SkeetAnnounce alerts the players when a skeet (damage done to a hunter during a pounce in midair) has occured by displaying the skeeter, skeetee, weapon used and damage done in chat. This allows you to identify community skeets (I did the most damage, you just got the kill), and helps you practice skeeting. The plugin also announces successful dead stops.
skeetannounce_version - The version of the plugin
skeetannounce_verbosity - Sets the verbosity level of the plugin. See notes below.
skeetannounce_deathskeets - Only prints skeet information if the player is killed by the skeet. Otherwise, it prints any damage incured while skeeting. Default is 1.
1.0 - Initial version
1.1 - Fixed detecting head-targetted deadstops. Fixed entityflame.
1.2 - Fixed snarespeak_version, MAXPLAYERS array, and added body hitgroup display
1.3 - Added skeetannounce_verbosity, skeetannounce_deathskeets, isAcceptableWeapon, AutoExecConfig, cumulative skeets
1.31 - Updated for plugin approval
-Provide a cvar to change where the information is printed (center chat, etc)
-Provide some feature requests!
-EVOL and his Hunter Games mod ( His code helped me figure out how to detect the end of a pounce with the isGrounded function.
-Gemini and his Damage Report plugin ( I used code snippets to tally damage.
-DreadFire for helping me debug this plugin
This plugin now uses AutoExecConfig, so you should modify the relevant cvars in cfg\sourcemod\skeetannounce.cfg.
The verbosity level allows you to set how much skeet information you want displayed, depending on what you're doing. The numbering system is as follows:
0 - Show nothing
1 - Show cumulative skeet display
2 - Show deadstops
3 - Show cumulative skeet display and deadstops
4 - Show every hit during skeet
5 - Show every hit during skeet and cumulative skeet display
6 - Show every hit during skeet and deadstops
7 - Show every hit during skeet and cumulative skeet display and deadstops
So, for example, 3 (the default) looks like this:
and is better for normal gaming while 6 looks like this:
and is probably more suited for skeet practice.