Deathmatch Team Balancer v1.0.0.4
Simple team balancer plugin for CS:S Deathmatch (mp_autoteambalance breaks in Deathmatch)
Server Console Vars:
dmtb_enable "1" // Enable the Deathmatch Team Balancer
dmtb_checktime "30.0" // How often to check if the teams are balanced - min = 30 (30 seconds) max = 600 (10 mins)
dmtb_playerlimit "2" // How uneven the teams can get before getting balanced - Min = 1 Max = 32
dmtb_adminsimmune "1" // Enable admins immunity from getting switched 1 = on / 0 = off
dmtb.smx -> addons\sourcemod\plugins
dmtb.sp -> addons\sourcemod\scripting
plugin.dmtb.cfg -> cfg\sourcemod
Version History:
- Fixed a few bugs with GetUserAdmin
- Little less overhead on the code
- Fixed any possible bugs with MaxClients & the reserved slots plugin
- Added checks to swap dead players first
- Added an admin immunity option
- Reverted the previous change
- Fixed a small bug with the max clients checking
- Balance bug should finally be fixed - thanks to 1694 for the bug reports
- Few more checks added to the code
- Couple of internal code changes
Thanks to oxymoron for the main idea & all the diffrent code examples on the forums from various plugin authors
have fun dubbeh