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Ingame plugin for PsychoStats statistical system. Provide commands like 'top10', 'rank' , etc.
, 19:11
Psychostats Interface Plugin Rearmed
Psychostats Interface Plugin Rearmed(original topic HERE)
Description:- Ingame plugin for Psychostats statistics. Provides various chat commands to display top10, rank, etc.
- Plugin automatically detected how psychostats calculate stats - by ipaddr, worldid (steamID) or name. Thus plugin can work on LAN and Internet servers.
- Plugin tested on CSS Internet server (psychostats 3.1/works by steamID).
- Please give feedback if plugin works on your server (mod and psychostats version)!
- This plugin only shows data gathered by Psychostats script (, it doesn't collect any data Version:- 0.95 Authors:- Axon (axon_pl), O!KAK (urus), MoggieX, Packhead, LordMarqus
Contact:- Axon (axon_pl) - [email protected]
Changelog: 0.3 by MoggieX
new cvar: psychstats_mode - controls "rank" and "place" requests, 1 - displays only menu, 2 - dipslays only chat , 3 - both
new cvar: psychstats_url - Alter to your own URL or own message (to disable leave blank)
0.4 by Axon
"say" command handler modifications, added support for "next" command
0.5 by Packhead ([email protected])
"rank" output translation, corrected floatdiv warnings
0.6 by Packhead ([email protected])
chat output modifications and cleanup
new cvar: psychstats_url - additional url to display, when handling rank/place request, disabled when left empty
0.7 by Packhead ([email protected])
chat output modification and translations
0.8 by Axon
- added autoconfig functionality (auto reads config, creates new if none is found)
- added check for supported psychostats version (currently 3.1)
- added round start notifications (db error, not supported (if ps ver differs from 3.1)
- added psychostats table prefix do config (ie. ps)
- added psychostats command prefix to config (ie. 'psycho' will result in accepting only commands like 'psychorank', 'psychotop')
- added new say command 'help' which displays sourcemod like menu (with pagination) with all available commands (as links)
- added statsme command that displays statsme panel with all useful infos
- added kdr (client chat only), kdeath (public chat) command which displays KDR in chat
- added chat details to config (short with skill and position, and detailed with all info)
- chat output colors (idea and first version - thx to Packerhead)
- additonal translations (new things only in english and polish)
- addded some additional console logging
- code improvements
0.8.1 by Axon
- fixed bug causing table prefix and db config name to be readed inproperly
- added support for team chat (command now works in team chat)
- as requested: player positon with overall number of ranked players (eg. Player xxx is ranked 1/2000)
- changed "help" chat command to "psycho" so it doesn't interfere with other plugins
0.9 by Axon
- added support for "session" command (WARNING: accuracy of this command highly depends on how often Psychostats script - - is run, in my case it's run every minute, so it's very accurate)
- code improvements
- bugfix: bug with wrong command prefix recognition
- bugfix: plugin version displayed from config instead of actual version
- bugfix: translations are now displayed in client's language
- added italian translation by t3rm1nal_s(0ut
- added utf8 support for names (thx psychonic)
- added support for HL2DM (not tested)
- added mod detection (just main ones)
0.94 by LordMarqus
- fixed closing database connections
- fixed nicknames length in "top" and "next" (were truncated)
- fixed showing Skill in "rank" panel
- removed unnecessary error check in ReadConfigCallback2 (it caused "Psychostats -> Databese: Can`t find uniqueid var in config table")
- removed dots from online time translation (and few other fixes)
Newest version
-bugfix: extended db table prefix variable size to 64
Requirements:- The latest sourcemod build
- Psychostats web statistic (versions 3.1 or newer)
Chat commands: "psycho" Show menu with all commands available
"rank" Shows user stats (user only)
"place" Shows user stats (all)
"kdr" Shows user kill/death ratio (user only)
"kdeath" Shows user kill/death ratio (all)
"top10/top" Shows top 10 players on server
"next" Shows 10 next players ahead of user
"statsme" Shows detailed information about player
"session" Shows current session info (WARNING: accuracy of this command highly depends on how often Psychostats script - - is run, in my case it's run every minute, so it's very accurate) Cvars: psychstats_ra_version - Plugin version (renamed as original is already taken)
psychstats_mode - "rank" specific cvar, 1 - for info in menu, 2 - info in chat, 3 - both
psychstats_url - URL to full stats. Leave blank to disable, useful if you advertise through another plugin (default "")
psychstats_chat_details - Level of detail in chat when user says rank, 1 - summary, 2 - detailed (default 1)
psychstats_db_prefix - Database tables prefix (without underscore), eg. 'ps' (default "ps")
psychstats_command_prefix - Chat commands prefix ex. '/', will result in accepting only commands like '/rank', '/top') (default "")
psychstats_db_config_prefix - Name of connection string in Sourcemod databese config file (default "psstats")
Setup:psychostats_threded_uni.smx goes to:
-> addons/sourcemod/plugins
psychostats_threded_uni.sp goes to:
-> addons/sourcemod/scripting
plugin.psychostats.txt goes to:
-> addons/sourcemod/translations
This code goes to:
-> addons/sourcemod/configs/databases.cfg
"driver" "mysql"
"host" "ip_of_your_sql_db"
"database" "db_name"
"user" "db_user"
"pass" "db_password"
//"timeout" "0"
"port" "3306"
Most common problem (mysql and srcds on different boxes)
Note: You will need to setup MySQL server to accept connections from your game server, or the plugin simply wont work
Example error:
L 02/08/2009 - 23:36:30: [psychostats_threaded_uni.smx] Database failure: [1045]: Access denied for user 'totalblo_user'@'' (using password: YES)
Your mysql user totalblo_user must have access rights to psychostats database from srcds ip
To Do:- Full support for all mods (current version tested on internet Counter Strike Source server, should work for LAN servers)
- Read of additional data from Psychostats database
- Ingame notifications (like 'xxx got 3 pts for killing yyy), based on Psychostats config
- Translations (only english and polish are fully supported)
- Requests (if possible)
Thanks to:- O!KAK for original version
- MoggieX, Packhead, LordMarqus for their additions
- Allied Modders Forums for all necessary knowledge and suggestions
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Last edited by axon_pl; 05-01-2010 at 12:47.
Reason: no need to attach smx when sp compiles fine on forum