Dynamically precaches a sound. You can add 6000+ saysounds (Tested in Lupercalia CS:GO MG servver)
You can play saysounds as normal or with custom speed/pitch and custom length.
Formatted message.
SM 1.11+ - My release file is compiled in SM
What fixed from old saysounds plugin:
Fixed Saysounds is cancelled by next saysounds commands.
Saysound syntax
<sound> @<speed>
<sound> %<length>
<sound> @<speed> %<length>
<sound> %<length> @<speed>
Sound: Yeah same as other saysounds plugin. e.g. test in chat
speed/pitch: use @ and specify speed. e.g. @120
length: use % and specifiy length in seconds. e.g. %0.5
So we combined the above, will become like this. test @120 %0.5
sm_saysounds_enable <0/1> - Toggle saysounds globally
sm_saysounds_interval <seconds> - Saysounds cooldown per player.
sm_saysounds_format_chat <0/1> - Cancel original message and send formatted message.
sm_saysounds_version - Shows a plugin version.
sm_saysounds, sm_saysound, sm_ssmenu, sm_ss_menu - Opens settings menu.
sm_ss_volume <0~100>- Set the saysound volume. If no argument, will work as !ssmenu
sm_ss_speed <50~200>(You can change max and min range from source file) - Set the saysound speed/pitch. If no argument, will work as !ssmenu
sm_ss_length <0~> - Set the saysound length in seconds. If no argument, will work as !ssmenu
sm_ss_toggle - Toggle saysounds.
sm_ss_list sm_sslist - Show all of saysounds provided in server.
sm_ss_search <string> sm_sss <string> - Search saysounds.
Admin commands:
sm_ss_ban <player name> - Ban player from using saysounds. - If no argument, will show a player list menu.
sm_ss_unban <player name> - Unban player from using saysounds. - If no argument, will show a player list menu.
Known issues:
When player use %<time> syntax. It will stop all same sound when timer fired. (e.g. If someone use test %0.1 after someone use test with 5 seconds long sound, It stops all test sound after timer fired)
Add temporary ban. (Currently we can only ban permanent)
Add self saysounds mute.
Note: The old saysound plugin config will probably work. but play multiple file in 1 trigger is removed in this plugin.
like: Saysounds redux
Hello, is there any Chance that you can Flag Sounds for Admin Use Only?
And ist there a Chance that the !ss_list Command can be conifget to !soundlist?