Themes v0.8
Updated October 15, 2009
What is Themes
Dynamically change the theme of maps! Enjoy a dark night, sweeping storm or a frosty blizzard without being required to download another map. Modifiable attributes include the skybox, lighting, fog, particles, soundscapes, color correction and more.
Includes over 14 themes!
Version History
- Really added convar "sm_themes_particles" this time
- Modified plugin to force clients to download particle files for all
maps defined in the maps config. Warning: If you use this plugin with
custom maps be sure to make a <map name>_particles.txt file for them!
- The above change should hopefully fix 'waffle particles' for most players
unless you play on custom maps regularly
- Possibly fixed color correction and particles sometimes not appearing
(the delay before they are applied at round start has been increased)
- Added theme "Chilly" - enjoy a frosty and foggy morning!
- Added convar "sm_themes_particles" to enable/disable custom particles
- Some bug fixes
- Initial testing release
- Added everything
How do I install?
Copy everything EXCEPT fastdownload into your tf folder.
Copy the contents of fastdownload onto your fastdownload server.
Add the lines in add_to_pure_server_whitelist.txt to your pure_server_whitelist.txt (located in your hl2 folder).
This plugin
requires sv_pure 1 or lower!
What are the convars?
Themes version
sm_themes_enable [0/1]
Enables or disables Themes
sm_themes_next_theme "theme-name"
Forces the next map to use the given theme
sm_themes_announce [0/1]
Whether or not to announce the current/next theme
sm_themes_particles [0/1]
Whether or not to use custom particles
What are the config files?
All config files are located in "addons/sourcemod/configs/themes/"
Defines the themes and their attributes.
Defines sets of themes and how they are selected.
Defines the maps and what themesets they use.
Read the comments at the top of the config files.
Make sure you follow the install guide, upload the stuff to your fastdownload server (if you have one) and add the lines to your whitelist.