Name: Find command
Description: The plugin makes it easy to find the plugin that registered the console command.
Instead of iterating through the entire list of plugins one by one using the
sm cmds <plugin #> command, just send the
sm_find_cmd <console command name> command to the console and the plugin will display a list of plugins with the name (
if any) and file name (
relative to the plugins folder).
Plugins that use the interception of chat messages to catch commands cannot be defined that way, of course.
This plugin is a simpler and less resource-intensive analogue of
SourceMod Plugin Command Info plugin.
Written on
this request.
Requirements: SM1.10+
Commands: sm_find_cmd <
console command name>
PHP Code:
[SM] Usage: sm_find_cmd <console command name>
sm_find_cmd sm_find_cmd
[SM] 'sm_find_cmd' is registered to:
"Find command" (file: 1234\sm_find_cmd.smx)
-= 1 matches found =-