TF2 Respawn System - by WoZeR
This plugin provides the ability for server administrators to control each teams respawn time per a map or globally. Respect the sv_tags system and label your hostname correctly to show you have modified spawn times.
The plugin requires 1.0.2 or higher.
sm_respawn_time_enabled -
Default 1 -
Enable or disable the plugin 1=On, 0=Off
sm_respawn_time_blue -
Default 10.0 -
Respawn time for Blue team
sm_respawn_time_red -
Default 10.0 -
Respawn time for Red team
Best method of configuring the plugin:
Configure the default settings you wish to have on your server by placing the 3 cvars in your server.cfg with your defined default settings.
Here comes the best part of the plugin. In your \orangebox\tf\cfg\ directory create a cfg file that is the same name as your map. Here you can now place the 3 cvars there to control specific spawn times for each map. For an example:
sm_respawn_time_enabled "1"
sm_respawn_time_blue "3.0" //Attackers
sm_respawn_time_red "8.0" //Defenders
The red team now spawns in 8 seconds while the attacking blue team spawns in 3 seconds.
Best Settings To Start With:
Here is a good rule to follow when you want to change spawn times.
Both teams are attacking for the same cap points or CTF = 8 to 10 seconds
One Team is attacking and the other is defending = Attacking team 3 to 5 seconds, Defending team 10 to 12 seconds.
Maps where the cap point is 3 inches from their spawn = Attacking 3 seconds, Defending 14 seconds
Current Issues:
None - All fixed
1.0.0 - Initial Release
1.0.1 - Replaced PrintToChat() with PrintHintText(). This give a cleaner look when spawning instead of spamming chat.
1.0.2 - Added a check for IsClientConnected(client), and uploaded the compiled smx
1.0.3 - HUD timer now gets updated to guess spawn times. You can now exceed map spawn times. If a map forces spawns to be 10 seconds you can now set them to 30 seconds.
1.0.4 - Fixed a bug with setting respawn time 6 seconds and below causing instant spawn.
1.0.5 - Fixed a bug that allowed the timer to spawn a player across rounds. Thanks to Downtown1
1.0.6 - Fixed a bug that allowed a player to exploit the spawn system by spawning on a non default team. Thanks to
Kevin_b_er and
1.0.7 - Added
SaberUK patch code to fix an issue with death messages as a spy.
1.0.8 - Added
gH0sTy's sv_tag fixes. This should allow the plugin to be approved again. Thanks! 4/5/13