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[L4D] Zombie Havoc

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    Allows up to 8 player Coop campaigns.
    Old 07-22-2009 , 20:27   [L4D] Zombie Havoc
    Reply With Quote #1

    Left 4 Dead Zombie Havoc


    This plugin will allow you to run an eight player Coop server. I know there are other plugins that do this, but I was not satisfied when I used them so I set out to create my own.

    • Up to 8 player Coop campaigns
    • Automatically switches to new campaign at end of current campaign (Only works on the stock maps)
    • SuperTank based on number of survivors
    • Extra medkits spawned at each ammo pile
    • Harder zombies using sm_hardzombies
    • Auto Havoc: Automatically adjust difficulty based on survivor performance
    • Automatically spawn bots for human take over if needed
    This plugin requires the use of the Left 4 Downtown Extension. This will only work on Coop games.

    Copy the l4d_zombie_havoc.smx file to the addons/sourcemod/plugins and the plugin.l4d_zombie_havoc.txt file to your addons/souremod/translations directorys on your server. Alternatively, you can just copy the addons folder to your server and it will put all files in the appropriate places. Restart the server and type sm plugins list and make sure Zombie Havoc is on the list.


    You should add -maxplayers 8 to your servers command line. This will set the server to run at a max of 8 players. I also recommend setting the following CVAR's in your server.cfg:

    sm_cvar sv_visiblemaxplayers                 -1
    sm_cvar l4d_maxplayers                        8
    sv_allow_lobby_connect_only                   0
    Zombie Havoc will create a config in the cfg/sourcemod directory on your server when it is first ran. There you can configure the plugin to your liking. The sm_l4d_zh_survivor_min_limit and sm_l4d_zh_survivor_max_limit CVAR's supersede any other survivor team limit, however you will still need the sm_cvar l4d_maxplayers, in your server.cfg set to the maximum amount you would like on your server. Since version 1.3.0, Zombie Havoc includes an option to automatically spawn bots for human take over if needed. What this means is if you have sm_l4d_zh_survivor_min_limit set to 4 and sm_l4d_zh_survivor_max_limit set to 8, you will only have four players until another player joins at which point it will add a bot for that human to take over if needed. This will continue until the sm_l4d_zh_survivor_max_limit is reached.

    Copy the l4d_zombie_havoc.smx file to the addons/Sourcemod/plugins and the plugin.l4d_zombie_havoc.txt file to your addons/souremod/translations directorys on your server overwriting the current files. Alternately, you can just copy the addons folder to your server and everything will be put in the appropriate place. Delete the autoexec config in the cfg/sourcemod directory so a new one is created. If you made any changes to the default values you will need to change them again. Doing this will ensure any new CVAR's have been added.

    Zombie Havoc features its own custom map menu for admins. It is sorted based on campaign for simplicity. To change to the survivor team if you are stuck as a spectator, you can type the following command in the chat:

    If you want a greater difficulty you can manually add more zombies with the CVAR listed below. Only numbers 1-6 will be accepted as anything bigger than 6 will most likely cause your server to crash. Whatever number you enter is multiplied by 30 to get the total number of zombies. I recommend using 3 as anything higher than that seems to cause the server to lag.
    sm_hardzombies 1-6
    Changes the min survivor limit and spawns a survivor bot.

    These are Zombie Havoc specific CVAR's that you can use to control how you want Zombie Havoc to be used.

    sm_l4d_zh_survivor_max_limit - This sets the maximum amount of survivors you would like and includes bots. This value will normally be the same as +maxplayers from servers your command line. This value cannot be less than 4.
    sm_l4d_zh_survivor_min_imit - This sets the minimum, or starting, amount of survivors. This value cannot be less than 4.
    sm_l4d_zh_automatic_spawning - Allows you to enable or disable automatic spawning of bots for human take over as described above.
    sm_l4d_zh_supertank - Automatically set the Tank's HP based on the number of survivors. The Tank's HP is capped at 65535.
    sm_l4d_zh_tank_hpmulti - This is the multipler used to calculate the Tank's HP if SuperTank is on. (1 + multiplier) * (# of survivors - 4)
    sm_l4d_zh_extra_aidkits - Spawns extra medkits at each ammo pile outside of the safe house that doesn't already have them.
    sm_l4d_zh_extra_aidkits_count - The number of medkits to spawn in extra medkits is turned on.
    sm_l4d_zh_kill_reservation - Enable or disable lobby reservation on the server. You must have the Left 4 Downtown Extension installed to use this.
    sm_l4d_zh_auto_havoc - Enable or disable the automatic handling of the difficulty based on the survivor's performance.
    sm_l4d_zh_auto_havoc_count - If Auto Havoc is turned on, how many losses until the difficulty is reset.

    As of version 1.3.0, Zombie Havoc uses a SM translation file for all of its language variables. If you have translated Zombie Havoc to another language please make a post in this thread with the language you have translated it to and the file attached. I will then add it to Zombie Havoc for the next version and you will recieve credit.

    Known Issues:

    Fixed Issues:
    These issues are fixed and will be included in the next release of Zombie Havoc:

    New Features:
    New features that will be included in releases of Zombie Havoc:

    • This plugin is based upon L4D SuperVersus by DDR Khat. The original SuperVersus plugin was tweaked and cleaned by Damizean. Thanks to Mad_Dugan for finale code which is present in the original SuperVersus plugin.
    • Thanks to AtomicStryker for help with the tank spawn code.
    • Extra medkits code based off of YourEnemyPL's, Damizean's, and Paegus's work.
    • Initial Release
    • Changed medkit spawning logic to support custom maps
    • Removed change team menu to prevent abusing it to respawn faster
    • Fixed all specials being kicked when a new special spawned
    • Code optimization and cleanup
    • Changed ConVar's from l4d_ to zm_
    • Added Auto Havoc: Automatically adjust difficulty based on survivor performance
    • Changed some ConVar's descriptions to be more explanatory
    • Fixed survivor limit not changing correctly
    • Added option to only spawn bots if there are more than four survivors
    • Changed ConVar's from zm_ to l4d_zh_
    • Added translation file for easy translations
    • Removed Coop gamemode requirement
    • Fixed broken URL in plugin info
    • Fixed some incorrect map names in Zombie Havoc admin map menu
    • Added automatic spawning of bots for human take over when needed
    • Changed ConVar's from l4d_zh to sm_l4d (Sorry, I was trying to find a standardized way of naming them)
    • Hopefully fixed automatic spawning of bots
    • Changed ConVar's to sm_l4d_zh from sm_l4d (Last time I promise)
    • Fixed client not connected error found in v1.3.1b
    • Updated handling of automatic spawning of bots
    • Updated automatic map changing for 9-29-09 L4D update
    • Changed FakeClientCommand to ChangeClientTeam in automatic spawning function
    • Fixed spawning of 8 survivors no mattter what settings
    • Added check to reduce sm_l4d_zh_survivors_min_limit if a human player leaves
    • Added admin command !sm_addbot to add a bot manually instead of using RCON
    • Updated custom map menu to include new Crash Course campaign
    • Fixed spelling mistake in sm_l4d_zh_survivor_min_LIMIT not imit
    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_zombie_havoc.sp - 5662 views - 35.5 KB)
    File Type: zip l4d_zombie_havoc_1.3.3.zip (28.2 KB, 3907 views)

    Last edited by Bigbuck; 10-10-2009 at 00:11. Reason: 1.3.3 Released
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    Old 07-22-2009 , 21:47   Re: [L4D] Zombie Havoc
    Reply With Quote #2

    Once I get more feedback and that is something more people would like, I can add that.
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    Old 08-02-2009 , 01:04   Re: [L4D] Zombie Havoc
    Reply With Quote #3

    I've updated the OP with more information based off of the next version. Any feedback would be great.
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    Old 08-02-2009 , 02:54   Re: [L4D] Zombie Havoc
    Reply With Quote #4

    Make sure you have -maxplayers set in the command line of your server.
    I don't know what the command line is, what's that?
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    Old 08-02-2009 , 02:56   Re: [L4D] Zombie Havoc
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    If you are renting your server from a company, such as GameServers, I believe you have to ask them to change it for you. If you are running the server yourself, right click on either the shortcut you use to launch the server or the srcds.exe itself and in the target area add the -maxplayers.
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    Old 08-02-2009 , 03:03   Re: [L4D] Zombie Havoc
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    I'm renting it from GameServers. I'll ask them, thanks.
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    Old 08-02-2009 , 03:20   Re: [L4D] Zombie Havoc
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    No problem, let me know what happens. We have a dedicated box from them so we have desktop access. I believe most companies don't give access to the command line if your just renting a game server. I took a quick look on the GameServers forums and didn't see anything about that.
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    Old 08-02-2009 , 03:30   Re: [L4D] Zombie Havoc
    Reply With Quote #8

    I looked in the support ticket section and they have a category for requesting command line changes.
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    Old 08-02-2009 , 11:53   Re: [L4D] Zombie Havoc
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    Update: they said -maxplayers was already enabled by default.
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    Old 08-02-2009 , 12:20   Re: [L4D] Zombie Havoc
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    It is, but it will not be set to 8 unless they change it.
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