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REQ: wincsx output to text file OR amxmodx doing same for stats

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Join Date: Mar 2006
Old 09-04-2006 , 18:36   REQ: wincsx output to text file OR amxmodx doing same for stats

Would someone PLEASE modify the wincsx.exe program to output all the stats information to a delimited text file (ie comma delimited or some other character between fields). It is REALLY tediuos to go through hundreds of names looking at the stats one at a time. It would also be "nice" if wincsx would sort the names (or any field for that matter).

This (a comma delimited text file) would allow the stats info to be imported into other programs such as a database or spreadsheet and sorted etc. Another use would be to allow the data to be sorted and manipulated with standard unix tools (awk sed grep sort etc) without the overhead /burdon of psychostats or one other stats manipulation programs.

A person could use the file for simple stats generation but in my case I want to sort the data based on specified criteria looking for potential hackers. You can actually catch some hacks/hackers based on the logs and statistics.

Here are some examples (names/id's changed)

This guy was banned for walling and an aimbot (visually and stats using wincsx):
Player1 Frags=105 Headshots=96 Deaths=15

This guy was banned for aimbot from stats:
Player2 Frags=107 Headshots=104 Deaths=1

I know this example has nothing to do with wincsx but I present it just to get you all thinking.
This guy was banned for speed hacking based on the logs (Hint: look at the times):
L0904051.log:L 09/04/2006 - 11:59:47: "Player<508><STEAM_ID><CT>" killed "enemy1<504><STEAM_ID><TERRORIST>" with "knife"
L0904051.log:L 09/04/2006 - 11:59:47: "Player<508><STEAM_ID><CT>" killed "enemy2<456><STEAM_ID><TERRORIST>" with "knife"
L0904051.log:L 09/04/2006 - 12:00:04: "Player<508><STEAM_ID><CT>" killed "enemy3<506><STEAM_ID><TERRORIST>" with "knife"
L0904051.log:L 09/04/2006 - 12:00:04: "Player<508><STEAM_ID><CT>" killed "enemy4<509><STEAM_ID><TERRORIST>" with "knife"
L0904051.log:L 09/04/2006 - 12:00:06: "Player<508><STEAM_ID><CT>" killed "enemy5<456><STEAM_ID><TERRORIST>" with "knife"
L0904051.log:L 09/04/2006 - 12:00:07: "Player<508><STEAM_ID><CT>" killed "enemy6<507><STEAM_ID><TERRORIST>" with "knife"

If this is unacceptable then how about at least releasing the source code.
As an alternative maybe the amxmodx can convert the stats file to a text file on command.
It already manipulates the stats binary dat file.
Keep the karma Give me carmel
jd91651 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2004
Old 09-04-2006 , 20:11   Re: REQ: wincsx output to text file OR amxmodx doing same for stats

The source code to this has been in SVN forever (/svnroot/amxmodx/dlls/csx/source/WinCSX).

Rather than write a program to address every user's separate needs, there's also an article on the wiki that describes how to write your own custom stats parser. There is an example in C# and in Perl:


The perl example is written such that you can just edit one section to output/filter the data.
BAILOPAN is offline
Join Date: Mar 2006
Old 09-04-2006 , 20:47   Re: REQ: wincsx output to text file OR amxmodx doing same for stats

thanks for the info I'll check it out.

On the source code issue.
I guess I don't understand what SVN is because I checked the base and cstriike downloads and the full installer and there are no folders below the dlls folder. I assume therefore that SVN means something else.
Keep the karma Give me carmel
jd91651 is offline
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Old 09-04-2006 , 20:55   Re: REQ: wincsx output to text file OR amxmodx doing same for stats


"AMX Mod X Source Code"
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Johnny got his gun
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Old 09-04-2006 , 20:57   Re: REQ: wincsx output to text file OR amxmodx doing same for stats

OK well I could write some generic thing then. For all platforms... Stay put.
Johnny got his gun is offline
Join Date: Mar 2006
Old 09-07-2006 , 21:32   Re: REQ: wincsx output to text file OR amxmodx doing same for stats

Originally Posted by Johnny got his gun View Post
OK well I could write some generic thing then. For all platforms... Stay put.
1st thanks for considering it.
FYI: I just discovered something that I wasn't aware of when I made this request. A COMMA delimited file will NOT WORK because a comma is a valid character in a players name.
The only keyboard character that WILL work is a TAB (not allowed in names)
SO if you do this Please make the field seperator a TAB
'course I guess you could offer a choice of several depending on how ppl intended to use the file. In my case I did some data tests with excel which is how I ran into the tab / comma issue.
In any case thanks again.
Keep the karma Give me carmel
jd91651 is offline
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Old 09-08-2006 , 03:57   Re: REQ: wincsx output to text file OR amxmodx doing same for stats

you can use commas if you have an intelligent parser. player names should be enclosed with quotes, and then you can simply ignore commas inside quoted expressions.

modifying the perl script in the wiki to do this would probably take about three minutes ;]
BAILOPAN is offline
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Old 09-08-2006 , 10:46   Re: REQ: wincsx output to text file OR amxmodx doing same for stats

Originally Posted by BAILOPAN View Post
you can use commas if you have an intelligent parser. player names should be enclosed with quotes, and then you can simply ignore commas inside quoted expressions.

modifying the perl script in the wiki to do this would probably take about three minutes ;]
Thanks for the update:
I posted my info about the tab because Johny Got His Gun posted:
"OK well I could write some generic thing then. For all platforms... Stay put."

Which implied to me he was considering taking on the task. I don't want him to waste his time doing one thing when another thing is required.
Keep the karma Give me carmel
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Johnny got his gun
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Old 09-08-2006 , 11:12   Re: REQ: wincsx output to text file OR amxmodx doing same for stats

Yeah well Bail is right, you'd probably get it done faster, easier, and more the way you want it if you just edit that Perl script yourself......
Johnny got his gun is offline

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