4.2 (07-Apr-2022)
- ConVar values of "l4d_incappedpillspop_msgadvert_pos" is now can be combined.
- ConVar values of "l4d_incappedpillspop_msg_pos" is now can be combined.
- Added German translation (thanks to @Hawkins).
4.1 (27-Jan-2022)
- Fixed B&W state set at incorrect time (due to double "revive_success" event, one more from "give" command), intercepted by Heartbeat plugin.
- Fixed player cannot die when B&W in L4D2 (bug in Heartbeat plugin?).
4.0 (26-Jan-2022)
WARNING: this release require a new dependency!
- Added ConVar "l4d_incappedpillspop_msg_warn" - Show warning messages, e.g. when you have no pills? (0 - No, 1 - Yes)
- Fixed the advertise message displayed the wrong item name.
- Fixed redunant /// characters in messages.
- Removed "You have no ..." advertise message.
- Fixed Black & White didn't work on L4D2 (thanks to Silvers).
- Heartbeat plugin detection code is changed according to new recomendations.
- Fixed heartbeat sound is not stopped after healing.
- Fixed animation is not stopped when you self-helped during somebody tried to revive you.
- Added compatibility with AdminCheats plugin.
- Broadcasting "revive_success" event when self-help used.
- New dependency: Heartbeat (Revive Fix - Post Revive Options) by SilverShot:
- Added ConVar "l4d_incappedpillspop_help_ledge_items" - Allow to pop with these items from hangind the ledge (0 - Don't allow, 1 - Medkit, 2 - Pills, 4 - Adrenaline (can be combined)
- Changed ConVar meaning and allowed values for "l4d_incappedpillspop_help_items" - is now means incapped self-help only. New value is added: 0 - Don't allow
- Added more safe checks.
It is suggested to remove cfg/sourcemod/l4d_incappedpillspop2.cfg config file to allow re-create it again.
3.1 (21-Jan-2022)
- Added reliable way to stop the music via SDKCall to "Music" class.
- Hanging sound is restored as it should be by design.
- Added ConVar "l4d_incappedpillspop_msgadvert_pos" - Position of advertise selfhelp keys message (0 - Don't show, 1 - Chat, 2 - Hint, 4 - Center screen)
- Fixed compilation warnings on SM 1.11.
3.0 (22-Dec-2021)
WARNING: this release breaking ConVar compatibility with any 1.x and 2.x versions. Remove your l4d_incappedpillspop2.cfg file!
Now, you can split items allowed for stand up, and items allowed for releasing from infected.
* Added ConVars:
- "l4d_incappedpillspop_msg_pos" - Position of the selfhelp message (0 - Don't show, 1 - Chat, 2 - Hint, 4 - Center screen).
- "l4d_incappedpillspop_help_items" - Allow to pop with these items (1 - Medkit, 2 - Pills, 4 - Adrenaline (can be combined)
- "l4d_incappedpillspop_release_items" - Allow to release from infected with these items (0 - Don't allow, 1 - Medkit, 2 - Pills, 4 - Adrenaline (can be combined)
* Removed the following ConVars:
- "l4d_incappedpillspop_allow_adrenaline"
- "l4d_incappedpillspop_allow_medkit"
- "l4d_incappedpillspop_allow_pills"
- "l4d_incappedpillspop_allow_kill"
2.7 (01-Nov-2021)
- Prevented "Get off infected" message from appearing in "allow_kill" mode.
- Added protection from self-help when you press Ctrl + E (prevents a conflict with "Revive and CPR" plugin).
2.6 (20-Aug-2021)
- Chinese translation (Simplified & Traditional) has been added.
2.5 (20-Jul-2021)
- Added Portuguese translation (thanks to King_OXO).
2.4 (02-Jun-2021)
- Added ability to kill special infected, which grabbed you (see ConVar "l4d_incappedpillspop_allow_kill").
2.3 (01-Jun-2021)
- Fixed hint messages from throwing errors.
2.2 (11-May-2021)
- Added ability to use medkit (thanks to @Voevoda for donation).
- Added new ConVar "l4d_incappedpillspop_allow_medkit" - Allow stand-up with first aid kit? (1 - Yes / 0 - No)
- Added new ConVar "l4d_incappedpillspop_allow_pills" - Allow pop pills? (1 - Yes / 0 - No)
- Translation file is updated.
2.1 (25-Apr-2021)
- Fixed "l4d_incappedpillspop_enable" ConVar is not worked.
2.0 (23-Apr-2021)
- Improved music stop fix.
- Fixed bug: *_spawned classes: weapon_pain_pills_spawn and weapon_adrenaline_spawn are not checked on the floor.
- Improved bug-fix: other player could become frozen if you force pop pills while he tries to revive you.
- Prevented opportunity to use pills when been attacked by charger or jockey.
- Added missing ConVars for tracking the changes.
- Simplified & beautified the code, removed useless timers, Less useless hooks.
- Added ConVar "l4d_incappedpillspop_enable" - Enable this plugin? (1 - Yes, 0 - No).
- Added ConVar "l4d_incappedpillspop_button" - What button to press for self-help? 2 - Jump, 4 - Duck, 32 - Use. You can combine.
- Added ConVar "l4d_incappedpillspop_allow_adrenaline" - (L4D2 only) Allow pop adrenaline? (1 - Yes / 0 - No).
- Splitted messages:
* hint, when you incapacitated and when you hanging the ledge.
* hint, suggesting you to press the specific button to reflect the settings defined by ConVar.
* info, depending on whether somebody used his own pills or found them on the floor.
- New requirements:
* SourceMod 1.10+
* DHooks Detours v.
To make this update works properly, be sure to update the following plugins to the latest version (if you use them):
* Health Exploit Fix (for L4D1):
* Ledge Release:
https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=316508 (22-12-2020)
- Fixed ugly sound sometimes doesn't disappear (thanks to Re:Creator for fix). (14-Jan-2020)
- Added ConVar "l4d_incappedpillspop_show_msg_all" - Show message to all about player selfhelp action (1 - Yes / 0 - No) (19-Mar-2019)
- Added ability to selfhelp by picking up pills / adrenaline found on the floor when you are already incapped.
- Added missing kill of pills / adrenaline entity.
- Added compatibility with HealthExploitFix by Dragokas.
- Added colors support in translation file.
- Translation file is updated.
- Added advertising pills message when player grabbed the ledge.
- Added advertising about ability to find pills / adrenaline on the floor when you became incapped. (17-Jan-2019)
- Added safe flags to timers.
- Added more hooks for reliability.
- Fixed "heartbeat" sound is not played when you use pills and become black/white.
- Added convar "l4d_disable_heartbeat" to disable heartbeat sound in game at all (by default, not disabled). (28-Dec-2018 )
- Translation file and plugin are updated with phrases about adrenaline (by Mr. Man request).
- Added ConVar change hook.
- ConVar values are cached for optimization.
- Cleared old code, converted to new syntax and methodmaps.
- Version number is removed from plugin file name. (05-Nov-2018 )
- Added convar "l4d_incappedpillspop_forbid_when_revivin g" to forbid use pills when somebody revivng you (it is disabled by default).
- Added some safe client id pass.
- Cached calls to FindSendPropInfo and convar-s.
- "lunge_pounce" and "tongue_grab" events are replaced by client prop. checkings (more reliable).
- Default incap delay decreased from 2.0 sec to 0.2.
- Default delay between "USE" key check decreased from 1.0 to 0.5 sec.
- Fixed some cases with timer when it disallow to use pills (replaced by GetEngineTime() and placed on more earlier stage (for reliability).
- Config file renamed to l4d_incappedpillspop2.cfg.
- Added tranlation into Russian.