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CS2 Server parameters

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Join Date: Feb 2014
Old 11-05-2023 , 13:06   CS2 Server parameters
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I am currently trying to finish off CS2 server for LinuxGSM and get the start parameters setup. As usual there are plenty of tutorials around showing different parameters but never explaining what they actually do. Some are obvious however others are not.

Does anyone here know where to get a definitive list of all start parameters and descriptions?

I did manage to use ./cs2 -dedicated +find [letter] +quit but that returns console variables only.

Its always been something of a mystery where people get this info from. So if anyone knows a definitive list that would be awesome.


edit: here is the cs2 cvarlist https://gist.github.com/dgibbs64/6c3...ccd6163ca29d90

however parameters such as -port are not listed.

Last edited by dgibbs; 11-05-2023 at 16:25.
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Join Date: Feb 2014
Old 11-05-2023 , 13:50   Re: CS2 Server parameters
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just found out about cvarlist which is also helpful
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John Mario
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Join Date: Nov 2023
Old 11-07-2023 , 05:27   Re: CS2 Server parameters
Reply With Quote #3


It's great to hear that you're working on setting up CS2 server for LinuxGSM. Having a comprehensive list of start parameters and their descriptions can be very helpful. It seems you've already found a partial list of console variables (cvars) for CS2. To gather more information about start parameters, you might want to explore the following sources:

1. **Official Documentation**:
- Start by checking if CS2 has official documentation that provides information on the available start parameters and their descriptions. Game developers often maintain official documentation that covers such details.

2. **Community Forums and Discussions**:
- Visit CS2 and LinuxGSM community forums, subreddits, or other online communities where gamers and server administrators share their experiences and knowledge. You might find posts or discussions that provide insights into specific parameters and their usage.

3. **GitHub Repository**:
- Examine the CS2 GitHub repository for documentation or readme files that might contain details about start parameters and how to use them.

4. **Steam Community Guides**:
- Sometimes, community members create Steam Community Guides that provide information about server setup. Check if there are any guides related to CS2 on Steam Community.

5. **Server Administration Tools**:
- Consider using server administration tools or GUI interfaces designed for CS2. Some of these tools provide user-friendly ways to configure server settings, including start parameters. They may also include descriptions of what each parameter does.

6. **Ask in Relevant Communities**:
- If you can't find a comprehensive list, consider asking for help in the CS2 and LinuxGSM communities or other gaming-related forums. Experienced server administrators and gamers might be able to provide insights and explanations for specific parameters.

7. **Experimentation**:
- In some cases, you might need to experiment with certain parameters to understand their effects. Just be sure to make backups and document your changes as you go.

Regarding the provided link to the cs2 cvarlist, it's a good resource for console variables, but as you mentioned, it may not cover all the start parameters. Keep exploring the above sources, and you should be able to gather more information about the parameters you need for setting up your CS2 server.

Best of luck with your CS2 server setup, and I hope you find the information you're looking for!

Last edited by John Mario; 11-07-2023 at 05:28.
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