This plugin is taken from the maps bugfix plugin created by : FeuerSturm + darkranger, vintage
Original bugfix :
dod_anzio, dod_avalanche, dod_donner, dod_flash , dod_winter : Bugfix by FeuerSturm + darkranger, vintage, I haven't checked everything but one thing is sure is that the bug in the box in Axis side on dod_flash has been fixed. For the rest, it does not cause any problems.
My Bugfix :
dod_bodange: The bug in the Axis spawn is fixed by adding walls.
dod_crash_dust, dod_crash_dust_final: Added crates to prevent players from hiding in objects, and I put a tank in place of the horrible, half-destroyed yellow car..
My improvements:
dod_convoy_b20, dod_convoy, dod_convoy2_rc1, dod_convoy2_rc1_fixed: Added spawn protection walls.
dod_convoy_summer,dod_convoy_summer_final: same.
dod_convoy_new_noel, dod_convoy_new_year_2011: same.
dod_deux_chateaux_final, dod_deux_chateaux_LS, dod_deux_chateaux: Added tanks in front of the spawn exits.
dod_fightzone_voodoo, dod_fightzone_voodoo_final: Added walls to prevent players from using the ladder bug to get to the top of the map.
dod_gan, dod_gan_32, dod_gan_xmas_b1, dod_gan32: Added spawn protection walls.
dod_gan_extended_se: same.
dod_mario_air: This map is identical to the following two, but the correction is different: Teleporter to hidden room (forbidden) redirected to the second hidden room, at the very top + addition of walls to block the exit from the forbidden room. Mario poster teleporter redirected to the second hidden room, at the very top.
mario_air_32, mario_air: Teleporter to hidden room (forbidden) redirected to the second hidden room with zombie + added walls to block the exit from the forbidden room.
cdc_mario_air_flag: Blocked all teleporter and walled all hidden rooms.
Added a small mod:
This mod appear tanks randomly (at the start of each round) to strategic locations on these maps, which completely changes the gameplay of these maps :
dod_fight_arena_urbex, 3xi_urbex
This mod can be enabled/disabled in dod/cfg/dod_blockexploitmaps/dod_blockexploitmaps.cfg
This configuration folder and file will be created the first time the plugin is launched.
Sorry for my English but I am French. ;-)
Last edited by micmacx; 10-08-2023 at 07:44.