Again, i ported a minor part of the Survivor Upgrades Collection to be used independently and with more options.
Big Thanks to Fyren for giving us Survivor Upgrades and Jerrith for his
Great cumulative Plugin
This Plugin awards either hollowpoint or incendiary or DumDum ammo for every [cvar] Infected killed. You get a small HUD status update on every 20 Infected kills. You then have [cvar] rounds of special ammo to fire. A novelty: Shotguns use up 5 times more special ammo rounds, so they can't have 5 clips of hollowpoints while you have one in your m4. Every 10 rounds fired you get notified about your remaining supply.
NOTE: Rounds are not gun exclusive or reload sensitive.
Witches cannot be set on fire with incendiary ammo, and whether tanks can or cannot be you decide with a [cvar].
Ahem. Cvars.
l4d_specialammo_killcountsetting (default 50) how many Infected Kills it needs to be awarded special ammunition.
l4d_specialammo_amount (default 100) how many special ammo rounds you get. This means 100 Uzi shots or(!) 20 shotgun shots.
l4d_specialammo_canlighttank (default 0) does incendiary ammo set the tank on fire. Impossible to dodge.
l4d_specialammo_recoilreduction (default 1) does special ammo also include recoil reduction?
l4d_specialammo_dumdumforce (default 150) how much kickback does a DumDum round apply
if you want Upgrades like this in Coop, i suggest using one of the other, more extensive Upgrade Plugins
1.0.0 - Release
1.0.1 - Adds a massive speed boost to Tanks burned by incendiary ammo
1.0.2 - Bugfix. 1.0.1 was broken
1.0.3 - More Bugfixing. Tanks should now only get burned when the convar is set
1.0.4 - Special Ammo Bullet Impact FX added
1.0.5 - New Special Ammo added, DumDums!! They have Knockback
1.0.6 - Expire Messages Suppression fixed
1.0.7 - afterburn particle effect for incend. ammo added, code optimizations