This plugin will provide servers with basic friendly fire protection. Right now this only works with CS:S, but if there is enough interest I would like to extend it to all Source MP games. I created this plugin because I needed it to replace the Mani Admin option of slapping when a user commits friendly fire. I know there are many FF/TK controllers out there but I did not find one to suit my needs. This is why the plugin is very simple to start out with and will hopefully flesh out.
Download the package and extract all files to your server. Alternately, you can download each file individually and compile the plugin yourself.
Note: The package was compiled against SourceMod 1.3. If you are using 1.2 please download the file individually and compile them yourself.
This plugin will create a config file in the cfg/sourcemod directory on your server. There you can configure the plugin to your liking.
Below are CVAR's specific to FF Manager and their descriptions.
sm_css_ffm_type_slap - The player who commited FF is slapped with the total FF damage amount.
sm_css_ffm_type_reflective - FF damage done to a teammate is reflected back onto the player who did it.
sm_css_ffm_slap_damage - If FF type slap is on, how much damage to slap the user with?
sm_css_ffm_slap_sound - If FF type slap is on, should we play a sound when the user is slapped?
sm_css_ffm_log - Log friendly fire incidents? (Logged to addons/sourcemod/logs/css_ff_manager.log)
sm_css_ffm_announcements_clients - Announces FF incidents only to those involved.
sm_css_ffm_announcements_all - Announces FF incidents to everyone.
- Moved FF check to OnConfigsExecuted to prevent first run error
- Added check for self inflicted damage
- Changed URL to point to its own page
- Added check for warmup.smx plugin to prevent fail state being triggered
- Plugin should now check if a warmup round is active before checking mp_friendlyfire
- Modified check for Warmup Round Plugin to be every round instead of just once
- Plugin now announces if it is enabled or not
- Removed mp_friendlyfire check
- Added translation support
- Added seperate CVAR's for FF type and announcements
- Added CVAR to enable/disable slap sound
- Overall optimization
- Note: This version contains changes to the css_ff_manager.cfg file. If you have modified this file please back it up before overwriting it with the new version.