This plugin works for any game, if not leave me a message!
Play sound files, execute commands and print messages, at a given time.
Supports colors and token replacements for dynamic sounds, commands and chat messages.
You can continue to read the details:
Play sounds at a given time:
When 60 seconds are remaining on the map, everyone hears: "<bell-sound> 60 seconds remaining"
A countdown for the bomb in CSS:"5..4..3..2..1..", then the bomb explodes
A countdown for the current round, in round based games, can be:"3..2..1..", then a team wins.
Execute commands at a given time:
Every time the last 60 seconds has been reached of a map you could start a vote.
Change the map if it hasn't end after 60 minutes.
Chat messages:
Print chat messages at a given time:
Every time when 60 seconds are remaining in the round print:"Chanz, you play on 'Brotcrunshers Server' the next map will be 'de_dust' in 4:36".
Please read the 5 latest posts from other users within this thread.
Post within this thread and try to add the following information, it makes it much easier for me to help you and speeds it up:
What game are you running the plugin on. (CSS, HL2DM, TF2, etc...)
What the problem is:
The server is crashing, lagging, etc.
The plugin isn't loading.
The plugin isn't working right. (mostly you set one of the configuration variables wrong, please be sure to read it again but don't be scared, just ask if something is unclear and I try to explain and add a better description to this post).
What the server console prints, when you type the following into it without "" (if you can't access the server console directly use HLSW):
"meta list"
"sm plugins list"
"sm exts list"
Attach/upload your config file with your post.
Search the latest error log (<moddir>/addons/sourcemod/logs/error_xxxxxx.log) that contains an error about this plugin.
Removed in config file, subtraction times between sounds, which were there to compensate the lack of the tag lib to return the sound length in milliseconds.
Fixed typo in the config file.
Fixed issue that the map time (plugin worked only when it was loaded late)
Fixed issue that sounds won't trigger when used with type 3, 5, 6 & 7 (combination of 1, 2 & 4).
Might be fixed that chat messages appear 2 times instead of one.
Internal release to test things on a long term basis.
Fixed that a draw round causes the round timer to be started a second time.
Fixed bad english its not enemys it is enemies!
Removed some actions in default.conf, since it was too annoying.
Fixed map time didn't reset to the real value after a map change.
Known issue: Double messages when the plugin writes into chat.
v2.6 !Complete code rewritten!
Added new config system with the config extension.
Added precise sound, command and chat message management, with token support.
Fixed sounds being played two times instead of one.
Added: If all players on the server are in one team, round mode is automaticly disabled, since the round time will reach 0:00 but the round will continue, so the real end is the map time.
Added: If someone planted the bomb the bomb time will be counted down (and the round time or map time is not important any more).
Added a small check: even if sm_timeleftvoice_play_rounds is 1 and the mod does it not support the timeleft voice will still play.
Fixed dir/file not found bug.
Added fail save path handling.
Fixed support for round-based games/mod (tested with CSS).
Added more sound themes (fvox_german, vox, ts2announcer & unreal)
Added the convar: sm_timeleftvoice_enable.
Fixed download from server for clients.
Added Support for round-based games/mods (sm_timeleftvoice_rounds)
// This file was auto-generated by SourceMod // ConVars for plugin "time-left-actions.smx"
// Filename of the action config to use (located in <moddir>/addons/sourcemod/configs/time-left-actions/) // - // Default: "default.conf" time-left-actions_config_name "default.conf"
// Enables or Disables this plugin (1=Enable|0=Disable) // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" time-left-actions_enable "1"
{RATE} (value of client's rate var)
{ALIVE_TEAMMATES} (how many teammates are alive)
{DEAD_TEAMMATES} (how many teammates are dead)
{ALIVE_ENEMIES} (how many enemies are alive)
{DEAD_ENEMIES} (how many enemies are dead)
{TEAM} ('TERRORIST', 'CT', ...)
{TEAM_COLOR} (will be replaced with {R} or {B})
{ENEMY_TEAM_COLOR} (will be replaced with {R} or {B})
Info about the server:
{SERVER_NAME} (server hostname)
{L4D_GAMEMODE} (current game mode string on l4d and l4d2)
Thank you Berni for fixing the Sound Lib, its really great!
Thank you Brotcrunsher for allowing public testing.
Thank you psychonic for the token idea.
Duplicate the default.conf (in <moddir>/addons/sourcemod/configs/time-left-actions/) and rename it into your community name (ex: chanz-community.conf).
Navigate to <moddir>/cfg/sourcemod/ and open plugin.timeleftactions.cfg, change sm_timeleftactions_config_name to the new file you created in this example it would be "chanz-community.conf"
OPTIONAL: When you like to use your own custom sounds:
Upload those into a new folder: <moddir>/sound/timeleft/<your-community-name>/
Duplicate the default.conf and rename it into your community name (ex: chanz-community.conf).
Open the duplicate of default.conf, in this example it is chanz-community.conf and exchange all sound paths with the ones you uploaded.
Navigate to <moddir>/cfg/sourcemod/ and open plugin.timeleftactions.cfg, change sm_timeleftactions_config_name to the new file you created in this example it would be "chanz-community.conf"
Updating from Timeleft Voice v1.X.X:
When updating from Timeleft Voice v1.X.X, be sure to delete the timeleftvoice.smx and plugin.timeleftvoice.cfg file also you may want to remove the timeleft folder in you sound folder, be sure to backup your custom sounds!
Updating v2.X:
Extract the zip into your mod folder, but don't overwrite your plugin.timeleftactions.cfg, if you did so, you may want to change sm_timeleftactions_config_name.
I'm using the basetriggers.phrases so the translation file is already within soucemod.
This is right now only for the text message "[SM] Time remaining on map: xxx"
I'll add the translation support for the sound files and a bit more soon.
btw. is there a way to use personal download table? So I like to give support for multi-language sound files but I don't want that everyone has to download them.
Last edited by Chanz; 06-08-2009 at 15:20.
Reason: making sure noone misunderstands anymore
btw. is there a way to use personal download table? So not everyone needs to download all languages but only the files for their own language?
Sorry, is it necessary for players to download language files for server side printing?
As I know, sourcemod should be able to distinguish client language configuration and print back the corresponding UI language to player if there exists the language file. And all the files need only to be stored on server side.
Sorry, is it necessary for players to download language files for server side printing?
As I know, sourcemod should be able to distinguish client language configuration and print back the corresponding UI language to player if there exists the language file. And all the files need only to be stored on server side.
ups I mean the sound files. But your right the translation phrases are only stored on server side...
The plugin information bar is missing at the top of your topic, until a moderator restores that and you fill in the required information it cannot be approved.