minlevel and sh_mercyxp cvars to be set improperly by core
*  v1.2.0 - JTP10181/vittu - 08/17/08
*	  (took over where JTP10181 left off, mixture of both our work as follows below)
*	- Converted server messages in core plugin to register_natives, better for plugin communication and fixes overflow caused by too many heroes
*	- Converted from engine to fakemeta, integrated cstrike more, and utilized csx natives
*	- Converted to use pcvar system core and heroes
*	- Converted fully to new file system over inefficient write_file methods
*	- Added new natives, renamed old, and added some extra options that were not in old
*	- Added optional modes for reload that can be controlled server wide
*	- Added VIP support, bonus xp for vip assassination/rescue.
*	- Added optional blocks for VIP: power key usage, sh give weapons, ect.
*	- Added cvar for amount of players required to be in server for mercy/hostage/bomb/vip XP
*	- Added config file to disable sh giving of specified weapon based on map
*	- Added camera turn toward attacker on death from sh extradamage (thanks Emp`)
*	- Added damage inflictor to sh extradamage. External plugins might use this ie. ATAC3
*	- Added silence/burst reset to drop weapon reload mode
*	- Added bots choosing powers automatically
*	- Added grey colored chat to prefix chat messages as well as native for it
*	- Added /automenu say option to disable hero menu from showing up on spawn
*	- Added amx_shimmunexp admin command to set users immune from savedays deletion (NOT available for nVault)
*	- Fixed exploit with switching team to gain mercy xp
*	- Fixed sh setting sv_maxspeed when set higher than what sh requires, some heroes might need more than detected by sh
*	- Fixed StatusText info from being over written by name of user in crosshairs
*	- Fixed incorrect amounts in max bpammo and max clip stocks, converted to lookup tables instead of switch statements as well
*	- Fixed shero folder will now be created if it does not exist. Allows cfg files to be created if they do not exist (except shconfig.cfg)
*	- Fixed sh_hsmult to work with extradamage headshots, was not counted before
*	- Fixed clearpowers to send drop on only heroes user had not all heroes server has
*	- Fixed player console playerskills command cutting off hero names in some cases
*	- Fixed speed resetting to default speeds after zooming with a sniper rifle
*	- Fixed bug with keys reversing when HUD shows 0 health
*	- Fixed possible reliable channel overflow on clients from hero_inits running on ResetHUD causing a loop from weapon give
*		(Converted to Ham_Spawn post for better reliablity, this adds hamsandwich to be included by default)
*	- Changed the speed system to use actual weapon speeds when resetting to normal, instead of just setting 210
*	- Changed to track bomb by entity index, cleaner then by bomb holder
*	- Changed how single hostage bonus xp is given by detecting the amount of hostages on a map
*	- Changed hero default cvars lvl/hp/ap/grav/speed to be read by pcvar instead of a global, fixes issue with first map hero cvars not setting
*	- Changed shRemHealthPower, shRemArmorPower, shRemGravityPower, shRemSpeedPower, and shResetShield to be taken care of by the core when hero dropped
*	- Changed help motd into a file, shmotd.txt, and edited its content
*	- Removed Cheating-Death support since it is a dead project
*	- Removed amxmod support since it is a dead project
*	- Removed cvars sh_round_started and sh_cdrequired
*	- Removed suicides from hl logs caused by extradamage
*	- Renamed 3 default heroes Nightcrawler/Windwalker/Zues to Shadowcat/Black Panther/Grandmaster respectively
*	- Renamed cvar sh_bombhostxp to sh_objectivexp
*	- Renamed functions in core for better managability
*	- Recoded all default heroes to have a similar style of coding and optimized them
*       Thanks go to teame06, Emp, and jtpizzalover for their input from my constant badgering of this release.
*       Also, thanks to (msv_), ([S0|0]), and Galore ([G]S) clans for letting me test betas on their servers. - vittu
*  v1.18e - JTP10181 - 07/25/06
*	- Fixed runtime error in reloadAmmo caused by bad hero scripting
*	- Allowed addXP to take a Float for the multiplier
*	- Stunning a player now disables their +power keys also (thanks mydas for pointing this out)
*	- Renamed some functions to match the others
*	- Added nVault include file for AMXX only
*	- Fixed issue with Stun and God timers carrying to next round if user stayed alive (thanks vittu)
*	- Fixed bug in timer that made it skip the last second
*	- Fixed exploit in stun system
*	- Fixed bugs in admin commands with case sensitivity
*  v1.18d - JTP10181 - 08/27/05
*	- Fixed runtime errors with AMXX 1.55 and MySQL
*	- Fully tested with MySQL 4.1.14, MySQL 4.0.25 and MySQL 3.23.58
*	- Fixed mem leaks from not using dbi_free_result properly
*	- Added define to mysql include for old style syntax
*  v1.18c - JTP10181 - 07/31/05
*	- Added some more MercyXP abuse checking
*	- Fixed bug where players could have stale heroes from last player with the same index number
*  v1.18a - JTP10181 - 07/19/05
*	- Added check to extradamage for godmode on the target player
*	- Fixed bug in bot XP saving that could cause server lockups
*	- Fixed run time error 4 that occurred when saving the memory table
*  v1.18 - JTP10181 - 05/16/05
*	- Fixed bugs with the CVAR checking
*	- Changed speed system hack to be enabled for AMX 0.9.9+ also
*	- Fixed extradamage logging if you kill yourself
*	- Fixed issue with mysql saving XP if the client has a ` or ' in their name.
*	- Added a hack to fix XP saving for listen server admins
*	- Changed debug message logging so the message will always be shown even if server logging is off
*	- Fixed cooldown timer code to prevent a task from the last round interfering in the next round
*		(Requires the hero to be recompiled with new includes)
*	- Made it so when magneto strips a players weapons they vanish instead of ending up on the ground
*	- Extradamage function now does armor calculations and removes it accordingly
*	- Fixed issue with armor that superhero gives you was not being recognized by CS
*	- Fixed issue with server_exec causing the config not to exec for everyone
*	- Increased default SH_MAXLEVELS to 100, sick of all these tards who can't compile
*	- Changed the MySQL include around a bunch, better queries, non-persistent connection, etc...
*		Thanks for the help from HC of superherocs.com
*	- Changed HUDHELP memtable to be player flags for future use
*	- Added admin command logging
*	- Allowing XP lines in superhero.ini to load up to 1024 bytes instead of 512
*	- Added loop for registering power keydowns so it adjusts with SH_MAXBINDPOWERS
*	- Greatly reduced number of SQL queries sent every round if using endround saving,
*		by not re-saving a persons heroes unless they change them.
*	- Fixed bug in extradamage that took away XP for suicide.
*	- Utilized plugin_log native for hostage and bomb XP events, fixing the bugs in them
*	- Added check so people don't get MercyXP for typing "kill" in the console (not available for AMX98)
*	- Prevented XP variable overflow which would cause XP loss to the player
*	- Removed XP checks in adminSetXP since the above fix prevents overflows
*  v1.17.6 - JTP10181 - 12/15/04
*	- Made it so menu is not auto-displayed for spectators
*	- Fixed bug, giving wrong XP ammout if you get a HS and are using the HSMULT setting
*	- Fixed bug, reload ammo function would slow down user if using the drop weapon setting
*	- Added functionality to remeber XP for bots by thier names
*	- Eliminated cpalive CVAR, set sh_cmdprojector to "2" for the same effect
*	- Heroes using extradamage now send the correct weapon name if they are only multiplying the damage
*	- Added ability to send shExtraDamage as a headshot so the kill shows up correctly
*	- Fixed small bug in playerskills console output
*	- Fixed version CVAR so it will change when upgrading without a server restart
*	- Plugin tries to make SQL tables if they don't exist already
*	- Fixed bug if superhero is disabled no one could chat.
*	- Tweaked the speed system to make it spam less on AMXModX
*	- Made the admin commands idiot proof
*	- Made use of plugin_cfg() stock instead of a task
*	- Fixed bug, extradamage would not let you kill yourself
*	- Added check so sh_xpsavedays cannot bet set higher than 365
*	- Added checks for other CVARS since people like to do stupid things
*	- Fixed issue with people binding to +power1; +power1; +power1;.....
*	- Changed function of sh_bombhostxp again, it was too confusing the way it was
*	- Added check so core can only be loaded once (not available on AMX 0.9.9+)
*	- Fixed bug with non-saved XP, XP never intialiazing.
*  v1.17.5 - JTP10181 - 10/03/04
*	- AMXX 0.20 Support (Vault and MySQL)
*	- Tweaks to godmode coding to prevent problems
*	- Fixed anubis errors on AMXX
*	- Fixed Batman "Reliable channel overflow" problems on AMXX
*	- Cleaned up code on all heroes, redid indenting, removed useless code.
*	- Successful bomb plant will now give entire alive team XP
*	- Added event to catch round end if triggered by sv_restart
*	- Tweaked hostage and bomb XP to make it more evenly distributed
*	- Added new function to include to reload clients ammo (see sh_punisher.sma for example)
*	- Fixed some stuff in the include for AMXX
*	- Reworked vault data parsing to remove hardcoded limit of loading only 20 skills (heroes)
*	- Rewrote readINI function to use new strbrkqt stock
*	- Moved all the shExtraDamage code into the core
*	- Fixed readXP so it will not get processed more than once on a player
*	- Added new hero command to set a shield restriction (see sh_batman.sma for example)
*	- Found a more reliable way to detect hostage rescue and get players id
*	- Fixed some bugs in the stun system
*  v1.17.4 - JTP10181 - 09/05/04
*	- Fixed "playerskills" bug with some skills getting cut off
*	- Fixed bug with XP not displaying until after freezetime
*	- Hero Levels should now load correctly from cvars on the first map
*	- Fixed "whohas" that has been broken for a long time I assume
*	- Fixed bug in "drop" command when client has the max powers allowed on the server
*	- Increased plugins available memory as it was teetering near the edge of runtime 3 issues.
*	- Tweaked string array lengths to make plugin use less memory
*	- Finally fixed menu bug causing it to say a hero was disabled when it wasn't
*	- Added code to restrict dropping while alive and a cvar to enable / disable it.
*	- Fixed bug in godmode code so one godmode wont cancel another out
*	- "File" saving support totally removed (vault saving is still the default)
*	- Added support for AMX 0.9.9
*  v1.17.3 - JTP10181 - 08/27/04
*	- Fixed bug with loadimmediate and some people loosing XP
*	- Fixed bug with ban code if file did not end in a newline
*	- Added checks to make sure authid is valid before trying to load XP
*	- Made autobalance setting get ignored when savexp is on
*	- Fixed more bugs with XP not loading correctly.
*	- Added admin command to reset all the XP
*	- Worked a lot on the MySQL include to make it work better overall
*	- Added a bunch of checks to cancel events for bots (better CZ support also)
*	- Found a way to reset speed without forcing a weapon switch
*	- Fixed bugs with menu resetting to page 1 while you are in it
*	- Made it so powers are not disabled (for freezetime) until the first person spawns
*	- Changed function of debug cvar, it is now the debugging level.
*  v1.17.2 - JTP10181 - 08/17/04
*	- Fixed runtime errors if you exceed the MAXHEROS amount
*	- Fixed bug with playSoundDenySelect, changed to client spk so others cannot hear it
*	- Made banning system use less files reads, with the old method it
*		would have caused lag with a large ban file
*	- Redid banning support, can now unban also.
*	- Changed debugMsg function again, to backward support non-stock heroes
*	- Fixed more bugs with stale menus after certain commands
*	- Fixed some issues with variables that could have been causing memory problems
*	- Fixed some menu issues that arose with the last release
*	- Added a cvar to put the menu back how it used to be where it hides disabled heroes
*	- Added a cvar to change (or disable) the level limiting in the menu
*	- Tweaked the way things load on first startup to hopefully fix cvar issues people are having
*	- Found recursion problem causing runtime error 3 and fixed it
*	- If a level is lost the plugin will remove heroes you should not have anymore
*	- Added HeadShot multiplyer cvar to give extra XP for headshots
*  v1.17.1 - JTP10181 - 08/12/04
*	- Redid the new round code, should have fixed some bugs with the feezetime being 0
*	- Fixed bug with sh_adminaccess not getting loaded from config before being set as level for commands
*	- Redid the debugging messages system
*	- Redid the readINI function to make it more versatile
*	- Fixed bug with giving XP for hostage rescue
*	- Removed some useless code in the hostage rescue system
*	- Added status messages for the XP given on bomb and hostage events
*	- Changed use of sh_bombhostxp cvar. It now sets the level of XP given/taken for the events
*		Set CVAR to -1 to disable the XP bonuses
*	- Changed the default admin flag because for some reason it was set to the admin_immunity flag
*	- Fixed vault saving by IP so it wont use the port anymore, only the IP
*	- Blocked fullupdate client command to prevent exploiting and resetting cooldown timers and other bad things.
*	- Changed the menu system to make it less confusing why some heroes are not available
*	- Added extra codes to the menu system
*	- Grayed out disabled menu items instead of hiding them
*	- Error message if no argument supplied to /whohas
*	- Added Power Number to /herolist output
*	- Fixed bug in the clearpower function causing hero ids to be out of place in the players array
*	- Redid the damage function in the inc file, blocking death messages with vexd and updating scoreboard properly
*	- Fixed bug with clearpowers when menu was on screen, it would be stale and not refresh
*	- Added function to adjust the servers sv_maxspeed so speed increasing heroes can work properly
*	- Redid the layout for most of the stock heroes so its more standardized.
*	- Removed xtrafun from all heroes possible to better support amx 0.9.9.
*  v1.17 - JTP10181 - 07/27/04
*	- Updated all motd box output to be more easy to follow
*	- Fixed bug if only one hero left to pick it would not be displayed
*	- Fixed bug with setting the speed system
*	- Fixed admin commands to follow better standards
*	- Added mercy XP system to give players who gained no XP a small boost each round
*	- cmd_projector merged in with this plugin
*  REV 1.16.0 - (ASSKICR) Fixed save by ip if sv_lan = 1
*  REV 1.14.8 - (ASSKICR) Fixed the 1.6 speed bug
*  REV 1.14.7 - (ASSKICR) Made some fixes in newround
*  REV 1.14.6 - (ASSKICR) Made it save XP by STEAMID for 1.6 and WONID for 1.5
*  REV 1.14.5 - (ASSKICR) - Made a few more commands for XP and a command to block powers
*  REV 1.14.4 - added ability to point mysql database to another database than the default amx database if these cvars exists: sh_mysql_db, sh_mysql_user, sh_mysql_pass, sh_mysql_db
*  REV 1.14.3 - bug fix playerpower missed 1 level.  amx_vaulttosql didn't strip shinfo. cleanXP() mysql delete now does sh_saveskills to
*  REV 1.14.2 - bug fix - "re"-joiners loose certain hero skills
*  REV 1.14.1 - mysql, cvars(sh_loadimmediate), say commands(playerskills, playerlevels, whohas),
*               command (amx_vaulttosql) if mysqlmode...
*               Initialize via server command instead of plugin_ini
*               depricated cvar( sh_usevault)
*               small Xavier disconect test
*               small change in displayPowers (now shows how many levels are earnable)
*  REV 1.13.3 - MSG_ONE gaurd to try and eliminate writedest crashes
*  REV 1.13.2 - unabomber radius change, bomberman, cyclops slightly, anubis
*  REV 1.13.1- changed xavier, rolled in aquaman
*  REV 1.12b - reviewing xtrafun based heroes: ironman, skeletor, spiderman, xavier ( make sure user is alive b4 getting origin on new_round), nightcrawler, windwalker
*              Going to try and eliminate xtrafun calls on new joiners to see if can elimnate the crashes.
*  REV 1.12a - fixed loadXP bug - ppl losing XP - various small checks
*  REV 1.11b  - not using max_players() function any longer - test...
*  REV 1.11a - Made hero levels a number instead of reading cvars..., changes cleanXP to make a little better
*  REV 1.10f - take out playerpowerflags..., gaurded key presses by gPlayerBinds instead of gPlayerPowers
*  REV 1.10d - make bomb/hostage, speed, health, armor, gravity turned into vars instead of cvar reads
*  REV 1.10c - refined speed hack bug fix, FIXED playerskills 4096 vs 2048 copy problem
*             changed batman and hob to zeus with weapons.  Batman no longer gets defuse packs.
*  REVE 1.10b
*  REV  1.10a
*  REV 1.09 - commented out client_connect code (should be done on disconnect), make sure user is alive on newRound(),
*             added startround,endround logic to pop client menus to people just joining
*  REV 1.08 - readMemoryTable make sure key is >0, sh_round_started only set once
*  REV 1.07 - fixed unabomber, fixed loading guy with more than sh_maxpowers, addes sh_endroundsave
*  REV 1.06 - removed messaging from heroes - wolv heals to 100, drac to 100
*  REV 1.05 - ADDED sh_maxpowers, removed register loops, added regMaxHealth
*  REV 1.02 Beta
*  6/1/2003  - strunpack to copies and changed diminsions - testing crashes large servers
*  5/16/2003 - Fixed mid-round join bug
*  5/17/2003 - Added amx_shsetlevel, amx_shxpspeed, console playerskills
*  Thanks to ST4life for the orginal time projector that was used for the cmd projector
*  Thanks to asskicr for his verison which this is based off of
*  To-Do:
*	- Admin menu for giving XP / levels / etc. Also for resetting and other admin commands. (separate plugin).
*	- Config file to make heroes only available to certain access flags.
*	- Create a Block weapon fire/sound/animation for laser type heroes instead of having them switch to knife.
*	- Look into blocking power key use native maybe by user / hero id.
*	- Find different method to indicate sh_set_godmode (remove forced blue glow).
*	- CVAR for old style XP modding - how fast to level ("slow", "medium", "fast", "normal", "long").
*	- Make superhero IDs start at 1 not 0.
*	- Get rid of binaries tables in mysql.
*	- Make command to autogenerate ini up to X levels.
*	- Save sh bans using flag into saved data instead of the ban file (possible issue with nvault, and that data must be saved then).
*	- Add gravity settings based on current weapon (incomplete currently).
*	- Make use of multilingual support for "core" messages only.
*	- Remove all use of set_user_info, find a better method to tell when a power is in use (possibly native so hero can say it's in use).
*	- Possibly change extradamage death to use hamsandwhich Ham_TakeDamage (Maybe have both options?).
*	- Run a check to make sure no menu is open before opening powers menu.
*	- Add chosen hero child page to menu to verify hero choice, but mainly to add hero info there instead of using hud messages for powerHelp info.
*	- Find a better method for blocking shield with primary bug or refine currently used one.
*	- Clean up any issues with the say commands.
*	- Possibly use threading only for mysql saving at round end (may require too much recoding).
*	- Convert the read_file usage in superheromysql.inc to use new file natives.
*	- Add check to skip power key if pressed too fast to stop aliasing multiple power keys at the same time.
*	- Make sh more csdm/respawn friendly, remove reliance on round ending
* 	- Improve sh_minplayersxp to count only players that are on a team
* 	- Make restricting bonus xp bomb tracking optional

//By default, plugins have 4KB of stack space.
//This gives the plugin a little more memory to work with (6144 or 24KB is sh default)
#pragma dynamic 6144

//Sets the size of the memory table to hold data until the next save
#define gMemoryTableSize 64

//Amount of heroes at a time to display in the amx_help style console listing
#define HEROAMOUNT 10

//Lets includes detect if the core is loading them or a hero
#define SHCORE

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <superheromod>

new const SH_CORE_STR[] =  "SuperHero Core"

// Parms Are: Hero, Power Description, Help Info, Needs A Bind?, Level Available At
enum enumHeros { hero[25], superpower[50], help[128], requiresKeys, availableLevel }

// The Big Array that holds all of the heroes, superpowers, help, and other important info
new gSuperHeros[SH_MAXHEROS][enumHeros]
new gSuperHeroCount = 0

// Changed these from CVARS to straight numbers...
new gHeroMaxSpeed[SH_MAXHEROS]
new gHeroSpeedWeapons[SH_MAXHEROS][31] // array weapons of weapon's i.e. {4,30} Note:{0}=all
new gHeroMaxHealth[SH_MAXHEROS]
new gHeroMinGravity[SH_MAXHEROS]
new gHeroMaxArmor[SH_MAXHEROS]
new bool:gHeroShieldRest[SH_MAXHEROS]
new gHeroMaxDamageMult[SH_MAXHEROS][31]

//CVARS to be loaded into variables
new bool:gAutoBalance
new bool:gLongTermXP = true
new bool:gObjectiveXP = true
new gCMDProj = 0

// Player Variables Used by Various Functions
// Player IDS are base 1 (i.e. 1-32 so we have to diminsion for 33)
new gPlayerPowers[SH_MAXSLOTS+1][SH_MAXLEVELS+1]      // List of all Powers - Slot 0 is the superpower count
new gPlayerBinds[SH_MAXSLOTS+1][SH_MAXBINDPOWERS+1]   // What superpowers are the bind keys bound
new gPlayerFlags[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new gPlayerMenuOffset[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new gPlayerMenuChoices[SH_MAXSLOTS+1][SH_MAXHEROS+1]  // This will be filled in with # of heroes available
new gMaxPowersLeft[SH_MAXSLOTS+1][SH_MAXLEVELS+1]
new gCurrentWeapon[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new gCurrentFOV[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new gPlayerStunTimer[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new Float:gPlayerStunSpeed[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new gPlayerGodTimer[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new gPlayerStartXP[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new gPlayerLevel[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new gPlayerXP[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new gXPLevel[SH_MAXLEVELS+1]
new gXPGiven[SH_MAXLEVELS+1]
new bool:gNewRoundSpawn[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new bool:gIsPowerBanned[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new bool:gInMenu[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new bool:gReadXPNextRound[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new bool:gFirstRound[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new bool:gShieldRestrict[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new bool:gBlockMercyXp[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new Float:gReloadTime[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new bool:gChangedHeroes[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new gMaxHealth[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new gMaxArmor[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new bool:gPlayerPutInServer[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]
new gXpBounsVIP
//new Float:gLastKeydown[SH_MAXSLOTS+1]

// Other miscellaneous global variables
new gHelpHudMsg[340]
new gmsgStatusText, gmsgScoreInfo, gmsgDeathMsg, gmsgDamage
new gmsgSayText, gmsgTeamInfo
new bool:gRoundFreeze
new bool:gRoundStarted
new bool:gBetweenRounds
new bool:gGiveMercyXP = true
new gNumLevels = 0
new gMaxPowers = 0
new gMenuID = 0
new gNumHostages = 0
new gXpBounsC4ID = -1
new gHelpHudSync, gHeroHudSync
new bool:gMapBlockWeapons[31]	//1-30 CSW_ constants
new bool:gXrtaDmgClientKill
new gServersMaxPlayers
new gXrtaDmgWpnName[32]
new gXrtaDmgAttacker
new gXrtaDmgHeadshot
new bool:gIsCzero
new bool:gCZBotRegisterHam
new bool:gMonsterModRunning

//Memory Table Variables
new gMemoryTableCount = 33
new gMemoryTableKeys[gMemoryTableSize][32]				// Table for storing xp lines that need to be flushed to file...
new gMemoryTableNames[gMemoryTableSize][32]				// Stores players name for a key
new gMemoryTableXP[gMemoryTableSize]					// How much XP does a player have?
new gMemoryTableFlags[gMemoryTableSize]					// User flags for other settings (see below)
new gMemoryTablePowers[gMemoryTableSize][SH_MAXLEVELS+1]		// 0=# of powers, 1=hero index, etc...

//Config Files
new gSHConfigDir[128], gBanFile[128], gSHConfig[128], gHelpMotd[128]

new sv_superheros, sh_adminaccess, sh_alivedrop, sh_autobalance, sh_objectivexp
new sh_cmdprojector, sh_debug_messages, sh_endroundsave, sh_hsmult, sh_loadimmediate, sh_lvllimit
new sh_maxbinds, sh_maxpowers, sh_menumode, sh_mercyxp, sh_mercyxpmode, sh_minlevel
new sh_savexp, sh_saveby, sh_xpsavedays, sh_minplrsbhxp, sh_reloadmode, sh_blockvip, sh_ffa
new mp_friendlyfire, sv_maxspeed, sv_lan, bot_quota

new fwdReturn
new fwd_HeroInit, fwd_HeroKey, fwd_Spawn, fwd_Death
new fwd_RoundStart, fwd_RoundEnd, fwd_NewRound

#if defined SH_BACKCOMPAT
//Old global variables, required for backward compat
new gEventInit[SH_MAXHEROS][20]
new gEventKeyDown[SH_MAXHEROS][20]
new gEventKeyUp[SH_MAXHEROS][20]
new gEventMaxHealth[SH_MAXHEROS][20]
new gEventLevels[SH_MAXHEROS][20]   // Holds server functions to call when a person levels...

//Level up sound
new const gSoundLevel[] = "plats/elevbell1.wav"

//Used to reset players team for colored text
new const gTeamName[4][] =  {

// XP Saving Method, do not modify this here, please see the top of the file.
#if SAVE_METHOD == 1
	#include <superherovault>	//Saves XP to vault.ini

#if SAVE_METHOD == 2
	#include <superheronvault>	//Saves XP to superhero nVault (default)

#if SAVE_METHOD == 3
	#include <superheromysql>	//Saves XP to a MySQL database

public plugin_init()
	// Check to make sure this plugin isn't loaded already
	if ( is_plugin_loaded(SH_CORE_STR) > 0 ) {
		set_fail_state("You can only load the ^"SuperHero Core^" once, please check your plugins-shero.ini")

	// Plugin Info
	register_plugin(SH_CORE_STR, SH_VERSION_STR, "JTP10181/{HOJ}Batman/vittu/AssKicR")
	register_cvar("SuperHeroMod_Version", SH_VERSION_STR, FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_SPONLY)
	set_cvar_string("SuperHeroMod_Version", SH_VERSION_STR)	// Update incase new version loaded while still running

	debugMsg(0, 1, "plugin_init - Version: %s", SH_VERSION_STR)

	// Menus
	gMenuID = register_menuid("Select Super Power")
	register_menucmd(gMenuID, menukeys, "selectedSuperPower")

	sv_superheros = register_cvar("sv_superheros", "1")
	sh_adminaccess = register_cvar("sh_adminaccess", "m")
	sh_alivedrop = register_cvar("sh_alivedrop", "0")
	sh_autobalance = register_cvar("sh_autobalance", "0")
	sh_objectivexp = register_cvar("sh_objectivexp", "8")
	sh_cmdprojector = register_cvar("sh_cmdprojector", "1")
	sh_endroundsave = register_cvar("sh_endroundsave", "1")
	sh_hsmult = register_cvar("sh_hsmult", "1.0")
	sh_loadimmediate = register_cvar("sh_loadimmediate", "0")
	sh_lvllimit = register_cvar("sh_lvllimit", "1")
	sh_maxbinds = register_cvar("sh_maxbinds", "3")
	sh_maxpowers = register_cvar("sh_maxpowers", "20")
	sh_menumode = register_cvar("sh_menumode", "1")
	sh_mercyxp = register_cvar("sh_mercyxp", "0")
	sh_mercyxpmode = register_cvar("sh_mercyxpmode", "1")
	sh_minlevel = register_cvar("sh_minlevel", "0")
	sh_savexp = register_cvar("sh_savexp", "1")
	sh_saveby = register_cvar("sh_saveby", "1")
	sh_xpsavedays = register_cvar("sh_xpsavedays", "14")
	sh_reloadmode = register_cvar("sh_reloadmode", "1")
	sh_minplrsbhxp = register_cvar("sh_minplayersxp", "2")
	sh_blockvip = register_cvar("sh_blockvip", "abcdef")
	sh_ffa = register_cvar("sh_ffa", "0")

	// Server cvars checked by core
	mp_friendlyfire = get_cvar_pointer("mp_friendlyfire")
	sv_maxspeed = get_cvar_pointer("sv_maxspeed")
	sv_lan = get_cvar_pointer("sv_lan")
	bot_quota = get_cvar_pointer("bot_quota")	// For cz bots to register spawn hook

	// API - Register a bunch of forwards that heroes can use
	fwd_HeroInit = CreateMultiForward("sh_hero_init", ET_IGNORE, FP_CELL, FP_CELL, FP_CELL)	// id, heroID, mode
	fwd_HeroKey = CreateMultiForward("sh_hero_key", ET_IGNORE, FP_CELL, FP_CELL, FP_CELL)	// id, heroID, key
	fwd_Spawn = CreateMultiForward("sh_client_spawn", ET_IGNORE, FP_CELL, FP_CELL)		// id, newSpawn
	fwd_Death = CreateMultiForward("sh_client_death", ET_IGNORE, FP_CELL, FP_CELL, FP_CELL, FP_STRING)	//killer, victim, wpnindex, hitplace, TK
	fwd_NewRound = CreateMultiForward("sh_round_new", ET_IGNORE)
	fwd_RoundStart = CreateMultiForward("sh_round_start", ET_IGNORE)
	fwd_RoundEnd = CreateMultiForward("sh_round_end", ET_IGNORE)

#if defined SH_BACKCOMPAT
	// API - Register a bunch of Server Command so that the Heroes can Call them
	register_srvcmd("sh_regKeyUp", "regKeyUp")		// Hero can register a keyup event to fire
	register_srvcmd("sh_regKeyDown", "regKeyDown")		// Hero can register a keydown event to fire
	register_srvcmd("sh_regLevels", "regLevels")		// Hero may want to what levels people are at...
	register_srvcmd("sh_regMaxHealth", "regMaxHealth")	// Hero may want to know what max health of a person is... doing this to cut down on server messages (woverine, dracula)
	register_srvcmd("sh_regInit", "regInit")		// Hero may need to init player gains or looses superpowers! 2 parms passed to script - id and hassuperpowers

	// Init saving method commands/cvars/variables

	// Setup config file paths

	// Events to Capture
	register_event("CurWeapon", "event_CurWeapon", "be", "1=1")
	register_event("SetFOV", "event_SetFOV", "be")
	register_event("DeathMsg", "event_DeathMsg", "a")
	register_event("HLTV", "event_HLTV", "a", "1=0", "2=0")	// New Round
	register_logevent("round_Start", 2, "1=Round_Start")
	register_logevent("round_End", 2, "1=Round_End")
	register_logevent("round_Restart", 2, "1&Restart_Round_")
	register_logevent("bomb_HolderSpawned", 3, "2=Spawned_With_The_Bomb")
	register_logevent("host_Killed", 3, "2=Killed_A_Hostage")
	register_logevent("host_Rescued", 3, "2=Rescued_A_Hostage")
	register_logevent("host_AllRescued", 6, "3=All_Hostages_Rescued")
	register_logevent("vip_UserSpawned", 3, "2=Became_VIP")
	register_logevent("vip_UserEscape", 3, "2=Escaped_As_VIP")
	register_logevent("vip_Assassinated", 3, "2=Assassinated_The_VIP")
	register_logevent("vip_Escaped", 6, "3=VIP_Escaped")

	// Must use post or else is_user_alive will return false when dead player respawns
	// cz bots won't hook here must RegisterHamFromEntity
	RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "ham_PlayerSpawn_Post", 1)
	RegisterHam(Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "ham_TakeDamage_Pre")

	// Events to catch shield buying
	// Old Style Menus
	register_menucmd(register_menuid("BuyItem", 1), MENU_KEY_8, "shieldbuy")
	// VGUI Menus
	register_menucmd(-34, MENU_KEY_9, "shieldbuy")
	// Steam console QuickBuys
	register_clcmd("shield", "shieldqbuy")
	// Steam Autobuying
	register_clcmd("cl_setautobuy", "fn_autobuy")
	register_clcmd("cl_autobuy", "fn_autobuy")
	register_clcmd("cl_setrebuy", "fn_autobuy")
	register_clcmd("cl_rebuy", "fn_autobuy")
	// Touch Forward
	register_forward(FM_Touch, "fm_Touch")

	// Player choosing a team (t, ct, auto, spec)
	register_menucmd(register_menuid("IG_Team_Select", 1), 511, "team_chosen")
	register_menucmd(register_menuid("Team_Select", 1), 511, "team_chosen")
	register_menucmd(register_menuid("Team_Select_Spect", 1), 511, "team_chosen")
	register_clcmd("jointeam", "team_chosen")

	// Client Commands
	register_clcmd("superpowermenu", "cl_superpowermenu", ADMIN_ALL, "superpowermenu")
	register_clcmd("clearpowers", "cl_clearpowers", ADMIN_ALL, "clearpowers")
	register_clcmd("say", "cl_say")
	register_clcmd("fullupdate", "cl_fullupdate")

	// Power Commands, using a loop so it adjusts with SH_MAXBINDPOWERS
	for (new x = 1; x <= SH_MAXBINDPOWERS; x++) {
		new powerDown[10], powerUp[10]
		formatex(powerDown, charsmax(powerDown), "+power%d", x)
		formatex(powerUp, charsmax(powerUp), "-power%d", x)

		register_clcmd(powerDown, "powerKeyDown")
		register_clcmd(powerUp, "powerKeyUp")

	// Console commands for client or from server console
	register_concmd("playerlevels", "showLevelsCon", ADMIN_ALL, "<nick | @team | @ALL | #userid>")
	register_concmd("playerskills", "showSkillsCon", ADMIN_ALL, "<nick | @team | @ALL | #userid>")
	register_concmd("herolist", "showHeroListCon", ADMIN_ALL, "[search] [start] - Lists/Searches available heroes in console")

	// Hud Syncs for help and hero info, need 2 since help can be on at same time
	gHelpHudSync = CreateHudSyncObj()
	gHeroHudSync = CreateHudSyncObj()

	// Count number of hostages for sh_objectivexp
	// This should have a better method of counting, maybe check when keyvalue is set
	new ent = -1
	while( (ent = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, ent, "classname", "hostage_entity")) > 0 ) {

	// Global Variables...
	gmsgStatusText = get_user_msgid("StatusText")
	gmsgScoreInfo = get_user_msgid("ScoreInfo")
	gmsgDeathMsg = get_user_msgid("DeathMsg")
	gmsgDamage = get_user_msgid("Damage")
	gmsgSayText = get_user_msgid("SayText")
	gmsgTeamInfo = get_user_msgid("TeamInfo")
	gServersMaxPlayers = get_maxplayers()

	// Set the game description
	register_forward(FM_GetGameDescription, "fm_GetGameDesc")

	// Block committed suicide hl log messages caused by extradamage
	register_forward(FM_AlertMessage, "fm_AlertMessage")
	register_message(gmsgDeathMsg, "msg_DeathMsg")

	// Block player names from overwriting StatusText sent by core
	register_message(gmsgStatusText, "msg_StatusText")

	// Fixes bug with HUD showing 0 health and reversing keys
	register_message(get_user_msgid("Health"), "msg_Health")

	// Load the config file here and again later
	// Initial load for core configs
public plugin_precache()
	// Default Sounds

	// Create this cvar in precache incase a hero wants to create a debug msg during precache
	sh_debug_messages = register_cvar("sh_debug_messages", "0")
public plugin_natives()

	register_native("sh_create_hero", "_sh_create_hero")
	register_native("sh_set_hero_info", "_sh_set_hero_info")
	register_native("sh_set_hero_bind", "_sh_set_hero_bind")
	register_native("sh_set_hero_shield", "_sh_set_hero_shield")
	register_native("sh_set_hero_hpap", "_sh_set_hero_hpap")
	register_native("sh_set_hero_speed", "_sh_set_hero_speed")
	register_native("sh_set_hero_grav", "_sh_set_hero_grav")
	register_native("sh_set_hero_dmgmult", "_sh_set_hero_dmgmult")
	register_native("sh_get_max_ap", "_sh_get_max_ap")
	register_native("sh_get_max_hp", "_sh_get_max_hp")
	register_native("sh_get_num_lvls", "_sh_get_num_lvls")
	register_native("sh_get_lvl_xp", "_sh_get_lvl_xp")
	register_native("sh_get_user_lvl", "_sh_get_user_lvl")
	register_native("sh_set_user_lvl", "_sh_set_user_lvl")
	register_native("sh_get_user_xp", "_sh_get_user_xp")
	register_native("sh_set_user_xp", "_sh_set_user_xp")
	register_native("sh_add_kill_xp", "_sh_add_kill_xp")
	register_native("sh_get_hero_id", "_sh_get_hero_id")
	register_native("sh_user_has_hero", "_sh_user_has_hero")
	register_native("sh_chat_message", "_sh_chat_message")
	register_native("sh_debug_message", "_sh_debug_message")
	register_native("sh_extra_damage", "_sh_extra_damage")
	register_native("sh_set_stun", "_sh_set_stun")
	register_native("sh_get_stun", "_sh_get_stun")
	register_native("sh_set_godmode", "_sh_set_godmode")
	register_native("sh_is_freezetime", "_sh_is_freezetime")
	register_native("sh_is_inround", "_sh_is_inround")
	register_native("sh_reload_ammo", "_sh_reload_ammo")
	register_native("sh_drop_weapon", "_sh_drop_weapon")
	register_native("sh_give_weapon", "_sh_give_weapon")
	register_native("sh_give_item", "_sh_give_item")
	register_native("sh_reset_max_speed", "_sh_reset_max_speed")
	register_native("sh_reset_min_gravity", "_sh_reset_min_gravity")
public fm_GetGameDesc()
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return FMRES_IGNORED

	new mod_name[9]
	get_modname(mod_name, charsmax(mod_name))
	if ( equal(mod_name, "cstrike") ) {
		forward_return(FMV_STRING, "CS - SuperHero Mod")
	else {
		gIsCzero = true
		forward_return(FMV_STRING, "CZ - SuperHero Mod")

public plugin_cfg()

	debugMsg(0, 1, "Starting plugin_cfg() function")

	// Load the Config file, secondary load for heroes

	// Setup the Admin Commands
	new accessLevel[10]
	get_pcvar_string(sh_adminaccess, accessLevel, charsmax(accessLevel))
	new aLevel = read_flags(accessLevel)

	//This can all be set with cmdaccess.ini now, do we really need a sh_adminaccess cvar?
	register_concmd("amx_shsetlevel", "adminSetLevel", aLevel, "<name|^"steamid^"|#userid|@TEAM|@ALL> <level> - Sets SuperHero level on Players")
	register_concmd("amx_shsetxp", "adminSetXP", aLevel, "<name|^"steamid^"|#userid|@TEAM|@ALL> <xp> - Sets Players XP")
	register_concmd("amx_shaddxp", "adminSetXP", aLevel, "<name|^"steamid^"|#userid|@TEAM|@ALL> <xp> - Adds XP to Players")
	register_concmd("amx_shban", "adminBanXP", aLevel, "<name|^"steamid^"|#userid> - Bans a player from using Powers")
	register_concmd("amx_shunban", "adminUnbanXP", aLevel, "<name|^"steamid^"|#userid|^"ip^"> - Unbans a player from using Powers")
#if SAVE_METHOD != 2
	register_concmd("amx_shimmunexp", "adminImmuneXP", aLevel, "<name|^"steamid^"|#userid> <0=OFF|1=ON> - Sets/Unsets player immune from sh_savedays XP prune only")

	register_concmd("amx_shresetxp", "adminEraseXP", ADMIN_RCON, "- Erases ALL saved XP (may take some time with a large vault file)")

	// Check to see if we need to block weapon giving heroes

	// Setup XPGiven and XP

	// Check the CVARs

	// Clean out old XP data

	// Setup the Help MOTD


	// Tasks
	set_task(1.0, "loopMain", _, _, _, "b")
	set_task(3.0, "setHeroLevels")
	set_task(5.0, "setSvMaxspeed")
	set_task(5.0, "cvarCheck")

	if ( cvar_exists("monster_spawn") ) {
		gMonsterModRunning = true
	// Set Up Config Files
	get_configsdir(gSHConfigDir, charsmax(gSHConfigDir))
	add(gSHConfigDir, charsmax(gSHConfigDir), "/shero", 6)

	// Attempt to create directory if it does not exist
	if ( !dir_exists(gSHConfigDir) ) {

	formatex(gBanFile, charsmax(gBanFile), "%s/nopowers.cfg", gSHConfigDir)
	formatex(gSHConfig, charsmax(gSHConfig), "%s/shconfig.cfg", gSHConfigDir)
	formatex(gHelpMotd, charsmax(gHelpMotd), "%s/shmotd.txt", gSHConfigDir)

	if ( !file_exists(gHelpMotd) ) {
		//Create the file if it doesn't exist
	//Load SH Config File
	if ( file_exists(gSHConfig) ) {
		//Message Not run thru debug system since people are morons and think it's an error cause it says "DEBUG"
		static count
		log_amx("Exec: (%d) Loading shconfig.cfg (message should be seen twice)", count)

		server_cmd("exec %s", gSHConfig)

		//Force the server to flush the exec buffer

		//Note: I do not believe this is an issue anymore disabling until known otherwise - vittu
		//Exec the config again due to issues with it not loading all the time
		//server_cmd("exec %s", gSHConfig)
	else {
		debugMsg(0, 0, "**WARNING** SuperHero Config File not found, correct location: %s", gSHConfig)
// This will set the sh_give_weapon blocks for the map
	new wpnBlockFile[128]
	formatex(wpnBlockFile, charsmax(wpnBlockFile), "%s/shweapon.cfg", gSHConfigDir)

	if ( !file_exists(wpnBlockFile) ) {
		//Create the file if it doesn't exist

	new blockWpnFile = fopen(wpnBlockFile, "rt")

	if ( !blockWpnFile ) {
		debugMsg(0, 0, "Failed to open shweapon.cfg, please verify file/folder permissions")

	new data[512], mapName[32], blockMapName[32]
	new blockWeapons[512], weapon[16], weaponName[32]
	new checkLength, x, weaponID

	get_mapname(mapName, charsmax(mapName))

	while(!feof(blockWpnFile)) {
		fgets(blockWpnFile, data, charsmax(data))

		//Comments or blank skip it
		switch(data[0]) {
			case '^0', '^n', ';', '/', '\', '#': continue

		strbreak(data, blockMapName, charsmax(blockMapName), blockWeapons, charsmax(blockWeapons))

		//all maps or check for something more specific?
		if ( blockMapName[0] != '*' ) {

			//How much of the map name do we check?
			checkLength = strlen(blockMapName)

			if ( blockMapName[checkLength-1] == '*' ) {
			else {
				//Largest length between the 2, do this because of above check
				checkLength = max(checkLength, strlen(mapName))

			//Keep checking or did we find the map?
			if ( !equali(mapName, blockMapName, checkLength) )  continue

		//If gotten this far a map has been found

		//Idiot check, make sure weapon names are lowercase before going further

		while ( blockWeapons[0] != '^0' ) {
			//trim any spaces left over especially from strtok
			strtok(blockWeapons, weapon, charsmax(weapon), blockWeapons, 415, ',', 1)

			if ( equal(weapon, "all") ) {
				//Set all 1-30 CSW_ constants
				for(x = 1; x < 31; x++) {
					gMapBlockWeapons[x] = gMapBlockWeapons[x] ? false : true
			else {
				//Set named weapon
				formatex(weaponName, charsmax(weaponName), "weapon_%s", weapon)
				weaponID = get_weaponid(weaponName)

				if ( !weaponID ) {
					debugMsg(0, 0, "Invalid block weapon name ^"%s^" for entry ^"%s^" check shweapon.cfg", weapon, blockMapName)

				gMapBlockWeapons[weaponID] = gMapBlockWeapons[weaponID] ? false : true

		// Map found stop looking for more
public cvarCheck()
	//Check variables for invalid settings
	new XPSaveDays = get_pcvar_num(sh_xpsavedays)
	if ( XPSaveDays > 365 ) set_pcvar_num(sh_xpsavedays, 365)
	else if ( XPSaveDays < 0 ) set_pcvar_num(sh_xpsavedays, 0)

	new minLevel = get_pcvar_num(sh_minlevel)
	if ( minLevel > gNumLevels ) set_pcvar_num(sh_minlevel, gNumLevels)
	else if ( minLevel < 0 ) set_pcvar_num(sh_minlevel, 0)

	if ( get_pcvar_num(sh_mercyxpmode) == 2 ) {
		new mercyXP = get_pcvar_num(sh_mercyxp)
		if ( mercyXP > gNumLevels ) set_pcvar_num(sh_mercyxp, gNumLevels)
		else if ( mercyXP < 0 ) set_pcvar_num(sh_mercyxp, 0)

	//Load Global Variables from frequently used CVARS...
	gLongTermXP = get_pcvar_num(sh_savexp) ? true : false
	gMaxPowers = get_pcvar_num(sh_maxpowers)
	gObjectiveXP = (get_pcvar_num(sh_objectivexp) <= 0) ? false : true
	if ( !gLongTermXP ) gAutoBalance = get_pcvar_num(sh_autobalance) ? true : false
	gCMDProj = get_pcvar_num(sh_cmdprojector)
public loopMain()
	//Might be better to create an ent think loop
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return

	//Unstun Timer & GodMode Timer

	//Show the CMD Projector
public setHeroLevels()
	debugMsg(0, 1, "Reloading Levels for %d Heroes", gSuperHeroCount)

	for ( new x = 0; x < gSuperHeroCount && x <= SH_MAXHEROS; x++ ) {
		gSuperHeros[x][availableLevel] = get_pcvar_num(gHeroLevelCVAR[x])
public setSvMaxspeed()
	new maxspeed = 320 // Server Default
	for ( new x = 0; x < gSuperHeroCount; x++ ) {
		if ( gHeroMaxSpeed[x] != 0 ) {
			maxspeed = max(maxspeed, get_pcvar_num(gHeroMaxSpeed[x]))

	// Only set if below required speed to avoid setting lower then server op may want
	if ( get_pcvar_num(sv_maxspeed) < maxspeed )
		debugMsg(0, 1, "Setting server CVAR sv_maxspeed to: %d", maxspeed)
		set_pcvar_num(sv_maxspeed, maxspeed)
public bool:_sh_is_inround()
	return gBetweenRounds ? false : true
public bool:_sh_is_freezetime()
	return gRoundStarted ? false : true
public _sh_get_num_lvls()
	return gNumLevels
public _sh_get_lvl_xp()
	new level = get_param(1)

	//stupid check - but checking prevents crashes
	if ( level < 0 || level > gNumLevels ) return -1

	return gXPLevel[level]
//native sh_get_user_lvl(id)
public _sh_get_user_lvl()
	new id = get_param(1)

	//stupid check - but checking prevents crashes
	if ( id < 1 || id > gServersMaxPlayers ) return -1

	//Check if data has loaded yet
	//if ( gReadXPNextRound[id] ) return -1

	return gPlayerLevel[id]
public _sh_get_max_hp()
	new id = get_param(1)

	//stupid check - but checking prevents crashes
	if ( id < 1 || id > gServersMaxPlayers ) return 0

	return gMaxHealth[id]
public _sh_get_max_ap()
	new id = get_param(1)

	//stupid check - but checking prevents crashes
	if ( id < 1 || id > gServersMaxPlayers ) return 0

	return gMaxArmor[id]
//native sh_set_user_lvl(id, setlevel)
public _sh_set_user_lvl()
	new id = get_param(1)

	//stupid check - but checking prevents crashes
	if ( id < 1 || id > gServersMaxPlayers ) return -1

	new setlevel = get_param(2)

	if ( setlevel < 0 || setlevel > gNumLevels ) return -1

	gPlayerXP[id] = gXPLevel[setlevel]
	displayPowers(id, false)

	return setlevel
//native sh_get_user_xp(id)
public _sh_get_user_xp()
	new id = get_param(1)

	//stupid check - but checking prevents crashes
	if ( id < 1 || id > gServersMaxPlayers ) return -1

	return gPlayerXP[id]
//native sh_set_user_xp(id, xp, bool:addtoxp = false)
public _sh_set_user_xp()
	new id = get_param(1)

	//stupid check - but checking prevents crashes
	if ( id < 1 || id > gServersMaxPlayers ) return -1

	new xp = get_param(2)

	// Add to XP or set a value
	if ( get_param(3) ) {
		localAddXP(id, xp)
	else {
		//Set to xp, by finding what must be added to users current xp
		localAddXP(id, (xp - gPlayerXP[id]))

	displayPowers(id, false)

	return 1
//native sh_chat_message(id, heroID = -1, const msg[], any:...)
public _sh_chat_message()
	new id = get_param(1)

	if ( id < 0 || id > gServersMaxPlayers ) return
	if ( is_user_bot(id) ) return

	// Chat max is 191(w/null) to pass into it, "[SH] " is 5 char min added to message
	new output[186]
	vdformat(output, charsmax(output), 3, 4)

	if ( output[0] == '^0' ) return

	chatMessage(id, get_param(2), output)
// Thanks to teame06's ColorChat method which this is based on
chatMessage(id, heroIndex = -1, const msg[], any:...)
	if ( id < 0 || id > gServersMaxPlayers ) return
	if ( is_user_bot(id) ) return

	// Make sure we have a valid index
	new msgType, index
	if ( !id ) {
		new i
		while ( i < gServersMaxPlayers ) {
			if ( gPlayerPutInServer[++i] ) {
				index = i

		if ( !index ) return

	else {
		// Make sure this id is actually in the server
		if ( !gPlayerPutInServer[id] ) return

		index = id

	// Now we build our message
	static message[191], heroName[27]
	new len
	message[0] = '^0'
	heroName[0] = '^0'

	// Set first bit
	message[0] = 0x03 //Team colored

	// Do we need to set a hero name to the message
	if ( -1 < heroIndex < gSuperHeroCount ) {
		// Set hero name in parentheses
		formatex(heroName, charsmax(heroName), "(%s)",  gSuperHeros[heroIndex][hero])

	len += formatex(message[len], charsmax(message)-len, "[SH]%s^x01 ", (heroName[0] == '^0') ? "" : heroName)

	vformat(message[len], charsmax(message)-len, msg, 4)

	// Temporarily set teaminfo of player to send message from that player as if on the set team
	// index is in server at this point
	new indexTeam = _:cs_get_user_team(index)
	chatSetTeamInfo(index, msgType, gTeamName[3])

	// Send message
	message_begin(msgType, gmsgSayText, _, index)

	// Reset player's teaminfo
	chatSetTeamInfo(index, msgType, gTeamName[indexTeam])
chatSetTeamInfo(id, type, const team[])
	message_begin(type, gmsgTeamInfo, _, id)
//native sh_debug_message(id, level, const message[], any:...)
public _sh_debug_message()
	new level = get_param(2)

	if ( get_pcvar_num(sh_debug_messages) < level && level != 0 ) return

	new id = get_param(1)

	new output[512]
	vdformat(output, charsmax(output), 3, 4)

	if ( output[0] == '^0' ) return

	debugMsg(id, level, output)
debugMsg(id, level, const message[], any:...)
	if ( get_pcvar_num(sh_debug_messages) < level && level != 0 ) return

	new output[512]
	vformat(output, charsmax(output), message, 4)

	if ( output[0] == '^0' ) return

	if ( 0 < id <= gServersMaxPlayers ) {
		new name[32], userid, authid[32], team[32]
		get_user_name(id, name,  charsmax(name))
		userid = get_user_userid(id)
		get_user_authid(id, authid,  charsmax(authid))
		get_user_team(id, team,  charsmax(team))
		if ( equal(team, "UNASSIGNED") ) copy(team, charsmax(team), "")
		if ( userid > 0 ) format(output, charsmax(output), "^"%s<%d><%s><%s>^" %s", name, userid, authid, team, output)

	log_amx("DEBUG: %s", output)
//native sh_get_hero_id(const heroName[])
public _sh_get_hero_id()
	new pHero[25]
	get_string(1, pHero, charsmax(pHero))

	return getHeroID(pHero)
getHeroID(const heroName[])
	for ( new x = 0; x < gSuperHeroCount; x++ ) {
		if ( equali(heroName, gSuperHeros[x][hero]) ) {
			return x
	return -1
//native sh_user_has_hero(id, heroIndex)
public _sh_user_has_hero()
	new id = get_param(1)

	//stupid check - but checking prevents crashes
	if ( id < 1 || id > gServersMaxPlayers ) return 0

	new heroIndex = get_param(2)

	if ( -1 < heroIndex < gSuperHeroCount ) {
		return playerHasPower(id, heroIndex)

	return 0
bool:playerHasPower(id, heroIndex)
	new playerpowercount = getPowerCount(id)
	for ( new x = 1; x <= playerpowercount && x <= SH_MAXLEVELS; x++ ) {
		if ( gPlayerPowers[id][x] == heroIndex ) return true
	return false
//native sh_drop_weapon(id, weaponID, bool:remove = false)
public _sh_drop_weapon()
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return

	new id = get_param(1)

	if ( !is_user_alive(id) ) return

	//If VIPs are not allowed other weapons, protect them from losing what they have
	if ( id == gXpBounsVIP && getVipFlags() & VIP_BLOCK_WEAPONS ) return

	new weaponID = get_param(2)

	if ( !user_has_weapon(id, weaponID) ) return

	new slot = sh_get_weapon_slot(weaponID)

	if ( slot == 1 || slot == 2 || slot == 5 ) {

		//Don't drop/remove the main c4
		if ( weaponID == CSW_C4 && pev_valid(gXpBounsC4ID) && id == pev(gXpBounsC4ID, pev_owner) ) return
		dropWeapon(id, weaponID, get_param(3) ? true : false)
dropWeapon(id, weaponID, bool:remove)
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return
	if ( !is_user_alive(id) ) return
	// If VIPs are not allowed other weapons protect them from losing what they have
	if ( id == gXpBounsVIP && getVipFlags() & VIP_BLOCK_WEAPONS ) return
	if ( !user_has_weapon(id, weaponID) ) return

	new slot = sh_get_weapon_slot(weaponID)

	if ( slot == 1 || slot == 2 || slot == 5 ) {

		//Don't drop/remove the main c4
		if ( weaponID == CSW_C4 && pev_valid(gXpBounsC4ID) && id == pev(gXpBounsC4ID, pev_owner) ) return

		static weaponName[32]

		get_weaponname(weaponID, weaponName, charsmax(weaponName))

		engclient_cmd(id, "drop", weaponName)

		if ( !remove ) return

		new Float:weaponVel[3]
		new weaponBox = -1

		while( (weaponBox = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, weaponBox, "classname", "weaponbox")) > 0 ) {

			// Skip anything not owned by this client
			if ( pev_valid(weaponBox) && pev(weaponBox, pev_owner) == id ) {

				// If Velocities are all Zero its on the ground already and should stay there
				pev(weaponBox, pev_velocity, weaponVel)
				if ( weaponVel[0] == 0.0 && weaponVel[1] == 0.0 && weaponVel[2] == 0.0 ) continue

				// Forcing a think cleanly removes weaponbox and it's contents
				dllfunc(DLLFunc_Think, weaponBox)
//native sh_give_weapon(id, weaponID, bool:switchTo = false)
public _sh_give_weapon()
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return 0

	new id = get_param(1)

	if ( !is_user_alive(id) ) return 0

	if ( id == gXpBounsVIP && getVipFlags() & VIP_BLOCK_WEAPONS ) return 0

	new weaponID = get_param(2)

	if ( weaponID < CSW_P228 || weaponID > CSW_P90 )  return 0

	if ( gMapBlockWeapons[weaponID] )  return 0

	if ( !user_has_weapon(id, weaponID) ) {
		return giveWeapon(id, weaponID, get_param(3) ? true : false)

	return 0
giveWeapon(id, weaponID, bool:switchTo)
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return 0
	if ( !is_user_alive(id) ) return 0
	if ( id == gXpBounsVIP && getVipFlags() & VIP_BLOCK_WEAPONS ) return 0
	if ( weaponID < CSW_P228 || weaponID > CSW_P90 )  return 0
	if ( gMapBlockWeapons[weaponID] )  return 0

	if ( !user_has_weapon(id, weaponID) ) {
		static weaponName[32]
		get_weaponname(weaponID, weaponName, charsmax(weaponName))

		new itemID = give_item(id, weaponName)

		// Switch to the given weapon?
		if ( switchTo ) engclient_cmd(id, weaponName)

		return itemID

	return 0
//native sh_give_item(id, const itemName[], bool:switchTo = false)
public _sh_give_item()
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return 0

	new id = get_param(1)

	if ( !is_user_alive(id) ) return 0

	new itemName[32], itemID
	get_array(2, itemName, charsmax(itemName))

	if ( equal(itemName, "weapon", 6) )
		if ( id == gXpBounsVIP && getVipFlags() & VIP_BLOCK_WEAPONS ) return 0

		new weaponID = get_weaponid(itemName)
		if (weaponID)
			//It's a weapon see if it is blocked or user already has it
			if ( gMapBlockWeapons[weaponID] || user_has_weapon(id, weaponID) ) return 0

		itemID = give_item(id, itemName)

		if ( get_param(3) ) engclient_cmd(id, itemName)
	else {
		itemID = give_item(id, itemName)

	return itemID
//native sh_create_hero(const heroName[], pcvarMinLevel)
public _sh_create_hero()
	//Heroes Name
	new pHero[25]
	get_string(1, pHero, charsmax(pHero))	

	// Add Hero to Big Array!
	if ( gSuperHeroCount >= SH_MAXHEROS ) {
		debugMsg(0, 1, "Hero ^"%s^" Is Being Rejected, Exceeded SH_MAXHEROS", pHero)
		return -1

	new idx = gSuperHeroCount

	new pcvarMinLevel = get_param(2)
	new heroLevel = get_pcvar_num(pcvarMinLevel)

	debugMsg(0, 3, "Create Hero-> HeroID: %d - %s - %d", gSuperHeroCount, pHero, heroLevel)

	copy(gSuperHeros[idx][hero], 24, pHero)
	gHeroLevelCVAR[idx] = pcvarMinLevel
	gSuperHeros[idx][availableLevel] = heroLevel


	return idx
public _sh_set_hero_info()
	new heroIndex = get_param(1)

	if ( heroIndex < 0 || heroIndex >= gSuperHeroCount ) return

	new pPower[50], pHelp[128]
	get_string(2, pPower, charsmax(pPower))		//Short Power Description
	get_string(3, pHelp, charsmax(pHelp))		//Help Info

	debugMsg(0, 3, "Create Hero-> HeroID: %d - %s - %s", heroIndex, pPower, pHelp)

	copy(gSuperHeros[heroIndex][superpower], 49, pPower)
	copy(gSuperHeros[heroIndex][help], 127, pHelp)
public _sh_set_hero_bind()
	new heroIndex = get_param(1)

	if ( heroIndex < 0 || heroIndex >= gSuperHeroCount ) return

	debugMsg(0, 3, "Create Hero-> HeroID: %d - Bindable: ^"TRUE^"", heroIndex)

	gSuperHeros[heroIndex][requiresKeys] = true
public _sh_set_hero_shield()
	new heroIndex = get_param(1)

	if ( heroIndex < 0 || heroIndex >= gSuperHeroCount ) return

	new pRestricted = get_param(2)	//Shield Restricted?

	debugMsg(0, 3, "Create Hero-> HeroID: %d - Shield Restricted: %s", heroIndex, pRestricted ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")

	gHeroShieldRest[heroIndex] = pRestricted ? true : false
initHero(id, heroIndex, mode)
	// OK to pass this through when mod off... Let's heroes cleanup after themselves
	// init event is used to let hero know when a player has selected OR deselected a hero's power

	// Reset Shield Restriction if needed for this hero
	if ( gHeroShieldRest[heroIndex] ) {
		//If this is called by an added hero they must be restricted
		if ( mode == SH_HERO_ADD ) {
			gShieldRestrict[id] = true
		else {
			new heroIndex, bool:restricted = false
			new powerCount = getPowerCount(id)
			for (new x = 1; x <= powerCount; x++ ) {
				heroIndex = gPlayerPowers[id][x]
				// Test crash gaurd
				if ( heroIndex < 0 || heroIndex >= gSuperHeroCount ) continue

				if ( gHeroShieldRest[heroIndex] ) {
					restricted = true
			gShieldRestrict[id] = restricted

		//If they are alive make sure they don't have a shield already
		if ( gShieldRestrict[id] && is_user_alive(id) ) {
			if ( cs_get_user_shield(id) ) {
				engclient_cmd(id, "drop", "weapon_shield")

	// Reset Hero hp/ap/speed/grav if needed
	if ( mode == SH_HERO_DROP && is_user_alive(id) ) {
		//reset all values
		if ( gHeroMaxHealth[heroIndex] != 0 ) {
			new newHealth = getMaxHealth(id)

			if ( get_user_health(id) > newHealth ) {
				// Assume some damage for doing this?
				// Don't want players picking Superman let's say then removing his power - and trying to keep the HPs
				// If they do that - feel free to lose some hps
				// Also - Superman starts with around 150 Person could take some damage (i.e. reduced to 110 )
				// but then clear powers and start at 100 - like 40 free hps for doing that, trying to avoid exploits
				set_user_health(id, newHealth - (newHealth / 4) )

		if ( gHeroMaxArmor[heroIndex] != 0 ) {
			new newArmor = getMaxArmor(id)
			new CsArmorType:armorType
			if ( cs_get_user_armor(id, armorType) > newArmor ) {
				// Remove Armor for doing this
				cs_set_user_armor(id, newArmor, armorType)

		if ( gHeroMaxSpeed[heroIndex] != 0 ) {
			setSpeedPowers(id, true)

		if ( gHeroMinGravity[heroIndex] != 0 ) {

	//Init the hero
#if defined SH_BACKCOMPAT
	if ( gEventInit[heroIndex][0] != '^0' ) {
		server_cmd("%s %d %d", gEventInit[heroIndex], id, mode)
	else {
		ExecuteForward(fwd_HeroInit, fwdReturn, id, heroIndex, mode)

#if defined SH_BACKCOMPAT

	gChangedHeroes[id] = true
//native sh_set_hero_hpap(heroID, pcvarHealth, pcvarArmor)
public _sh_set_hero_hpap()
	new heroIndex = get_param(1)

	if ( heroIndex < 0 || heroIndex >= gSuperHeroCount ) return

	new pcvarMaxHealth = get_param(2)
	new pcvarMaxArmor = get_param(3)

	debugMsg(0, 3, "Set Max HP/AP -> HeroID: %d - %d - %d", heroIndex, pcvarMaxHealth ? get_pcvar_num(pcvarMaxHealth) : 0, pcvarMaxArmor ? get_pcvar_num(pcvarMaxArmor) : 0)

	// Avoid setting if 0 because backward compatibility method would overwrite value
	if ( pcvarMaxHealth != 0 ) gHeroMaxHealth[heroIndex] = pcvarMaxHealth // pCVAR expected!
	if ( pcvarMaxArmor != 0 ) gHeroMaxArmor[heroIndex] = pcvarMaxArmor // pCVAR expected!
//native sh_set_hero_speed(heroID, pcvarSpeed, const weapons[] = {0}, numofwpns = 1)
public _sh_set_hero_speed()
	new heroIndex = get_param(1)

	if ( heroIndex < 0 || heroIndex >= gSuperHeroCount ) return

	new pcvarSpeed = get_param(2)
	new numWpns = get_param(4)

	new pWeapons[31]
	get_array(3, pWeapons, numWpns)

	//Avoid running this unless debug is high enough
	if ( get_pcvar_num(sh_debug_messages) > 2 ) {
		//Set up the weapon string for the debug message
		new weapons[32], number[3], x
		for ( x = 0; x < numWpns; x++ ) {
			formatex(number, charsmax(number), "%d", pWeapons[x])
			add(weapons, charsmax(weapons), number)
			if ( pWeapons[x+1] != '^0' ) {
				add(weapons, charsmax(weapons), ",")
			else break

		debugMsg(0, 3, "Set Max Speed -> HeroID: %d - Speed: %d - Weapon(s): %s", heroIndex, get_pcvar_num(pcvarSpeed), weapons)

	gHeroMaxSpeed[heroIndex] = pcvarSpeed // pCVAR expected!
	copy(gHeroSpeedWeapons[heroIndex], charsmax(gHeroSpeedWeapons[]), pWeapons) // Array expected!
//native sh_set_hero_grav(heroID, pcvarGravity, const weapons[] = {0}, numofwpns = 1)
public _sh_set_hero_grav()
	new heroIndex = get_param(1)

	if ( heroIndex < 0 || heroIndex >= gSuperHeroCount ) return

	new pcvarGravity = get_param(2)
	new numWpns = get_param(4)

	new pWeapons[40]
	get_array(3, pWeapons, numWpns)

	//Avoid running this unless debug is high enough
	if ( get_pcvar_num(sh_debug_messages) > 2 ) {
		//Set up the weapon string for the debug message
		new weapons[32], number[3], x
		for ( x = 0; x < numWpns; x++ ) {
			formatex(number, charsmax(number), "%d", pWeapons[x])
			add(weapons, charsmax(weapons), number)
			if ( pWeapons[x+1] != '^0' ) {
				add(weapons, charsmax(weapons), ",")
			else break

		debugMsg(0, 3, "Set Min Gravity -> HeroID: %d - Gravity: %.3f - Weapon(s): %s", heroIndex, get_pcvar_float(pcvarGravity), weapons)

	gHeroMinGravity[heroIndex] = pcvarGravity // pCVAR expected!
	//copy(gHeroGravityWeapons[heroIndex], charsmax(gHeroGravityWeapons[]), pWeapons) // Array expected!
Float:getMaxSpeed(id, weapon)
	if ( id == gXpBounsVIP && getVipFlags() & VIP_BLOCK_SPEED ) return 227.0

	switch(weapon) {
		// If weapon is a zoomed sniper rifle set default speeds
		case  CSW_SCOUT, CSW_SG550, CSW_AWP, CSW_G3SG1: {
			if ( gCurrentFOV[id] <= 45 ) {
				return sh_get_weapon_speed(weapon, true)

	static Float:returnSpeed, Float:heroSpeed, x, i
	static playerpowercount, heroIndex, heroWeapon, heroSpeedPointer
	returnSpeed = -1.0
	playerpowercount = getPowerCount(id)

	for ( x = 1; x <= playerpowercount; x++ ) {
		heroIndex = gPlayerPowers[id][x]
		if ( -1 < heroIndex < gSuperHeroCount ) {
			heroSpeedPointer = gHeroMaxSpeed[heroIndex]
			if ( !heroSpeedPointer ) continue
			heroSpeed = get_pcvar_float(heroSpeedPointer)
			if ( heroSpeed > 0.0 ) {
				for ( i = 0; i < 31; i++ ) {
					heroWeapon = gHeroSpeedWeapons[heroIndex][i]

					//Stop checking, end of list
					if ( i != 0 && heroWeapon == 0 ) break

					debugMsg(id, 5, "Looking for Speed Functions - %s, %d, %d", gSuperHeros[heroIndex][hero], heroWeapon, weapon)

					//if 0 or current weapon check max
					if ( heroWeapon == 0 || heroWeapon == weapon ) {
						returnSpeed = floatmax(returnSpeed, heroSpeed)

	return returnSpeed
	static returnHealth, x
	returnHealth = 100

	if ( !(id == gXpBounsVIP && getVipFlags() & VIP_BLOCK_HEALTH) ) {
		static heroIndex, playerpowercount, heroHealthPointer
		playerpowercount = getPowerCount(id)

		for ( x = 1; x <= playerpowercount; x++ ) {
			heroIndex = gPlayerPowers[id][x]
			// Test crash gaurd
			if ( -1 < heroIndex < gSuperHeroCount ) {
				heroHealthPointer = gHeroMaxHealth[heroIndex]
				if ( !heroHealthPointer ) continue
				returnHealth = max(returnHealth, get_pcvar_num(heroHealthPointer))

	// Other plugins might use this, even maps
	set_pev(id, pev_max_health, returnHealth)

#if defined SH_BACKCOMPAT
	// Ok let any heroes know that need to know...
	for ( x = 0; x < gSuperHeroCount; x++ ) {
		if ( gEventMaxHealth[x][0] != '^0' ) {
			server_cmd("%s %d %d", gEventMaxHealth[x], id, returnHealth)

	return gMaxHealth[id] = returnHealth
	if ( id == gXpBounsVIP && getVipFlags() & VIP_BLOCK_ARMOR ) {
		return gMaxArmor[id] = 200

	static heroIndex, returnArmor, x, playerpowercount, heroArmorPointer
	returnArmor = 0
	playerpowercount = getPowerCount(id)

	for ( x = 1; x <= playerpowercount; x++ ) {
		heroIndex = gPlayerPowers[id][x]
		if ( -1 < heroIndex < gSuperHeroCount ) {
			heroArmorPointer = gHeroMaxArmor[heroIndex]
			if ( !heroArmorPointer ) continue
			returnArmor = max(returnArmor, get_pcvar_num(heroArmorPointer))

	return gMaxArmor[id] = returnArmor
	if ( id == gXpBounsVIP && getVipFlags() & VIP_BLOCK_GRAVITY ) return 1.0

	static Float:returnGravity, Float:heroMinGravity
	static x, heroIndex, playerpowercount, heroGravityPointer
	returnGravity = 1.0
	playerpowercount = getPowerCount(id)

	for ( x = 1; x <= playerpowercount; x++ ) {
		heroIndex = gPlayerPowers[id][x]
		if ( -1 < heroIndex < gSuperHeroCount ) {
			heroGravityPointer = gHeroMinGravity[heroIndex]
			if ( !heroGravityPointer ) continue
			heroMinGravity = get_pcvar_float(heroGravityPointer)
			if ( heroMinGravity > 0.0 ) {
				returnGravity = floatmin(returnGravity, heroMinGravity)

	return returnGravity
	// I'll make this a function for now in case I want to change power mapping strategy
	// i.e. drop a power menu
	return max(gPlayerPowers[id][0], 0)
getBindNumber(id, heroIndex)
	new MaxBinds = min(get_pcvar_num(sh_maxbinds), SH_MAXBINDPOWERS)
	for (new x = 1; x <= MaxBinds; x++) {
		if (gPlayerBinds[id][x] == heroIndex) return x
	return 0
menuSuperPowers(id, menuOffset)
	// Don't show menu if mod off or they're not connected
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) || !is_user_connected(id) || gReadXPNextRound[id] ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

	gInMenu[id] = false
	gPlayerMenuOffset[id] = 0

	new bool:isBot = is_user_bot(id) ? true : false

	if ( gIsPowerBanned[id] ) {
		if ( !isBot ) client_print(id, print_center, "You are not allowed to have powers")
		return PLUGIN_HANDLED // Just don't show the gui menu

	new playerpowercount = getPowerCount(id)
	new playerLevel = gPlayerLevel[id]

	// Don't show menu if they already have enough powers
	if ( playerpowercount >= playerLevel || playerpowercount >= gMaxPowers ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

	// Figure out how many powers a person should be able to have
	// Example: At level 10 a person can pick a max of 1 lvl 10 hero
	//		and a max of 2 lvl 9 heroes, and a max of 3 lvl 8 heors, etc...
	new LvlLimit = get_pcvar_num(sh_lvllimit)
	if ( LvlLimit == 0 ) LvlLimit = SH_MAXLEVELS

	for ( new x = 0; x <= gNumLevels; x++ ) {
		if ( playerLevel >= x ) {
			gMaxPowersLeft[id][x] = playerLevel - x + LvlLimit
		else {
			gMaxPowersLeft[id][x] = 0

	// Now decrement the level powers that they've picked
	new heroIndex, heroLevel

	for ( new x = 1; x <= playerpowercount && x <= SH_MAXLEVELS; x++ ) {
		heroIndex = gPlayerPowers[id][x]
		if ( heroIndex < 0 || heroIndex >= gSuperHeroCount) continue
		heroLevel = getHeroLevel(heroIndex)
		// Decrement all gMaxPowersLeft by 1 for the level hero they have and below
		for ( new y = heroLevel; y >= 0; y-- ) {
			if ( --gMaxPowersLeft[id][y] < 0 ) gMaxPowersLeft[id][y] = 0
			//If none left on this level, there should be none left on any higher levels
			if ( gMaxPowersLeft[id][y] <= 0 && y < SH_MAXLEVELS ) {
				if ( gMaxPowersLeft[id][y+1] != 0 ) {
					for ( new z = y; z <= gNumLevels; z++ ) {
						gMaxPowersLeft[id][z] = 0

	gPlayerMenuChoices[id][0] = 0  // <- 0 choices so far
	new count = 0, enabled = 0
	new MaxBinds = min(get_pcvar_num(sh_maxbinds), SH_MAXBINDPOWERS)
	new menuMode = get_pcvar_num(sh_menumode)
	new bool:thisEnabled

	for ( new x = 0; x < gSuperHeroCount; x++ )  {
		heroIndex = x
		heroLevel = getHeroLevel(heroIndex)
		thisEnabled = false
		if ( playerLevel >= heroLevel ) {
			if (gMaxPowersLeft[id][heroLevel] > 0 && !(gPlayerBinds[id][0] >= MaxBinds && gSuperHeros[heroIndex][requiresKeys])) {
				thisEnabled = true
			// Don't want to present this power if the player already has it!
			if ( !playerHasPower(id, heroIndex) && (thisEnabled || (!isBot && menuMode > 0)) ) {
				gPlayerMenuChoices[id][0] = ++count
				gPlayerMenuChoices[id][count] = heroIndex
				if ( thisEnabled ) enabled++

	// Choose and give a random power to a bot
	if ( isBot && count ) {
		// Select a random power
		heroIndex = gPlayerMenuChoices[id][random_num(1, count)]

		// Bind Keys / Set Powers
		gPlayerPowers[id][0] = playerpowercount + 1
		gPlayerPowers[id][playerpowercount + 1] = heroIndex

		//Init This Hero!
		initHero(id, heroIndex, SH_HERO_ADD)
		displayPowers(id, true)

		//Don't show menu to bots and wait for next menu call before giving another power

	// show menu super power
	new message[800]
	new temp[90]
	new keys = 0

	//menuOffset Stuff
	if ( menuOffset <= 0 || menuOffset > gPlayerMenuChoices[id][0] ) menuOffset = 1
	gPlayerMenuOffset[id] = menuOffset

	new total = min(gMaxPowers, playerLevel)
	formatex(message, 68, "\ySelect Super Power:%-16s\r(You've Selected %d/%d)^n^n", " ", playerpowercount, total)

	// OK Display the Menu
	for ( new x = menuOffset; x < menuOffset + 8; x++ ) {
		// Only allow a selection from powers the player doesn't have
		if ( x > gPlayerMenuChoices[id][0] ) {
			add(message, charsmax(message), "^n")
		heroIndex = gPlayerMenuChoices[id][x]
		heroLevel = getHeroLevel(heroIndex)
		if ( gMaxPowersLeft[id][heroLevel] <= 0 || (gPlayerBinds[id][0] >= MaxBinds && gSuperHeros[heroIndex][requiresKeys]) ) {
		else {
		keys |= (1<<x-menuOffset) // enable this option
		formatex(temp, charsmax(temp), "%s (%d%s)", gSuperHeros[heroIndex][hero], heroLevel, gSuperHeros[heroIndex][requiresKeys] ? "b" : "")
		format(temp, charsmax(temp), "%d. %-20s- %s^n", x - menuOffset + 1, temp, gSuperHeros[heroIndex][superpower])
		add(message, charsmax(message), temp)

	if ( gPlayerMenuChoices[id][0] > 8 ) {
		// Can only Display 8 heroes at a time
		add(message, charsmax(message), "\w^n9. More Heroes")
		keys |= MENU_KEY_9
	else {
		add(message, charsmax(message), "^n")

	// Cancel
	add(message, charsmax(message), "\w^n0. Cancel")
	keys |= MENU_KEY_0

	if ( (count > 0 && enabled > 0) || gInMenu[id] ) {
		debugMsg(id, 8, "Displaying Menu - offset: %d - count: %d - enabled: %d", menuOffset, count, enabled)
		gInMenu[id] = true
		show_menu(id, keys, message)

public selectedSuperPower(id, key)
	if ( !gInMenu[id] || !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

	gInMenu[id] = false

	if ( gIsPowerBanned[id] ) {
		client_print(id, print_center, "You are not allowed to have powers")

	switch(key) {
		case 8: {
			// Next and Previous Super Hero Menus
			menuSuperPowers(id, gPlayerMenuOffset[id] + 8)
		case 9: {
			// Cancel
			gPlayerMenuOffset[id] = 0

	// Hero was Picked!
	new playerpowercount = getPowerCount(id)
	if ( playerpowercount >= gNumLevels || playerpowercount >= gMaxPowers ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

	new heroIndex = gPlayerMenuChoices[id][key + gPlayerMenuOffset[id]]

	// Just a crash check
	if ( heroIndex < 0 || heroIndex >= gSuperHeroCount ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

	new heroLevel = getHeroLevel(heroIndex)
	new MaxBinds = get_pcvar_num(sh_maxbinds)
	if ((gPlayerBinds[id][0] >= MaxBinds && gSuperHeros[heroIndex][requiresKeys])) {
		chatMessage(id, _, "You cannot choose more than %d heroes that require binds", MaxBinds)
		menuSuperPowers(id, gPlayerMenuOffset[id])
	else if ( gMaxPowersLeft[id][heroLevel] <= 0 ) {
		chatMessage(id, _, "You cannot pick any more heroes from that level")
		menuSuperPowers(id, gPlayerMenuOffset[id])

	new message[256]
	if ( !gSuperHeros[heroIndex][requiresKeys] ) {
		formatex(message, charsmax(message), "AUTOMATIC POWER: %s^n%s", gSuperHeros[heroIndex][superpower], gSuperHeros[heroIndex][help])
	else {
		formatex(message, charsmax(message), "BIND KEY TO ^"+POWER%d^": %s^n%s", gPlayerBinds[id][0]+1, gSuperHeros[heroIndex][superpower], gSuperHeros[heroIndex][help])

	// Show the Hero Picked
	set_hudmessage(100, 100, 0, -1.0, 0.2, 0, 1.0, 5.0, 0.1, 0.2, -1)
	ShowSyncHudMsg(id, gHeroHudSync, "%s", message)

	// Bind Keys / Set Powers
	gPlayerPowers[id][0] = playerpowercount + 1
	gPlayerPowers[id][playerpowercount + 1] = heroIndex

	//Init This Hero!
	initHero(id, heroIndex, SH_HERO_ADD)
	displayPowers(id, true)

	// Show the Menu Again if they don't have enough skills yet!
	menuSuperPowers(id, gPlayerMenuOffset[id])

clearPower(id, level)
	new heroIndex = gPlayerPowers[id][level]

	if ( heroIndex < 0 || heroIndex >= gSuperHeroCount ) return

	// Ok shift over any levels higher
	new playerpowercount = getPowerCount(id)
	for ( new x = level; x <= playerpowercount && x <= SH_MAXLEVELS; x++ ) {
		if ( x != SH_MAXLEVELS ) gPlayerPowers[id][x] = gPlayerPowers[id][x + 1]

	new powers = gPlayerPowers[id][0]--
	if ( powers < 0 ) gPlayerPowers[id][0] = 0

	//Clear out powers higher than powercount
	for ( new x = powers + 1; x <= gNumLevels && x <= SH_MAXLEVELS; x++ ) {
		gPlayerPowers[id][x] = -1

	// Disable this power
	initHero(id, heroIndex, SH_HERO_DROP)

	// Display Levels will have to rebind this heroes powers...
	gPlayerBinds[id][0] = 0
public cl_clearpowers(id)
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) {
		console_print(id, "[SH] SuperHero Mod is currently disabled")

	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sh_alivedrop) && is_user_alive(id) ) {
		console_print(id, "[SH] You are not allowed to drop heroes while alive")
		chatMessage(id, _, "You are not allowed to drop heroes while alive")

	// When Client Fires, there won't be a 2nd parm (dispStatusText), so let's just make it true
	clearAllPowers(id, true)
	console_print(id, "[SH] All your powers have been cleared successfully")

clearAllPowers(id, bool:dispStatusText)
	// OK to fire if mod is off since we want heroes to clean themselves up
	gPlayerPowers[id][0] = 0
	gPlayerBinds[id][0] = 0

	new heroIndex
	new bool:userConnected = is_user_connected(id) ? true : false

	// Clear the power before sending the drop init
	for ( new x = 1; x <= gNumLevels && x <= SH_MAXLEVELS; x++ ) {

		// Save heroid for init forward
		heroIndex = gPlayerPowers[id][x]

		// Clear All Power slots for player
		gPlayerPowers[id][x] = -1

		// Only send drop on heroes user has
		if ( heroIndex != -1 && userConnected ) {
			initHero(id, heroIndex, SH_HERO_DROP)  // Disable this power

	if ( dispStatusText && userConnected ) {
		displayPowers(id, true)
		menuSuperPowers(id, gPlayerMenuOffset[id])
public cl_superpowermenu(id)
	menuSuperPowers(id, 0)
public ham_PlayerSpawn_Post(id)
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return HAM_IGNORED

	// The very first Ham_Spawn on a user will happen when he is
	// created, this user is not spawned alive into the game.
	// Alive check will block first Ham_Spawn call for clients.
	// Team check will block first Ham_Spawn call for bots. (bots pass alive check)
	if ( !is_user_alive(id) ) return HAM_IGNORED
	if ( cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_UNASSIGNED ) return HAM_IGNORED

	//Prevents non-saved XP servers from having loading issues
	if ( !gLongTermXP ) gReadXPNextRound[id] = false

	//Cancel the ultimate timer task on any new spawn
	//It is up to the hero to set the variable back to false
	remove_task(id+SH_COOLDOWN_TASKID, 1)		// 1 = look outside this plugin

	//Sets the stun and god timers back to normal
	gPlayerStunTimer[id] = -1
	gPlayerGodTimer[id] = -1
	set_user_godmode(id, 0)

	//These must be checked here to set the max variables correctly

	//Prevents this whole function from being called if its not a new round
	if ( !gNewRoundSpawn[id] ) {
		displayPowers(id, true)

		//Let heroes know someone just spawned mid-round
		ExecuteForward(fwd_Spawn, fwdReturn, id, 0)

		return HAM_IGNORED

	if ( !gBetweenRounds ) setSpeedPowers(id, false)

	// Read the XP!
	if ( gFirstRound[id] ) {
		gFirstRound[id] = false
	else if ( gReadXPNextRound[id] ) {

	//MercyXP system
	if ( gGiveMercyXP && !gReadXPNextRound[id] && !gBlockMercyXp[id] ) {
		new mercyxpmode = get_pcvar_num(sh_mercyxpmode)

		if ( mercyxpmode != 0 && gPlayerStartXP[id] >= gPlayerXP[id] && get_playersnum() > get_pcvar_num(sh_minplrsbhxp) ) {
			new XPtoGive = 0
			new mercyxp = get_pcvar_num(sh_mercyxp)

			if ( mercyxpmode == 1 ) {
				XPtoGive = mercyxp
			else if ( mercyxpmode == 2 && gPlayerLevel[id] <= mercyxp ) {
				new giveLvl = mercyxp - gPlayerLevel[id]
				XPtoGive = gXPGiven[giveLvl] / 2

			if ( XPtoGive != 0 ) {
				localAddXP(id, XPtoGive)
				chatMessage(id, _, "You were given %d MercyXP points", XPtoGive)
		gPlayerStartXP[id] = gPlayerXP[id]

	//Display the XP and bind powers to their screen
	displayPowers(id, true)

	//Shows menu if the person is not in it already, always show for bots to choose powers
	if ( !gInMenu[id] && (is_user_bot(id) || !(gPlayerFlags[id] & SH_FLAG_NOAUTOMENU)) ) {
		menuSuperPowers(id, gPlayerMenuOffset[id])

	//Prevents resetHUD from getting called twice in a round
	gNewRoundSpawn[id] = false

	//Reset this check for the mercyxp system
	gBlockMercyXp[id] = false

	//Prevents People from going invisible randomly

	//Makes armor system more reliable, also forces armor to reset if survived round
	//Note: might need to call this after forward is sent
	if ( getMaxArmor(id) != 0 && !(id == gXpBounsVIP && (getVipFlags()&VIP_BLOCK_ARMOR)) ) {
		cs_set_user_armor(id, 0, CS_ARMOR_NONE)

	//Let heroes know someone just spawned from a new round
	ExecuteForward(fwd_Spawn, fwdReturn, id, 1)

//New Round
public event_HLTV()
	gRoundFreeze = true
	gRoundStarted = false

	//Remove all Monster Mod monsters, stops them from attacking during freezetime
	if ( gMonsterModRunning ) {
		new flags, monster = -1
		while ( (monster = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, monster, "classname", "func_wall")) != 0 ) {
        		flags = pev(monster, pev_flags)
        		if ( flags & FL_MONSTER ) {
            			set_pev(monster, pev_flags, flags | FL_KILLME)

	//Lets let all the heroes know
	ExecuteForward(fwd_NewRound, fwdReturn)
public round_Start()
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return

	gRoundFreeze = false
	gBetweenRounds = false

	set_task(0.1, "roundStartDelay")
public roundStartDelay()
	for ( new x = 1; x <= gServersMaxPlayers; x++ ) {
		displayPowers(x, true)
		//Prevents People from going invisible randomly
		if ( is_user_alive(x) ) set_user_rendering(x)

	gRoundStarted = true

	//Lets let all the heroes know
	ExecuteForward(fwd_RoundStart, fwdReturn)
public round_Restart()
	// Round end is not called when round is set to restart, so lets just force it right away.
	gGiveMercyXP = false
public round_End()
	gBetweenRounds = true

	gGiveMercyXP = false

	new CsTeams:idTeam

	for (new id = 1; id <= gServersMaxPlayers; id++) {
		gNewRoundSpawn[id] = true

		if ( !is_user_connected(id) ) continue

		idTeam = cs_get_user_team(id)

		if ( idTeam == CS_TEAM_UNASSIGNED ) continue

		gFirstRound[id] = false

		// Player must be on a team beyond this point
		// Find if anyone needs mercy xp to avoid the more expenisve check during spawn
		if ( idTeam == CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR ) continue

		if ( !gBlockMercyXp[id] ) {
			gGiveMercyXP = true

	//Check CVARS for invalid settings

	//Save XP Data
	if ( get_pcvar_num(sh_endroundsave) ) set_task(2.0, "memoryTableWrite")

	//Lets let all the heroes know
	ExecuteForward(fwd_RoundEnd, fwdReturn)
public cl_fullupdate(id)
	// This blocks "fullupdate" from resetting the HUD and doing bad things to heroes
	if ( is_user_alive(id) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

public powerKeyDown(id)
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) || !is_user_connected(id) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

	// re-entrency check to prevent aliasing muliple powerkeys - currently untested
	//new Float:gametime = get_gametime()
	//if ( gametime - gLastKeydown[id] < 0.2 ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED
	//gLastKeydown[id] = gametime

	new cmd[12], whichKey
	read_argv(0, cmd, charsmax(cmd))
	whichKey = str_to_num(cmd[6])

	if ( whichKey > SH_MAXBINDPOWERS || whichKey <= 0 ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

	debugMsg(id, 5, "power%d Pressed", whichKey)

	// Check if player is a VIP
	if ( id == gXpBounsVIP && getVipFlags() & VIP_BLOCK_POWERKEYS ) {
		chatMessage(id, _, "VIP's are not allowed to use +power keys")

	// Make sure player isn't stunned
	if ( gPlayerStunTimer[id] > 0 ) {

	// Make sure there is a power bound to this key!
	if ( whichKey > gPlayerBinds[id][0] ) {

	new heroIndex = gPlayerBinds[id][whichKey]
	if ( heroIndex < 0 || heroIndex >= gSuperHeroCount ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

	//Make sure they are not already using this keydown
	if (gInPowerDown[id][whichKey]) return PLUGIN_HANDLED
	gInPowerDown[id][whichKey] = true

	if ( playerHasPower(id, heroIndex) ) {
#if defined SH_BACKCOMPAT
	 	if ( gEventKeyDown[heroIndex][0] != '^0' ) {
			server_cmd("%s %d", gEventKeyDown[heroIndex], id )
		else {
			ExecuteForward(fwd_HeroKey, fwdReturn, id, heroIndex, SH_KEYDOWN)
#if defined SH_BACKCOMPAT

public powerKeyUp(id)
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) || !is_user_connected(id) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

	new cmd[12], whichKey
	read_argv(0, cmd, charsmax(cmd))
	whichKey = str_to_num(cmd[6])

	if ( whichKey > SH_MAXBINDPOWERS || whichKey <= 0 ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

	if ( id == gXpBounsVIP && getVipFlags() & VIP_BLOCK_POWERKEYS ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

	// Make sure player isn't stunned (unless they were in keydown when stunned)
	if ( gPlayerStunTimer[id] > 0 && !gInPowerDown[id][whichKey] )  return PLUGIN_HANDLED

	//Set this key as NOT in use anymore
	gInPowerDown[id][whichKey] = false

	debugMsg(id, 5, "power%d Released", whichKey)

	// Make sure there is a power bound to this key!
	if ( whichKey > gPlayerBinds[id][0] ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

	new heroIndex = gPlayerBinds[id][whichKey]
	if ( heroIndex < 0 || heroIndex >= gSuperHeroCount ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

	if ( playerHasPower(id, heroIndex) ) {
#if defined SH_BACKCOMPAT
	 	if ( gEventKeyUp[heroIndex][0] != '^0' ) {
			server_cmd("%s %d", gEventKeyUp[heroIndex], id )
		else {
			ExecuteForward(fwd_HeroKey, fwdReturn, id, heroIndex, SH_KEYUP)
#if defined SH_BACKCOMPAT

public event_CurWeapon(id)
	// Change Weapon gets called  even when a player fires a weapon
	// To avoid spamming - set speed only when weapon is not the current weapon
	// Changing Weapons Resets the User speed!

	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) || !is_user_alive(id) ) return

	new weaponid = read_data(2)

	if ( gCurrentWeapon[id] != weaponid ) {
		gCurrentWeapon[id] = weaponid
		setSpeedPowers(id, false)
public event_SetFOV(id)
	// Sniper rifle scoping can reset user speed lets fix that

	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) || !is_user_alive(id) ) return

	new fov = read_data(1)

	if ( gCurrentFOV[id] != fov ) {
		gCurrentFOV[id] = fov

		switch(gCurrentWeapon[id]) {
			// Only need to check speed for sniper rifles
			case  CSW_SCOUT, CSW_SG550, CSW_AWP, CSW_G3SG1: {
				setSpeedPowers(id, false)
public setPowers(id)
	if ( !is_user_alive(id) ) return

	setSpeedPowers(id, false)
//native sh_reset_max_speed(id)
public _sh_reset_max_speed()
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return

	new id = get_param(1)

	if ( !is_user_alive(id) ) return

	setSpeedPowers(id, true)
setSpeedPowers(id, bool:checkDefault)
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return
	if ( !is_user_alive(id) || gRoundFreeze || gReadXPNextRound[id] ) return

	if ( gPlayerStunTimer[id] > 0 ) {
		new Float:stunSpeed = gPlayerStunSpeed[id]
		set_user_maxspeed(id, stunSpeed)
		debugMsg(id, 5, "Setting Stun Speed To %f", stunSpeed)

	new currentWeapon = gCurrentWeapon[id]
	new Float:oldSpeed = get_user_maxspeed(id)
	new Float:newSpeed = getMaxSpeed(id, currentWeapon)

	debugMsg(id, 10, "Checking Speeds - Old: %f - New: %f", oldSpeed, newSpeed)

	if ( newSpeed != oldSpeed ) {
		switch(newSpeed) {
			case -1.0: {
				if ( checkDefault ) {
					if ( id == gXpBounsVIP ) {
						//Still need to check this because vip speed may not be blocked
						//and user may not have a hero with current weapon speed 
						set_user_maxspeed(id, 227.0)
					else {
						// Set default weapon speed
						// Do not need to check for scoped sniper rifles as getMaxSpeed will
						// return that value since heroes can not effect scoped sniper rifles.
						set_user_maxspeed(id, sh_get_weapon_speed(currentWeapon))
			default: {
				set_user_maxspeed(id, newSpeed)
				debugMsg(id, 5, "Setting Speed To %f", newSpeed)
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return
	if ( !is_user_alive(id) || gReadXPNextRound[id] ) return

	new oldHealth = get_user_health(id)
	new newHealth = getMaxHealth(id)

	// Can't get health in the middle of a round UNLESS you didn't get shot...
	if ( oldHealth < newHealth && oldHealth >= 100 ) {
		debugMsg(id, 5, "Setting Health to %d", newHealth)
		set_user_health(id, newHealth)
public msg_Health(msgid, dest, id)
	// Run even when mod is off, not a big deal
	if ( !is_user_alive(id) ) return

	// Fixes bug with health multiples of 256 showing 0 HP on HUD causes keys to be reversed
	static hp
	hp = get_msg_arg_int(1)

	if ( hp % 256 == 0 ) {
		set_msg_arg_int(1, ARG_BYTE, ++hp)
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return
	if ( !is_user_alive(id) || gReadXPNextRound[id] ) return

	new CsArmorType:armorType
	new oldArmor = cs_get_user_armor(id, armorType)
	new newArmor = getMaxArmor(id)

	// Little check for armor system
	if ( oldArmor != 0 || oldArmor >= newArmor ) return

	// Set the armor to the correct value
	cs_set_user_armor(id, newArmor, CS_ARMOR_VESTHELM)

	debugMsg(id, 5, "Setting Armor to %d", newArmor)
//native sh_reset_min_gravity(id)
public _sh_reset_min_gravity()
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return

	new id = get_param(1)

	if ( !is_user_alive(id) ) return

	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return

	if ( !is_user_alive(id) ) return

	new Float:newGravity = getMinGravity(id)
	if ( get_user_gravity(id) != newGravity ) {
		// Set to 1.0 or the next lowest Gravity
		set_user_gravity(id, newGravity)
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return
	if ( !is_user_alive(id) || gRoundFreeze || gReadXPNextRound[id] ) return

	new Float:oldGravity = 1.0
	new Float:newGravity = getMinGravity(id)

	if ( oldGravity != newGravity ) {
		debugMsg(id, 5, "Setting Gravity to %f", newGravity)
		set_user_gravity(id, newGravity)
public msg_StatusText()
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

	// Block sending StatusText sent by engine
	// Stops name from overwriting StatusText set by plugin
	// Will not block StatusText sent by plugin
writeStatusMessage(id, const message[64])
	// Crash Check, bots will crash server is message sent to them
	if ( !is_user_connected(id) || is_user_bot(id) ) return

	// Message is a max of 64 characters including null terminator
	// Place in unreliable stream, not a necessary message
	message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, gmsgStatusText, _, id)
displayPowers(id, bool:setThePowers)
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) || !is_user_connected(id) ) return

	// To avoid recursion - displayPowers will call clearPowers<->Display Power Loop if we don't check for player powers
	if ( gIsPowerBanned[id] ) {
		clearAllPowers(id, false) // Avoids Recursion with false
		writeStatusMessage(id, "[SH] You are banned from using powers")
	else if ( gReadXPNextRound[id] ) {
		debugMsg(id, 5, "XP will load next round")
		writeStatusMessage(id, "[SH] Your XP will be loaded next round")

	debugMsg(id, 5, "Displaying and Setting Powers")

	// OK Test What Level this Fool is

	new message[64], temp[64]
	new heroIndex, MaxBinds, count, playerLevel, playerpowercount
	new menuid, mkeys

	count = 0
	playerLevel = gPlayerLevel[id]

	if ( playerLevel < gNumLevels ) {
		formatex(message, charsmax(message), "LVL:%d/%d XP:(%d/%d)", playerLevel, gNumLevels, gPlayerXP[id], gXPLevel[playerLevel+1])
	else {
		formatex(message, charsmax(message), "LVL:%d/%d XP:(%d)", playerLevel, gNumLevels, gPlayerXP[id])

	//Resets All Bind assignments
	MaxBinds = min(get_pcvar_num(sh_maxbinds), SH_MAXBINDPOWERS)
	for ( new x = 1; x <= MaxBinds; x++ ) {
		gPlayerBinds[id][x] = -1

	playerpowercount = getPowerCount(id)

	for ( new x = 1; x <= gNumLevels && x <= playerpowercount; x++ ) {
		heroIndex = gPlayerPowers[id][x]
		if ( -1 < heroIndex < gSuperHeroCount ) {
			// 2 types of heroes - auto heroes and bound heroes...
			// Bound Heroes require special work...
			if ( gSuperHeros[heroIndex][requiresKeys] ) {
				if (count <= 3) {
					if ( message[0] != '^0') add(message, charsmax(message), " ")
					formatex(temp, charsmax(temp), "%d=%s", count, gSuperHeros[heroIndex])
					add(message, charsmax(message), temp)
				// Make sure this players keys are bound correctly
				if ( count <= get_pcvar_num(sh_maxbinds) && count <= SH_MAXBINDPOWERS ) {
					gPlayerBinds[id][count] = heroIndex
					gPlayerBinds[id][0] = count
				else {
					clearPower(id, x)

	if ( is_user_alive(id) ) {
		writeStatusMessage(id, message)
		if ( setThePowers ) set_task(0.6, "setPowers", id)

	// Update menu incase already in menu and levels changed
	// or user is no longer in menu
	get_user_menu(id, menuid, mkeys)
	if ( menuid != gMenuID ) {
		gInMenu[id] = false
	else {
		menuSuperPowers(id, gPlayerMenuOffset[id])
//This function is the ONLY way this plugin should add/subtract XP to a player
//There are checks to prevent overflowing
//To take XP away just send the function a negative (-) number
localAddXP(id, xp)
	new playerXP = gPlayerXP[id]
	new newTotal = playerXP + xp

	if ( xp > 0 && newTotal < playerXP ) {
		// Max possible signed 32bit int
		gPlayerXP[id] = 2147483647
	else if ( xp < 0 && (newTotal < -1000000 || newTotal > playerXP) ) {
		gPlayerXP[id] = -1000000
	else {
		gPlayerXP[id] = newTotal
//native sh_add_kill_xp(id, victim, Float:multiplier = 1.0)
public _sh_add_kill_xp()
	new id = get_param(1)
	new victim = get_param(2)

	// Stupid check - but checking prevents crashes
	if ( id < 1 || id > gServersMaxPlayers || victim < 1 || victim > gServersMaxPlayers ) return

	//new Float:mult = get_param_f(3)
	localAddXP(id, floatround(get_param_f(3) * gXPGiven[gPlayerLevel[victim]]))
	displayPowers(id, false)
//native sh_set_hero_dmgmult(heroID, pcvarDamage, const weaponID = 0)
public _sh_set_hero_dmgmult()
	new heroIndex = get_param(1)

	if ( heroIndex < 0 || heroIndex >= gSuperHeroCount ) return

	new pcvarDamageMult = get_param(2)
	new weaponID = get_param(3)

	debugMsg(0, 3, "Set Damage Multiplier -> HeroID: %d - Multiplier: %d - Weapon: %d", heroIndex, get_pcvar_num(pcvarDamageMult), weaponID)

	gHeroMaxDamageMult[heroIndex][weaponID] = pcvarDamageMult // pCVAR expected!
Float:getMaxDamageMult(id, weaponID)
	if ( id == gXpBounsVIP && getVipFlags() & VIP_BLOCK_EXTRADMG ) return 1.0

	static Float:returnDmgMult, x
	static playerpowercount, heroIndex, heroDmgMultPointer
	returnDmgMult = 1.0
	playerpowercount = getPowerCount(id)

	for ( x = 1; x <= playerpowercount; x++ ) {
		heroIndex = gPlayerPowers[id][x]
		if ( -1 < heroIndex < gSuperHeroCount ) {
			// Check hero for All weapons wildcard first
			heroDmgMultPointer = gHeroMaxDamageMult[heroIndex][0]
			if ( !heroDmgMultPointer ) {
				// Check hero for weapon that was passed in
				heroDmgMultPointer = gHeroMaxDamageMult[heroIndex][weaponID]

				if ( !heroDmgMultPointer ) continue

			returnDmgMult = floatmax(returnDmgMult, get_pcvar_float(heroDmgMultPointer))

	return returnDmgMult
public ham_TakeDamage_Pre(victim, inflictor, attacker, Float:damage, damagebits)
	if ( damage <= 0.0 ) return HAM_IGNORED
	if ( !is_user_connected(attacker) || !is_user_alive(victim) ) return HAM_IGNORED
	//if ( victim != attacker && cs_get_user_team(victim) == cs_get_user_team(attacker) && !get_pcvar_num(sh_ffa) ) return HAM_IGNORED
	if ( attacker == gXpBounsVIP && getVipFlags() & VIP_BLOCK_EXTRADMG ) return HAM_IGNORED

	new weaponID
	if ( damagebits & (1<<24) )
	else if ( damagebits & DMG_BULLET && inflictor == attacker )
		//includes knife and any other weapon
		weaponID = get_user_weapon(attacker)

	//Damage not from a CS weapon
	if ( !weaponID ) return HAM_IGNORED

	new Float:dmgmult = getMaxDamageMult(attacker, weaponID)

	//Damage is not increased damage
	if ( dmgmult <= 1.0 ) return HAM_IGNORED

	SetHamParamFloat(4, (damage * dmgmult))

//native sh_extra_damage(victim, attacker, damage, const wpnDescription[], headshot = 0, dmgMode = SH_DMG_MULT, bool:dmgStun = false, bool:dmgFFmsg = true, const dmgOrigin[3] = {0,0,0});
public _sh_extra_damage()
	new victim = get_param(1)

	if ( !is_user_alive(victim) || get_user_godmode(victim) ) return

	new attacker = get_param(2)

	if ( !is_user_connected(attacker) ) return

	if ( attacker == gXpBounsVIP && getVipFlags() & VIP_BLOCK_EXTRADMG ) return

	new damage = get_param(3)

	new mode = get_param(6)

	new health = get_user_health(victim)
	new CsArmorType:armorType
	new plrArmor = cs_get_user_armor(victim, armorType)

	if ( mode == SH_DMG_KILL ) {
		damage = health
	else {
		if ( damage <= 0 ) return

		// *** Damage calculation due to armor from: multiplayer/dlls/player.cpp ***
		// *** Note: this is not exactly CS damage method because we do not have that sdk ***
		new Float:flDamage = float(damage)
		new Float:flNewDamage = flDamage * SH_ARMOR_RATIO
		new Float:flArmor = (flDamage - flNewDamage) * SH_ARMOR_BONUS

		// Does this use more armor than we have figured for?
		if ( flArmor > float(plrArmor) ) {
			flArmor = float(plrArmor) * ( 1 / SH_ARMOR_BONUS )
			flNewDamage = flDamage - flArmor
			plrArmor = 0
		else {
			plrArmor = floatround(plrArmor - flArmor)

		if ( mode == SH_DMG_NORM ) damage = floatround(flNewDamage)
		//*** End of damage-armor calculations ***

	new newHealth = health - damage
	new FFon = get_pcvar_num(mp_friendlyfire)
	new freeforall = get_pcvar_num(sh_ffa)
	new CsTeams:victimTeam = cs_get_user_team(victim)
	new CsTeams:attackerTeam = cs_get_user_team(attacker)

	if ( newHealth < 1 ) {
		new bool:kill
		new headshot = get_param(5)
		new attackerFrags = get_user_frags(attacker)
		new attackerMoney = cs_get_user_money(attacker)

		if ( victim == attacker ) {
			kill = true
		else if ( victimTeam != attackerTeam || ( FFon && freeforall ) ) {
			kill = true

			new Float:hsmult = get_pcvar_float(sh_hsmult)
			if ( headshot && hsmult > 1.0 ) {
				localAddXP(attacker, floatround(gXPGiven[gPlayerLevel[victim]] * hsmult))
			else {
				localAddXP(attacker, gXPGiven[gPlayerLevel[victim]])

			set_user_frags(attacker, ++attackerFrags)

			// Frag gives $300, make sure not to go over max
			if ( attackerMoney < 16000 ) {
				new money = min((attackerMoney + 300), 16000)
				cs_set_user_money(attacker, money, 1)
		else if ( FFon ) {
			kill = true

			localAddXP(attacker, -gXPGiven[gPlayerLevel[attacker]])

			gBlockMercyXp[attacker] = true

			set_user_frags(attacker, --attackerFrags)

			client_print(attacker, print_center, "You killed a teammate")

			// Teamkill removes $3300, make sure not to go under min
			if ( attackerMoney > 0 ) {
				new money = max((attackerMoney - 3300), 0)
				cs_set_user_money(attacker, money, 1)

		if ( !kill ) return

		new wpnDescription[32]
		get_string(4, wpnDescription, charsmax(wpnDescription))

		// Kill the victim and block the message
		set_msg_block(gmsgScoreInfo, BLOCK_ONCE)

		gXrtaDmgClientKill = true
		// Save info to change HUD death message and send forward with correct info
		copy(gXrtaDmgWpnName, charsmax(gXrtaDmgWpnName), wpnDescription)
		gXrtaDmgAttacker = attacker
		gXrtaDmgHeadshot = headshot
		// Kill the victim
		// pev_dmg_inflictor not set becase this will be self even if we did set it
		dllfunc(DLLFunc_ClientKill, victim)
		gXrtaDmgClientKill = false

		// Log the Kill
		logKill(attacker, victim, wpnDescription)

		// Make camera turn toward attacker on death, thx Emp`
		set_pev(victim, pev_iuser3, attacker)

		// ClientKill removes a frag, give it back if not self inflicted
		new victimFrags = get_user_frags(victim)
		if ( victim != attacker ) {
			set_user_frags(victim, ++victimFrags)

			// Update attacker's statustext since his xp changed
			displayPowers(attacker, false)

			// Update victims scoreboard with correct info
			message_begin(MSG_ALL, gmsgScoreInfo)

		// Update killers scoreboard with new info
		message_begin(MSG_ALL, gmsgScoreInfo)
	else {
		new bool:hurt = false
		if ( victimTeam != attackerTeam || victim == attacker || ( FFon && freeforall ) ) {
			hurt = true
		else if ( FFon ) {
			hurt = true
			//new bool:dmgFFmsg = get_param(6) ? true : false
			if ( get_param(8) ) {
				new name[32]
				get_user_name(attacker, name, charsmax(name))
				client_print(0, print_chat, "%s attacked a teammate", name)

		if ( !hurt ) return

		// External plugins might use this
		// This should be set to the entity that caused the
		// damage, but lets just set it to attacker for now
		set_pev(victim, pev_dmg_inflictor, attacker)

		set_user_health(victim, newHealth)

		cs_set_user_armor(victim, plrArmor, armorType)

		// Slow down from damage, does not effect z vector
		// new bool:dmgStun = get_param(7) ? true : false
		if ( get_param(7) && pev(victim, pev_movetype) & MOVETYPE_WALK ) {

			// Fake a slowdown from damage
			// Method needs improvement can not find how cs does it
			// possibly use a sh_get_velocity type of method adding to current velocity
			new Float:velocity[3]
			pev(victim, pev_velocity, velocity)
			velocity[0] = 0.0
			velocity[1] = 0.0
			// Keep [2] the same as current velocity
			set_pev(victim, pev_velocity, velocity)

		if ( is_user_bot(victim) ) return

		new Float:dmgOrigin[3]
		get_array_f(9, dmgOrigin, 3)

		if ( dmgOrigin[0] == 0.0 && dmgOrigin[1] == 0.0 && dmgOrigin[2] == 0.0 ) {
			// Damage origin is attacker
			pev(attacker, pev_origin, dmgOrigin)

		// Damage message for showing damage bits only
		message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, gmsgDamage, _, victim)
		write_byte(0)		// dmg_save
		write_byte(damage)	// dmg_take
		write_long(DMG_GENERIC)	// visibleDamageBits
		engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, dmgOrigin[0])	// damageOrigin.x
		engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, dmgOrigin[1])	// damageOrigin.y
		engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, dmgOrigin[2])	// damageOrigin.z
public fm_AlertMessage(atype, const msg[])
	// Keeps hl logs clean of commited suicide with world, caused by sh_extra_damage
	 return gXrtaDmgClientKill ? FMRES_SUPERCEDE : FMRES_IGNORED
logKill(id, victim, const weaponDescription[32])
	new namea[32], namev[32], authida[32], authidv[32], teama[16], teamv[16]

	// Info On Attacker
	get_user_name(id, namea, charsmax(namea))
	get_user_team(id, teama, charsmax(teama))
	get_user_authid(id, authida, charsmax(authida))
	new auserid = get_user_userid(id)

	// Info On Victim
	get_user_name(victim, namev, charsmax(namev))
	get_user_team(victim, teamv, charsmax(teamv))
	get_user_authid(victim, authidv, charsmax(authidv))

	// Log This Kill
	if ( id != victim ) {
		log_message("^"%s<%d><%s><%s>^" killed ^"%s<%d><%s><%s>^" with ^"%s^"",
			namea, auserid, authida, teama, namev, get_user_userid(victim), authidv, teamv, weaponDescription)
	else {
		log_message("^"%s<%d><%s><%s>^" committed suicide with ^"%s^"",
			namea, auserid, authida, teama, weaponDescription)
public msg_DeathMsg()
	// Send out the sh death forwards and change the hud death message for sh_extra_damage kill
	// Run this even with sh off so forward can still run and clean up what it needs to
	new attacker, headshot
	static wpnDescription[32]

	if ( !gXrtaDmgClientKill ) {
		attacker = get_msg_arg_int(1)
		headshot = get_msg_arg_int(3)
		get_msg_arg_string(4, wpnDescription, charsmax(wpnDescription))
	else {
		attacker = gXrtaDmgAttacker
		headshot = gXrtaDmgHeadshot
		copy(wpnDescription, charsmax(wpnDescription), gXrtaDmgWpnName)

		// Change HUD death message to show extradamage kill correctly
		set_msg_arg_int(1, ARG_BYTE, attacker)
		set_msg_arg_int(3, ARG_BYTE, headshot)
		set_msg_arg_string(4, wpnDescription)

	// Send the sh_client_death forward
	ExecuteForward(fwd_Death, fwdReturn, get_msg_arg_int(2), attacker, headshot, wpnDescription)
// Must use death event since csx client_death does not catch worldspawn or suicides
public event_DeathMsg()
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return

	new killer = read_data(1)
	new victim = read_data(2)

	// Kill by extra damage will be skipped here since killer is self
	if ( killer && killer != victim && victim ) {

		if ( cs_get_user_team(killer) == cs_get_user_team(victim) && !get_pcvar_num(sh_ffa) ) {
			// Killed teammate
			gBlockMercyXp[killer] = true
			localAddXP(killer, -gXPGiven[gPlayerLevel[killer]])
		else {
			new Float:hsmult = get_pcvar_float(sh_hsmult)
			//new headshot = read_data(3)
			if ( read_data(3) && hsmult > 1.0 ) {
				localAddXP(killer, floatround(gXPGiven[gPlayerLevel[victim]] * hsmult))
			else {
				localAddXP(killer, gXPGiven[gPlayerLevel[victim]])

		displayPowers(killer, false)

	gCurrentWeapon[victim] = 0
	displayPowers(victim, false)
//native sh_reload_ammo(id, mode = 0)
public _sh_reload_ammo()
	new id = get_param(1)

	if ( !is_user_alive(id) ) return

	// re-entrency check
	new Float:gametime = get_gametime()
	if ( gametime - gReloadTime[id] < 0.5 ) return
	gReloadTime[id] = gametime

	new clip, ammo
	new wpnid = get_user_weapon(id, clip, ammo)
	new wpnslot = sh_get_weapon_slot(wpnid)

	if ( wpnslot != 1 && wpnslot != 2 ) return

	new mode = get_param(2)

	if ( mode == 0 ) {
		// Server decides what mode to use
		mode = get_pcvar_num(sh_reloadmode)
		if ( !mode ) return

		// No reload, reset max clip (most common)
		case 1: {
			if ( clip != 0 ) return

			new iWPNidx = -1
			new wpn[32]
			get_weaponname(wpnid, wpn, charsmax(wpn))

			while ( (iWPNidx = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, iWPNidx, "classname", wpn)) != 0 ) {
				if (id == pev(iWPNidx, pev_owner)) {
					cs_set_weapon_ammo(iWPNidx, sh_get_max_clipammo(wpnid))

		// Requires reload, but reset max backpack ammo
		case 2: {
			new maxbpammo = sh_get_max_bpammo(wpnid)
			if ( ammo < maxbpammo ) {
				cs_set_user_bpammo(id, wpnid, maxbpammo)

		// Drop weapon and get a new one with full clip
		case 3: {
			if ( clip != 0 ) return

			new idSilence, idBurst
			if ( wpnid == CSW_M4A1 || wpnid == CSW_USP ) {
				new iWPNidx = -1
				new wpn[32]
				get_weaponname(wpnid, wpn, charsmax(wpn))
				while ( (iWPNidx = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, iWPNidx, "classname", wpn)) != 0 ) {
					if (id == pev(iWPNidx, pev_owner)) {
						idSilence = cs_get_weapon_silen(iWPNidx)
			else if ( wpnid == CSW_FAMAS || wpnid == CSW_GLOCK18 ) {
				new iWPNidx = -1
				new wpn[32]
				get_weaponname(wpnid, wpn, charsmax(wpn))
				while ( (iWPNidx = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, iWPNidx, "classname", wpn)) != 0 ) {
					if (id == pev(iWPNidx, pev_owner)) {
						idBurst = cs_get_weapon_burst(iWPNidx)

			dropWeapon(id, wpnid, true)

			new entityID = giveWeapon(id, wpnid, true)

			if ( idSilence ) {
				cs_set_weapon_silen(entityID, idSilence, 0)
			else if ( idBurst ) {
				cs_set_weapon_burst(entityID, idBurst)

			// Recheck speed just in case above not caught by CurWeapon
			setSpeedPowers(id, false)
	static id
	for ( id = 1; id <= gServersMaxPlayers; id++ ) {
		if ( is_user_alive(id) ) {
			// Switches are faster but we don't want to do anything with -1
			switch(gPlayerStunTimer[id]) {
				case -1: {/*Do nothing*/}
				case 0: {
					gPlayerStunTimer[id] = -1
					setSpeedPowers(id, true)
				default: {
					gPlayerStunSpeed[id] = get_user_maxspeed(id) //is this really needed?

			switch(gPlayerGodTimer[id]) {
				case -1: {/*Do nothing*/}
				case 0: {
					gPlayerGodTimer[id] = -1
					set_user_godmode(id, 0)
				default: {
		else {
			gPlayerStunTimer[id] = -1
			gPlayerGodTimer[id] = -1
//native sh_set_stun(id, Float:howLong, Float:speed = 0.0)
public _sh_set_stun()
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return

	new id = get_param(1)

	if ( !is_user_alive(id) ) return

	new Float:howLong = get_param_f(2)

	if ( howLong > gPlayerStunTimer[id] ) {
		new Float:speed = get_param_f(3)
		debugMsg(id, 5, "Stunning for %f seconds at %f speed", howLong, speed)
		gPlayerStunTimer[id] = floatround(howLong)
		gPlayerStunSpeed[id] = speed
		set_user_maxspeed(id, speed)
//native sh_get_stun(id)
public _sh_get_stun()
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return 0

	new id = get_param(1)

	if ( !is_user_alive(id) ) return 0

	return gPlayerStunTimer[id] > 0 ? 1 : 0
//native sh_set_godmode(id, Float:howLong)
public _sh_set_godmode()
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return

	new id = get_param(1)

	if ( !is_user_alive(id) ) return

	new Float:howLong = get_param_f(2)

	if ( howLong > gPlayerGodTimer[id] ) {
		debugMsg(id, 5, "Has God Mode for %f seconds", howLong)
		sh_set_rendering(id, 0, 0, 128, 16, kRenderFxGlowShell)	// Remove the godmode glow, make heroes set it??
		set_user_godmode(id, 1)
		gPlayerGodTimer[id] = floatround(howLong)
public cl_say(id)
	static said[192]
	read_args(said, charsmax(said))

	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) {
		if ( containi(said, "powers") != -1 || containi(said, "superhero") != -1 ) {
			chatMessage(id, _, "SuperHero Mod is currently disabled")

	// If first character is "/" start command check after that character
	new pos
	if ( said[pos] == '/' ) pos++

	if ( equali(said[pos], "superherohelp") || equali(said[pos], "help") ) {
	else if ( equali(said[pos], "herolist") ) {
	else if ( equali(said[pos], "playerskills", 12) ) {
		showPlayerSkills(id, 1, said[pos+13])
	else if ( equali(said[pos], "playerlevels", 12) ) {
		showPlayerLevels(id, 1, said[pos+13])
	else if ( equali(said[pos], "whohas", 6) ) {
		if ( said[pos+7] == '^0' ) {
			chatMessage(id, _, "A partial hero name is required for that command")
		showWhoHas(id, 1, said[pos+7])
	else if ( equali(said[pos], "myheroes") ) {
	else if ( equali(said[pos], "clearpowers") ) {
		if ( !get_pcvar_num(sh_alivedrop) && is_user_alive(id) ) {
			chatMessage(id, _, "You are not allowed to drop heroes while alive")
		clearAllPowers(id, true)
		chatMessage(id, _, "All your powers have been cleared successfully")
	else if ( equali(said[pos], "showmenu") ) {
		menuSuperPowers(id, 0)
	else if ( equali(said[pos], "automenu") ) {
		chatMessage(id, _, "Automatically show Select Super Power menu %s", (gPlayerFlags[id] & SH_FLAG_NOAUTOMENU) ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED")
		gPlayerFlags[id] ^= SH_FLAG_NOAUTOMENU
	else if ( equali(said[pos], "drop", 4) ) {
		dropPower(id, said)
	else if ( equali(said[pos], "helpon") ) {
		if ( gCMDProj > 0 ) {
			chatMessage(id, _, "Help HUD message enabled")
		gPlayerFlags[id] |= SH_FLAG_HUDHELP
	else if ( equali(said[pos], "helpoff") ) {
		if ( gCMDProj > 0 ) {
			chatMessage(id, _, "Help HUD message disabled")
		gPlayerFlags[id] &= ~SH_FLAG_HUDHELP
	else if ( containi(said, "powers") != -1 || containi(said, "superhero") != -1 ) {
		chatMessage(id, _, "For help with SuperHero Mod, say: /help")

dropPower(id, const said[])
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sh_alivedrop) && is_user_alive(id) ) {
		chatMessage(id, _, "You are not allowed to drop heroes while alive")

	new heroName[32]
	new heroIndex
	new bool:found = false

	new spaceIdx = contain(said, " ")
	if ( spaceIdx > 0 && strlen(said) > spaceIdx+2 ) {
		copy(heroName, charsmax(heroName), said[spaceIdx+1] )
	else {
		chatMessage(id, _, "Please provide at least two letters from the hero name you wish to drop")

	debugMsg(id, 5, "Trying to Drop Hero: %s", heroName)

	new playerpowercount = getPowerCount(id)
	for ( new x = 1; x <= playerpowercount && x <= SH_MAXLEVELS; x++ ) {
		heroIndex = gPlayerPowers[id][x]
		if ( -1 < heroIndex < gSuperHeroCount ) {
			if ( containi( gSuperHeros[heroIndex][hero], heroName ) != -1 ) {
				debugMsg(id, 1, "Dropping Hero: %s", gSuperHeros[heroIndex][hero])
				clearPower(id, x)
				chatMessage(id, _, "Dropped Hero: %s", gSuperHeros[heroIndex][hero])
				found = true

	// Show the menu and the loss of power... or a message...
	if ( found ) {
		displayPowers(id, true)
		menuSuperPowers(id, gPlayerMenuOffset[id])
	else {
		chatMessage(id, _, "Could Not Find Power to Drop: %s", heroName)
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return

	show_motd(id, gHelpMotd, "SuperHero Mod Help")
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return

	new buffer[1501]
	new n = 0

	n += copy(buffer[n], charsmax(buffer)-n, "<html><head><style type=^"text/css^">pre{color:#FFB000;}body{background:#000000;margin-left:8px;margin-top:0px;}</style></head><body><pre>^n")

	n += copy(buffer[n], charsmax(buffer)-n, "TIP: Use ^"herolist^" in the console for better output and searchability.^n^n")
	n += copy(buffer[n], charsmax(buffer)-n, "Installed Heroes:^n^n")

	for (new x = 0; x < gSuperHeroCount; x++ ) {
		n += formatex(buffer[n], charsmax(buffer)-n, "%s (%d%s) - %s^n", gSuperHeros[x][hero], getHeroLevel(x), gSuperHeros[x][requiresKeys] ? "b" : "", gSuperHeros[x][superpower])

	copy(buffer[n], charsmax(buffer)-n, "</pre></body></html>")

	show_motd(id, buffer, "SuperHero List")
showPlayerLevels(id, say, said[])
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return

	new playerCount
	new players[SH_MAXSLOTS]

	if ( equal(said, "") ) copy(said, 30, "@ALL")

	new buffer[1501]
	new n = 0

	if ( say == 1 ) {
		n += copy(buffer[n], charsmax(buffer)-n,"<html><head><style type=^"text/css^">pre{color:#FFB000;}body{background:#000000;margin-left:8px;margin-top:0px;}</style></head><body><pre>^n")
		n += copy(buffer[n], charsmax(buffer)-n,"Player Levels:^n^n")
	else {
		console_print(id, "Player Levels:^n")

	if ( said[0] == '@' ) {
		if ( equali("T", said[1]) ) {
			copy(said[1], 31, "TERRORIST")

		if ( equali("ALL", said[1]) ) {
			get_players(players, playerCount)
		else {
			get_players(players, playerCount, "eg", said[1])
		if ( playerCount == 0 ) {
			console_print(id, "No clients in such team")
	else {
		players[0] = cmd_target(id, said, CMDTARGET_ALLOW_SELF)
		if ( !players[0] ) return
		playerCount = 1

	new pid, teamName[5], name[32]
	for ( new team = 2; team >= 0; team-- ) {
		for ( new x = 0; x < playerCount; x++ ) {
			pid = players[x]
			if ( get_user_team(pid) != team ) continue
			get_user_name(pid, name, charsmax(name))

			teamName[0] = '^0'
			if ( get_user_team(pid) == 1 ) copy(teamName, charsmax(teamName), "T :")
			else if ( get_user_team(pid) == 2 ) copy(teamName, charsmax(teamName), "CT:")
			else copy(teamName, charsmax(teamName), "S :")

			if ( say == 1 ) {
				n += formatex(buffer[n], charsmax(buffer)-n, "%s%-24s (Level %d)(XP = %d)^n", teamName, name, gPlayerLevel[pid], gPlayerXP[pid])
			else {
				console_print(id, "%s%-24s (Level %d)(XP = %d)", teamName, name, gPlayerLevel[pid], gPlayerXP[pid])

	if ( say == 1 ) {
		copy(buffer[n], charsmax(buffer)-n, "</pre></body></html>")

		show_motd(id, buffer, "Players SuperHero Levels")
	else {
		console_print(id, "")
showPlayerSkills(id, say, said[])
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return

	new playerCount
	new players[SH_MAXSLOTS]
	new name[32]

	if ( equal(said,"") ) copy(said, 31, "@ALL")

	new buffer[1501]
	new n = 0
	new tn = 0
	new temp[512]

	if ( say == 1 ) {
		n += copy(buffer[n], charsmax(buffer)-n,"<html><head><style type=^"text/css^">pre{color:#FFB000;}body{background:#000000;margin-left:8px;margin-top:0px;}</style></head><body><pre>^n")

		n += copy(buffer[n], charsmax(buffer)-n,"Player Skills:^n^n")
	else {
		console_print(id, "Player Skills:^n")

	if ( said[0] == '@' ) {
		if (equali("T",said[1])) {
			copy(said[1], 31,"TERRORIST")
		if ( equali("ALL", said[1]) ) {
			get_players(players, playerCount)
		else {
			get_players(players, playerCount, "eg", said[1] )
		if ( playerCount == 0 ) {
			console_print(id, "No clients in such team")
	else {
		players[0] = cmd_target(id, said, CMDTARGET_ALLOW_SELF)
		if ( !players[0] ) return
		playerCount = 1

	new pid, teamName[5], idx, heroIndex, playerpowercount
	for ( new team = 2; team >= 0; team-- ) {
		for ( new x = 0; x < playerCount; x++) {
			tn = 0
			pid = players[x]
			if ( get_user_team(pid) != team) continue
			get_user_name(pid, name, charsmax(name))
			teamName[0] = '^0'
			if ( get_user_team(pid) == 1 ) copy(teamName, charsmax(teamName), "T :")
			else if ( get_user_team(pid) == 2 ) copy(teamName, charsmax(teamName), "CT:")
			else copy(teamName, charsmax(teamName), "S: ")
			tn += formatex(temp[tn], charsmax(temp)-tn, "%s%-24s (Level %d)(XP = %d)", teamName, name, gPlayerLevel[pid], gPlayerXP[pid])
			if (say == 0) {
				console_print(id, "%s", temp)
				tn = 0
				tn += copy(temp[tn], charsmax(temp)-tn, "   ")
			playerpowercount = getPowerCount(pid)
			for ( idx = 1; idx <= playerpowercount; idx++ ) {
				heroIndex = gPlayerPowers[pid][idx]
				tn += formatex(temp[tn], charsmax(temp)-tn, "| %s ", gSuperHeros[heroIndex][hero])
				if ( idx % 6 == 0 ) {
					if (say == 1) {
						tn += copy(temp[tn], charsmax(temp)-tn, "|^n   ")
					else {
						tn += copy(temp[tn], charsmax(temp)-tn, "|")
						console_print(id, "%s", temp)
						tn = 0
						tn += copy(temp[tn], charsmax(temp)-tn, "   ")

			if (say == 1) {
				copy(temp[tn], charsmax(temp)-tn, "^n^n")
				n += copy(buffer[n], charsmax(buffer)-n, temp)
			else {
				if ( gPlayerPowers[pid][0] > 0 ) {
					copy(temp[tn], charsmax(temp)-tn, "|")
				console_print(id, "%s", temp)

	if ( say == 1 ) {
		copy(buffer[n], charsmax(buffer)-n,"</pre></body></html>")

		show_motd(id, buffer, "Players SuperHero Skills")
	else {
		console_print(id, "")
showWhoHas(id, say, said[])
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return

	new who[25]
	copy(who, charsmax(who), said)

	new heroIndex = -1

	for ( new i = 0; i < gSuperHeroCount; i++ ) {
		if ( containi(gSuperHeros[i][hero], who) != -1 ) {
			heroIndex = i

	if ( heroIndex < 0 ) {
		if ( say == 1 ) {
			chatMessage(id, _, "Could not find a hero that matches: %s", who)
		else {
			console_print(id, "[SH] Could not find a hero that matches: %s", who)

	new buffer[1501], n

	if ( say == 1 ) {
		n += copy(buffer[n], charsmax(buffer)-n,"<html><head><style type=^"text/css^">pre{color:#FFB000;}body{background:#000000;margin-left:8px;margin-top:0px;}</style></head><body><pre>^n")

	n += formatex(buffer[n], charsmax(buffer)-n, "WhoHas: %s^n^n", gSuperHeros[heroIndex][hero])

	// Get a List of Players
	new players[SH_MAXSLOTS], playerCount
	get_players(players, playerCount)

	new pid, teamName[5], name[32]
	for ( new team = 2; team >= 0; team-- ) {
		for (new x = 0; x < playerCount; x++) {
			pid = players[x]
			if ( get_user_team(pid) != team) continue
			get_user_name(pid, name, charsmax(name))
			teamName[0] = '^0'
			if (!playerHasPower(pid, heroIndex)) continue
			if ( get_user_team(pid) == 1 ) copy(teamName, charsmax(teamName), "T :")
			else if ( get_user_team(pid) == 2 ) copy(teamName, charsmax(teamName), "CT:")
			else copy(teamName, charsmax(teamName), "S: ")
			n += formatex(buffer[n], charsmax(buffer)-n, "%s%-24s (Level %d)(XP = %d)^n", teamName, name, gPlayerLevel[pid], gPlayerXP[pid])

	if ( say == 1 ) {
		copy(buffer[n], charsmax(buffer)-n,"</pre></body></html>")

		new title[32]
		formatex(title, charsmax(title), "SuperHero WhoHas: %s", who)
		show_motd(id, buffer, title)
	else {
		console_print(id, "%s", buffer)
public adminSetLevel(id, level, cid)
	if ( !cmd_access(id, level, cid, 3) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) {
		console_print(id, "[SH] SuperHero Mod is currently disabled")

	if ( read_argc() > 3 ) {
		console_print(id, "[SH] Too many arguments supplied. Do not use a space in the name.")
		console_print(id, "[SH] You only need to put in a partial name to use this command.")

	new arg2[4]
	read_argv(2, arg2, charsmax(arg2))

	if ( !isdigit(arg2[0]) ) {
		console_print(id, "[SH] Second argument must be a XP level.")
		console_print(id, "Usage:  amx_shsetlevel <nick | @team | @ALL | #userid> <level> - Sets SuperHero level on players")

	new setlevel = str_to_num(arg2)

	if ( setlevel < 0 || setlevel > gNumLevels ) {
		console_print(id, "[SH] Invalid Level - Valid Levels = 0 - %d", gNumLevels)

	new arg[32]
	read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg))

	new authid2[32], name2[32]
	get_user_name(id, name2, charsmax(name2))
	get_user_authid(id, authid2, charsmax(authid2))

	if ( arg[0] == '@' ) {
		new players[SH_MAXSLOTS], inum
		if ( equali("T", arg[1]) ) {
			copy(arg[1], charsmax(arg)-1, "TERRORIST")

		if ( equali("ALL", arg[1]) ) {
			get_players(players, inum)
		else {
			get_players(players, inum, "eg", arg[1])

		if ( !inum ) {
			console_print(id, "No clients in such team")

		new user
		for ( new a = 0; a < inum; a++ ) {
			user = players[a]
			gPlayerXP[user] = gXPLevel[setlevel]
			displayPowers(user, false)

		show_activity(id, name2, "set level %d on %s players", setlevel, arg[1])

		console_print(id, "[SH] Set level %d on %s players", setlevel, arg[1])

		log_amx("[SH] ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" set level %d on %s players", name2, get_user_userid(id), authid2, setlevel, arg[1])
	else {
		new player = cmd_target(id, arg, CMDTARGET_ALLOW_SELF)
		if ( !player ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

		gPlayerXP[player] = gXPLevel[setlevel]
		displayPowers(player, false)

		new name[32], authid[32]
		get_user_name(player, name, charsmax(name))
		get_user_authid(player, authid, charsmax(authid))

		show_activity(id, name2, "set level %d on %s", setlevel, name)

		console_print(id, "[SH] Client ^"%s^" has been set to level %d", name, setlevel)

		log_amx("[SH] ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" set level %d on ^"%s<%d><%s><>^"", name2, get_user_userid(id), authid2, setlevel, name, get_user_userid(player), authid)

public adminSetXP(id, level, cid)
	if ( !cmd_access(id, level, cid, 3) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) {
		console_print(id, "[SH] SuperHero Mod is currently disabled")

	if ( read_argc() > 3 ) {
		console_print(id, "[SH] Too many arguments supplied. Do not use a space in the name.")
		console_print(id, "[SH] You only need to put in a partial name to use this command.")

	new arg2[12]
	read_argv(2, arg2, charsmax(arg2))

	if ( !(isdigit(arg2[0]) || (equal(arg2[0], "-", 1) && isdigit(arg2[1]))) ) {
		console_print(id, "[SH] Second argument must be a XP value.")

	new xp = str_to_num(arg2)

	new cmd[32], arg[32]
	new bool:giveXP = false
	read_argv(0, cmd, charsmax(cmd))
	read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg))

	if ( equali(cmd, "amx_shaddxp") ) giveXP = true

	new name2[32], authid2[32]
	get_user_name(id, name2, charsmax(name2))
	get_user_authid(id, authid2, charsmax(authid2))

	if ( arg[0] == '@' ) {
		new players[32], inum
		if ( equali("T", arg[1]) ) {
			copy(arg[1], charsmax(arg)-1, "TERRORIST")

		if ( equali("ALL", arg[1]) ) {
			get_players(players, inum)
		else {
			get_players(players, inum, "eg", arg[1])

		if ( !inum ) {
			console_print(id, "No clients in such team")

		new user
		for ( new a = 0; a < inum; a++ ) {
			user = players[a]
			if ( giveXP ) localAddXP(user, xp)
			else gPlayerXP[user] = xp
			displayPowers(user, false)

		show_activity(id, name2, "%s %d XP on %s players", giveXP ? "added" : "set", xp, arg[1])

		console_print(id, "[SH] %s %d XP on %s players", giveXP ? "Added" : "Set", xp, arg[1])

		log_amx("[SH] ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" %s %d XP on %s players", name2, get_user_userid(id), authid2, giveXP ? "added" : "set", xp, arg[1])
	else {
		new player = cmd_target(id, arg, CMDTARGET_ALLOW_SELF)
		if ( !player ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

		if ( giveXP ) localAddXP(player, xp)
		else gPlayerXP[player] = xp
		displayPowers(player, false)

		new name[32], authid[32]
		get_user_name(player, name, charsmax(name))
		get_user_authid(player, authid, charsmax(authid))

		show_activity(id, name2, "%s %d XP on %s", giveXP ? "added" : "set", xp, name)

		console_print(id, "[SH] Client ^"%s^" has been %s %d XP", name, giveXP ? "given" : "set to", xp)

		log_amx("[SH] ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" %s %d XP on ^"%s<%d><%s><>^"", name2, get_user_userid(id), authid2, giveXP ? "added" : "set", xp, name, get_user_userid(player), authid)

public adminBanXP(id, level, cid)
	if ( !cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

	if ( read_argc() > 2 ) {
		console_print(id, "[SH] Too many arguments supplied. Do not use a space in the name.")
		console_print(id, "[SH] You only need to put in a partial name to use this command.")

	new arg[32]
	read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg))

	new player = cmd_target(id, arg, CMDTARGET_OBEY_IMMUNITY)
	if ( !player ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

	new name[32], authid[32], bankey[32]
	new userid = get_user_userid(player)
	get_user_name(player, name, charsmax(name))
	get_user_authid(player, authid, charsmax(authid))

	if ( gIsPowerBanned[player] ) {
		console_print(id, "[SH] Client is already SuperHero banned: ^"%s<%d><%s>^"", name, userid, authid)

	if ( !getSaveKey(player, bankey) ) {
		console_print(id, "[SH] Unable to find valid Ban Key to write to file for client: ^"%s<%d><%s>^"", name, userid, authid)

	// "a" will create a file if it does not exist but not overwrite it if it does
	new banFile = fopen(gBanFile, "at")

	if ( !banFile ) {
		debugMsg(0, 0, "Failed to open nopowers.cfg, please verify file/folder permissions")
		console_print(id, "[SH] Failed to open/create nopowers.cfg to save ban")

	// Add a first line of description if file was just created
	if (  -1 < file_size(gBanFile, 1) < 2 ) fputs(banFile, "//List of SteamIDs / IPs Banned from using powers^n")

	fprintf(banFile, "%s^n", bankey)


	new name2[32], authid2[32]
	get_user_name(id, name2, charsmax(name2))
	get_user_authid(id, authid2, charsmax(authid2))

	gIsPowerBanned[player] = true
	clearAllPowers(player, false)	// Avoids Recursion with false
	writeStatusMessage(player, "You are banned from using powers")

	show_activity(id, name2, "banned %s from using superhero powers", name) 

	chatMessage(player, _, "You have been banned from using superhero powers")

	log_amx("[SH] ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" banned ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" from using superhero powers", name2, get_user_userid(id), authid2, name, userid, authid)

	console_print(id, "[SH] Successfully SuperHero banned ^"%s<%d><%s><>^"", name, userid, authid)

public adminUnbanXP(id, level, cid)
	if ( !cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

	if ( read_argc() > 2 ) {
		console_print(id, "[SH] Too many arguments supplied. Do not use a space in the name.")
		console_print(id, "[SH] You only need to put in a partial name to use this command.")

	if( !file_exists(gBanFile) ) {
		console_print(id, "[SH] There is no ban file to modify")

	new arg[32]
	read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg))

	new player = cmd_target(id, arg, CMDTARGET_ALLOW_SELF)

	new name2[32], authid2[32], bankey[32]
	get_user_name(id, name2, charsmax(name2))
	get_user_authid(id, authid2, charsmax(authid2))

	if ( player ) {
		new name[32], authid[32]
		get_user_name(player, name, charsmax(name))
		get_user_authid(player, authid, charsmax(authid))
		new userid = get_user_userid(player)

		if ( !gIsPowerBanned[player] ) {
			console_print(id, "[SH] Client is not SuperHero banned: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^"", name, userid, authid)

		if ( !getSaveKey(player, bankey) ) {
			console_print(id, "[SH] Unable to find valid Ban Key to remove from file for client: ^"%s<%d><%s>^"", name, userid, authid)

		if ( !removeBanFromFile(id, bankey) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

		gIsPowerBanned[player] = false
		displayPowers(player, false)

		show_activity(id, name2, "unbanned %s from using superhero powers", name) 

		console_print(id, "[SH] Successfully SuperHero unbanned ^"%s<%d><%s><>^"", name, userid, authid)

		log_amx("[SH] ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" un-banned ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" from using superhero powers", name2, get_user_userid(id), authid2,name, userid, authid)
	else {
		// Assume attempting to unban by steamid or IP
		copy(bankey, charsmax(bankey), arg)
		console_print(id, "[SH] Attemping to unban using argument: %s", bankey)

		if ( !removeBanFromFile(id, bankey) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

		console_print(id, "[SH] Successfully SuperHero unbanned: %s", bankey)
		console_print(id, "[SH] WARNING: If this user is connected they need to reconnect to use powers")

		log_amx("[SH] ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" un-banned ^"%s^" from using superhero powers", name2, get_user_userid(id), authid2, bankey)

removeBanFromFile(adminID, const bankey[32])
	new tempFile[128]
	formatex(tempFile, charsmax(tempFile), "%s~", gBanFile)

	new banFile = fopen(gBanFile, "rt")
	new tempBanFile = fopen(tempFile, "wt")

	if ( !banFile || !tempBanFile ) {
		debugMsg(0, 0, "Failed to open nopowers.cfg, please verify file/folder permissions")
		console_print(adminID, "[SH] Unable to edit nopowers.cfg ban file")
		return 0

	new bool:found
	new data[128]

	while ( !feof(banFile) ) {
		fgets(banFile, data, charsmax(data))

		// Blank line skip copying it
		if ( data[0] == '^0' ) continue

		if ( equali(data, bankey) ) {
			found = true

		fprintf(tempBanFile, "%s^n", data)



	if ( !rename_file(tempFile, gBanFile, 1) ) {
		debugMsg(0, 0, "Error renaming file: %s -> %s", tempFile, gBanFile)
		console_print(adminID, "[SH] Unable to rename ban file")
		return 0

	if ( !found ) {
		console_print(adminID, "[SH] ^"%s^" not found in nopowers.cfg", bankey)
		return 0

	return 1
#if SAVE_METHOD != 2
public adminImmuneXP(id, level, cid)
	if ( !cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

	if ( !gLongTermXP ) {
		console_print(id, "[SH] Immunity from sh_savedays XP prune can not be set in non-saved XP mode.")

	new numOfArg = read_argc()

	if ( numOfArg > 3 ) {
		console_print(id, "[SH] Too many arguments supplied. Do not use a space in the name.")
		console_print(id, "[SH] You only need to put in a partial name to use this command.")

	new arg[32]
	read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg))

	new player = cmd_target(id, arg, CMDTARGET_ALLOW_SELF)
	if ( !player ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

	new name[32], authid[32], bankey[32]
	new userid = get_user_userid(player)
	get_user_name(player, name, charsmax(name))
	get_user_authid(player, authid, charsmax(authid))

	if ( !getSaveKey(player, bankey) ) {
		console_print(id, "[SH] Unable to find valid Save Key for client: ^"%s<%d><%s>^"", name, userid, authid)

	if ( numOfArg == 2 ) {
		// No on/off just supply what setting is at
		console_print(id, "[SH] Immunity from sh_savedays XP prune is %s on client: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^"", (gPlayerFlags[player] & SH_FLAG_XPIMMUNE) ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED", name, userid, authid)

	new arg2[4], mode
	read_argv(2, arg2, charsmax(arg2))

	if ( equali(arg2, "on") ) mode = 1
	else if  ( equali(arg2, "off") ) mode = 0
	else mode = str_to_num(arg2)

	switch(mode) {
		case 0: {
			if ( !(gPlayerFlags[player] & SH_FLAG_XPIMMUNE) ) {
				console_print(id, "[SH] Client is already nonimmune to sh_savedays XP prune: ^"%s<%d><%s>^"", name, userid, authid)
			gPlayerFlags[player] &= ~SH_FLAG_XPIMMUNE
			chatMessage(player, _, "Your immunity from inactive user XP deletion has been removed")
		case 1: {
			if ( gPlayerFlags[player] & SH_FLAG_XPIMMUNE ) {
				console_print(id, "[SH] Client is already immune from sh_savedays XP prune: ^"%s<%d><%s>^"", name, userid, authid)
			gPlayerFlags[player] |= SH_FLAG_XPIMMUNE

			chatMessage(player, _, "You have been given immunity from inactive user XP deletion")
		default: {
			console_print(id, "[SH] Invalid 3rd parameter: %s", arg2)

	// Update saved data now for safety

	new name2[32], authid2[32]
	get_user_name(id, name2, charsmax(name2))
	get_user_authid(id, authid2, charsmax(authid2))

	show_activity(id, name2, "%s %s immune from inactive user XP deletion", mode ? "Set" : "Unset", name) 

	log_amx("[SH] ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" %s immunity ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" from sh_savedays XP prune", name2, get_user_userid(id), authid2, mode ? "set" : "unset", name, userid, authid)

	console_print(id, "[SH] Successfully %s immunity from sh_savedays XP prune on client ^"%s<%d><%s><>^"", mode ? "set" : "unset", name, userid, authid)

public adminEraseXP(id, level, cid)
	if ( !cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

	console_print(id, "[SH] Please wait while the XP is erased")

	for ( new x = 1; x <= gServersMaxPlayers; x++ ) {
		gPlayerXP[x] = 0
		gPlayerLevel[x] = 0
		writeStatusMessage(x, "All XP has been ERASED")
		clearAllPowers(x, true)


	new name[32], authid[32]
	get_user_name(id, name, charsmax(name))
	get_user_authid(id, authid, charsmax(authid))

	show_activity(id, name, "Erased ALL Saved XP")

	console_print(id, "[SH] All Saved XP has been Erased Successfully")

	log_amx("[SH] ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" erased all the XP", name, get_user_userid(id), authid)

	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

	new buffer[1501]
	new n = 0
	new heroIndex, bindNum, x
	new bindNumtxt[128], name_lvl[128]

	n += copy(buffer[n], charsmax(buffer)-n, "<html><head><style type=^"text/css^">pre{color:#FFB000;}body{background:#000000;margin-left:8px;margin-top:0px;}</style></head><body><pre>^n")

	n += copy(buffer[n], charsmax(buffer)-n, "Your Heroes Are:^n^n")
	new playerpowercount = getPowerCount(id)
	for ( x = 1; x <= playerpowercount; x++ ) {
		heroIndex = gPlayerPowers[id][x]
		bindNum = getBindNumber(id, heroIndex)
		bindNumtxt[0] = '^0'

		if ( bindNum > 0 ) {
			formatex(bindNumtxt, charsmax(bindNumtxt), "- POWER #%d", bindNum)

		formatex(name_lvl, charsmax(name_lvl), "%s (%d)", gSuperHeros[heroIndex][hero], getHeroLevel(heroIndex))
		n += formatex(buffer[n], charsmax(buffer)-n, "%d) %-18s- %s %s^n", x, name_lvl, gSuperHeros[heroIndex][superpower], bindNumtxt)

	copy(buffer[n], charsmax(buffer)-n, "</pre></body></html>")

	show_motd(id, buffer, "Your SuperHero Heroes")
public showSkillsCon(id, level, cid)
	if ( !cmd_access(id,level,cid,1) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) {
		console_print(id, "[SH] SuperHero Mod is currently disabled")

	new arg1[32]
	read_argv(1, arg1, charsmax(arg1))

	showPlayerSkills(id, 0, arg1)
public showLevelsCon(id,level,cid)
	if ( !cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED

	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) {
		console_print(id, "[SH] SuperHero Mod is currently disabled")

	new arg1[32]
	read_argv(1, arg1, charsmax(arg1))

	showPlayerLevels(id, 0, arg1)
public showHeroListCon(id)
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) {
		console_print(id, "[SH] SuperHero Mod is currently disabled")

	console_print(id, "^n----- Hero Listing -----")
	new argx[20]
	read_argv(1, argx, charsmax(argx))
	new start, end
	if ( !isdigit(argx[0]) && !equal("", argx) ) {
		new tmp[8], n=1
		read_argv(2, tmp, charsmax(tmp))
		start = str_to_num(tmp)
		if ( start < 0 ) start = 0
		if ( start != 0 ) start--
		end = start + HEROAMOUNT
		for( new x = 0; x < gSuperHeroCount; x++ ) {
			if ( (containi(gSuperHeros[x][hero], argx) != -1) || (containi(gSuperHeros[x][help], argx) != -1) ) {
				if ( n > start && n <= end ) {
					console_print(id, "%3d: %s (%d%s) - %s", n, gSuperHeros[x][hero], getHeroLevel(x), gSuperHeros[x][requiresKeys] ? "b" : "", gSuperHeros[x][help])
		if ( start+1 > n-1 ) {
			console_print(id, "----- Highest Entry: %d -----", n-1)
		else if ( n-1 == 0 ) {
			console_print(id, "----- No Matches for Your Search -----")
		else if ( n-1 < end ) {
			console_print(id, "----- Entries %d - %d of %d -----", start+1, n-1, n-1)
		else {
			console_print(id, "----- Entries %d - %d of %d -----", start+1, end, n-1)

		if ( end < n-1 ) {
			console_print(id, "----- Use 'herolist %s %d' for more -----", argx, end+1)
	else {
		new arg1[8]
		start = read_argv(1, arg1, charsmax(arg1)) ? str_to_num(arg1) : 1
		if ( --start < 0 ) start = 0
		if ( start >= gSuperHeroCount ) start = gSuperHeroCount - 1
		end = start + HEROAMOUNT
		if ( end > gSuperHeroCount ) end = gSuperHeroCount
		for ( new i = start; i < end; i++ ) {
			console_print(id, "%3d: %s (%d%s) - %s", i+1, gSuperHeros[i][hero], getHeroLevel(i), gSuperHeros[i][requiresKeys] ? "b" : "", gSuperHeros[i][help])
		console_print(id, "----- Entries %d - %d of %d -----", start+1, end, gSuperHeroCount)
		if ( end < gSuperHeroCount ) {
			console_print(id, "----- Use 'herolist %d' for more -----", end+1)
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return

	static flags[4]
		case 1: copy(flags, charsmax(flags), "bch")	// show to dead non-bots only
		case 2: copy(flags, charsmax(flags), "ch")	// show to live or dead non-bots
		default: return			// off 

	set_hudmessage(230, 100, 10, 0.80, 0.28, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.9, -1)

	static players[SH_MAXSLOTS], numplayers, id, i
	get_players(players, numplayers, flags)

	for ( i = 0; i < numplayers; i++ ) {
		id = players[i]
		if ( gPlayerFlags[id] & SH_FLAG_HUDHELP ) {
			ShowSyncHudMsg(id, gHelpHudSync, "%s", gHelpHudMsg)
//Called when a client chooses a "team", not a "class type" (could be used to self kill)
public team_chosen(id)
	gBlockMercyXp[id] = true
//Called when a client types "kill" in the console
public client_kill(id)
	gBlockMercyXp[id] = true
public client_connect(id)
	// Don't want any left over residuals
public client_disconnect(id)
	// Don't want any left over residuals
	gPlayerPutInServer[id] = false
public client_putinserver(id)
	if ( id < 1 || id > gServersMaxPlayers ) return

	gPlayerPutInServer[id] = true

	// Find a czero bot to register Ham_Spawn
	if ( gIsCzero && pev(id, pev_flags) & FL_FAKECLIENT && get_pcvar_num(bot_quota) > 0 && !gCZBotRegisterHam ) {

		// Delay for private data to initialize
		set_task(0.1, "czbotHookHam", id)

	// Don't want to mess up already loaded XP
	if ( !gReadXPNextRound[id] && gLongTermXP ) return

	// Load up XP if LongTerm is enabled
	if ( gLongTermXP ) {
		// Mid-round loads allowed?
		if ( get_pcvar_num(sh_loadimmediate) ) {
		else {
			gReadXPNextRound[id] = true
	// If autobalance is on - promote this player by avg XP
	else if ( gAutoBalance ) {
		gPlayerXP[id] = getAverageXP()
public czbotHookHam(id)
	// Thx to Avalanche and GunGame for which this method is based on.
	if ( gCZBotRegisterHam || !is_user_connected(id) ) return

	// Make sure it's a bot and if quota greater than 0 it's a cz bot.
	if ( pev(id, pev_flags) & FL_FAKECLIENT && get_pcvar_num(bot_quota) > 0) {
		// Post-spawn fix for cz bots, since RegisterHam does not work for them.
		RegisterHamFromEntity(Ham_Spawn, id, "ham_PlayerSpawn_Post", 1)
		RegisterHamFromEntity(Ham_TakeDamage, id, "ham_TakeDamage_Pre")

		gCZBotRegisterHam = true

		// Incase this CZ bot was spawned alive during a round, call the Ham_Spawn
		// because it would have happned before the RegisterHam.
		if ( is_user_alive(id) ) ham_PlayerSpawn_Post(id)
	new count = 0
	new Float:sum = 0.0

	for ( new x = 1; x <= gServersMaxPlayers; x++) {
		if ( is_user_connected(x) && gPlayerXP[x] > 0 ) {
			sum += gPlayerXP[x]

	if ( count > 0 ) {
		return floatround(sum / count)

	return 0
	if ( id < 1 || id > gServersMaxPlayers ) return

	gPlayerXP[id] = 0
	gPlayerPowers[id][0] = 0
	gPlayerBinds[id][0] = 0
	gCurrentWeapon[id] = 0
	gPlayerStunTimer[id] = -1
	gPlayerGodTimer[id] = -1
	setLevel(id, 0)
	gShieldRestrict[id] = false
	gPlayerFlags[id] = SH_FLAG_HUDHELP
	gFirstRound[id] = true
	gNewRoundSpawn[id] = true
	gIsPowerBanned[id] = false
	gReadXPNextRound[id] = gLongTermXP

	clearAllPowers(id, false)
public fm_Touch(ptr, ptd)
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return FMRES_IGNORED
	if ( !pev_valid(ptr) || !pev_valid(ptd) ) return FMRES_IGNORED
	if ( ptd < 1 || ptd > gServersMaxPlayers ) return FMRES_IGNORED
	if ( !gShieldRestrict[ptd] ) return FMRES_IGNORED

	static entclass[32]
	entclass[0] = '^0'
	pev(ptr, pev_classname, entclass, charsmax(entclass))

	// Lets block the picking up of a shield
	if ( equal(entclass, "weapon_shield") ) {

// This is called when a user tries to buy a shield via a menu
public shieldbuy(id)
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
	if ( id < 1 || id > gServersMaxPlayers ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

	if ( gShieldRestrict[id] ) {
		engclient_cmd(id, "menuselect", "10")
		client_print(id, print_center, "You are not allowed to buy a SHIELD due to a hero selection you have made")

// This gets called when a user tries to buy a shield with the console command
public shieldqbuy(id)
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
	if ( id < 1 || id > gServersMaxPlayers ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

	if ( gShieldRestrict[id] && cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_CT ) {
		console_print(id, "[SH] You are not allowed to buy a SHIELD due to a hero selection you have made")
		client_print(id, print_center, "You are not allowed to buy a SHIELD due to a hero selection you have made")

// This gets called when a user tries to use the autobuy feature
// Just block autobuying all together because they should have weapons already
public fn_autobuy(id)
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
	if ( id < 1 || id > gServersMaxPlayers ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

	if ( gShieldRestrict[id] ) {
		console_print(id, "[SH] You are not allowed to use AUTOBUY due to a hero selection you have made")
		client_print(id, print_center, "You are not allowed to use AUTOBUY due to a hero selection you have made")

	static temp[8]
	get_pcvar_string(sh_blockvip, temp, charsmax(temp))

	return read_flags(temp)
	static loguser[80], name[32]
	read_logargv(0, loguser, charsmax(loguser))
	parse_loguser(loguser, name, charsmax(name))

	return get_user_index(name)
public vip_UserSpawned()
	// Save if user is a vip here instead of checking cs_get_user_vip all thru the code
	gXpBounsVIP = getLoguserIndex()
public vip_UserEscape()
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) || !gObjectiveXP ) return

	new id = getLoguserIndex()

	if ( !is_user_connected(id) ) return
	if ( id != gXpBounsVIP ) return
	if ( cs_get_user_team(id) != CS_TEAM_CT ) return
	if ( get_playersnum() <= get_pcvar_num(sh_minplrsbhxp) ) return

	new XPtoGive = get_pcvar_num(sh_objectivexp)
	localAddXP(id, XPtoGive)
	chatMessage(id, _, "You got %d XP for escaping as the VIP", XPtoGive)
	displayPowers(id, false)
public vip_Assassinated()
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) || !gObjectiveXP ) return

	new attacker = getLoguserIndex()

	if ( !is_user_connected(attacker) ) return
	if ( cs_get_user_team(attacker) != CS_TEAM_T ) return
	if ( get_playersnum() <= get_pcvar_num(sh_minplrsbhxp) ) return

	new XPtoGive = get_pcvar_num(sh_objectivexp)
	localAddXP(attacker, XPtoGive)
	chatMessage(attacker, _, "You got %d XP for assassinating the VIP", XPtoGive)
	displayPowers(attacker, false)
public vip_Escaped()
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) || !gObjectiveXP ) return
	if ( get_playersnum() <= get_pcvar_num(sh_minplrsbhxp) ) return

	new players[32], numplayers, ct
	new XPtoGive = get_pcvar_num(sh_objectivexp)

	get_players(players, numplayers, "h")

	// VIP is considered dead at this point, so we have to check dead players to find him
	for (new i = 0; i < numplayers; i++) {
		ct = players[i]
		if ( ct == gXpBounsVIP || (is_user_alive(ct) && cs_get_user_team(ct) == CS_TEAM_CT) ) {
			localAddXP(ct, XPtoGive)
			chatMessage(ct, _, "Your team got %d XP for a successful VIP esacpe", XPtoGive)
			displayPowers(ct, false)
public host_Killed()
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) || !gObjectiveXP) return

	new id = getLoguserIndex()

	if ( id < 1 || id > gServersMaxPlayers ) return

	new XPtoTake = get_pcvar_num(sh_objectivexp)
	localAddXP(id, -XPtoTake)
	chatMessage(id, _, "You lost %d XP for killing a hostage", XPtoTake)
	displayPowers(id, false)
public host_Rescued()
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) || !gObjectiveXP) return

	new id = getLoguserIndex()

	if ( !is_user_connected(id) ) return
	if ( cs_get_user_team(id) != CS_TEAM_CT ) return
	if ( get_playersnum() < get_pcvar_num(sh_minplrsbhxp) ) return

	// Give at least 1 xp per hostage even if sh_objectivexp is really low
	// gNumHostages should never be 0 if this is called so no need to check for div by 0
	new XPtoGive = max(1, floatround(get_pcvar_float(sh_objectivexp) / gNumHostages))

	localAddXP(id, XPtoGive)
	chatMessage(id, _, "You got %d XP for rescuing a hostage", XPtoGive)
	displayPowers(id, false)
public host_AllRescued()
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) || !gObjectiveXP ) return
	if ( get_playersnum() <= get_pcvar_num(sh_minplrsbhxp) ) return

	new players[32], numplayers, ct
	new XPtoGive = get_pcvar_num(sh_objectivexp)

	get_players(players, numplayers, "ah")

	for (new i = 0; i < numplayers; i++) {
		ct = players[i]
		if ( cs_get_user_team(ct) != CS_TEAM_CT ) continue
		localAddXP(ct, XPtoGive)
		chatMessage(ct, _, "Your team got %d XP for rescuing all the hostages", XPtoGive)
		displayPowers(ct, false)
public bomb_HolderSpawned()
	new id = getLoguserIndex()

	if ( id < 1 || id > gServersMaxPlayers ) return

	// Find the Index of the bomb entity and save to be used as the one that gives xp
	new iWPNidx = -1
	while ((iWPNidx = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, iWPNidx, "classname", "weapon_c4")) != 0) {
		if ( id == pev(iWPNidx, pev_owner) ) {
			// set iWPNidx to XP bomb
			gXpBounsC4ID = iWPNidx
public bomb_planted(planter)
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) || !gObjectiveXP ) return
	if ( !is_user_connected(planter) || !pev_valid(gXpBounsC4ID) ) return
	if ( planter != pev(gXpBounsC4ID, pev_owner) ) return
	if ( cs_get_user_team(planter) != CS_TEAM_T ) return
	if ( get_playersnum() <= get_pcvar_num(sh_minplrsbhxp) ) return

	// Only give this out once per round
	gXpBounsC4ID = -1

	new XPtoGive = get_pcvar_num(sh_objectivexp)
	localAddXP(planter, XPtoGive)
	chatMessage(planter, _, "You got %d XP for planting the bomb", XPtoGive)
	displayPowers(planter, false)
public bomb_defused(defuser)
	// Need to make sure gXpBounsC4ID was the bomb defused?
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) || !gObjectiveXP ) return
	if ( !is_user_connected(defuser) ) return
	if ( cs_get_user_team(defuser) != CS_TEAM_CT ) return
	if ( get_playersnum() <= get_pcvar_num(sh_minplrsbhxp) ) return

	new XPtoGive = get_pcvar_num(sh_objectivexp)
	localAddXP(defuser, XPtoGive)
	chatMessage(defuser, _, "You got %d XP for defusing the bomb", XPtoGive)
	displayPowers(defuser, false)
public bomb_explode(planter, defuser)
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) || !gObjectiveXP ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
	if ( get_playersnum() <= get_pcvar_num(sh_minplrsbhxp) ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

	new players[32], numplayers, terrorist
	new XPtoGive = get_pcvar_num(sh_objectivexp)

	get_players(players, numplayers, "ah")

	for (new i = 0; i < numplayers; i++) {
		terrorist = players[i]
		if ( cs_get_user_team(terrorist) != CS_TEAM_T ) continue
		localAddXP(terrorist, XPtoGive)
		chatMessage(terrorist, _, "Your team got %d XP for a successful bomb explosion", XPtoGive)
		displayPowers(terrorist, false)
	return gSuperHeros[heroIndex][availableLevel]
	new newLevel = 0

	for ( new i = gNumLevels; i >= 0 ; i-- ) {
		if ( gXPLevel[i] <= gPlayerXP[id] ) {
			newLevel = i

	// Now make sure this level is between the ranges
	new minLevel = clamp(get_pcvar_num(sh_minlevel), 0, gNumLevels)

	if ( newLevel < minLevel && !gReadXPNextRound[id] ) {
		newLevel = minLevel
		gPlayerXP[id] = gXPLevel[newLevel]

	if ( newLevel > gNumLevels ) newLevel = gNumLevels

	return newLevel
// Use to set CVAR Variable to the proper level - If a Hero needs to know a level at least it's possible
setLevel(id, newLevel)
	gPlayerLevel[id] = newLevel

#if defined SH_BACKCOMPAT
	// Let any hero that wants to know about this level event
	for ( new x = 0; x < gSuperHeroCount; x++ ) {
		if ( gEventLevels[x][0] != '^0' ) {
			server_cmd("%s %d %d", gEventLevels[x], id, newLevel)
	new newLevel, oldLevel, playerpowercount
	oldLevel = gPlayerLevel[id]
	newLevel = getPlayerLevel(id)

	// Play a Sound on Level Change!
	if ( oldLevel != newLevel ) {
		setLevel(id, newLevel)
		if ( newLevel != 0 ) client_cmd(id, "spk %s", gSoundLevel)

	// Make sure player is allowed to have the heroes in their list
	if ( newLevel < oldLevel ) {
		new heroIndex
		playerpowercount = getPowerCount(id)
		for ( new x = 1; x <= gNumLevels && x <= playerpowercount; x++ ) {
			heroIndex = gPlayerPowers[id][x]
			if ( -1 < heroIndex < gSuperHeroCount ) {
				if ( getHeroLevel(heroIndex) > gPlayerLevel[id] ) {
					clearPower(id, x)

	// Uh oh - Rip away a level from powers if they loose a level
	playerpowercount = getPowerCount(id)
	if ( playerpowercount > newLevel ) {
		for ( new x = newLevel + 1; x <= playerpowercount && x <= SH_MAXLEVELS; x++ ) {
			clearPower(id, x) // Keep clearing level above cuz levels shift!
		gPlayerPowers[id][0] = newLevel

	// Go ahead and write this so it's not lost - hopefully no server crash!
public readXP(id)
	if ( !gLongTermXP ) return

	// Players XP already loaded, no need to do this again
	if ( !gReadXPNextRound[id] ) return

	static savekey[32]

	// Get Key
	if ( !getSaveKey(id, savekey) ) {
		debugMsg(id, 1, "Invalid KEY found will try to Load XP again: ^"%s^"", savekey)
		set_task(5.0, "readXP", id)

	// Set if player is banned from powers or not
	checkBan(id, savekey)

	debugMsg(id, 1, "Loading XP using key: ^"%s^"", savekey)

	// Check Memory Table First
	if ( memoryTableRead(id, savekey) ) {
		debugMsg(id, 8, "XP Data loaded from memory table")
	else if ( loadXP(id, savekey) ) {
		debugMsg(id, 8, "XP Data loaded from Vault, nVault, or MySQL save")
	else {
		// XP Not able to load, will try again next round

	gReadXPNextRound[id] = false
	displayPowers(id, false)
getSaveKey(id, savekey[32])
	if ( is_user_bot(id) ) {
		static botname[32]
		get_user_name(id, botname, charsmax(botname))

		// Get Rid of BOT Tag

		// PODBot
		replace(botname, charsmax(botname), "[POD]", "")
		replace(botname, charsmax(botname), "[P*D]", "")
		replace(botname, charsmax(botname), "[P0D]", "")

		// CZ Bots
		replace(botname, charsmax(botname), "[BOT] ", "")

		// Attempt to get rid of the skill tag so we save with bots true name
		new lastchar = strlen(botname) - 1
		if ( botname[lastchar] == ')' ) {
			for ( new x = lastchar - 1; x > 0; x-- ) {
				if ( botname[x] == '(' ) {
					botname[x - 1] = 0
				if ( !isdigit(botname[x]) ) break
		if ( botname[0] != '^0' ) {
			replace_all(botname, charsmax(botname), " ", "_")
			formatex(savekey, charsmax(savekey), "[BOT]%s", botname)
	else {	
		switch( get_pcvar_num(sh_saveby) )
			//Forced save XP by name
			case 0: {
				get_user_name(id, savekey, charsmax(savekey))

			//Auto Detect, save XP by SteamID or IP if LAN (default)
			case 1: {
				// Hack for STEAM's retardedness with listen servers
				if ( id == 1 && !is_dedicated_server() ) {
					copy(savekey, charsmax(savekey), "loopback")
				else if ( get_pcvar_num(sv_lan) ) {
					get_user_ip(id, savekey, charsmax(savekey), 1)		// by ip without port
				else {
					get_user_authid(id, savekey, charsmax(savekey))		// by steamid

					//Check both STEAM_ID_ and VALVE_ID_
					if ( equal(savekey[9], "LAN") ) {
						get_user_ip(id, savekey, charsmax(savekey), 1)	// by ip without port
					else if ( equal(savekey[9], "PENDING") ) {
						// steamid not loaded yet, try again
						return false

			//Forced save XP by IP
			case 2: {
				get_user_ip(id, savekey, charsmax(savekey), 1)

	// Check to make sure we got something useable
	if ( savekey[0] == '^0' ) return false

	return true
checkBan(id, const bankey[32])
	if ( !file_exists(gBanFile) || gIsPowerBanned[id] ) return

	new bool:idBanned, data[32]

	debugMsg(id, 4, "Checking for ban using key: ^"%s^"", bankey)

	new banFile = fopen(gBanFile, "rt")

	if ( !banFile ) {
		debugMsg(0, 0, "Failed to open nopowers.cfg, please verify file/folder permissions")

	while ( !feof(banFile) && !idBanned ) {
		fgets(banFile, data, charsmax(data))

		switch(data[0]) {
			case '^0', '^n', ';', '/', '\', '#': continue

		if ( equali(data, bankey) ) {
			gIsPowerBanned[id] = idBanned = true
			debugMsg(id, 1, "Ban loaded from banlist for this player")

	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) || !gLongTermXP ) return
	if ( gIsPowerBanned[id] || gReadXPNextRound[id] ) return

	// Update this XP line in Memory Table
	static savekey[32], x, powerCount

	if ( !getSaveKey(id, savekey) ) return

	// Check to see if there's already another id in that slot... (disconnected etc.)
	if ( gMemoryTableKeys[id][0] != '^0' && !equali(gMemoryTableKeys[id], savekey) ) {
		if ( gMemoryTableCount < gMemoryTableSize ) {
			copy(gMemoryTableKeys[gMemoryTableCount], charsmax(gMemoryTableKeys[]), gMemoryTableKeys[id])
			copy(gMemoryTableNames[gMemoryTableCount], charsmax(gMemoryTableNames[]), gMemoryTableNames[id])
			gMemoryTableXP[gMemoryTableCount] = gMemoryTableXP[id]
			gMemoryTableFlags[gMemoryTableCount] = gMemoryTableFlags[id]
			powerCount = gMemoryTablePowers[id][0]
			for ( x = 0; x <= powerCount && x <= SH_MAXLEVELS; x++ ) {
				gMemoryTablePowers[gMemoryTableCount][x] = gMemoryTablePowers[id][x]
			gMemoryTableCount++  // started with position 33

	// OK copy to table now - might have had to write 1 record...
	copy(gMemoryTableKeys[id], charsmax(gMemoryTableKeys[]), savekey)
	get_user_name(id, gMemoryTableNames[id], charsmax(gMemoryTableNames[]))
	gMemoryTableXP[id] = gPlayerXP[id]
	gMemoryTableFlags[id] = gPlayerFlags[id]

	powerCount = getPowerCount(id)
	for ( x = 0; x <= powerCount && x <= SH_MAXLEVELS; x++ ) {
		gMemoryTablePowers[id][x] = gPlayerPowers[id][x]
memoryTableRead(id, const savekey[])
	if ( !get_pcvar_num(sv_superheros) ) return false

	static x, p, idLevel, powerCount, heroIndex

	for ( x = 1; x < gMemoryTableCount; x++ ) {
		if ( gMemoryTableKeys[x][0] != '^0' && equal(gMemoryTableKeys[x], savekey) ) {
			gPlayerXP[id] = gMemoryTableXP[x]
			idLevel = gPlayerLevel[id] = getPlayerLevel(id)
			setLevel(id, idLevel)
			gPlayerFlags[id] = gMemoryTableFlags[id]

			// Load the Powers
			gPlayerPowers[id][0] = 0
			powerCount = gPlayerPowers[id][0] = gMemoryTablePowers[x][0]
			for ( p = 1; p <= idLevel && p <= powerCount; p++ ) {
				heroIndex = gPlayerPowers[id][p] = gMemoryTablePowers[x][p]
				initHero(id, heroIndex, SH_HERO_ADD)

			// Null this out so if the id changed - there won't be multiple copies of this guy in memory
			if ( id != x ) {
				gMemoryTableKeys[x][0] = '^0'

			// Notify that this was found in memory...
			return true
	return false // If not found in memory table...
public plugin_end()
	log_message("[SH] Making final XP save before plugin unloads")

	// Final cleanup in the saving include
	new levelINIFile[128]
	formatex(levelINIFile, charsmax(levelINIFile), "%s/superhero.ini", gSHConfigDir)

	if ( !file_exists(levelINIFile) ) createINIFile(levelINIFile)

	new levelsFile = fopen(levelINIFile, "rt")

	if ( !levelsFile ) {
		debugMsg(0, 0, "Failed to open superhero.ini, please verify file/folder permissions")

	// Only called once no need for static
	new data[1501], tag[20]
	new numLevels[6], loadCount = -1
	new XP[1501], XPG[1501]
	new LeftXP[32], LeftXPG[32]

	while (!feof(levelsFile)) {
		fgets(levelsFile, data, charsmax(data))

		if ( data[0] == '^0' || equal(data, "##", 2) ) continue

		if ( equali(data, "NUMLEVELS", 9) ) {
			parse(data, tag, charsmax(tag), numLevels, charsmax(numLevels))
		else if ( (equal(data, "XPLEVELS", 8) && !gLongTermXP) || (equal(data, "LTXPLEVELS", 10) && gLongTermXP) ) {
			copy(XP, charsmax(XP), data)
		else if ( (equal(data, "XPGIVEN", 7) && !gLongTermXP) || (equal(data, "LTXPGIVEN", 9) && gLongTermXP) ) {
			copy(XPG, charsmax(XPG), data)

	if ( numLevels[0] == '^0' ) {
		debugMsg(0, 0, "No NUMLEVELS Data was found, aborting INI Loading")
	else if ( XP[0] == '^0' ) {
		debugMsg(0, 0, "No XP LEVELS Data was found, aborting INI Loading")
	else if ( XPG[0] == '^0' ) {
		debugMsg(0, 0, "No XP GIVEN Data was found, aborting INI Loading")

	debugMsg(0, 1, "Loading %s XP Levels", gLongTermXP ? "Long Term" : "Short Term")

	gNumLevels = str_to_num(numLevels)

	//This prevents variables from getting overflown
	if (gNumLevels > SH_MAXLEVELS) {
		debugMsg(0, 0, "NUMLEVELS in superhero.ini is defined higher than MAXLEVELS in the include file. Adjusting NUMLEVELS to %d", SH_MAXLEVELS)
		gNumLevels = SH_MAXLEVELS

	//Get the data tag out of the way
	strbrkqt(XP, LeftXP, charsmax(LeftXP), XP, charsmax(XP))
	strbrkqt(XPG, LeftXPG, charsmax(LeftXPG), XPG, charsmax(XPG))

	while ( XP[0] != '^0' && XPG[0] != '^0' && loadCount < gNumLevels ) {

		strbrkqt(XP, LeftXP, charsmax(LeftXP), XP, charsmax(XP))
		strbrkqt(XPG, LeftXPG, charsmax(LeftXPG), XPG, charsmax(XPG))

		gXPLevel[loadCount] = str_to_num(LeftXP)
		gXPGiven[loadCount] = str_to_num(LeftXPG)

		switch(loadCount) {
			case 0: {
				if ( gXPLevel[loadCount] != 0 ) {
					debugMsg(0, 0, "Level 0 must have an XP setting of 0, adjusting automatically")
					gXPLevel[loadCount] = 0
			default: {
				if ( gXPLevel[loadCount] < gXPLevel[loadCount - 1] ) {
					debugMsg(0, 0, "Level %d is less XP than the level before it (%d < %d), adjusting NUMLEVELS to %d", loadCount, gXPLevel[loadCount], gXPLevel[loadCount - 1], loadCount - 1)
					gNumLevels = loadCount - 1

		debugMsg(0, 3, "XP Loaded - Level: %d  -  XP Required: %d  -  XP Given: %d", loadCount, gXPLevel[loadCount], gXPGiven[loadCount])

	if ( loadCount < gNumLevels ) {
		debugMsg(0, 0, "Ran out of levels to load, check your superhero.ini for errors. Adjusting NUMLEVELS to %d", loadCount)
		gNumLevels = loadCount
createINIFile(const levelINIFile[])
	new levelsFile = fopen(levelINIFile, "wt")
	if (!levelsFile) {
		debugMsg(0, 0, "Failed to create superhero.ini, please verify file/folder permissions")

	fputs(levelsFile, "## NUMLEVELS  - The total Number of levels to award players^n")
	fputs(levelsFile, "## XPLEVELS   - How much XP does it take to earn each level (0..NUMLEVELS)^n")
	fputs(levelsFile, "## XPGIVEN    - How much XP is given when a Level(N) player is killed (0..NUMLEVELS)^n")
	fputs(levelsFile, "## LTXPLEVELS - Same as XPLEVELS but for Long-Term mode (sh_savexp 1)^n")
	fputs(levelsFile, "## LTXPGIVEN  - Same as XPGIVEN but for Long-Term mode (sh_savexp 1)^n")

	// Straight from WC3 - but feel free to change it in the INI file...
	fputs(levelsFile, "NUMLEVELS  10^n")
	fputs(levelsFile, "XPLEVELS   0 100 300 600 1000 1500 2100 2800 3600 4500 5500^n")
	fputs(levelsFile, "XPGIVEN    60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260^n")
	fputs(levelsFile, "LTXPLEVELS 0 100 200 400 800 1600 3200 6400 12800 25600 51200^n")
	fputs(levelsFile, "LTXPGIVEN  6 8 10 12 14 16 20 24 28 32 40")

createGiveWeaponConfig(const wpnBlockFile[])
	new blockWpnFile = fopen(wpnBlockFile, "wt")
	if ( !blockWpnFile ) {
		debugMsg(0, 0, "Failed to create shweapon.cfg, please verify file/folder permissions")

	fputs(blockWpnFile, "// Use this file to block SuperHero from giving weapons by map. This only blocks shmod from giving weapons.^n")
	fputs(blockWpnFile, "// For example you can block all heroes from giving any weapon on all ka_ maps instead of disabling the hero.^n")
	fputs(blockWpnFile, "// You can even force people to buy weapons for all maps by blocking all weapons on all maps.^n")
	fputs(blockWpnFile, "//^n")
	fputs(blockWpnFile, "// Usage for maps:^n")
	fputs(blockWpnFile, "// - The asterisk * symbol will act as wildcard or by itself will be all maps, ie de_* is all maps that start with de_^n")
	fputs(blockWpnFile, "// - If setting a map prefix with wildcard and setting a map that has the same prefix, place map name before the^n")
	fputs(blockWpnFile, "//     prefix is used to use it over the prefix. ie set de_dust before de_* to use de_dust over the de_* config.^n")
	fputs(blockWpnFile, "// Usage for weapon:^n")
	fputs(blockWpnFile, "// - Place available weapon shorthand names from list below inside quotes and separate by commas.^n")
	fputs(blockWpnFile, "// - Works like an on/off switch so if you set a weapon twice it will block then unblock it.^n")
	fputs(blockWpnFile, "// - A special ^"all^" shorthand name can be used to toggle all weapons at once.^n")
	fputs(blockWpnFile, "// Valid shorthand weapon names:^n")
	fputs(blockWpnFile, "// - all, p228, scout, hegrenade, xm1014, c4, mac10, aug, smokegrenade, elite, fiveseven, ump45, sg550, galil,^n")
	fputs(blockWpnFile, "// - famas, usp, glock18, awp, mp5navy, m249, m3, m4a1, tmp, g3sg1, flashbang, deagle, sg552, ak47, knife, p90^n")
	fputs(blockWpnFile, "//^n")
	fputs(blockWpnFile, "// Examples of proper usage are as follows (these can be used by removing the // from the line):^n")
	fputs(blockWpnFile, "// - below blocks sh from giving the awp and p90 on de_dust.^n")
	fputs(blockWpnFile, "//de_dust ^"awp, p90^"^n")
	fputs(blockWpnFile, "// - below blocks sh from giving all weapons on all ka_ maps.^n")
	fputs(blockWpnFile, "//ka_* ^"all^"^n")
	fputs(blockWpnFile, "// - below blocks sh from giving all weapons then unblocks hegrenade on all he_ maps.^n")
	fputs(blockWpnFile, "//he_* ^"all, hegrenade^"^n")

createHelpMotdFile(const helpMotdFile[])
	// Write as binary so if created on windows server the motd won't display double spaced
	new helpFile = fopen(helpMotdFile, "wb")
	if ( !helpFile ) {
		debugMsg(0, 0, "Failed to create sh_helpmotd.txt, please verify file/folder permissions")

	fputs(helpFile, "<html><head><style type=^"text/css^">pre{color:#FFB000;}body{background:#000000;margin-left:8px;margin-top:0px;}</style></head><body><pre>^n")

	fputs(helpFile, "<b>How to get Heroes:</b>^n")
	fputs(helpFile, "As you kill opponents you gain Experience Points (XP), once you have^n")
	fputs(helpFile, "accumulated enough for a level up you will be able to choose a hero.^n")
	fputs(helpFile, "The higher the level of the person you kill the more XP you get.^n")
	fputs(helpFile, "The default starting point is level 0 and you cannot select any heroes.^n^n")

	fputs(helpFile, "<b>How to use Binds:</b>^n")
	fputs(helpFile, "To use some hero's powers you have to bind a key to:^n")
	fputs(helpFile, "	+power#^n^n")
	fputs(helpFile, "In order to bind a key you must open your console and use the bind command:^n")
	fputs(helpFile, "	bind ^"key^" ^"command^"^n^n")
	fputs(helpFile, "In this case the command is ^"+power#^". Here are some examples:^n")
	fputs(helpFile, "	bind f +power1		bind MOUSE3 +power2^n^n")

	fputs(helpFile, "<b>Available Say Commands:</b>^n")
	fputs(helpFile, "say /superherohelp	- This help menu^n")
	fputs(helpFile, "say /showmenu		- Displays Select Super Power menu^n")
	fputs(helpFile, "say /herolist		- Lets you see a list of heroes and powers^n")
	fputs(helpFile, "say /myheroes		- Displays your heroes^n")
	fputs(helpFile, "say /clearpowers	- Clears ALL powers^n")
	fputs(helpFile, "say /drop <hero>		- Drop one power so you can pick another^n")
	fputs(helpFile, "say /whohas <hero>		- Shows you who has a particular hero^n")
	fputs(helpFile, "say /playerskills [@ALL|@CT|@T|name] - Shows you what heroes other players have chosen^n")
	fputs(helpFile, "say /playerlevels [@ALL|@CT|@T|name] - Shows you what levels other players are^n^n")

	fputs(helpFile, "say /automenu	- Enable/Disable auto-show of Select Super Power menu^n")
	fputs(helpFile, "say /helpon	- Enable HUD Help message (by default only shown when dead)^n")
	fputs(helpFile, "say /helpoff	- Disable HUD Help message^n^n")

	fputs(helpFile, "Mod's Official Site: http://shero.alliedmods.net/")

	fputs(helpFile, "</pre></body></html>")

	// Max characters hud messages can be is 479
	// Message is 338 characters currently
	new n
	n += copy(gHelpHudMsg[n], charsmax(gHelpHudMsg)-n, "SuperHero Mod Help^n^n")

	n += copy(gHelpHudMsg[n], charsmax(gHelpHudMsg)-n, "How To Use Powers:^n")
	n += copy(gHelpHudMsg[n], charsmax(gHelpHudMsg)-n, "--------------------^n")
	n += copy(gHelpHudMsg[n], charsmax(gHelpHudMsg)-n, "Input bind into console^n")
	n += copy(gHelpHudMsg[n], charsmax(gHelpHudMsg)-n, "Example:^n")
	n += copy(gHelpHudMsg[n], charsmax(gHelpHudMsg)-n, "bind h +power1^n^n")

	n += copy(gHelpHudMsg[n], charsmax(gHelpHudMsg)-n, "Say Commands:^n")
	n += copy(gHelpHudMsg[n], charsmax(gHelpHudMsg)-n, "--------------------^n")
	n += copy(gHelpHudMsg[n], charsmax(gHelpHudMsg)-n, "/help^n")
	n += copy(gHelpHudMsg[n], charsmax(gHelpHudMsg)-n, "/clearpowers^n")
	n += copy(gHelpHudMsg[n], charsmax(gHelpHudMsg)-n, "/showmenu^n")
	n += copy(gHelpHudMsg[n], charsmax(gHelpHudMsg)-n, "/drop <hero>^n")
	n += copy(gHelpHudMsg[n], charsmax(gHelpHudMsg)-n, "/herolist^n")
	n += copy(gHelpHudMsg[n], charsmax(gHelpHudMsg)-n, "/playerskills^n")
	n += copy(gHelpHudMsg[n], charsmax(gHelpHudMsg)-n, "/playerlevels^n")
	n += copy(gHelpHudMsg[n], charsmax(gHelpHudMsg)-n, "/myheroes^n")
	n += copy(gHelpHudMsg[n], charsmax(gHelpHudMsg)-n, "/automenu^n")
	n += copy(gHelpHudMsg[n], charsmax(gHelpHudMsg)-n, "--------------------^n")
	n += copy(gHelpHudMsg[n], charsmax(gHelpHudMsg)-n, "Enable This HUD:  /helpon^n")
	copy(gHelpHudMsg[n], charsmax(gHelpHudMsg)-n, "Disable This HUD: /helpoff")

#if defined SH_BACKCOMPAT
// Old server message commands for backward compatibility only
public regKeyUp()
	new pHero[25]
	new pFunction[20]

	// What's the Heroes Name
	read_argv(1, pHero, charsmax(pHero))

	//Get the function being registered
	read_argv(2, pFunction, charsmax(pFunction))

	debugMsg(0, 3, "Register KeyUP -> Name: %s  - Function: %s", pHero, pFunction)

	// Get Hero Index
	new idx = getHeroID(pHero)
	if ( idx >= 0 && idx < gSuperHeroCount ) {
		copy(gEventKeyUp[idx], charsmax(gEventKeyUp[]), pFunction)
public regKeyDown()
	new pHero[25]
	new pFunction[20]

	// What's the Heroes Name
	read_argv(1, pHero, charsmax(pHero))

	//Get the function being registered
	read_argv(2, pFunction, charsmax(pFunction))

	debugMsg(0, 3, "Register KeyDOWN -> Name: %s  - Function: %s", pHero, pFunction)

	// Get Hero Index
	new idx = getHeroID(pHero)
	if ( idx >= 0 && idx < gSuperHeroCount) {
		copy(gEventKeyDown[idx], charsmax(gEventKeyDown[]), pFunction)
public regLevels()
	new pHero[25]
	new pFunction[20]

	// What's the Heroes Name
	read_argv(1, pHero, charsmax(pHero))

	read_argv(2, pFunction, charsmax(pFunction))

	debugMsg(0, 3, "Register Levels -> Name: %s  - Function: %s", pHero, pFunction)

	// Get Hero Index
	new idx = getHeroID(pHero)
	if ( idx >= 0 && idx < gSuperHeroCount) {
		copy(gEventLevels[idx], charsmax(gEventLevels[]), pFunction)
public regMaxHealth()
	new pHero[25]
	new pFunction[20]

	// What's the Heroes Name
	read_argv(1, pHero, charsmax(pHero))

	read_argv(2, pFunction, charsmax(pFunction))

	debugMsg(0, 3, "Register MaxHealth -> Name: %s  - Function: %s", pHero, pFunction)

	// Get Hero Index
	new idx = getHeroID(pHero)
	if ( idx >= 0 && idx < gSuperHeroCount) {
		copy(gEventMaxHealth[idx], charsmax(gEventMaxHealth[]), pFunction)
public regInit()
	new pHero[25]
	new pFunction[20]

	// What's the Heroes Name
	read_argv(1, pHero, charsmax(pHero))

	read_argv(2, pFunction, charsmax(pFunction))

	debugMsg(0, 3, "Register Init -> Name: %s  - Function: %s", pHero, pFunction)

	// Get Hero Index
	new idx = getHeroID(pHero)
	if ( idx >= 0 && idx < gSuperHeroCount) {
		copy(gEventInit[idx], charsmax(gEventInit[]), pFunction)
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