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DoD ClanMatch ML

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Plugin Info:     Modification:   Day of Defeat        Category:   Server Management        Approver:   Xanimos (85)
Join Date: Oct 2005
Old 05-29-2006 , 08:27   DoD ClanMatch ML
Reply With Quote #1

Hi all !
I worked on the dod_clanmatch plugin for change this on a multi-languages plugin and add more fun options.

All Infos :
// AMX Mod X Script
// Developed by The AMX Mod X DoD Community
// http://www.dodplugins.net
// Author: [RST] FireStorm + .:D.A.H:. R@F
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Require Modules :
Cvar Command :
// ======
// amx_dodmatchmenu = displays the DoD ClanMatch Menu
// (you can access all further commands
// and settings directly through the menu!)
// dod_cm_folder <folder> = sets folder with your configs (cvar!)
// (default is "dod_clanmatch", don't change this
// if you just want to use this plugin in one league!)
// dod_cm_sounds < 0 - 1 > To desable or enable dod_clanmatch sounds
// dod_cm_music < 0 - 1 > To desable or enable the music at the final show scores
// dod_cm_voice_fr < 0 - 1 > To desable or enable the traduction voice clan match (decompte,etc...)
// dod_cm_enablehltv < 0 - 1 > To desable or enable the hltv record
// dod_cm_hltvrcon < RCON_HLTV > the rcin in your hltv.cfg
// ============================================= ==================
// ============================================= ==================
// amx_setdodmatcha <map1> <map2> <mapmode> <time> <ff>
// <showtime> <showscore>
// amx_setdodmatchb <password> <servername> <clantag1> <clantag2>
// <readysig> <cancelsig> <matchresulttime>
// amx_loaddodmatch = loads basic match environment from file
// "dod_matchbase.cfg"
// amx_startdodmatch = starts the previous set match
// amx_stopdodmatch = aborts a running match
// amx_restartdodmatch = restarts the current round played
// amx_soundsdodmatch <0 , 1> = <Desable , Enable> sounds at start and stop the match
// <map1> = the first map to be played
// <map2> = the second map to be played
// <mapmode> = sets mode to play the maps:
// 1 only play each map once
// 2 play each map two times
// <time> = time in minutes to play each map
// <ff> = enable/disable FriendlyFire
// 1 FriendlyFire enabled
// 0 FriendlyFire disabled
// <showtime> = show time left to play
// 1 use a hud-message on roundstart
// 2 use chat text on roundstart
// 3 use a hud-message every minute
// 4 use chat text every minute
// 0 disabled
// <showscore> = show teams' scores
// 1 use a hud-message on roundstart
// 2 use chat text on roundstart
// 3 hud-message & total match score on roundstart
// 4 chat text & total match score on roundstart
// 5 hud-message & total match score every min
// 6 chat text & total match score every min
// 0 disabled
// <password> = sets password for the server
// <servername> = sets name for the server while the
// clanmatch is running. (use quotes)
// <clantag1> = sets clantag for the clan that will
// play Axis-Allies-Axis-Allies.
// (use quotes)
// <clantag2> = sets clantag for the clan that will
// play Allies-Axis-Allies-Axis.
// (use quotes)
// <readysig> = word to say to set "ready-status"
// <cancelsig> = word to say to revoke "ready-status"
// <matchresulttime> = sets the time in minutes for the map to
// display the ClanMatch Result Menus
Description :
// ============
// This is a plugin that a lot of DoD admins have been
// waiting for! - a working DoD ClanMatch plugin!
// Features are:
// - plugin hooks up with DoD's included ClanMatch features
// - completely menu-driven! all settings and commands can
// easiely acced by the "amx_dodmatchmenu"!
// - you can setup the whole match process before you start
// - you can setup two maps and decide whether to play them
// twice (so you can play axis and allies) or only once.
// - a list of available maps for the clanmatchmenu can be
// loaded from the file "dod_matchmaps.cfg" in your
// "dod_clanmatch" folder in your amxx configs folder.
// if it doesn't exist, the maps from your "mapcycle.txt"
// are used.
// - you can load match settings from "dod_matchbase.cfg" so
// you don't have to apply the settings in-game as the command
// gets longer and longer with every feature added.
// - you can set clantags for the teams which will be displayed
// in the results and all messages.
// - servername can be set and applied for the match
// - "WarmUp"-mode is running on each map and the set timelimit
// is applied after both teams are ready and the fight actually
// starts.
// - time remaining can be displayed each roundstart / each min
// - teams' scores can be displayed each roundstart / each min
// - map specific config files can be loaded for each map
// the filename has to be MAPNAME_match.cfg
// (i.e.: dod_kalt_match.cfg) and has to be placed into
// your "dod_clanmatch" folder in your amxx configs folder
// - file "dod_clanmatch.cfg" will be executed if it exists in
// your dod_clanmatch folder in you AMX Mod X configs folder
// when the match is running.
// (use that to set class limits)
// - file "dod_public.cfg" will be executed if it exists in
// your dod_clanmatch folder in you AMX Mod X configs folder
// when the match is finished.
// (use that to remove class limits)
// Furthermore your server.cfg and amxx.cfg is executed
// as well, so most of your standard settings are recovered
// after the match.
// - the result and match scoring details can be viewed after
// the match is over. people will automatically see them
// after they spawned. the password is still active and
// the map will run 5min, then it's all set to normal again.
// - a lot more!
All Changes Log :
// ==========
// - 20.02.2005 Version 0.4beta
// Initial Release
// - 21.02.2005 Version 0.5beta
// * fixed oversight that password
// wasn't set for the match and not
// removed again after the match
// - 21.02.2005 Version 0.6beta
// * added features:
// - the time in minutes remaining
// on the current map can be displayed
// on each roundstart
// - the teams' scores can be displayed
// on each roudstart
// * Note:
// the command usage changed, be sure
// to review it!
// - 21.02.2005 Version 0.7beta
// * added feature:
// - a map specific config file for each map
// (for scoring rules for example)
// can be executed when the match is running.
// the filenames have to be MAPNAME_match.cfg
// and they have to be placed into the new
// "dod_clanmatch" subfolder of your amxx configs
// folder. (like all DoD ClanMatch related files)
// - all stats settings are disabled when the match is running
// and your previous stats settings are recovered after it's
// finished
// * changes:
// - added folder "dod_clanmatch" to make it more
// organized for you, so you don't have your
// amxx configs folder full of DoD ClanMatch
// config files!
// - included new example scoring config files for some
// maps
// - 22.02.2005 Version 0.75beta
// * added feature:
// - time remaining and teams' scores can either be displayed
// as a hud-message or as chat text!
// * changes:
// - password is set immediately after using the
// amx_startdodmatch command.
// - 24.02.2005 Version 0.8beta
// * added feature:
// - added config files for stopping and starting plugins again.
// * changes:
// - plugins are not paused anymore on map start, they are
// stopped when the amx_startdodmatch command was executed.
// that way they are turned off and behave like they weren't
// loaded at all.
// - use files "disable_plugins.cfg" and "enable_plugins.cfg"
// to use the above mentioned feature
// - as the plugins "TimeLeft" and "NextMap" were NOT stoppable
// i had to remove that restriction from the "PauseCFG" plugin
// to make them stoppable. so you need to replace your standard
// "pausecfg.amxx" with the one i included to get it all to work
// for now. i will request to get those two restrictions removed
// from that plugin for the next release of AMX Mod X.
// - 25.02.2005 Version 0.85beta
// * added feature:
// - clans can cancel their ready-status with saying "cancel".
// this only works if the other team isn't ready yet.
// * changed feature:
// - once again i changed the way the stats are disabled,
// as stopping the plugin instead of pausing still doesn't help.
// i readded the commands to turn off every single stats setting
// to the config files and added the stats settings recover
// command as well again.
// * to do:
// - add admin command to restart the match on current map
// - add feature to display match's scores after the match
// is over and the map changed
// - some other stuff
// * notes:
// - if stopping one of your custom plugins doesn't work well
// and you experience strange behavior, remove it from the
// disable/enable configs and disable it by cvar in the
// dod_clanmatch.cfg.
// - 26.02.2005 Version 0.9beta
// * added feature:
// - added two modes for displaying the time remaining on the current
// map/round. the time remaining can be displayed every minute as a
// hudmessage (mode 3) or every minute as a chattext message (mode 4).
// - after the match all players can view the result and the scoring
// details by saying "matchresult".
// * to do:
// - add admin command to restart the match on current map
// - some other stuff
// - 27.02.2005 Version 0.95beta
// * added features:
// - added two modes for displaying the scores.
// the total scores of all rounds played can be displayed besides
// displaying the current round's scores:
// as a hudmessage (mode 3) or chattext message (mode 4).
// - after the match all players will automatically see the result
// of the match after they spawned. the password is still active
// and the map will run for 5min. enough time for everyone to look
// at the result/details. then the map changes and all is set to
// normal again and the pw is removed.
// - added admincommand "amx_restartdodmatch", this will simply
// restart the round and people have to set themselves ready again.
// This will NOT restart the whole match, just the current round.
// - when a team is ready, a hudmessage telling them how to revoke
// their ready-status is displayed.
// * to do:
// - add some other stuff
// - fix bugs if needed
// - 27.02.2005 Version 0.99beta
// * upgrades:
// - servername for the match can be set
// - clantags for the teams can be set and will be displayed
// in all messages and in the results
// - added basic match config file to set the environment,
// the file is called "dod_matchbase.cfg" and contains
// a sample match setup. it can be loaded with the admincommand
// "amx_loaddodmatch".
// - the total scores display feature is real-time now, so it includes
// the scores of previous rounds and the scores of the current round.
// * important notes:
// - it's of utmost importance that the teams are played the straight
// way (Axis-Allies-Axis-Allies & Allies-Axis-Allies-Axis). if that's
// not the case, the score counting is wrong!
// (so if your team plays Axis-Allies-Allies-Axis the scores are fucked!)
// - clantag1 has to be the clan that starts with axis on the first map
// - clantag2 has to be the clan that starts with allies on the first map
// - one you activated the matchmode with "amx_startdodmatch" all players
// that connect and try to join a team will automatically join
// Spectator and a message will tell them to which team they have to go!
// this is mainly made to be sure that the clans join the teams that
// are needed for a correct score calculation!
// * general changes:
// - Engine module is required now!
// - i removed the examples for now, but i will add a detailed readme.txt
// as soon as it reaches a stable state with all needed features
// * to do:
// - make "ready" and "cancel" commands customizable
// - add "auto-endgame-scores-screenshot"-feature
// - take a look at some HLTV stuff
// - optimize the code
// - fix some minor issues
// - add some more useful stuff requested by users
// - fix bugs reported by users
// - 02.03.2005 Version 0.99beta2
// * fixes:
// - matchtime is exactly how long you set it now
// - fullcaps are counted correctly for ingame display now
// - when restarting a match round, warmupmode is running again now
// * general changes:
// - the score displaying works like when players try to join a team
// in match mode now. whatever team they click after connecting,
// they join Spectators and the scores are displayed.
// once they closed the display of the scores, they can join a team.
// * to do:
// - make "ready" and "cancel" commands customizable
// - add "auto-endgame-scores-screenshot"-feature
// - take a look at some HLTV stuff
// - optimize the code
// - fix some minor issues
// - add some more useful stuff requested by users
// - fix bugs reported by users
// - 05.03.2005 Version 0.99beta3
// * added features:
// - two new modes for "ShowScore"-option
// 5 use a hud-message with scores & totals every minute
// 6 use chattext with scores & totals every minute
// - added admin command "amx_getdodmatch" which will show
// the current settings of your match.
// - added page 3 of the results called "Map Scores" which displays
// the total scores of both clans for each map.
// * fixes:
// - scores for current round are reset when restarting the round
// - timelimit is reset to 120 min when restarting the round and joining
// warmup mode again.
// - 06.03.2005 Version 0.99beta4
// * added features:
// - chatcommands for "ready" and "cancel" can be set to any word you
// would like to use. the messages automatically announce your set
// words.
// * bugfixes:
// - hopefully fixed little problem with the clan-scoring-delay by
// grabbing the scores again 1 second after the delay is over.
// * general changes:
// - added "<readysig>" & "<cancelsig>" to "amx_setdodmatch"
// and all other needed admin commands.
// - added "dod_cm_readysig" and "dod_cm_cancelsig" to the
// "dod_matchbase.cfg". (only file that changed, keep your others)
// - 07.03.2005 Version 0.99beta4v2
// * bugfix:
// - the problem with displaying the total scores every minute
// should finally be fixed now. (hopefully)
// - 11.03.2005 Version 0.99beta5
// * bugfix:
// - the scores taken by endgame screenshot should not differ
// from the scores the plugin calculates anymore.
// when then scoreboard came up 6 seconds before the map
// really changes the game still continued, so if one or
// more players ran into a flag when the scoreboard comes up,
// the plugin still counted the taken flag, now calculating scores
// is disabled as soon as the scoreboard comes up.
// - 27.03.2005 Version 0.99beta6
// * added features:
// - implemented a whole menu-system with access to changes and
// commands. (amx_dodmatchmenu)
// - added file "dod_matchmaps.cfg", list all maps that you want
// to be available for the ClanMatchMenu
// * bugfixes:
// - fixed the hudmessage which tells the clans what team to join.
// it now disappears immediately if a team was choosen, not before
// and not too late anymore.
// - fixed oversight that a running match's settings could had been
// changed
// - fixed problem of truncated lines with splitting the command
// "amx_setdodmatch" into two commands (amx_setdodmatcha & amx_setdodmatchb)
// * general changes:
// - removed config files for stopping and starting plugins as my request
// for altering the pausecfg.sma was just ignored for no reason.
// that way you DON'T need to use the changed pausecfg plugin anymore.
// just redownload the config files and add the plugins you want to pause/unpause
// to dod_clanmatch.cfg and dod_public.cfg
// - 20.04.2005 Version 0.99beta7
// * bugfixes:
// - added 1 second delay between setting the server password
// and changing to the 1st map to be played to get rid of the
// "Wrong Password" issue.
// - fixed problem with displaying what team to join not disappearing
// for people that joined the match after it was already started
// - 08.05.2005 Version 0.99beta8
// * added feature:
// - added setting for the time the map is running to show the results
// to the menu system.
// * cosmetic changes:
// - corrected some colors in the menus to look better
// - 13.07.2005 Version 0.99beta9
// * added feature:
// - the folder for the clanmatch configs can simply be changes
// with the new cvar "dod_cm_folder" which is set to
// "dod_clanmatch" by default.
// if you don't intend to use this plugin for different leagues,
// you don't need to touch this cvar!
// Example of usage:
// the value of this cvar is the name of the folder with your
// config files, so if you want to use different configs for
// different matches, duplicate the standard folder "dod_clanmatch"
// and call it like the league you play.
// for example you could call the duplicated folders "esl", "ed",
// "clanbase" and so on.
// so if you have an EnemyDown match comming up, you will need
// to change the cvar "dod_cm_folder" to "ed", so the configfiles
// in your "ed" folder will be used.
// - 15.07.2005 Version 0.5prefinal
// * added feature:
// - cvar "dod_cm_folder" is automatically reset to the default
// value "dod_clanmatch" after a match is finished/aborted.
// - 04.08.2005 Version 0.6prefinal
// * bugfix
// - fixed "amx_dodmatchmenu" being available for all players.
// (thanks to -=[JaeGeR]=- PapA for reporting it!)
// - 26.03.2006 Version 0.7prefinal
// * bugfix
// - fixed the errors caused by comparing serverpass to a number instead
// of using a string length
// - changed cvars over to pointers to cvars
My changes logs :
// - 28.05.2006 Version 0.7.1 (By Br!c3)
// - Multi-language mod (French Traduction)
// - Add sound at start the round
// - Add sound at stop or end the match
// - Add sound at and the round (Funs Aplauses)
// - Add voice decompte (10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,warning) before start the round
// Cvar command added - "dod_cm_sounds < 0 - 1 >" For Desable or Enable sounds
// If this is desabled, the precaching for start.wav, applause.wav and stop.wav is desabled to !
// - Add Music at the final score showing on team selected = 3
// Cvar command added - "dod_cm_music" < 0 - 1 >" For Desable or Enable Music on final score showing
// If this is desabled, the precaching for music.wav is desabled to !
// - Add Automatic stopsound at start the round ( Good no ? ;) )
// - Add difered colors at HUD_MESSAGE (Clan [TeamAlpha] join Axis and [TeamBeta] join Allies)
// - Add a auto snapshot the scores at the end of the round
// - 31.05.2006 Version 0.7.2 (By Br!c3)
// - Fix restart round decompte.
// - Fix decompte (replace PLUGIN_CONTINUE to PLUGIN_HANDLED)
// - 01.06.2006 Version 0.7.3 (By Br!c3)
// - Add French Voice Decompte
// - Add cvar command "dod_cm_voice_fr < 0 - 1 >" For Desable or Enable the french voices
// - WARNING : The name of the sounds folder as bin modified to "sound/dod_clanmatch" !
// - 02.06.2006 Version 0.7.4 (By Br!c3)
// - The sounds are downloaded only if the mp_clan_match = 1
// In other words, when you started the match
// - if you do not have a fast server for the sounds => sv_downloadurl "http://raph.be/dod_clanmatch/" in your server.cfg
// It is my small gift ;)
// - 17.06.2006 Version 0.7.5 (By Br!c3)
// - Fix a voice decompte if his up to 10 seconds
// - Fix voice : "Allies prets a combattre"
// - 11.07.2006 Version 0.7.6 (By Br!c3)
// - Prechache is optimised
// - Optimised play sounds system
// - Modify cvar "dod_cm_voice_fr" to "dod_cm_voice"
// (Change the language into replacing the sound files in the folder "sound/dod_clanmatch/voices/")
// - All the sounds can be in .wav or .mp3
// - 06.11.2006 Version 0.7.7 (By Br!c3)
// - Add a command "stoprecording" before starting hltv record bus if the hltv is already recording that does not work
// - 11.11.2006 Version 0.7.8 (By Br!c3)
// - Add 2 commands if you say "score" or "time" in the game. That show current score or time left to current round
Download all others files ( sounds, cfg ) : dod_clanmatch.rar

Put the dictionary file (dodclanmatch.txt) in your "addons/amxmodx/data/lang/"

For others languages, you change the language file and give me a file for update :)

Attached Files
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (dod_clanmatch.sma - 3162 views - 118.5 KB)
File Type: txt dodclanmatch.txt (17.1 KB, 1668 views)
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (dod_clanmatch_amxx-1.60.sma - 2826 views - 118.1 KB)
                On the road again!
 |""""""""""""""""""| || _
 |      DUREX       |,|||_;\,___,
 |___ _    _  _____/==|_|_|_,'__|
  '  |(@))"(@))      |(@)   (@)

Last edited by raphxyz; 12-01-2006 at 10:53.
raphxyz is offline
Old 07-17-2006, 19:15
This message has been deleted by Xanimos. Reason: sorry we were busy....im going through plugins now.
Join Date: Oct 2005
Old 07-19-2006 , 18:18   Re: DoD ClanMatch ML
Reply With Quote #2

aaah, I understood, nobody does play dod here! lol
                On the road again!
 |""""""""""""""""""| || _
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Old 07-19-2006 , 18:34   Re: DoD ClanMatch ML
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there is some people but most people cs and cz
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Old 07-20-2006 , 04:34   Re: DoD ClanMatch ML
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Yes I believed to understand! ;)
                On the road again!
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raphxyz is offline
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Old 07-26-2006 , 07:49   Re: DoD ClanMatch ML
Reply With Quote #5

Well, I not able to make it work.

I Tried to just copy the files first, but the amx_dodmatchmenu appears as a unknown command.

I tried to compile the .sma, ok, copy files, same error.

At what can I look now ??!!??

haddock is offline
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Old 07-28-2006 , 03:51   Re: DoD ClanMatch ML
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Well, I've been able to make it work now, except the HLTV which is not starting.... Where should I look ?
haddock is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Old 07-29-2006 , 10:38   Re: DoD ClanMatch ML
Reply With Quote #7

Have you activated the socket module in your module.ini?
If it is done and your hltv is connected, the record is done has each beginning of round. (When the clans said ready)
The names of your demos is, MATCH_TAG1_TAG2_MAP_DATE.dem
                On the road again!
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Last edited by raphxyz; 07-29-2006 at 10:48.
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Old 08-06-2006 , 11:41   Re: DoD ClanMatch ML
Reply With Quote #8


Yes the socket module is activated.

" If it is done and your hltv is connected," ha, that's the point !

I thought the ClanMatch should activate it and start to record then.

Let me resume:
- I have to activate an HLTV *myself* or from my game provider first, right ?
- Then ClanMatch will activate the record, right ?

Ok, I'll try and let you know.

thanks for your help!
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Old 09-14-2006 , 19:53   Re: DoD ClanMatch ML
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what is the access flag to let other admins use it?
The IRISH rule as long as they dont stop making BEER

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Old 09-19-2006 , 20:39   Re: DoD ClanMatch ML
Reply With Quote #10

the necessary flag is "ADMIN_CVAR"
                On the road again!
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