Plugin Info:
Modification: ALL
Category: Server Management
Approver: Hawk552 (427)
Veteran Member
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Bavaria, Germany
, 22:16
HLTV Report (v1.1.1)
HLTV Report
Current Version: 1.1.1
Description:Record Demos with a rcon controlled HLTV server. Features:- HLTV server only connected when recording a demo
- started by say command or menu.
- menu to choose the player you want to report, and the reason why.
- all actions will be stored to a simple logfile, and optional in a mysql database.
- simple web part to show and download the demos and status changing added
- automatic steambans support (sb_status will be executed every 120 sec. while recording)
- hostname from HLTV server randomly changed (from hltv_names.cfg)
- if reported player leaves server, hltv stops
Required:- Socket Module
- SQL Module (optional)
- working 1.6 server with at least amxmodx 1.8 (1.76 still work since 0.99RC2)
- running HLTV Server
- MySQL Server (at least v4.1!)
Installation:- all .cfg files goes to /configs/hltv_report/
- hltv_report.amxx goes to /plugins/
- hltv_report.txt goes do /data/lang/
- see #define´s and change to your needs
- open /configs/hltv_report/sql.cfg and edit your sql settings (if not exists, default sql settings will be loaded) Set up your HLTV server:this cvars needed for work (goes in your hltv.cfg, if don´t exist, create it):- adminpassword <pw> - the “rcon” password from your hltv server Other interesting cvars:- maxclients <n> - set spectator number limit for this proxy (default 120 )
- spectatorpassword <pw> - “sv_password” for your hltv
Any other hltv-cvars not needed for working, so change to whatever you want.
Start your HLTV server, example linux:
./hltv -ip -port 27050
Would start your hltv with ip and port 27050 Settings:main.cfg:hlr_hltv_ip <ip> - ip from the hltv-server
hlr_hltv_port <port> - port from the hltv-server
hlr_hltv_rectime <n> - how long should the demo be recorded (seconds)
hlr_hltv_rconpw <pw> - rcon-password (adminpassword) from the hltv-server
hlr_hltv_delay <n> - delay for hltv-server, should be "0"
hlr_immunity <1|0> - hide admins from report menu
hlr_reason_menu <1|0> - use ban reason menu?
hlr_ban_after <1|0> - ban reportet player after recording?
hlr_ban_time <n> - ban time (if hlr_ban_after "1"), 0 = permanent, amxbans supported
hlr_ban_reason <reason> - default ban reason (if hlr_reason_menu "0")
hlr_steambans_cmd <cmd> - command to execute for steambans demo
hlr_use_hud <1|0> - hud shows recordtime remaining to reporter
hlr_debug <1|0> - lot of debug messages and you can report yourself ;)
sql.cfg:hlr_sql_host <ip> - sql ip
hlr_sql_user <user> - sql username
hlr_sql_pass <pw> - sql password
hlr_sql_db <db> - sql database name
hlr_sql_table <table> - sql table name
hlr_sql_link <url> - offset link to your HLTV cstrike folder
hlr_server_alias <alias> - alias name from your server, saved to database (ex.”Fun#1”)
hltv_names.cfg:Here you can save your hltv names (shown in scoreboard), plugin will pick a name randomly.
One name per line, default max. 10 names. See defines.
allowed_user.cfg:Here you can save steamid´s from non admins, who are allowed to use the system. One steam per line, default max. 64. See defines.
defines:HLTV_IP <ip> - default HLTV Server values EXTERNAL IP!!
HLTV_PORT <port>
HLTV_RECTIME <n> - record time (default: 120sec)
HLTV_DELAY <n> - should be 0 for working demo-link
HLTV_RCONPW <pw> - "adminpassword" from hltv
HLTV_NAME <name> - default HLTV connect name
HLTV_MAX_NAMES <n> - max HLTV names in hltv_names.cfg
USE_RECTIME_MENU - menu to choose the record time
ADMIN <flag> - admin flag for console / menu command
SAYCOMMAND - allow say-command "/cheater"
SAYADMIN <flag> - admin flag for say command (0 for all)
MAX_ALLOWED_USERS <n> - max users from allowed_user.cfg (default 64)
REPORT_FILE <file> - log for reporting players, located to /logs/
USE_SQL - save recorded data to database, for use with php
REASONS_ARRAY <{…,…}> - report reasons in menu
RECTIME_ARRAY <{…,…}> - rec time values in menu
Credits:- arCanuM: beta testing
- Hawk552: sqlx tut (
- Mordekay: steambans idea and help
- AMXX Team: for AmxModX ;-)
- slmclarengt: help with windows fix
Changelog:- v1.0.0: 1st release
- v1.0.1: fixed: SAYADMIN ADMIN_ALL not working
- v1.1.0: fixed: now works on win too (thx slmclarengt)
- v1.1.1: fixed: bug if debugmode is on (thx hasta), configs pack (path now right)
ToDo:- allow non admins with saved steamid to use the plugin (DONE) FAQ:Q: Where I can find the recorded demos?
A: They will be saved in the /cstrike/ folder from your HLTV server
Q: Can I use this demos for steambans?
A: Yes, if your server runs steambans, “sb_status” will be executed every 120sec. If not, only “status” will be sent.
Q: My server is full, the HLTV server can´t connect.
A: Add your HLTV server to your admin list, with access “ab” (by IP)
Q: I often change sv_password on my game server, is this a problem for the HLTV?
A: No, plugin is detecting sv_password.
Notes:please help translating:
example from web part:
The End:currently it runs on my 2 servers without problems since a few month.
feel free helping me optimizing the code.
the added webpart is only a simple example, how you can use this on your hp.
a new webpart is currently at work who can access your demos through ftp.
see updated webpart link.
There are only 10 types of people in the world:
Those who understand binary, and those who don´t.
Last edited by |PJ| Shorty; 05-12-2008 at 08:19.
Reason: update to v1.1.1, description, configs