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Plugin Description:
when you do high value kill trigger slow motion like Killing Floor Zed Time
, 15:08
[L4D2] Zed Time with Highlight Kill System v1.6.1 [13-January-2023]
about- Slow the game time when you do high value kill, all kill weight ratio configuration
Completely rewrite from Zed Time
- Boost weapon actions under Zed Time, rather than slowing you and zombies(required [L4D/L4D2]WeaponHandling_API)
- To trigger Zed Time, the plugins have Threshold value, Zed Time triggered when you accumulate this amountof kills in a short period of time.
- When players joined the game, this threshold value require amount also increase
- you can config amount multiplier of headhost, melee, distance, grenade, pipe bomb, tank, witch, boomer...etc.
PHP Code:
// zed time duration
zed_time_duration "0.5"
// Zed Time enable
zed_time_enable "1"
// zed time scale of game time
zed_time_timescale "0.2"
// if kill threshold worth greater than needed and between this time then trigger
zed_time_threshold_cooldown "0.3"
// to trigger zed time you need kill many zombie on short time, 4 means you need to kill 4 worth value of zombies
zed_time_threshold_needed_base "4"
// every alive human survivor will increase zed time threshold needed, if 3 human you should kill 6.66(4+2*1.33) unit zombies to trigger
zed_time_threshold_needed_increase "1.33"
// max distance to apply multiplier worth value
// Minimum: "220.000000"
zed_time_threshold_distance_max "1200"
// if kill distance close to max, multiplier also close to x1.5, nearest is x1
zed_time_threshold_distance_ratio "1.5"
// multiplier of grenade launcher kill
zed_time_threshold_grenade_ratio "0.75"
// worth value multiplier of headshot
zed_time_threshold_headshot_ratio "1.5"
// multiplier of melee kill
zed_time_threshold_melee_ratio "1.16"
// if zombie kill by pipe bomb, the kill worth multiply this value
// Default: "0.85"
zed_time_threshold_piped_ratio "0.85"
// multiplier of boomer death
zed_time_threshold_boomer_ratio "1.33"
// multiplier of charger death
zed_time_threshold_charger_ratio "1.5"
// multiplier of hunter death
zed_time_threshold_hunter_ratio "1.25"
// multiplier of jockey death
zed_time_threshold_jockey_ratio "1.25"
// multiplier of smoker death
zed_time_threshold_smoker_ratio "1.33"
// multiplier of spitter death
zed_time_threshold_spitter_ratio "1.2"
// multiplier of tank death
zed_time_threshold_tank_ratio "32"
// multiplier of witch death
zed_time_threshold_witch_ratio "32"
// percent of silence volume,
// 0: do not silence, 100: completely silence
zed_time_trigger_silence "50"
// silence fading time, 0: instantly silence
// Minimum: "0.000000"
zed_time_trigger_silence_fading "0.2"
// trigger sound play to all client.
// recommended:
// ui/menu_countdown.wav
// level/countdown.wav
// plats/churchbell_end.wav
zed_time_trigger_sound "level/countdown.wav"
// threashold value of survivor death trigger Zed Time, 0:disable
zed_time_threshold_survivor_death "32"
// admin flag to acces ZedTime commands f:slay empty:allow everyone
zed_time_access "f"
// use lucky mode instead threshold mode, also effect by threshold requirement
zed_time_lucky "0"
// bot weight ratio, 0.5:bot cause half threshold 0:bot cant trigger
zed_time_threshold_bot "0.5"
// which actions boost under ZedTime
// 1=Firing 2=Deploying 4=Reloading 8=MeleeSwinging 16=Throwing 32=Movement -1=All.
// add numbers together you want
zed_time_boost_actions "31"
// how fast boost the actions under ZedTime
// -1:auto scaling by timescale 2:doubling speed 0:disable
zed_time_boost_speed "-1"
// threshold value multiplier of kill by burn damage
zed_time_threshold_burn_ratio "1.0"
external call
PHP Code:
native int ZedTime(float duration = 0.0, float timescale = 0.0); //declare it before call
ZedTime(); // trigger zed time, 0 mean plugin default
event forward (for developer):
PHP Code:
forward Action OnZedTime(float &duration, float ×cale); //receive event before declare
public Action OnZedTime(float &duration, float ×cale) {/*receiving event*/}
Commands- sm_zedtime // Trigger ZedTime manually. Usage: sm_zedtime [duration] [timescale]
- sm_zedstop //stop the zedtime manually
changelog- v1.0 just released; 1-15-22
- v1.1 add option "silence volume", "silence fading time", "trigging sound"; bug fix; 1-17-22
- v1.1.1 now volume silence and trigging sound also work with native call; 1-17-22
- v1.1.2 bug fix for ZedBack(); 1-19-22
- v1.2 add feature: survivor or survivor bot death trigger Zed Time, code clean and create event forward OnZedTime(); 2-6-22
- v1.3 new features:
lucky mode instead threshold mode,
commands 'sm_zedtime [duration] [timescale]', 'sm_zedstop' to trigger manually and permission configuable,
remove ConVar threshold_survivor_death and add threshold_bot to instead, fix trigger multiple zedtime cause multi sound effects,
rewrite some code and less performance usage; 3-March-2022
- v1.5 new feature 'boost movement speed when ZedTime triggering' but didnt recommended, explosion damage wont trigger headshot ; 1-May-2022
- v1.5.1
command sm_zedtime now can trigger from server console,
optimize code suggestion from Silvers,
new ConVar *_threshold_burn_ratio to control fire damage causes threshold; 1-November-2022
- v1.6 fixes:
- now support "Lagged Movement" plugin,
- little negligence cause movement boost default enabled, that should be optional,
- remove some redundant code,
- change forward OnZedTime to "Action OnZedTime(float &duration, float ×cale)",
- turn code style to hungarian notation,
- fix boost movement speed cause wrong velocity,
- support late load; 21-December-2022; 21-December-2022
- v1.6.1 fix rare issue ZedTime trigger on round ended cause wont stop; 13-January-2023
Credits- base idea and rewrite from McFlurry's ZedTime v1.4
and alliedmods wiki sourcepawn document lol
Known Issue- if you change zed_time_boost_actions to enable or disable boost movement speed, changes will happen on next map or your reload plugin
Last edited by NoroHime; 01-12-2023 at 19:17.