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[TF2] Zombie Fortress Redux - [v1.04 - 12/20/13]

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Old 12-05-2013 , 14:11   Re: [TF2] Zombie Fortress Redux - [v1.01]
Reply With Quote #11

@exteam =ACG= 24/7 Zombie Fortress Nominate AllTalk Skins

@ktm Thanks man! I was just waiting for someone to take this up. Had all my skins, maps ready to go!

MaloModo is offline
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Old 12-05-2013 , 15:53   Re: [TF2] Zombie Fortress Redux - [v1.01]
Reply With Quote #12

Hey everyone, quick announcement! I've gone ahead and created an official steamgroup for Zombie Fortress Redux. Basically, it exists to serve as a place for non-alliedmodders forum members to post feedback/ideas/questions about the gamemode. I still encourage feedback here though, as I find server owners/developers tend to always have the best feedback. I'll also be maintaining a list of zf redux servers on the group and I'll be posting announcements whenever a new version comes out, just in case you guys don't want to watch this thread too carefully.

You can find the group here: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/zombie_fortress_redux

I've also now have an official test server up and running at:


Thanks for getting a server up! Would you like me to throw your server onto a list of where to play on the steam group?
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Zombie Fortress Redux
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Old 12-05-2013 , 16:30   Re: [TF2] Zombie Fortress Redux - [v1.01]
Reply With Quote #13

Originally Posted by ktm View Post

Thanks for getting a server up! Would you like me to throw your server onto a list of where to play on the steam group?
Sure that would be great! I have joined the group. Perhaps once there is more members can start events?
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Old 12-05-2013 , 16:34   Re: [TF2] Zombie Fortress Redux - [v1.01]
Reply With Quote #14

Out of curiosity, have you considered using TF2Items or TF2Attributes to make the zombie team players have the TF2 zombie skins? The only catch is that they only work during Halloween.

...and also, players can equip the zombie skins themselves.
Not currently working on SourceMod plugin development.
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Old 12-05-2013 , 17:30   Re: [TF2] Zombie Fortress Redux - [v1.01]
Reply With Quote #15

Originally Posted by Powerlord View Post
Out of curiosity, have you considered using TF2Items or TF2Attributes to make the zombie team players have the TF2 zombie skins? The only catch is that they only work during Halloween.

...and also, players can equip the zombie skins themselves.
I've had that in my plans since I started working on this plugin. The zombie skins are perfect for ZF. It's a pretty great idea, but it took a backseat to other stuff for a few reasons:

1. It's a cosmetic thing that probably shouldn't be tackled till every bit of major gameplay/utility is put in place. No matter how cool of an idea it is, I'm trying to avoid doing too much cosmetic tweaking for now. Though, now that I've released, it probably wouldn't hurt to work this in.

2. I'm not sure how to do it. I know how to force a skin on the player, but I don't know how to force the zombie attachments onto the player. Overall, I'm still pretty new to all this stuff, and I've basically been teaching myself this entire time. This is still a pretty silly excuse though. I've done a bit of reading, and I imagine I'd have to set the server to halloween mode, then use tf2attributes to apply attribute 448 and 450 while changing the players skin to the zombie version? I think that'd probably work, but it seems a lot of people have had some problems with this. If I get it to work, I could make this an optional dependency and set it to be enabled or disabled with a ConVar.
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Last edited by ktm; 12-05-2013 at 17:33.
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Old 12-05-2013 , 17:49   Re: [TF2] Zombie Fortress Redux - [v1.01]
Reply With Quote #16

I added zombie models and skins in the plugin befor you took it over.
RavensBro is offline
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Old 12-05-2013 , 18:12   Re: [TF2] Zombie Fortress Redux - [v1.01]
Reply With Quote #17

Originally Posted by RavensBro View Post
I added zombie models and skins in the plugin befor you took it over.
It seems you added them to SZF (not zf vanilla as I am working with) by creating new models. I want to use the ones already in TF2 to prevent extra downloads for players.
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Old 12-05-2013 , 19:48   Re: [TF2] Zombie Fortress Redux - [v1.01]
Reply With Quote #18

o I added them to both zombie plugins some time ago.


Last edited by RavensBro; 12-05-2013 at 19:49.
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Old 12-05-2013 , 22:29   Re: [TF2] Zombie Fortress Redux - [v1.01]
Reply With Quote #19

I was using model manager to force default "skin" on the blue team which works well but as you say an extra download so disabled for now unless peeps start to ask for them.

Yes, tf_forced_holiday 6 works well if the player has them. I set this on all my servers TBH..why woulnd't you really? After all what was all that Halloween farming for? LOL
MaloModo is offline
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Old 12-17-2013 , 16:15   Re: [TF2] Zombie Fortress Redux - [v1.01]
Reply With Quote #20

Hey everyone, I got an update for you all today. Sorry I've been missing for the last week or two. I've been swamped with finals and unable to really work on the plugin. Now that I've finished, I've pumped out a new update full of a whole bunch of new stuff for you guys. with that:

Zombie Fortress Redux - v1.03 is now released

New Dependency - TF2 Attributes by FalminSarge is now required for the plugin to work!
Optional dependency - SteamTools by asherkin is now optionally required for the custom game description.

Changes in v1.03
- Added Sound on successful cripple stab for attacker.
- Added custom Game Description. Requires steamtools to work (which is now an optional dependency).

- Removed sticky jumper and rocket jumper. These weapons were hilariously OP on normal ZF survival maps. I need to rework them before I feel like it'd be a good idea to unban them. So, I'm removing them till adequate changes to the weapons can be thought of to make them fair.

- Updated how the survivor morale system works. When an enemy is killed, critchance is boosted by +10 (up from +5). Then, each second, critchance degrades by -3 (down from -1). This was done to reward players who engage in big fights against big hordes and to give them a chance to escape. However, once he exits constant combat (due to running out of ammo, or running low on health), his critchance will degrade quickly to prevent constant crits.
- Updated ZF items notification system to notify players of changes to their newly changed weapons in this update.
- Updated feedback Printtochat URL. Now displays official steam group URL.
- Updated ConVar descriptions. Now all convar descriptions follow 1 universal format.

- Fixed crippling backstabs sometimes crippling through uber. This was an odd issue that could not be reproduced reliably. I think I've fixed it, and since I applied the fix, I've yet to see the issue show itself on my server.

- Nerfed crippling backstab stuntime. Now only stuns for 7 seconds (down from 10 seconds).
- Nerfed Fists of Steel. Now deals 15 percent less damage.
- Nerfed KGB. Now deals 25 percent less damage.

- Buffed Normal Sentry Gun. Now starts with 60 ammo and decays to 20 ammo (up from 10 ammo).
In this update I also decided to rework the pyro and sniper survivors. Both classes suffered from having their job being done better by someone else. For sniper, he couldn't offer the support a medic, soldier or engie could and he also couldn't deal with zombies as well as soldier, demo or pyro. This prompted me to look at how I could rework the sniper to be a beneficial part of any survivor team. So, I made a few changes that hopefully will make the sniper a much more viable support member of any team:

Sniper Rework:
- Sniper Rifle: Now grants +15 percent headshot damage, +25 health on kill and user cannot flinch while aiming.
- Huntsman: Now grants bleed on hit for 7 seconds.
- Machina: Now grants ignite on hit.
- Hitman's Heatmaker: Now grants mark for death on hit.
- Bazaar Bargain: Now grants +25 charge rate on hit.
- Sydney sleeper: Now causes jarated enemies to be slowed by -40 movement speed for duration of jarate.
- Jarate: Now causes jarated enemies to be slowed by -40 movement speed for duration of jarate.

These changes were made to give the sniper the ability to offer a very effective role as a support class that can control the battlefield, while offering people who enjoy the traditional sniper alternate options that add some added sustainability and power to their normal loadout.
For the pyro, I felt he really just couldn't keep sustained damage going for long enough in a fight to actually get kills. Even more importantly, due to the nature of the pyro's flamethrower, the pyro is forced to constantly be in melee range of the zombies he is fighting. Because of this, I felt a rework was necessary to make the pyro a viable choice alongside the demo and soldier.

Pyro Rework:
- All flamethrowers now have a maximum ammo of 100 (down from 125). Going above 100 will cause the ammo to degrade by a rate of -10 ammo per second.
- Airblasts now cost 50% less. For example, airblasting with the degreaser now costs 10 ammo, instead of 20 ammo.
- Killing an enemy now grants +15 flamethrower ammo. For example, quickly igniting and slicing an enemy with the axestinguisher, will grant the user +15 ammo.

These changes were made to improve the ability for the pyro to go against multiple zombies at close range and to improve overall damage output. Thanks to the lower costs of airblasts, the pyro can now juggle and deal with multiple enemies without much fear of running out too quickly. Secondly, thanks to the +15 ammo on kill, the pyro can get a constant stream of ammo through actively engaging and attacking enemy zombies. These two buffs are balanced out by the new cap of 100 flamethrower ammo, and the fact that to be sustained, the pyro has to have a constant flow of zombies. Hopefully now, the pyro is a viable choice for any team looking to do some damage.
Well that's it everyone. I've attached the update at the bottom of this post, and to the original post. As always, feedback is greatly appreciated!

oh and if you would, you should totally join the official steamgroup.
Attached Files
File Type: smx zombiefortress_redux.smx (37.9 KB, 106 views)
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (zombiefortress_redux.sp - 106 views - 73.0 KB)
File Type: zip zombiefortress_redux_v1.03_source.zip (67.9 KB, 102 views)
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Zombie Fortress Redux

Last edited by ktm; 12-17-2013 at 16:23.
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