This plugin applies a random beam to some items making them easier to identify on the map.
Creates a similar effect applied to loot items on Borderlands/Diablo.
Based on the workshop addon
Borderlands Loot Beams [Server Mod] (With Sprites) by
ReneTM, which inspired and helped me a lot on doing this.
Use carefully. This plugin may spawn too many entities depending on the number of items on the map and can cause a "
ED_Alloc: no free edicts" crash.
Features- Allow configuring the beam by classname.
- Allow configuring the beam color (random or specific).
- Allow configuring the beam length/width.
- Allow configuring the hdr color multiplier.
- Allow enabling/disabling the halo glow.
- Allow to replicate the glow color. L4D2 only. ([L4D2] Random Glow Item)
A configuration file named "
l4d_random_beam_item.cfg" will automatically be created for you upon the first run in the "
\cfg\sourcemod\" folder.
PHP Code:
// Enable/Disable the plugin.
// 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable.
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
l4d_random_beam_item_enable "1"
// Algorithm value to detect the beam minimum brightness for a random color (not accurate).
// -
// Default: "0.5"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
l4d_random_beam_item_min_brightness "0.5"
// Delete *_spawn entities when its count reaches 0.
// 0 = OFF, 1 = ON.
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
l4d_random_beam_item_remove_spawner "1"
// (L4D2 only) Apply the same color from glow.
// 0 = OFF, 1 = ON.
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
l4d_random_beam_item_use_glow_color "1"
Data file (data/l4d_random_beam_item.cfg)
PHP Code:
// Attributes explained:
// "enable" -> Apply plugin beam to entity. "0" = Disable, "1" = Enable.
// "random" -> Apply a random beam color. "0" = OFF, "1" = ON.
// "color" -> Item beam color. Use three values between 0-255 separated by spaces. "<0-255> <0-255> <0-255>", e.g: "255 255 255". Ignored when "random" is "1".
// "length" -> Length of the spotlight beam.
// "width" -> Width of the spotlight beam. Max 102.3.
// "hdr" -> Multiplier for sprite color by when running in HDR mode. Value is divided by 10, e.g: "20" becomes "2.0".
// "halo" -> Enable halo glow. "0" = OFF, "1" = ON. Note: Depending on the color it may look too bright.
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 255 255"
"length" "70"
"width" "5"
"hdr" "20"
"halo" "0"
// Primary Weapons - Slot 1
// Tier 1
// SMGs
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 255"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 255"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 255"
// Shotguns
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 255"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 255"
// Tier 2
// Rifles
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 255"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 255"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 255"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 255"
// Shotguns
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 255"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 255"
// Snipers
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 255"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 255"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 255"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 255"
// Tier 3
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 255"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 255"
// Secondary Weapons - Slot 2
// Pistols
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 255"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 255"
// Throwables - Slot 3
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 100 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 100 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 100 0"
// Upgrade Packs - Slot 4
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "0 255 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "0 255 0"
// Health Items - Slot 4
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "0 255 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "0 255 0"
// Health Items - Slot 5
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "0 255 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "0 255 0"
// Carryables
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 0"
// Upgrades
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "0 255 255"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "0 255 255"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "0 255 255"
// Others
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 255 255"
"enable" "0"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 0"
"enable" "0"
"random" "1"
"color" "0 255 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 0"
"enable" "0"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 255 255"
"enable" "0"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 255 255"
// Miniguns
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 255 255"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 255 255"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 255 255"
// Melees - Slot 2
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 0"
"enable" "1"
"random" "1"
"color" "255 0 0"
Admin Commands
- sm_beaminfo => Outputs to the chat the beam info about the entity at your crosshair. (z flag required)
- sm_beamreload => Reload the beam configs. (z flag required)
- sm_beamremove => Remove plugin beam from entity at crosshair. (z flag required)
- sm_beamremoveall => Remove all beams created by the plugin. (z flag required)
- sm_beamadd => Add a beam (with default config) to entity at crosshair. (z flag required)
- sm_print_cvars_l4d_random_beam_item => Print the plugin related cvars and their respective values to the console. (z flag required)
Change Log
- This plugin creates an extra beam_spotlight entity for each item enabled in the config.
- The halo config (when enabled) may look too bright sometimes, because of this is disabled by default.
- This plugin was made focusing mainly on weapons so the beam may not follow another type of entities. (for performance reasons was not implemented)
- There isn't an option to make the glow team-based (and I won't support it, only works with cl_fullupdate command while changing team).
- The color brightness algorithm maybe need a better calculation. It is used to minimize the number of entities with a weak color that you almost can't see.
To Do
Thank you!
Recommended Plugins
Related Plugins
Post Reply
- Any feedback, bug reports, fixes, improvements, translations or suggestions for the plugin are welcome.
- Put the "l4d_random_beam_item.cfg" file in your "\addons\sourcemod\data\" folder.
- Put the "l4d_random_beam_item.smx" file (click Get Plugin) in your "\addons\sourcemod\plugins\" folder.