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No MOTD in Panorama

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Old 08-06-2018 , 06:14   Re: No MOTD in Panorama
Reply With Quote #231

Originally Posted by Rale View Post
Acutally! So many pathetic guys here, who is trying to blame skin changers for his inability to understand community and give players some unique things. Also players and server managers like skin changers, that is problem only for valve, and when they block that big part of community will die.

@ddhoward You need to understand him, with his community he earned about 15+$ a day, and he is still in high school.
I was actually making 4x - 5x more since january 2018

Last edited by ASKER_CZ; 08-06-2018 at 06:15.
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Old 08-06-2018 , 06:23   Re: No MOTD in Panorama
Reply With Quote #232

Originally Posted by ASKER_CZ View Post
I was actually making 4x - 5x more since january 2018
All what i can say is good job!
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Old 08-06-2018 , 08:50   Re: No MOTD in Panorama
Reply With Quote #233

Originally Posted by ASKER_CZ View Post
You guys should also understand, that you won't just magically get all players from more popular communities after Valve bans !knife !skins etc. This is hilarious. People like you should not even have access to the internet. Your community did not attract anyone, so it's not !knife !skins problem. So stop crying and make something better, or just end it everything. Thanks
While I don't agree with the removal of the motd, when I see this kind of petty people like you I feel kinda happy that it happened.
And to be frank, I doubt Valve's gonna add it back if they see these kind of posts posts while browsing this thread.

Last edited by Oshizu; 08-06-2018 at 09:02.
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Old 08-06-2018 , 09:53   Re: No MOTD in Panorama
Reply With Quote #234

Originally Posted by ASKER_CZ View Post
Hah, do you guys know what is funny? Only those jealous people with 0 player base are against ADS. NO ONE ELSE. There is nothing bad on ads. There would not be 99% of internet websites, there would be no TV series, nothing. ANd many many more. Then stop being jealous and stick together during this rough time. NO ONE FORCES PLAYERS TO PLAY ON SERVERS WITH ADS. It's on their decision. And if you are jealous that someone's making as much money from ADS as you do from your job, It's not our problem.
Jealous people? I am literally the definition of the player base. I own 0 servers, I maintain 0 servers, and I play CS:GO. I even maintain plugins that use the motd. Yet, I'm happy.

Everyone's argument is websites do it. Yea, they do, and i'd bet that most if not everyone in this thread runs an adblocker. You guys are so hypocritical its fucking hilarious.

Originally Posted by ASKER_CZ View Post
I would even give up !ws !knife etc to get back MOTD as it used to be. Why don't they ban those stuff? Or at least set ban wave xxx times a day? Its still much better than having NO MOTD

BTW MOTD has been there since like Counter Strike 1.6 (maybe even in the earlier versions), then I dont see the reason to remove it. Do you guys think, that Valve think that MOTD doesnt suit in that new Panorama update and thats the reason why they dont want to add it? It would make much bigger sense, than removing MOTD because of ADS. LOL
No you wouldnt. Also, funny you mention more bans as the solution when you are using the method that doesnt get tokens banned.

Sure motd has been around forever. But, the last few years has had an increase in servers just spamming ad's.

Originally Posted by RealEdan View Post
If you disagree with advertisements then keep it to yourself. This thread should be for workarounds to running advertisements and or what these servers are gonna resort to.
Nah, Im good, Ill talk about it all I want.

Originally Posted by MAMAC View Post
Ads do not suppprt !ws. I calculate to u in this thread. There is no sense for that statements especial when u have very low cost on tokens.
Or i still missing a connection betwean motd and skins... Also i can confirm that skins doesent make large changes and if u want evidence u can contact me in private and i will proof to u that ws doesent mean for nothing for large stable community with many regular players.
There is 100% a correlation between the two. People want weapon skins they will suffer with ad's for weapon skins. They will however, probably not donate (depending on how much the donation required is) for skins.

Originally Posted by ASKER_CZ View Post
You guys should also understand, that you won't just magically get all players from more popular communities after Valve bans !knife !skins etc. This is hilarious. People like you should not even have access to the internet. Your community did not attract anyone, so it's not !knife !skins problem. So stop crying and make something better, or just end it everything. Thanks
Remove those plugins then and lets find out? Not for one day, a full year. You won't though since you know your community will hate you and go elsewhere.

Most people arguing that valve doesnt care or whatever else are the server owners that lost their free income. Those same server owners are the ones arguing that weapon skins dont matter to the server popularity. Remove the plugins and lets find out. If you truly run that amazing of a community, your player base will happily donate to keep it up. I know this is the case since the communities I have been a part of were all donation funded and survived for years. Some are still going today, 10 years later.

As a plugin developer, I want motd back in a limited sense (basic html, no script/flash/video/audio support) this may happen in the future, albeit not super likely. But, if i had a choice no motd or the shit we had before, no motd it is.

Last edited by Dr!fter; 08-06-2018 at 10:00. Reason: Don’t assume
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Old 08-06-2018 , 10:12   Re: No MOTD in Panorama
Reply With Quote #235

Well said, drifter.
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Old 08-06-2018 , 15:27   Re: No MOTD in Panorama
Reply With Quote #236

Originally Posted by sorrybro View Post
...I'm sorry but if you want more players, you have to do it like everyone else and spend a lot of time on the servers, make friends, and eventually a large group of them. Not everyone is able to do this due to their personality and time for example, but you can always find someone who is good with people if they like you to help you with that. All this takes time and work. Other servers are not to blame for your server, and as you said, you should be proud of what you have, but why blame others for YOUR work?

..These server owners [those who run !ws] remind me of people who ddos other communities and CHEAT to hurt others, unfortunately innocent others as well. However, ads have nothing to do with it. People always will cheat if easily possible and if they can get away with it, which seems to be the situation for now.

As for the claims that ads shouldn't exist since players can donate instead, it is just not true for everyone. Many players struggle to donate, and I don't see why people can't use some other form of fundraising, like ads, to support their passion or hobby. Saying how one does not like ads so people should run strictly on donations does not seem necessary at all...

Like someone have said recently here, some are looking at weapon skins as an argument, but overlook the fact that many of these servers do a great job and have done a lot of great stuff with their communities while creating a CULTURE that is very important to some players, and is the reason why these players return every day. I can confidently say that it takes more than some stupid weapon skin plugin to have players return to a community. Some players tell me how important some communities are as they create a culture and a way to spend their free time for them in a way it's so important that they play EVERY DAY. Also, ads are secondary to these server owners, but it is a significant form of fundraising for them and is a CRITICAL downfall for losing that feature where some may not afford to do it at all afterwards. We don't force others to run ads, we just ask to let us do it, as there is nothing harmful about it as players have so many other options if they don't like it.

...the VERY FEW who made some pretty bad arguments, like suing valve lmao, what a way to lose credibility in your voice...
Why ignore the good arguments and respond to the trolls? I think it's safe to say no one appreciates what ASKER_CZ has to say, from both sides. Honestly not even sure if he is mature enough yet with the type of comments he has made. Many are not "proud" like him and feels they are above anyone else. Many of us who run ads actually rely on them to operate and not to fill ourselves with pride like ASKER does.

One's experience does not make it definite and correlation does not make it causation. Many don't run !ws plugins and do great. It shouldn't even be linked to ads as people will run weaponskins whether ads exist or not. It's a matter of if they can run the thing and bypass patches, and as mentioned before I'm sure valve can or even will implement a hard-coded patch in the future.

Not every player in every community can donate and I don't see why a different form of fundraising should be removed just because people do well with other forms. It's great you have donators, but it shouldn't mean others should be forced to only use donations as a means of raising funds. Just because players don't donate doesn't mean your running a bad server either.

As for the copyright issue, valve does have rights to all the content, and if they wanted they would have taken action. Having this in their TOS is a means of protecting their property if a competitor would try to hurt them, but they really don't have much of a reason to stop server owners from using their work to improve their community, please think outside the !ws servers, think we can all agree they suck. Look at the NBA highlight videos from example, and remember the link being posted here on how the NBA Commissioner actually supports these guys despite them using their "property" while running ads as he feels it helps the community rather than hurt them. Many of us are fans of valve obviously and it's not like we are out to take over their market in any way nor is it even possible from some average hobbyists.

Most of us are not like ASKER and it's sad to see him get taken seriously and people see him as some kind of representation of other people. Some of us actually spend a lot of time on the servers, creating valuable experiences, with players coming back every day WITHOUT ANY CARE of the small gimmicks like weapon skins. It's really unbelievable for me on how people value that so much, and the real issue is abusers ignoring valve's requests, and I find that so awful. Despite that, the !ws plugins are super overrated and I could care less about them, and also feel they have little to no value.

For those who are not happy with the amount of players they have, you have to do what everyone else does and put the time and work into recruiting, making friends, and having people return every day. Have about 20 committed friends who come on every day and it will be more than enough to have others find your server. Hoping others to have their servers shut down won't help your work. It's actually a concerning attitude...

As for someone here who said valve will think bad about the situation from the bad posts here made from a few people, I doubt that. Some of the posts here are actually good, and the bad ones are pretty obvious, and is ridiculous. I think most can filter out some bad points and see some of the good points made here, as there are good points being made from both sides. Would be nice to see more better arguments being made rather than player count or weapon skins.

In my opinion, those two things are irrelevant to ads. It's more about why some players hate them, like loud volume for example, and if those who run ads should be penalized for opinions had by one side, where many players support ads and the servers who run them by playing on them every day. Claiming players are suffering or being hurt in some way is so false as they have all the freedom in the world to not play on servers that run ads that use it to support their operations.

Last edited by sorrybro; 08-06-2018 at 16:00. Reason: trimmed down and for accuracy
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Old 08-06-2018 , 15:55   Re: No MOTD in Panorama
Reply With Quote #237

Originally Posted by foxsay View Post
...Only problem is that 101 other servers will keep skinchangers that is problem. I'm also using skinchangers i have feeling whats point to remove them if other servers will keep using it. I would like to remove them if valve would take step in to solve this problem.
While I frown upon you calling people noobs from third world countries, comon man, I agree with your last comment. The problem with !ws skins is that people are getting away with using them. It's not because of advertisements that they are being used however. Why would server owners not use !ws plugins whether they can run ads or not? Have you thought about the servers who don't run ads and use these plugins? Or even non-steam? CS 1.6 for example is full of nonsteam servers and they don't have ads integrated. People want to run a community, ads or not, and some cheat to do it, like ddos and nonsteam. Ads are not the problem, and it's a way for people to raise money, many being those who can't afford to do it otherwise.

Last edited by sorrybro; 08-06-2018 at 16:06. Reason: grammar
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Old 08-06-2018 , 15:59   Re: No MOTD in Panorama
Reply With Quote #238

Originally Posted by sorrybro
Why ignore the good arguments and respond to the trolls?
Honestly, the reason I haven't replied to any of your posts is because you ramble on and it's really hard to find your good argument amidst all the weird side tracks you take. Like half your post seems to be about how you feel about ASKER. It's just really hard to find where the argument is.
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Last edited by ghostofmybrain; 08-06-2018 at 15:59.
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Old 08-06-2018 , 16:12   Re: No MOTD in Panorama
Reply With Quote #239

Sure pal. Can't make it any clearer honestly and thanks for trying to understand my points rather than telling me how it's hard to read for you. Could have at least asked to reiterate on some of the points... None of them are off topic. I've written about a paragraph about ASKER, and I find it quite necessary btw as he ruins the discussion, and that makes it half of my argument? You clearly haven't read it all. I understand if you don't want to listen to my points but why sidetrack yourself and simply state my posts are side tracking?

Quote some of it and I'd be glad to reiterate. I'm assuming you don't want to. Classy.

Just to be clear you responded to my other posts just fine so I find it hard to believe you simply don't want to address my points and rather choose to ignore them. If that's not the case, at least ask what I should reiterate on.

Last edited by sorrybro; 08-06-2018 at 16:23. Reason: accuracy
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Old 08-06-2018 , 16:20   Re: No MOTD in Panorama
Reply With Quote #240

Unfortunately, these plugins (!ws etc.) completely destroyed the community. Today, if you don't these plugins, you aren't chance to run new servers. The Valve must block these plugins.

Are you want to show the MOTD? You must disable these plugins. It's a simple condition. Or little bit a drastic solution, if you run these plugins, your server will not run.

It is a very difficult question. It isn't easy to answer it.

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