SourceMod Developer
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Server Management
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Plugin Description:
Take client feedback and store it in a SQL database.
, 07:25
SQL Feedback
SQL Feedback
Take client feedback on the server/current map and store it in a SQL database.
feedback <text> - Logs feedback info into the SQL database.
- Download sqlfeedback.smx file to your ~/addons/sourcemod/plugins folder.
- Make sure you have an active SQL server running, and have configured the "default" connection properly.
Notes:- A client can only use the 'feedback' command once per 5 seconds (to avoid spamming).
- The command must be issued via console.
- When a client sends feedback to the server, their name, steamid, the current map (if applicable), the time, and their feedback are all stored on the appropriate table.
- There is one MySQL table that records the client's feedback, their steamid, the current map, the date, the game's folder name, and the server ip/port that they're connected to.
Changelog:- 1.0.0
- 1.0.1
- Quotes in client's names and in feedback are now properly handled.
- If the query fails, the plugin will no longer try to close that query's handle.
- 1.1.0
- Changed the command's usage to just "feedback <text>" instead of having to specify "server" or "map" as the first param.
- Removed usage of the 'feedback_server' table.
- Renamed the 'feedback_map' table to just 'feedback'.
- The table is automatically created by the plugin now (if it doesn't already exist).
- Fixed a bug where users couldn't send feedback on the next map if they sent feedback within 5 seconds of a map change.
- Removed unnecessary coding and optimized the plugin a bit.
- 1.2.0
- Added logging of the server ip and port, and the game's name.
- If you're updating from v1.1.0, check out this post for proper update instructions.
Last edited by bl4nk; 10-26-2010 at 15:59.