First of all, the actual respawn code is all
doku's. I tried a different approach, removing the CHEAT flag from the respawn command at first, but that seems impossible .. so i just made a wraparound for his solution.
This doesnt revive automatically but gives admins a [sm_respawn <name1> <name2> ...] command to revive any number of Survivors with. For example, if some griefer got in, jumped off a cliff and disconnected. After Resurrection they are teleported to the admin cursor, just like for z_spawn. [Using
FuncommandsX Teleport Code]
If you want this in your sm_admin menu, add something like this to your addons/sourcemod/configs/adminmenu_custom.cfg
"Respawn Survivor"
"cmd" "sm_respawn #1"
"admin" "sm_kick"
"execute" "player"
"type" "player"
"method" "name"
"title" "Player:"
1.0 - Initial Release
1.1 - Integrated Teleport code from
FuncommandsX Plugin
1.2 - swapped from silent sv_cheats 1 and respawn to SDK method
1.3 - removed the need for a gamedata file
1.4 - fixed Linux Offset, thanks to BAILOPAN and BertieB
1.5 - now gives respawned Survivors a Medkit and a SMG
1.6 - self-respawning doesnt teleport anymore, both gamedata file or autodetection now valid.
1.7 - removed autodetection code since the update broke it
1.8 - made KAC compatible, added ivailosps Infected Respawn code
x.x - fixed gamedata file to comply with The Passing Update, redownload it
1.9 - overhauled Plugin to use Signature instead of Offset, wont break even on major patches

1.9.2 - Unneeded Signature errors for L4D1 wont log anymore
1.9.3 - you now (Survivor-)respawn yourself at where you look instead of in the Saferoom
Put the .smx into your sourcemod/plugins folder
Put the .txt into your sourcemod/gamedata folder