SM CS:S KillStats Mod
Current Version: 1.1.1
Invalid memory issues should be fixed in the (recompiled) uploaded version now - thanks to bail for fixing!
Shows the player how they did during the round, including kills/deaths/damage dealt/damage received/hits/body parts hit/weapons/distance/health remaining of attacker. Can be shown in chat or menu format. Players can choose how they wish to see it and server admins have great control over how they wish to display menus/chat messages.
* Screen is shown upon player death or round end, whichever comes first or by invoking !killstats or !damage (or /killstats and /damage).
* Players can set preferences with !killstatsoptions or /killstatsoptions (which pops up automatically the first time)
* Can be configured through translations / cvars to great extent
* Can be shown in chat or menus
* Stores player preferences
* Distance shown in feet/meters
German - Thanks to -<[PAGC]>- Isias!
Russian - Thanks to FroL!
French - Thanks to HO!NO!
Current Changes (see ChangeLog.txt for full revision history):
1.1.1: Fixed a bug where health remaining would not be shown for disconnected players
1.1: Major Update (around ~1000 lines of code added)
Added weapons
Added body parts
Added support for multiple panels (512 byte max per page) - this was a huge change/bugfix and previously the information would be trimmed
Split translations into multiple files
Updated Translations
Removed translation of version description - seems to be causing issues with plugin count
Added sm_killstats_combine_damage
Added sm_killstats_show_death_mark
Added sm_killstats_show_body_hits
Added sm_killstats_show_weapon_used
Added sm_killstats_show_empty_menus
Added sm_killstats_max_panel_width
Added sm_killstats_restart_numbering
Planned Features:
* Showing previous round
* Deathmatch
* Update KillStats Config.txt to account for current changes
* Rework !killstatsoptions panel (probably make a single screen menu)
* Continuing to work towards making sure this does not interfere with other mods
* Round end "most damage" type stats
* Would like store kpd and dd/dr for the session in addition to just the round - depends upon interest and time
* Collecting stats
~ New CVar's ~
sm_killstats_show_body_hits - whether to show body hits. 0=None, 1=All (1 headshot, 1 chest, 2 left leg, etc), 2=Headshots only (2 headshots)
sm_killstats_show_weapon_used - whether to show the weapon used in the kill
sm_killstats_show_distance - whether to show the distance the kill was made from
sm_killstats_combine_damage - whether to combine everything into 2 sections in the menus instead of 4. Rather than having Kills/Killed By/Damage Done/Damage Taken, enabling this will only show Damage Done/Damage Taken, show the kills above damage and denote the kills with *.
sm_killstats_show_death_mark - whether you want to see * next to kills in the menus. Automatically enabled if combine_damage is enabled.
sm_killstats_show_empty_menus - Whether to empty menu items. If disabled, it will hide items like "Killed By" with "None" if the player does not die.
sm_killstats_max_panel_width - how wide the killstats panel will be when shown. Valid between 30 and 128. Defaults to 100.
sm_killstats_restart_numbering - whether to restart the number on each page when there is more than 1 page. If enabled, every page will start with "1". If disabled, something like Damage Done would be "3" by default (assuming display order is not changed).
sm_killstats_version: The version number
sm_killstats_enable: Enables the plugin
sm_killstats_enabled_by_default: Whether users connecting will have killstats enabled (1) or disabled (0) by default
sm_killstats_unit_of_measure: 1=feet, 2=meters
sm_killstats_new_player_options: Any player who hasn't been saved to the database will get the killstatsoptions menu when they connect
sm_killstats_show_startup_help: Whether to display the "Type !killstats" and "Type !killstatsoptions" messages
sm_killstats_death_time: How long to display the stats by default after someone dies
sm_killstats_round_end_time: How long to display the stats by default after the round ends (some player like this shorter)
sm_killstats_view_time: How long to display the stats when someone uses !killstats or !killstatsoptions to view
sm_killstats_show_on_teamkill: Whether killstats should be shown when you were killed by a teammate (disabling will hopefully help with ATAC).
sm_killstats_default_show_in_chat: Whether killstats should be displayed in chat by default
sm_killstats_default_show_in_menu: Whether killstats should be displayed in a menu by default
sm_killstats_chat_display_order: Order in chat to display Kills/Deaths/Damage Done/Damage Received (1234 would be this order, 4321 would be reverse, etc). Be careful with this. Putting something like 2200 for example would show killed by twice and nothing else. Only 1-4 are currently valid values. 1=Kills, 2=Killed By, 3=Damage Done, 4=Damage Taken.
sm_killstats_menu_display_order: Same as chat display order, but for menu.
sm_killstats_menu_show_killed: Show/hide this field for all players using menus.
sm_killstats_menu_show_killed_by: Show/hide this field for all players using menus.
sm_killstats_menu_show_damage_done: Show/hide this field for all players using menus.
sm_killstats_menu_show_damage_taken: Show/hide this field for all players using menus.
sm_killstats_chat_show_killed: Show/hide this field for all players using chat.
sm_killstats_chat_show_killed_by: Show/hide this field for all players using chat.
sm_killstats_chat_show_damage_done: Show/hide this field for all players using chat.
sm_killstats_chat_show_damage_taken: Show/hide this field for all players using chat.
!killstats - Shows the current statistics for this round
!damage - Same as !killstats
!killstatsoptions - Enable/Disable/View
- You will need to install sourcemod if you have not already done so.
- Transfer the "addons" directory from the file to your cstrike directory
Screenshots (V1.1):
Automatically paginates into multiple panels if the system can't display everything
Combined Menus (combines kills and damge into damage done and killed by and damage taken into damage taken - sm_killstats_combine_damage=1)
Simple Menus (sm_killstats_show_distance=0, sm_killstats_show_body_hits=0, sm_killstats_show_weapon_used=0)
Adjustable width panels (this is sm_killstats_max_panel_width=128 )
Display in chat
Simplified in chat (sm_killstats_show_distance=0, sm_killstats_show_body_hits=0, sm_killstats_show_weapon_used=0)
Player preference - display always, on death, at round end, or never?
Player preference - menu or chat?