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Join Date: Jan 2004
Old 07-15-2005 , 03:33   New Forum Features

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! I've recoded some ancient stuff in the forums for everyone to play with.

Plugin Posting - By popular demand, there are now two forums for plugins - Unapproved and Approved. Rather than trash plugins or search for ones that need to be approved, this makes it much easier for moderators and plugin developers. The forums are called "New Submissions" and "Approved Plugins" (you may only post new plugins to the former).

Plugin Ratings - The old complicated rating formula has been ditched. Now, every vote counts as simply one vote (your rating is the total score divided by the number of ratings). You can only rate approved plugins now, as each rating affects your karma.

Karma - Karma is no longer a few meaningless blue blocks! It's a volatile number affected by your peers, enemies, and the quality of the plugins you post. Everyone's initial karma count was determined by the ratings of the approved plugins they had posted. You can see your karma in your profile or on posts. The + means "add karma" and the - means "subtract karma", and you can give or take karma to a certain number of people per day.

Read on for more information about karma and update news!

The exact karma rules are as follows:
Every day (24 hours) you can affect five people. Of those five people, you can only affect the same person three times. The first time you affect a person, it's for free. However, if you affect them again within a 24-hour period, you lose karma points - 1 if you give them karma, 2 if you subtract. This is to prevent people from going on vengeful karma-burning sprees.

If you have less than -10 karma, you cannot affect anyone else's karma negatively. If you have less than -15 karma, you cannot affect anyone else's karma at all. If you have less than -20, you are automatically assigned the rank of "Troll" (which will be removed once you get back above -20). Furthermore, you cannot post plugins. There is no limit to how negative or positive you can get.

For every rating on an approved plugin that you've posted, you can lose or gain karma. A rating of 3 or greater is +1, a rating of 1 is -1. A positive modifier (like Useful) is also +1, while a negative modifier like Redundant is -1.

The karma system is meant to be a way to reward people who make insightful posts and detract people from posting nonsense or annoying things. Use it as a reward system for people who do well :]

What's the next update?
Upcoming things for AMX Mod X -
More forum revampments, new web compiler, more karma features for moderators, benefits for people with high karma, and a forum contest (more details to follow).

After that, I am hoping to release Metamod 1.18 and AMX Mod X 1.1-RC1 within the next week or so. This update will be an action-packed release with all sorts of new goodies, including an official AMX Mod X editor, a brand new installer, and an AMX Mod X core that is lighter on CPU usage.

Thanks for your support, and enjoy!

(Thanks to twistedeuphoria for helping beta testing the new stuff)
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