Originating from
This Thread, here i have a new version of the Smoker Cloud Damage Plugin that shouldn't suffer from vocalize hook inacurateness.
A big Thanks to strontiumdogs
Gas Plugin whose code was very helpful
It hooks a Smokers Demise and creates a periodic Function, which hurts all Survivors in set radius, for a variable time after.
When damage is dealt, the Survivor gets a customizable Sound Effect, a HUD Damage notification and a written Hint above his crosshair that he's in fact suffering from standing in a Smoker Cloud.
Damage is scored correctly for the inflicting Smoker.
l4d_cloud_damage_enabled (default 1)
l4d_cloud_damage_damage (default 2) - Damage dealt every 2 seconds
l4d_cloud_damage_time (default 17) - how long the damage effect persists
l4d_cloud_damage_radius (default 250) - how wide the damage area is
l4d_cloud_damage_sound (default player/survivor/voice/choke_5.wav) - link to the soundfile. You may only use those supplied with l4d
l4d_cloud_meleeslow_enabled (default 1) - Being in a smoker cloud causes Melee Fatigue
l4d_cloud_message_enabled (default 1) - 0 means disabled, 1 means small HUD Hint, 2 means big HUD Hint, 3 equals a Chat Notification to the victim
l4d_cloud_shake_enabled (default 1) - adds a dizzying HUD shake effect when coughing
l4d_cloud_blocks_revive (default 0) - setting to stop reviving in a cloud
l4d_cloud_gamemodesactive (default "versus,teamversus,realism") - Set the gamemodes for which the plugin should be activated (same usage as sv_gametypes, i.e. add all game modes where you want it active separated by comma)
Version History
1.0 - Initial Release, bet i forgot something
1.1 - Fixed Temp Damage Calculation and premature Handle Killing on Bot Disconnect
1.2 - Reverted to point_hurt instead of an SDK call for HUD damage display
1.3 - Fixed missing coughing effect and "Killed.." messages for real, improved damage accuracy
1.4 - Added Melee Fatigue effect (can be turned on/off)
1.5 - Hopefully Fixed Bot Console error Messages, added message CVAR, slightly changed message
1.6 - fixed another Bot Console error Message
1.7 - another console flodder cleanup
1.8 - added CVAR and function for Revive Blocking Toggle
1.9 - fixed Ghost Death Exploit, changed some default values.
2.0 - fixed shitty Valve L4D Ghost coding Exploit .. again
2.1 - added HUD shake effect, code optimizations
2.11 - readjusted damage functions
2.12 - small bugfix for L4D2 Hooksound "Array error" logs
2.13 - bugfix concerning not applying "Shake" on L4D2
2.14 - more notification options
2.15 - code overhaul, now scores damage for Smoker, removed revive blocking convar
2.16 - readded revive blocking

2.17 - 0.1 second fixes -.-
2.18 - added raytracing check
2.19 - added gamemode convar
2.20 - fixed gamemode convar to actually work
2.21 - small fix to changing gamemodes not being recognized
2.22 - small fix to last gamemode in gamemode convar being ignored