You may already known a plugin called Build_Enabler which removed cheat flag of these commands required to spawn item
This plugin also allow you build item without cheat enable
Instead of override system command like Build_Enabler did, my plugin implemented all the function in new console command, so you won't encounter potential plugin conflict
Additionally, I made the new spawn item command more flexible to use( e.g. a well placed stairs just in front of you and ready to be climbed / a sand bag corner shields you in perfect angle right after spawned )
Beside general prop_dynamic/prop_physics item, this plugin also support spawn some kind of interactivable item, like the ammo stack, iron door, minigun( love spawnminigun.smx? then try this one)
And more will be added in future version
leftfortdead_rotate --------------- just like ent_rotate, a self made version
leftfortdead_remove --------------just like ent_remove, but won't delete players by accident
leftfortdead_spawnitem <d|p> <a|i> "*.mdl" [-1|1]
d: spawn as prop_dynamic
p: spawn as prop_physics
a: spawn at where you aim( just like prop_dynamic_create)
i: spawn in front of you
*.mdl: just go for a prop list and find something interesting
-1: align the angle of spawned item and show its back to you
1: same as above, but show the front to you
without[-1:1]: item will aligned in default angle(similar to prop_dynamic_create)
leftfortdead_spawnminigun ---------------spawn a minigun at where you aim, aligned to your view direction
can be properly rotated by leftfortdead_rotate
leftfortdead_spawnammostack --------------spawn ammo supply at where you aim
model will randomly chose between ammostack and coffee ammo
leftfortdead_spawnirondoor -----------------spawn an iron door(unbreakable saferoom door) at where you aim
the door will face you when spawned, unless you spawn it on wall
the door will be automatically placed perpendicular to wall, and will align its bottom to floor or top to ceiling
leftfortdead_version ------------------version of this plugin
leftfortdead_enabled -----------------set to 1 will enable all other command, default value is 0, means disabled
leftfortdead_adminonly ------------------ set to 1 will only allow admin use all the command, default value is 1, means anyone in game can use the commands
I uploaded a Sample RadialMenu.txt, you can add it to your Radial Menu or create a custom one with anything you want to quickly spawn
Sorry I didn't publish version 1.0 here, it is published somewhere else and was in other language
removed all overrided command, implemented everything needed in new command
added command: leftfortdead_rotate, just like ent_rotate
added command: leftfortdead_spawnirondoor, spawn a interactivable door
added command: leftfortdead_spawnitem to replace the overrided prop_dynamic_create and prop_physics_create, provide more parameters
added cvar: leftfortdead_enabled
support singleplayer mode and game hosted with "map" command
change default value of adminonly cvar to 0
Initial release
Last edited by asherkin; 05-06-2011 at 11:31.
Reason: Removed compiled SMX.