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I will code a plugin request for a sourcemod donation

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Old 10-07-2008 , 01:52   I will code a plugin request for a sourcemod donation
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Honestly, with the amount of coders compared to the amount of people requesting plugins, especially ones that are so specific that no one else would probably run it, the chances of it getting made for free are slim to none. Most coders charge 30-50$ an hour minimum.

So I will code plugin requests if you will make a donation to Sourcemod. Theres no set amount, just dont ask me to write a 5000 line plugin and expect to donate a dollar. I have my own personal projects, and I also do paid projects, so I won't take every job put here. However, if you will make a fair donation to the allied modders team, I will gladly write the plugin for you.
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Old 10-07-2008 , 02:45   Re: I will code a plugin request for a sourcemod donation
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sounds good
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Caught off Guard
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Old 10-07-2008 , 10:30   Re: I will code a plugin request for a sourcemod donation
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i have an idea for a plugin for Insurgency.

It would be a similar idea to the already in game command options (attack objective alpha, flank left etc).

Id like admins to be able to command all their team to give them a simple order. currently the ingame as squad leaders which means squads cant interact with their orders.

simple part would be the commander giving orders to all in the team. Advanced would be giving orders to squad leaders (as defined by the game itself) or to the whole team.

This message should be displayed in a message box (probably on the middle left of the screen) which automatically disappears after a period of time.

commands would need to be

*Capture options:
objective Alpha
objective Bravo
objective Charlie
objective Delta
objective Echo
*Reinforce options:
objective Alpha
objective Bravo
objective Charlie
objective Delta
objective Echo
* flank left
* flank right
* push forward
* retreat and regroup

Really thought about this off the top of my head in response to your post so not an essential plugin but could be quite nice. thoughts?
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Old 10-07-2008 , 10:38   Re: I will code a plugin request for a sourcemod donation
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I would love to see a multi weapons plugin for CS:S. A cvar where you can enable/disable it. I don't know anything about coding, so I don't know how may lines it would take you. However, I will glady make a donation to Sourcemod, and you and I can even come to an agreement on the amount. Let me know, I'm dieing to have multiweapons.....WOOT!!!

Last edited by !NC!Furious; 10-07-2008 at 11:10.
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Old 10-07-2008 , 11:44   Re: I will code a plugin request for a sourcemod donation
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Originally Posted by CrimsonGT View Post
Honestly, with the amount of coders compared to the amount of people requesting plugins, especially ones that are so specific that no one else would probably run it, the chances of it getting made for free are slim to none. Most coders charge 30-50$ an hour minimum.

So I will code plugin requests if you will make a donation to Sourcemod. Theres no set amount, just dont ask me to write a 5000 line plugin and expect to donate a dollar. I have my own personal projects, and I also do paid projects, so I won't take every job put here. However, if you will make a fair donation to the allied modders team, I will gladly write the plugin for you.
Basically that's a good idea and I'd jump in as soon as DoD: Source
plugins re requested, BUT there's still some problems:

- How do you want to control if the user really donated the agreed amount of money and if he did it at all?

- If you charge money for your work, no matter if for you or for the SourceMod project, you're kind of responable for the work you've done,
so please take into account that you have to change one plugin 10 times
as it's still not fitting to what the donator wants.
That's positive on "free coding", the person your doing it for has to be kind of happy with what they get even if it's not 100%ly what they wanted.

- I'd wait for Bailopan's thoughts on that before starting those offers as it may still be the case that he wouldn't be happy with that even if it could
lower the amount of money that he has to spend on this project from his own money.

- You'd need a subforum for that and you'd need to be able to have
some moderation rights in it, a single post for all requests will fill up
completely within a few days and you'll lose track.

Like I said, I'd be up for that as well for DoD: Source plugins and it's
a good idea, you/we just have to eleminate some problems and get
the OK of Bailopan. Maybe he's in a good mood and splashes out
an own subforum for that, maybe he doesn't like the idea, we will see.

Where's the promised "support" button on SourceMod.net????
I have money to spread before my girlfirend uses it all up!
(I hope she never reads this, else I'm dead )
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Old 10-07-2008 , 16:08   Re: I will code a plugin request for a sourcemod donation
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how about posting a receipt that you paid, or an integrated feature on our profiles that say how much we've donated and when.
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Old 10-07-2008 , 16:38   Re: I will code a plugin request for a sourcemod donation
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lol im not really concerned about the money. I just really appreciate the work Bailopan, predcrab, and the rest of the Sourcemod team put into this project, and while I cant really afford to donate money right now, I figured I can donate my time instead.

Caught Off Guard: I have never played Insurgency, I can look into it, but its hard coding for a game when you have no idea how it works.

FeuerStorm: I have no problems changing something for someone and updating it if there are bugs, or until they are happy with it. I dont plan on writing a ranks system, or a complete game changing mod. Most of the plugins requested on this forum aren't very hard at all, there are just so many that we cant really get around to making them all.

Also, im not looking to make anyone go broke. In most cases I probably wont even ask how much they donated, just that they donate what the plugin is worth to them.

!NC!Furious: You mean you want a cvar for each weapon in CSS that you can use to enable/disable the weapons in game? Im pretty sure theres already a plugin like that, but if not I have no problems doing that.

Abelp: I think Bailopan is integrating the donation system, but either way it doesnt really matter. Im just asking people be fair and donate to help keep sourcemod going.
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Caught off Guard
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Old 10-08-2008 , 03:55   Re: I will code a plugin request for a sourcemod donation
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Originally Posted by CrimsonGT View Post
Caught Off Guard: I have never played Insurgency, I can look into it, but its hard coding for a game when you have no idea how it works.
ok mate, no worries
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Old 10-08-2008 , 12:44   Re: I will code a plugin request for a sourcemod donation
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Originally Posted by CrimsonGT View Post
lol im not really concerned about the money. I just really appreciate the work Bailopan, predcrab, and the rest of the Sourcemod team put into this project, and while I cant really afford to donate money right now, I figured I can donate my time instead.

FeuerStorm: I have no problems changing something for someone and updating it if there are bugs, or until they are happy with it. I dont plan on writing a ranks system, or a complete game changing mod. Most of the plugins requested on this forum aren't very hard at all, there are just so many that we cant really get around to making them all.

Also, im not looking to make anyone go broke. In most cases I probably wont even ask how much they donated, just that they donate what the plugin is worth to them.
Ok, there's a list on SourceMod.net now that shows who donated and how much, so one problem less, but what about the rest of the problems like
having an area for that "project"?
There's a private "Donor Access" subforum, but if you don't donate, you
won't get in there either, so how are you planning to not lose track
of requests that are posted in the public area?

I could install some kind of plugin request forum or website dialog on
my webserver, but that would completely be off track as I think
it has to be done here (somewhere)

Anyways, still a good idea with some barriers!

/* Just a thought:
Maybe Bailopan could "backup" a team of SM scripters with subforum and kind of "authorizes" them to officially fulfill plugin requests in exchange for a donation to SM that fits to the work the plugin needs. */

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Old 10-08-2008 , 16:39   Re: I will code a plugin request for a sourcemod donation
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CrimsonGT: What I'm wishing for is a plugin that allows the players to carry/use multiple weapons like the old BMX mod. Example...I join Ct/T in CS:Source, I want to be able to buy 2 primary weapons, 2 secondary weapons (multi weapons).

As for the enable/disable, I mean be able to use a cvar to enable or disable multiweapons on the server.
Example cvar: sm_multiweapons 1/0 to enable/disable the plugin.

Hope this helps, and I appreciate the response. Let me know if this can happen. I know in Half Life 2 you can have multiple primary weapons, but I don't know if its possible to make that happen in CS:Source. I'm praying it is.

EDIT: Reading FeurerSturm's previous post, I would be glad to donate web space to start something up with this. I have plenty of space. I would be glad to help any way I can, as well as donate for the plugin.


Last edited by !NC!Furious; 10-08-2008 at 16:42.
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