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MOTDgd Advertisements (3.0.2 2020/01/04) ** Added 'rewards' (works with CSGO) **

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Old 04-29-2015 , 05:26   Re: MOTDgd Advertisements (2.2.9 - 02/04/15)
Reply With Quote #481

Ya'll salty, I'm seeing consistently over $2000-2500+ easy every single month from motdgd. The main reason why I switched from Pinion was due to their severe ad scraping of my account. Why? Simple: I made too much money.

Obviously ad availability drops at the start of every year, it's plain logic. Advertisers pay huge amounts of money from September to December for Christmas, then January is always a dud, then it comes back. And every quarter until Q3 & Q4 it slows down at the start of every quarter as they re-evaluate their advertising needs. It's very simple, they advertise to make their companies more money. When ever they're not seeing a high enough return they lower their budget which means less ads for you, the publisher.

How can you blame MOTDgd for that? Without MOTDgd you wouldn't even be able to pay for your single server at $20/month, let's be real here.

Furthermore, google analytics as your stats tracking for "page views" is a complete and utter lack of sense. For one every time you popup an ad what happens is each "page view" in google analytics is tracked 2 times. Once because your motd displays your site first, then once after, this is proven and you can test yourself.

You should use a better system to track exact joins to your servers, I use Mr.MacKays player analytics and it gives me exact time played by every user and their joins. Much, much, much more reliable then google analytics for tracking users, atleast.

MOTDgd shows more stats then anyone out there right now, Pinion's huge downfall is the utter lack of stats and one reason why I hate them. I publish your ads on my servers, now I want to see where they're going to and instantly. There's a few shitty wanna-be advertising companies out there that try to live up but they can't serve the quantity of ads that MOTDgd does. They simply can't, they're too small.

Also motdgd doesn't pay for every single ad, if you're spamming ads to every user they will be on a cool down. Why? They can't serve the same ads 20x an hour to a single person and try to sell that to their advertisers.

Also Paul & Patrick are fucking rock stars. There for you every minute of the day! Pinion, 1-2 day support ticket response time.

tl;dr: MOTDgd = #1

Last edited by Pitbull3; 04-29-2015 at 05:49.
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Old 04-29-2015 , 06:51   Re: MOTDgd Advertisements (2.2.9 - 02/04/15)
Reply With Quote #482

Originally Posted by Pitbull3 View Post
Ya'll salty, I'm seeing consistently over $2000-2500+ easy every single month from motdgd. The main reason why I switched from Pinion was due to their severe ad scraping of my account. Why? Simple: I made too much money.

Obviously ad availability drops at the start of every year, it's plain logic. Advertisers pay huge amounts of money from September to December for Christmas, then January is always a dud, then it comes back. And every quarter until Q3 & Q4 it slows down at the start of every quarter as they re-evaluate their advertising needs. It's very simple, they advertise to make their companies more money. When ever they're not seeing a high enough return they lower their budget which means less ads for you, the publisher.

How can you blame MOTDgd for that? Without MOTDgd you wouldn't even be able to pay for your single server at $20/month, let's be real here.

Furthermore, google analytics as your stats tracking for "page views" is a complete and utter lack of sense. For one every time you popup an ad what happens is each "page view" in google analytics is tracked 2 times. Once because your motd displays your site first, then once after, this is proven and you can test yourself.

You should use a better system to track exact joins to your servers, I use Mr.MacKays player analytics and it gives me exact time played by every user and their joins. Much, much, much more reliable then google analytics for tracking users, atleast.

MOTDgd shows more stats then anyone out there right now, Pinion's huge downfall is the utter lack of stats and one reason why I hate them. I publish your ads on my servers, now I want to see where they're going to and instantly. There's a few shitty wanna-be advertising companies out there that try to live up but they can't serve the quantity of ads that MOTDgd does. They simply can't, they're too small.

Also motdgd doesn't pay for every single ad, if you're spamming ads to every user they will be on a cool down. Why? They can't serve the same ads 20x an hour to a single person and try to sell that to their advertisers.

Also Paul & Patrick are fucking rock stars. There for you every minute of the day! Pinion, 1-2 day support ticket response time.

tl;dr: MOTDgd = #1
Aight, I know you guys are friends, but that set-up is way too fake, buddy.

"For one every time you popup an ad what happens is each "page view" in google analytics is tracked 2 times. Once because your motd displays your site first, then once after, this is proven and you can test yourself." bullshit. Learn how redirection works.

Motdgd felt too confident last days, and that they were playing not fair was easily seen by others. I also sow that and they proved it themselves just after our hate in here - they improved.

I won't start wars over here. I'm just saying what it is like.

PS I won't be advertising in here any other networks. If they decide to post on AM, I will give my good word about them, but as far as they won't - I take it, they're not ready for new customers.

Last edited by LambdaLambda; 04-29-2015 at 06:54.
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Old 04-29-2015 , 07:24   Re: MOTDgd Advertisements (2.2.9 - 02/04/15)
Reply With Quote #483

Please could you get your facts correct before posting and making yourself potentially look foolish Lambda . The data above is correct, and Pitbull only knows me on a professional level, we aren't friends in real life nor did we meet on Steam prior to MOTDgd.

It's clear to me that your intention is to try and spread dishonest and unproven facts about MOTDgd, which is unfortunate. I'm being honest. We don't just alter statistics when someone complains, as you're claiming, the advertising industry is like a stock market where it can go up and down at anytime.
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Old 04-29-2015 , 13:32   Re: MOTDgd Advertisements (2.2.9 - 02/04/15)
Reply With Quote #484

Originally Posted by Pitbull3 View Post
How can you blame MOTDgd for that? Without MOTDgd you wouldn't even be able to pay for your single server at $20/month, let's be real here.

Also Paul & Patrick are fucking rock stars. There for you every minute of the day! Pinion, 1-2 day support ticket response time.
Making poor people jokes on the internet.. that's new.

I really can't say that I've seen an increase in cash flow after switching from pinion, then again we are a very small community. Regarding motdgds' support system, it's either in the tank or they just tend to forget about their "lowly poor" users who don't bring in thousands each month. I've had a ticket open for over 3 months with no responses after they said they will continue to update me. Furthermore it took 20 days from the initial date of opening the ticket to even begin getting any type of support.
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Old 04-29-2015 , 13:46   Re: MOTDgd Advertisements (2.2.9 - 02/04/15)
Reply With Quote #485

Originally Posted by Phaiz View Post
Making poor people jokes on the internet.. that's new.

I really can't say that I've seen an increase in cash flow after switching from pinion, then again we are a very small community. Regarding motdgds' support system, it's either in the tank or they just tend to forget about their "lowly poor" users who don't bring in thousands each month. I've had a ticket open for over 3 months with no responses after they said they will continue to update me. Furthermore it took 20 days from the initial date of opening the ticket to even begin getting any type of support.

This is Patrick from MOTDgd and I would like to reply to you personally.

It doesn't matter about how "rich" or "poor" our users get, the support is equal for everyone, we value every server owner, and every community. Small communities have the ability to grow and that is what we aim to help fund with our adverts. That is also the reason we don't disregard them.

We apologise for your ticket, we aim to respond to every ticket within 24 hours, sometimes tickets "slip through the net" we receive a lot of them, and we get the occasional ticket that doesn't get the attention it deserves - sorry about that! At the end of the day, we're a small company we're not a large faceless corporation.

The other reason support tickets sometimes get missed, is because of our current support ticket system and the way it handles tickets that are updated, so we're changing. We are upgrading our support system very soon (this week), which will mean we can respond much more effectively and tickets don't "slip through the net". We will then have a state of the art support system to compliment our portal.

Also we do have Skype at the moment where you can go for instant support and when I say instant I mean with the exception of the early hours of the morning (UK time) you can always reach us or contact us - forget normal office hours we aren't limited to those!

I would be happy for you to PM me or put your support ticket ID here so we can respond properly.

Company Director

Last edited by MOTDgd; 04-29-2015 at 14:03.
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Old 04-29-2015 , 19:22   Re: MOTDgd Advertisements (2.2.9 - 02/04/15)
Reply With Quote #486

Originally Posted by Phaiz View Post
Making poor people jokes on the internet.. that's new.

I really can't say that I've seen an increase in cash flow after switching from pinion, then again we are a very small community. Regarding motdgds' support system, it's either in the tank or they just tend to forget about their "lowly poor" users who don't bring in thousands each month. I've had a ticket open for over 3 months with no responses after they said they will continue to update me. Furthermore it took 20 days from the initial date of opening the ticket to even begin getting any type of support.
Paul aka Ixel will add anyone that uses motdgd on steam, and he replies almost instantly to my messages. You could always send him a friends request!
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Old 04-29-2015 , 21:43   Re: MOTDgd Advertisements (2.2.9 - 02/04/15)
Reply With Quote #487

Originally Posted by Ixel View Post
Please could you get your facts correct before posting and making yourself potentially look foolish Lambda . The data above is correct, and Pitbull only knows me on a professional level, we aren't friends in real life nor did we meet on Steam prior to MOTDgd.
Sure I can.

Originally Posted by Ixel View Post
The data above is correct, and Pitbull only knows me on a professional level, we aren't friends in real life nor did we meet on Steam prior to MOTDgd.
What, are you trying to tell me that double redirecting is what you're doing? Do you really think i'm gonna believe that? I'm a web-developer, my friend. Provide us your redirection code, because it seems to be just as dishonest as you consider my words to be.

Originally Posted by Ixel View Post
Please could you get your facts correct before posting and making yourself potentially look foolish Lambda . The data above is correct, and Pitbull only knows me on a professional level, we aren't friends in real life nor did we meet on Steam prior to MOTDgd.

It's clear to me that your intention is to try and spread dishonest and unproven facts about MOTDgd, which is unfortunate. I'm being honest. We don't just alter statistics when someone complains, as you're claiming, the advertising industry is like a stock market where it can go up and down at anytime.
Here we go. As I said before, I'm running european servers, 95% of my players are europeans. I know that, because that's what my HLX and google analytics are saying.

Your stats are saying I requested this month 65,784 ads. On my American-target (US only) provider, I requested 3,829,138 ads, with impressions of 168,272.

These are totals, it's not separated on coutries/states/whateveryouwant.

Now, considering the fact that you may got no knowledge (which isn't saying good about you), you may have mistaken, and you used term of "request" for impressions (which does not mean the same), your stats still are suspicious, since with redirection (so website AFTER your website) I made 100k more impressions than with your network.

168,272/3,829,138*100 gives 4.39451386 (4,4%). That's the fill-rate I have, which confirms what I've been saying I made with US players only.

We can debate if that's your player or if you're limiting (or providing fake stats), but there's no point in that, since we won't know the truth in that case. However, the truth is that your fill-rate (at least for larger clients - harder to be spotted) is freaking joke.

We as your clients don't care about what caused that problem. We only care to be served with respect. If I made 100k more impressions with only 4,4% of my players on other company than with you - something is clearly not right in here.

I won't be leaving your services as for now. That's still additional 200USD. If it won't improve i will simply swap your ads to be served after mine main cash source, and I won't care then.

I'm not related with any of your rivals, I wouldn't be bothered with hating or advertising anyone. I got my private life, I got my job, family and I'm not gonna be spending my time on hating for/against someone. Get real.

Last edited by LambdaLambda; 04-29-2015 at 21:47.
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Old 04-29-2015 , 22:04   Re: MOTDgd Advertisements (2.2.9 - 02/04/15)
Reply With Quote #488

Originally Posted by MOTDgd View Post

This is Patrick from MOTDgd and I would like to reply to you personally.

It doesn't matter about how "rich" or "poor" our users get, the support is equal for everyone, we value every server owner, and every community. Small communities have the ability to grow and that is what we aim to help fund with our adverts. That is also the reason we don't disregard them.

We apologise for your ticket, we aim to respond to every ticket within 24 hours, sometimes tickets "slip through the net" we receive a lot of them, and we get the occasional ticket that doesn't get the attention it deserves - sorry about that! At the end of the day, we're a small company we're not a large faceless corporation.

The other reason support tickets sometimes get missed, is because of our current support ticket system and the way it handles tickets that are updated, so we're changing. We are upgrading our support system very soon (this week), which will mean we can respond much more effectively and tickets don't "slip through the net". We will then have a state of the art support system to compliment our portal.

Also we do have Skype at the moment where you can go for instant support and when I say instant I mean with the exception of the early hours of the morning (UK time) you can always reach us or contact us - forget normal office hours we aren't limited to those!

I would be happy for you to PM me or put your support ticket ID here so we can respond properly.

Company Director
Thanks for the response

The issue is that in TF2 ads are redisplayed at the configured time regardless of what the player is doing rather than waiting for them to die. Running around, fighting, afk.. the ad is played. This is much more annoying than just having to hear them in the first place and leads to a majority of players simply disabling the ads.
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Old 04-30-2015 , 08:13   Re: MOTDgd Advertisements (2.2.9 - 02/04/15)
Reply With Quote #489

the plugin doesnt compile with the given zip
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Old 04-30-2015 , 16:39   Re: MOTDgd Advertisements (2.2.9 - 02/04/15)
Reply With Quote #490

Originally Posted by Nighty View Post
the plugin doesnt compile with the given zip
If you're running the last version of SM, they said on their group that Sourcemod 1.7.x is not compatible with the plugin and may not compile/work proper so... We have to wait. x.x
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