About:- Allows the Tanks thrown rock to bounce off objects.
Saved to
l4d_tank_rock_bounce.cfg in your servers
\cfg\sourcemod\ folder.
PHP Code:
// 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on.
l4d_tank_rock_bounce_allow "1"
// Turn on the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = all).
l4d_tank_rock_bounce_modes ""
// Turn off the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = none).
l4d_tank_rock_bounce_modes_off ""
// Turn on the plugin in these game modes. 0=All, 1=Coop, 2=Survival, 4=Versus, 8=Scavenge. Add numbers together.
l4d_tank_rock_bounce_modes_tog "0"
// The chance out of 100 that a rock can bounce.
l4d_tank_rock_bounce_chance "100"
// Entity classnames the rock can bounce off. World is on by default. Separate by commas (no spaces). Empty = world only.
l4d_tank_rock_bounce_objects "prop_dynamic,prop_physics,prop_door_rotating,weapon_gascan"
// Number of times a single rock is allowed to bounce before exploding.
l4d_tank_rock_bounce_repeat "3"
// Each bounce will scale the velocity by this much. 1.0 = Bounce at full speed. 0.5 = Half velocity each bounce. 0.2 = Very slow after bounce.
l4d_tank_rock_bounce_scale "0.75"
// Minimum speed the rock must be moving to allow bouncing.
l4d_tank_rock_bounce_speed "400.0"
// Tank Rock Bounces plugin version.
1.1 (27-Jul-2023)
- Added cvar "l4d_tank_rock_bounce_chance" to set the chance a rock can bounce. Requested by "Aresilya".
1.0 (10-Jul-2023)
- Initial release.
Updating from 1.0:- New cvars have been added: use the Cvar Configs Updater, or delete the old cvars config or manually add them.
Requirements:- Uses Left 4 DHooks Direct plugin version 1.134 or newer.
Installation:DO NOT click 'Get Plugin' or it will fail to compile because this plugin requires Left 4 DHooks Direct!
- Download the .smx file and put into your servers \addons\sourcemod\plugins folder.