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[ANY] Extended Speed Meter (v1.4, 2017-06-05)

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Old 02-09-2020 , 12:08   Re: [ANY] Extended Speed Meter (v1.4, 2017-06-05)
Reply With Quote #31

Hello, i had problems too with mysql connection, i first started using this system in 2017 or 2018 and work fine but after some months the mysql connection won't start, allowed the ip from "Manage Access Hosts" but won't connect.
Now i decided to investigate the problem and use the method i use for my plugins.
I saw the problem was that the system can't read the database name cvar and can't connect to this. ( and you will get this error: [extendedspeedmeter.smx] Extended Speed meter: Connection to SQL database has failed: [2003]: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'blablabla' (10061) )
After that i tried to SQL_TConnect to the database name directly given in the .sp in OnPluginStart function and everything worked fine and i can connect to the database so i edited a bit the ConnectSQL() function to don't verify the database name cvar and directly connect to the database given from the .sp so if you want to edit the database name wich you want to connect you will have to do it from the .sp and after that complie again the plugin.(or you can do it with new cvar method but i don't need it and i'm okay to recompile it in case of edit)

The database name is if you use the fixes below: "speedmeter" , you will need to put this name in databases.cfg like other post in this topic said.(and you need to allow the IP from the Manage Access Hosts of your cPanel, if you don't know the IP that need acces you will get it in first error.log after install the plugin and just allow it, make sure your webhost allow remote sql)

The extendedspeedmeter is the original version of this plugin with the fix, i included this https://forums.alliedmods.net/showpo...3&postcount=30 fix too in it because it's a must.(Thanks for Xutax_Kamay)

In the extendedspeedmeterN i added the speedmeter directly in new HUD with some nice colors, in this too is all the fixes included.
Picture with the new hud in extendedspeedmeterN:

If you find any bug in this system please post it here because i'm glad to help and because this is an usefull system specialy for surf servers!
Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (extendedspeedmeter.sp - 162 views - 132.0 KB)
File Type: smx extendedspeedmeter.smx (49.8 KB, 141 views)
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (extendedspeedmetern.sp - 146 views - 132.6 KB)
File Type: smx extendedspeedmetern.smx (49.9 KB, 133 views)

Last edited by Prastie; 02-09-2020 at 12:47.
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Location: Denmark
Old 04-19-2020 , 13:02   Re: [ANY] Extended Speed Meter (v1.4, 2017-06-05)
Reply With Quote #32

I am currently attempting to edit the plugin via the sp file, to change the language "Current Speed" To "Din Fart", but I get this error:

// C:\Users\Sande\Desktop\Compile plugins\Compile plugins\include\smlib/entities.inc(1773) : fatal error 196: deprecated syntax; see https://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourcePa...yntax#Typedefs
I also have the Entity file which is this:
* vim: set ts=4 :
* ============================================= ================================
* SourceMod (C)2004-2011 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* ============================================= ================================
* This file is part of the SourceMod/SourcePawn SDK.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>.
* Version: $Id$

#if defined _entity_included
#define _entity_included

* Property types for entities.
enum PropType
Prop_Send = 0, /**< This property is networked. */
Prop_Data = 1 /**< This property is for save game data fields. */

* @section For more information on these, see the HL2SDK (public/edict.h)
#define FL_EDICT_CHANGED (1<<0) /**< Game DLL sets this when the entity state changes
Mutually exclusive with FL_EDICT_PARTIAL_CHANGE. */
#define FL_EDICT_FREE (1<<1) /**< this edict if free for reuse */
#define FL_EDICT_FULL (1<<2) /**< this is a full server entity */
#define FL_EDICT_FULLCHECK (0<<0) /**< call ShouldTransmit() each time, this is a fake flag */
#define FL_EDICT_ALWAYS (1<<3) /**< always transmit this entity */
#define FL_EDICT_DONTSEND (1<<4) /**< don't transmit this entity */
#define FL_EDICT_PVSCHECK (1<<5) /**< always transmit entity, but cull against PVS */

enum PropFieldType
PropField_Unsupported, /**< The type is unsupported. */
PropField_Integer, /**< Valid for SendProp and Data fields */
PropField_Float, /**< Valid for SendProp and Data fields */
PropField_Entity, /**< Valid for Data fields only (SendProp shows as int) */
PropField_Vector, /**< Valid for SendProp and Data fields */
PropField_String, /**< Valid for SendProp and Data fields */
PropField_String_T, /**< Valid for Data fields. Read only.
Note that the size of a string_t is dynamic, and
thus FindDataMapOffs() will return the constant size
of the string_t container (which is 32 bits right now). */
PropField_Variant /**< Valid for Data fields only Type is not known at the field level,
(for this call), but dependent on current field value. */

* @endsection

* Returns the maximum number of networked entities.
* Note: For legacy reasons, this only returns the maximum
* networked entities (maximum edicts), rather than total
* maximum entities.
* @return Maximum number of networked entities.
native int GetMaxEntities();

* Returns the number of networked entities in the server.
* Note: For legacy reasons, this only returns the current count
* of networked entities (current edicts), rather than total
* count of current entities.
* @return Number of entities in the server.
native int GetEntityCount();

* Returns whether or not an entity is valid. Returns false
* if there is no matching CBaseEntity for this entity index.
* @param entity Index of the entity.
* @return True if valid, false otherwise.
native bool IsValidEntity(int entity);

* Returns whether or not an edict index is valid.
* @param edict Index of the edict.
* @return True if valid, false otherwise.
native bool IsValidEdict(int edict);

* Returns whether or not an entity has a valid networkable edict.
* @param entity Index of the entity.
* @return True if networkable, false if invalid or not networkable.
native bool IsEntNetworkable(int entity);

* Creates a new edict (the basis of a networkable entity)
* @return Index of the edict, 0 on failure.
native int CreateEdict();

* Removes an edict from the world.
* @param edict Index of the edict.
* @error Invalid edict index.
native void RemoveEdict(int edict);

* Marks an entity for deletion.
* @param entity Index of the entity.
* @error Invalid entity index.
native void RemoveEntity(int entity);

* Returns the flags on an edict. These are not the same as entity flags.
* @param edict Index of the entity.
* @return Edict flags.
* @error Invalid edict index.
native int GetEdictFlags(int edict);

* Sets the flags on an edict. These are not the same as entity flags.
* @param edict Index of the entity.
* @param flags Flags to set.
* @error Invalid edict index.
native void SetEdictFlags(int edict, int flags);

* Retrieves an edict classname.
* @param edict Index of the entity.
* @param clsname Buffer to store the classname.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of the buffer.
* @return True on success, false if there is no classname set.
native bool GetEdictClassname(int edict, char[] clsname, int maxlength);

* Retrieves an entity's networkable serverclass name.
* This is not the same as the classname and is used for networkable state changes.
* @param edict Index of the entity.
* @param clsname Buffer to store the serverclass name.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of the buffer.
* @return True on success, false if the edict is not networkable.
* @error Invalid edict index.
native bool GetEntityNetClass(int edict, char[] clsname, int maxlength);

* @section Entity offset functions
* Offsets should be specified in byte distance from the CBaseEntity
* structure, not short (double byte) or integer (four byte) multiples.
* It is somewhat common practice to use offsets aligned to their final
* type, and thus make sure you are not falling to this error in SourceMod.
* For example, if your "integer-aligned" offset was 119, your byte-aligned
* offset is 119*4, or 476.

* Specifying incorrect offsets or the incorrect data type for an offset
* can have fatal consequences. If you are hardcoding offsets, and the
* layout of CBaseEntity does not match, you can easily crash the server.
* The reasonable bounds for offsets is greater than or equal to 0 and
* below 32768. Offsets out of these bounds will throw an error. However,
* this does not represent any real range, it is simply a sanity check for
* illegal values. Any range outside of the CBaseEntity structure's private
* size will cause undefined behavior or even crash.

* Marks an entity as state changed. This can be useful if you set an offset
* and wish for it to be immediately changed over the network. By default this
* is not done for offset setting functions.
* @param edict Index to the edict.
* @param offset Offset to mark as changed. If 0,
* the entire edict is marked as changed.
* @error Invalid entity or offset out of bounds.
native void ChangeEdictState(int edict, int offset = 0);

* Peeks into an entity's object data and retrieves the integer value at
* the given offset.
* @param entity Edict index.
* @param offset Offset to use.
* @param size Number of bytes to read (valid values are 1, 2, or 4).
* @return Value at the given memory location.
* @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds.
native int GetEntData(int entity, int offset, int size=4);

* Peeks into an entity's object data and sets the integer value at
* the given offset.
* @param entity Edict index.
* @param offset Offset to use.
* @param value Value to set.
* @param size Number of bytes to write (valid values are 1, 2, or 4).
* @param changeState If true, change will be sent over the network.
* @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds.
native void SetEntData(int entity, int offset, any value, int size=4, bool changeState=false);

* Peeks into an entity's object data and retrieves the float value at
* the given offset.
* @param entity Edict index.
* @param offset Offset to use.
* @return Value at the given memory location.
* @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds.
native float GetEntDataFloat(int entity, int offset);

* Peeks into an entity's object data and sets the float value at
* the given offset.
* @param entity Edict index.
* @param offset Offset to use.
* @param value Value to set.
* @param changeState If true, change will be sent over the network.
* @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds.
native void SetEntDataFloat(int entity, int offset, float value, bool changeState=false);

* This function is deprecated. Use GetEntDataEnt2 instead, for
* reasons explained in the notes.
* Note: This function returns 0 on failure, which may be misleading,
* as the number 0 is also used for the world entity index.
* Note: This function makes no attempt to validate the returned
* entity, and in fact, it could be garbage or completely unexpected.
* @param entity Edict index.
* @param offset Offset to use.
* @return Entity index at the given location, or 0 if none.
* @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds.
* @deprecated Use GetEntDataEnt2() instead.
#pragma deprecated Use GetEntDataEnt2() instead.
native int GetEntDataEnt(int entity, int offset);

* This function is deprecated. Use SetEntDataEnt2 instead, for
* reasons explained in the notes.
* Note: This function uses 0 as an indicator to unset data, but
* 0 is also the world entity index. Thus, a property cannot
* be set to the world entity using this native.
* @param entity Edict index.
* @param offset Offset to use.
* @param other Entity index to set, or 0 to clear.
* @param changeState If true, change will be sent over the network.
* @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds.
* @deprecated Use SetEntDataEnt2() instead.
#pragma deprecated Use SetEntDataEnt2() instead.
native void SetEntDataEnt(int entity, int offset, int other, bool changeState=false);

* Peeks into an entity's object data and retrieves the entity index
* at the given offset.
* Note: This will only work on offsets that are stored as "entity
* handles" (which usually looks like m_h* in properties). These
* are not SourceMod Handles, but internal Source structures.
* @param entity Edict index.
* @param offset Offset to use.
* @return Entity index at the given location. If there is no entity,
* or the stored entity is invalid, then -1 is returned.
* @error Invalid input entity, or offset out of reasonable bounds.
native int GetEntDataEnt2(int entity, int offset);

* Peeks into an entity's object data and sets the entity index at the
* given offset.
* Note: This will only work on offsets that are stored as "entity
* handles" (which usually looks like m_h* in properties). These
* are not SourceMod Handles, but internal Source structures.
* @param entity Edict index.
* @param offset Offset to use.
* @param other Entity index to set, or -1 to clear.
* @param changeState If true, change will be sent over the network.
* @error Invalid input entity, or offset out of reasonable bounds.
native void SetEntDataEnt2(int entity, int offset, int other, bool changeState=false);

* Peeks into an entity's object data and retrieves the vector at the
* given offset.
* @note Both a Vector and a QAngle are three floats. This is a
* convenience function and will work with both types.
* @param entity Edict index.
* @param offset Offset to use.
* @param vec Vector buffer to store data in.
* @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds.
native void GetEntDataVector(int entity, int offset, float vec[3]);

* Peeks into an entity's object data and sets the vector at the given
* offset.
* @note Both a Vector and a QAngle are three floats. This is a
* convenience function and will work with both types.
* @param entity Edict index.
* @param offset Offset to use.
* @param vec Vector to set.
* @param changeState If true, change will be sent over the network.
* @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds.
native void SetEntDataVector(int entity, int offset, const float vec[3], bool changeState=false);

* Peeks into an entity's object data and retrieves the string at
* the given offset.
* @param entity Edict index.
* @param offset Offset to use.
* @param buffer Destination string buffer.
* @param maxlen Maximum length of output string buffer.
* @return Number of non-null bytes written.
* @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds.
native int GetEntDataString(int entity, int offset, char[] buffer, int maxlen);

* Peeks into an entity's object data and sets the string at
* the given offset.
* @param entity Edict index.
* @param offset Offset to use.
* @param buffer String to set.
* @param maxlen Maximum length of bytes to write.
* @param changeState If true, change will be sent over the network.
* @return Number of non-null bytes written.
* @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds.
native int SetEntDataString(int entity, int offset, const char[] buffer, int maxlen, bool changeState=false);

* @endsection

* Given a ServerClass name, finds a networkable send property offset.
* This information is cached for future calls.
* Note, this function may return offsets that do not work!
* If a property is nested beneath a parent object, the resulting offset
* will be invalid for direct use with data functions. Therefore, you
* should use FindSendPropInfo() instead. An example of such a property is
* CTFPlayer:T_LocalPlayer.m_nDisguiseClass on Team Fortress.
* @param cls Classname.
* @param prop Property name.
* @return An offset, or -1 on failure.
* @deprecated Use FindSendPropInfo instead, or HasEntProp if you just want to check for existence.
#pragma deprecated Use FindSendPropInfo instead, or HasEntProp if you just want to check for existence.
native int FindSendPropOffs(const char[] cls, const char[] prop);

* Given a ServerClass name, finds a networkable send property offset.
* This information is cached for future calls.
* @param cls Classname.
* @param prop Property name.
* @param type Optional parameter to store the type.
* @param num_bits Optional parameter to store the number of bits the field
* uses, if applicable (otherwise 0 is stored). The number
* of bits varies for integers and floats, and is always 0
* for strings.
* @param local_offset Optional parameter to store the local offset, as
* FindSendPropOffs() would return.
* @return On success, returns an absolutely computed offset.
* If no offset is available, 0 is returned.
* If the property is not found, -1 is returned.
native int FindSendPropInfo(const char[] cls,
const char[] prop,
PropFieldType &type=view_as<PropFieldType>(0),
int &num_bits=0,
int &local_offset=0);

* Given an entity, finds a datamap property offset.
* This information is cached for future calls.
* @param entity Entity index.
* @param prop Property name.
* @param type Optional parameter to store the type.
* @param num_bits Optional parameter to store the number of bits the field
* uses. The bit count will either be 1 (for boolean) or
* divisible by 8 (including 0 if unknown).
* @return An offset, or -1 on failure.
* @deprecated Use FindDataMapInfo instead, or HasEntProp if you just want to check for existence.
#pragma deprecated Use FindDataMapInfo instead, or HasEntProp if you just want to check for existence.
native int FindDataMapOffs(int entity,
const char[] prop,
PropFieldType &type=view_as<PropFieldType>(0),
int &num_bits=0);

* Given an entity, finds a nested datamap property offset.
* This information is cached for future calls.
* @param entity Entity index.
* @param prop Property name.
* @param type Optional parameter to store the type.
* @param num_bits Optional parameter to store the number of bits the field
* uses. The bit count will either be 1 (for boolean) or
* divisible by 8 (including 0 if unknown).
* @param local_offset Optional parameter to store the local offset, as
* FindDataMapOffs() would return.
* @return An offset, or -1 on failure.
native int FindDataMapInfo(int entity,
const char[] prop,
PropFieldType &type=view_as<PropFieldType>(0),
int &num_bits=0,
int &local_offset=0);

* Wrapper function for finding a send property for a particular entity.
* @param ent Entity index.
* @param prop Property name.
* @param actual Defaults to false for backwards compatibility.
* If true, the newer FindSendPropInfo() function
* is used instead.
* @return An offset, or -1 on failure.
stock int GetEntSendPropOffs(int ent, const char[] prop, bool actual=false)
char cls[64];

if (!GetEntityNetClass(ent, cls, sizeof(cls)))
return -1;

int local = -1;
int offset = FindSendPropInfo(cls, prop, _, _, local);

if (actual)
return offset;

return local;

* Checks if an entity property exists on an entity.
* @param entity Entity/edict index.
* @param type Property type.
* @param prop Property name.
* @return Whether the property exists on the entity.
* @error Invalid entity.
stock bool HasEntProp(int entity, PropType type, const char[] prop)
if (type == Prop_Data)
return (FindDataMapInfo(entity, prop) != -1);

if (type != Prop_Send)
return false;

char cls[64];
if (!GetEntityNetClass(entity, cls, sizeof(cls)))
return false;

return (FindSendPropInfo(cls, prop) != -1);

* Retrieves an integer value from an entity's property.
* This function is considered safer and more robust over GetEntData,
* because it performs strict offset checking and typing rules.
* @param entity Entity/edict index.
* @param type Property type.
* @param prop Property name.
* @param size Number of bytes to write (valid values are 1, 2, or 4).
* This value is auto-detected, and the size parameter is
* only used as a fallback in case detection fails.
* @param element Element # (starting from 0) if property is an array.
* @return Value at the given property offset.
* @error Invalid entity or property not found.
native int GetEntProp(int entity, PropType type, const char[] prop, int size=4, int element=0);

* Sets an integer value in an entity's property.
* This function is considered safer and more robust over SetEntData,
* because it performs strict offset checking and typing rules.
* @param entity Entity/edict index.
* @param type Property type.
* @param prop Property name.
* @param value Value to set.
* @param size Number of bytes to write (valid values are 1, 2, or 4).
* This value is auto-detected, and the size parameter is
* only used as a fallback in case detection fails.
* @param element Element # (starting from 0) if property is an array.
* @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds.
native void SetEntProp(int entity, PropType type, const char[] prop, any value, int size=4, int element=0);

* Retrieves a float value from an entity's property.
* This function is considered safer and more robust over GetEntDataFloat,
* because it performs strict offset checking and typing rules.
* @param entity Entity/edict index.
* @param type Property type.
* @param prop Property name.
* @param element Element # (starting from 0) if property is an array.
* @return Value at the given property offset.
* @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds.
native float GetEntPropFloat(int entity, PropType type, const char[] prop, int element=0);

* Sets a float value in an entity's property.
* This function is considered safer and more robust over SetEntDataFloat,
* because it performs strict offset checking and typing rules.
* @param entity Entity/edict index.
* @param type Property type.
* @param prop Property name.
* @param value Value to set.
* @param element Element # (starting from 0) if property is an array.
* @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds.
native void SetEntPropFloat(int entity, PropType type, const char[] prop, float value, int element=0);

* Retrieves an entity index from an entity's property.
* This function is considered safer and more robust over GetEntDataEnt*,
* because it performs strict offset checking and typing rules.
* @param entity Entity/edict index.
* @param type Property type.
* @param prop Property name.
* @param element Element # (starting from 0) if property is an array.
* @return Entity index at the given property.
* If there is no entity, or the entity is not valid,
* then -1 is returned.
* @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds.
native int GetEntPropEnt(int entity, PropType type, const char[] prop, int element=0);

* Sets an entity index in an entity's property.
* This function is considered safer and more robust over SetEntDataEnt*,
* because it performs strict offset checking and typing rules.
* @param entity Entity/edict index.
* @param type Property type.
* @param prop Property name.
* @param other Entity index to set, or -1 to unset.
* @param element Element # (starting from 0) if property is an array.
* @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds.
native void SetEntPropEnt(int entity, PropType type, const char[] prop, int other, int element=0);

* Retrieves a vector of floats from an entity, given a named network property.
* This function is considered safer and more robust over GetEntDataVector,
* because it performs strict offset checking and typing rules.
* @param entity Entity/edict index.
* @param type Property type.
* @param prop Property name.
* @param vec Vector buffer to store data in.
* @param element Element # (starting from 0) if property is an array.
* @error Invalid entity, property not found, or property not
* actually a vector data type.
native void GetEntPropVector(int entity, PropType type, const char[] prop, float vec[3], int element=0);

* Sets a vector of floats in an entity, given a named network property.
* This function is considered safer and more robust over SetEntDataVector,
* because it performs strict offset checking and typing rules.
* @param entity Entity/edict index.
* @param type Property type.
* @param prop Property name.
* @param vec Vector to set.
* @param element Element # (starting from 0) if property is an array.
* @error Invalid entity, property not found, or property not
* actually a vector data type.
native void SetEntPropVector(int entity, PropType type, const char[] prop, const float vec[3], int element=0);

* Gets a network property as a string.
* @param entity Edict index.
* @param type Property type.
* @param prop Property to use.
* @param buffer Destination string buffer.
* @param maxlen Maximum length of output string buffer.
* @param element Element # (starting from 0) if property is an array.
* @return Number of non-null bytes written.
* @error Invalid entity, offset out of reasonable bounds, or property is not a valid string.
native int GetEntPropString(int entity, PropType type, const char[] prop, char[] buffer, int maxlen, int element=0);

* Sets a network property as a string.
* @param entity Edict index.
* @param type Property type.
* @param prop Property to use.
* @param buffer String to set.
* @param element Element # (starting from 0) if property is an array.
* @return Number of non-null bytes written.
* @error Invalid entity, offset out of reasonable bounds, or property is not a valid string.
native int SetEntPropString(int entity, PropType type, const char[] prop, const char[] buffer, int element=0);

* Retrieves the count of values that an entity property's array can store.
* @param entity Entity/edict index.
* @param type Property type.
* @param prop Property name.
* @return Size of array (in elements) or 1 if property is not an array.
* @error Invalid entity or property not found.
native int GetEntPropArraySize(int entity, PropType type, const char[] prop);

* Copies an array of cells from an entity at a given offset.
* @param entity Entity index.
* @param offset Offset to use.
* @param array Array to read into.
* @param arraySize Number of values to read.
* @param dataSize Size of each value in bytes (1, 2, or 4).
* @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds.
stock void GetEntDataArray(int entity, int offset, int[] array, int arraySize, int dataSize=4)
for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++)
array[i] = GetEntData(entity, offset + i*dataSize, dataSize);

* Copies an array of cells to an entity at a given offset.
* @param entity Entity index.
* @param offset Offset to use.
* @param array Array of values to copy.
* @param arraySize Number of values to copy.
* @param dataSize Size of each value in bytes (1, 2, or 4).
* @param changeState True to set the network state as changed; false otherwise.
* @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds.
stock void SetEntDataArray(int entity, int offset, const int[] array, int arraySize, int dataSize=4, bool changeState=false)
for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++)
SetEntData(entity, offset + i*dataSize, array[i], dataSize, changeState);

* Gets the memory address of an entity.
* @param entity Entity index.
* @return Address of the entity.
* @error Invalid entity.
native Address GetEntityAddress(int entity);

* Retrieves the classname of an entity.
* This is like GetEdictClassname(), except it works for ALL
* entities, not just edicts.
* @param entity Index of the entity.
* @param clsname Buffer to store the classname.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of the buffer.
* @return True on success, false if there is no classname set.
stock bool GetEntityClassname(int entity, char[] clsname, int maxlength)
return !!GetEntPropString(entity, Prop_Data, "m_iClassname", clsname, maxlength);
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Old 04-19-2020 , 13:36   Re: [ANY] Extended Speed Meter (v1.4, 2017-06-05)
Reply With Quote #33

Originally Posted by Prastie View Post
Hello, i had problems too with mysql connection, i first started using this system in 2017 or 2018 and work fine but after some months the mysql connection won't start, allowed the ip from "Manage Access Hosts" but won't connect.
Now i decided to investigate the problem and use the method i use for my plugins.
I saw the problem was that the system can't read the database name cvar and can't connect to this. ( and you will get this error: [extendedspeedmeter.smx] Extended Speed meter: Connection to SQL database has failed: [2003]: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'blablabla' (10061) )
After that i tried to SQL_TConnect to the database name directly given in the .sp in OnPluginStart function and everything worked fine and i can connect to the database so i edited a bit the ConnectSQL() function to don't verify the database name cvar and directly connect to the database given from the .sp so if you want to edit the database name wich you want to connect you will have to do it from the .sp and after that complie again the plugin.(or you can do it with new cvar method but i don't need it and i'm okay to recompile it in case of edit)

The database name is if you use the fixes below: "speedmeter" , you will need to put this name in databases.cfg like other post in this topic said.(and you need to allow the IP from the Manage Access Hosts of your cPanel, if you don't know the IP that need acces you will get it in first error.log after install the plugin and just allow it, make sure your webhost allow remote sql)

The extendedspeedmeter is the original version of this plugin with the fix, i included this https://forums.alliedmods.net/showpo...3&postcount=30 fix too in it because it's a must.(Thanks for Xutax_Kamay)

In the extendedspeedmeterN i added the speedmeter directly in new HUD with some nice colors, in this too is all the fixes included.
Picture with the new hud in extendedspeedmeterN:

If you find any bug in this system please post it here because i'm glad to help and because this is an usefull system specialy for surf servers!
Can you reupload the .smx & sp? They will not Compile? I think there's an update to the sourcepawn
Sandervraun is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Old 05-19-2020 , 14:45   Re: [ANY] Extended Speed Meter (v1.4, 2017-06-05)
Reply With Quote #34

Originally Posted by Sandervraun View Post
Can you reupload the .smx & sp? They will not Compile? I think there's an update to the sourcepawn
Please use SM 1.8: http://sourcemod.net/downloads.php?all=1&branch=1.8-dev or SM 1.9 https://www.sourcemod.net/downloads....=1.9-dev&all=1 to compile it! With 1.10 won't work because smlib have deprecated functions.

Also use these include files i uploaded now, let me know if it work!
I see you want to edit "Current Speed", you can do it without edit the .sp file just from translation file, just search in plugin.extendedspeedmeter.phrases.txt for "Current Speed" and there you need to modify the "Speed" text to show what you want (not the "Current Speed" text ) but if you use the N version with the speed in HUD i disabled the "Current Speed" from translation file and you need to search for "SPEED:" to modify with what do you want.
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