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[L4D & L4D2] ReverseBurn and ExplosionAnnouncer [v1.2.2a (09-Sep-2023)]

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Mystik Spiral
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    Plugin Description:
    Smart reverse of burn damage from explodables (gascans, fireworks, etc.).
    Old 03-08-2021 , 18:34   [L4D & L4D2] ReverseBurn and ExplosionAnnouncer [v1.2.2a (09-Sep-2023)]
    Reply With Quote #1

    ReverseBurn and ExplosionAnnouncer (l4d_ReverseBurn_and_ExplosionAnnouncer) by Mystik Spiral

    Smart reverse of burn damage from explodables (gascans, fireworks, etc.) if the victim is burned instantly and continuously.
    It was created to help mitigate the damage by griefers attempting to kill/incap their teammates by burning them.

    Reverses the following explodable burn types:
    Gas can, barricade gas can, fuel barrel, gas pump, and fireworks crate.

    Announces the following explosion types:
    Gas can, barricade gas can, fuel barrel, gas pump, fireworks crate, propane tank, and oxygen tank.

    • Burn damage is reversed only if victim(s) are burned instantly (within 0.75 second of ignition) and continuously (takes burn damage more than once per second).
    • If player runs into fire more than 0.75 seconds after ignition, burn damage is treated normally.
    • When burn damage is reversed, during each burn cycle (approximately 6x per second):
      • Attacker takes 70% damage for each instantly/continuously burned victim
      • Standing burn victims lose 1PermHP which is converted to 2TempHP as incentive to move out of the fire quickly.
      • Before ignition, any players already incapped or with only 1TotalHP do not take any burn damage.
    • Bots do not take burn damage but do move out of the fire as quickly as possible.
    • Griefers cannot kill or incap a victim by burning them (victims still take some damage as stated above).
    • In all other scenarios, burn damage behaves normally.
    • Option to reverse burn/blast damage if attacker is an admin. [RBaTA_admin, default: 0/false]
    • Option to reverse blast/explosion damage. [RBaTA_blast, default: 1/true]
      • If both RBaEA and RBaTA plugins are loaded, RBaEA takes precedence to avoid both plugins reversing blast/explosion damage.
    • Option to ban attacker (griefer) that disconnects during reverse burn. [RBaTA_banburndisconnect, default: 1/true]
    • Option to set ban duration in minutes. [RBaTA_banduration, default: 2880 (2 days)]

    Common Scenarios:
    • Griefer attempts to kill the whole team by burning them.
      Usual end result: Griefer takes 210% damage (70% per victim x 3 victims) plus possible additional self-damage and everyone else takes relatively minor damage.
    • Player starts fire (which does not burn anyone within 0.75 seconds) and griefer runs into it.
      Usual end result: Griefer takes normal damage and player that started the fire takes no damage.


    To minimize griefer impact, use the ReverseBurn and ExplosionAnnouncer plugin along with...

    ReverseBurn and ThrowableAnnouncer (l4d_ReverseBurn_and_ThrowableAnnouncer)
    • Smart reverse of burn damage from throwables, like molotovs.
    • Option to reverse blast damage, like pipe bombs.
    Reverse Friendly-Fire (l4d_reverse_ff)
    • Reverse friendly-fire weapon damage. Attacker takes damage, victim does not.
    When these three plugins are combined, griefers will usually get frustrated and leave since they cannot damage anyone other than themselves.
    Although griefers will take significant damage, other players may not notice any difference in game play (except laughing at stupid griefer fails).


    This plugin began life as Explosion Announcer by Marttt. The original plugin kept track of explodable entities, when they were exploded, and announced who did it. I hooked on to that announcement to track whether that explodable (gascan, fireworks, etc.) instantly burned any other players, and if so, to ensure the attacker took the vast majority of the damage. If no other players are instantly burned, then burn damage is treated normally.

    Want to contribute code enhancements?
    Create a pull request using this GitHub repository:

    Plugin discussion: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=331164

    Most recent update:
    09-Sep-2023 v1.2.2a
    - Maintenance release (no new features or bug fixes)
    -- resolve warnings during compile with SourceMod 11

    Update history for older versions:

    The phrases file was updated in version 1.2, is REQUIRED, and must be copied to the "addons\sourcemod\translations" directory.
    Attached Files
    File Type: txt l4d_ReverseBurn_and_ExplosionAnnouncer.phrases.txt (7.9 KB, 648 views)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_ReverseBurn_and_ExplosionAnnouncer.sp - 459 views - 51.6 KB)

    Last edited by Mystik Spiral; 09-09-2023 at 14:22.
    Mystik Spiral is offline
    Mystik Spiral
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    Join Date: Oct 2020
    Location: Orlando, FL
    Old 03-08-2021 , 20:05   Re: [L4D & L4D2] ReverseBurn and ExplosionAnnouncer [v1.0 (08-Mar-2021)]
    Reply With Quote #2

    If you want to see how this plugin works, connect to the server linked in my signature. Feel free to burn bots all you want (they will not take damage anyway), but please do not burn human players.

    Last edited by Mystik Spiral; 03-08-2021 at 23:33.
    Mystik Spiral is offline
    Mystik Spiral
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    Join Date: Oct 2020
    Location: Orlando, FL
    Old 03-17-2021 , 00:50   Re: [L4D & L4D2] ReverseBurn and ExplosionAnnouncer [v1.1 (16-Mar-2021)]
    Reply With Quote #3

    New version 1.1 released, see original post for download.

    16-Mar-2021 v1.1
    - When burn damage is reversed, victims now take half the damage of previous version.
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    Location: Hungary
    Old 03-19-2021 , 11:53   Re: [L4D & L4D2] ReverseBurn and ExplosionAnnouncer [v1.1 (16-Mar-2021)]
    Reply With Quote #4

    Added Hungarian.
    Attached Files
    File Type: txt l4d_ReverseBurn_and_ExplosionAnnouncer.phrases.txt (7.6 KB, 204 views)

    "I've Got You In My Sights!"
    KasperH is offline
    Mystik Spiral
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    Location: Orlando, FL
    Old 04-25-2021 , 15:35   Re: [L4D & L4D2] ReverseBurn and ExplosionAnnouncer [v1.2 (25-Apr-2021)]
    Reply With Quote #5

    New version 1.2 released, see original post for download.

    25-Apr-2021 v1.2
    - Option to reverse burn damage if attacker is an admin. [RBaEA_admin, default: 0/false]
    - Option to reverse blast (explosion) damage (propane/oxygen tank, fuel barrel, gas pump). [RBaEA_blast, default: 1/true]
    - Option to ban attacker (griefer) that disconnects during reverse burn. [RBaEA_banburndisconnect, default: 1/true]
    - Option to set ban duration in minutes. [RBaEA_banduration, default: 2880 minutes (2 days)]

    If RBaEA_admin is set to 0/false, if an admin burns another player with an explodable (gascan, fireworks, etc.), the damage will not be reversed (neither the attacker or victim will take any burn damage).

    If RBaEA_blast is set to 1/true, when an attacker explodes a entity like a propane tank or oxygen tank too close to a player, the attacker will take all of the damage and the victim will take no damage.

    If RBaEA_banburndisconnect is set to 1/true, if a player causes another player to be instantly burned then leaves immediately (during the reverse burn), the griefer will be banned. The length of the ban is determined by RBaEA_banduration, specified in minutes.
    Mystik Spiral is offline
    Krufftys Killers
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    Join Date: Jan 2014
    Old 04-26-2021 , 08:43   Re: [L4D & L4D2] ReverseBurn and ExplosionAnnouncer [v1.2 (25-Apr-2021)]
    Reply With Quote #6

    Got this error today

    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: SourceMod error session started
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: Info (map "l4d2_city17_02") (file "C:\servers\kruffty\left4dead2\addons\sourcem od\logs\errors_20210425.log")
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] Exception reported: Language phrase "ReverseBlast" not found (arg 5)
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] Blaming: l4d_ReverseBurn_and_ExplosionAnnouncer.smx
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] Call stack trace:
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] [0] VFormat
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] [1] Line 999, /home/forums/content/files/3/0/4/6/6/5/188949.attach::CPrintToChat
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] [2] Line 1144, /home/forums/content/files/3/0/4/6/6/5/188949.attach::OnTakeDamage_Player
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] Exception reported: Language phrase "ReverseBlast" not found (arg 5)
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] Blaming: l4d_ReverseBurn_and_ExplosionAnnouncer.smx
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] Call stack trace:
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] [0] VFormat
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] [1] Line 999, /home/forums/content/files/3/0/4/6/6/5/188949.attach::CPrintToChat
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] [2] Line 1144, /home/forums/content/files/3/0/4/6/6/5/188949.attach::OnTakeDamage_Player
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] Exception reported: Language phrase "ReverseBlast" not found (arg 5)
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] Blaming: l4d_ReverseBurn_and_ExplosionAnnouncer.smx
    Krufftys Killers is online now
    Mystik Spiral
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    Join Date: Oct 2020
    Location: Orlando, FL
    Old 04-26-2021 , 10:51   Re: [L4D & L4D2] ReverseBurn and ExplosionAnnouncer [v1.2 (25-Apr-2021)]
    Reply With Quote #7

    Originally Posted by Krufftys Killers View Post
    Got this error today

    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: SourceMod error session started
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: Info (map "l4d2_city17_02") (file "C:\servers\kruffty\left4dead2\addons\sourcem od\logs\errors_20210425.log")
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] Exception reported: Language phrase "ReverseBlast" not found (arg 5)
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] Blaming: l4d_ReverseBurn_and_ExplosionAnnouncer.smx
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] Call stack trace:
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] [0] VFormat
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] [1] Line 999, /home/forums/content/files/3/0/4/6/6/5/188949.attach::CPrintToChat
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] [2] Line 1144, /home/forums/content/files/3/0/4/6/6/5/188949.attach::OnTakeDamage_Player
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] Exception reported: Language phrase "ReverseBlast" not found (arg 5)
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] Blaming: l4d_ReverseBurn_and_ExplosionAnnouncer.smx
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] Call stack trace:
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] [0] VFormat
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] [1] Line 999, /home/forums/content/files/3/0/4/6/6/5/188949.attach::CPrintToChat
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] [2] Line 1144, /home/forums/content/files/3/0/4/6/6/5/188949.attach::OnTakeDamage_Player
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] Exception reported: Language phrase "ReverseBlast" not found (arg 5)
    L 04/25/2021 - 226:40: [SM] Blaming: l4d_ReverseBurn_and_ExplosionAnnouncer.smx
    The "ReverseBlast" message is new for this release. Please make sure you also downloaded the new phrases file and copied it to the translations folder.
    Mystik Spiral is offline
    Mystik Spiral
    Senior Member
    Join Date: Oct 2020
    Location: Orlando, FL
    Old 06-08-2021 , 22:52   Re: [L4D & L4D2] ReverseBurn and ExplosionAnnouncer [v1.2.1 (08-Jun-2021)]
    Reply With Quote #8

    New version 1.2.1 released, see original post for download.

    08-Jun-2021 v1.2.1
    - Reduce burn damage to victims by 75%.
    Mystik Spiral is offline
    Krufftys Killers
    Senior Member
    Join Date: Jan 2014
    Old 10-20-2021 , 17:04   Re: [L4D & L4D2] ReverseBurn and ExplosionAnnouncer [v1.2.1 (08-Jun-2021)]
    Reply With Quote #9

    Over the last few days getting this error
    L 10/19/2021 - 23:21:15: SourceMod error session started
    L 10/19/2021 - 23:21:15: Info (map "l4d2_pdmesa01_surface") (file "/home/container/left4dead2/addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20211019.log")
    L 10/19/2021 - 23:21:15: [SM] Exception reported: Cannot ban fake client 2
    L 10/19/2021 - 23:21:15: [SM] Blaming: l4d_ReverseBurn_and_ExplosionAnnouncer.smx
    L 10/19/2021 - 23:21:15: [SM] Call stack trace:
    L 10/19/2021 - 23:21:15: [SM] [0] BanClient
    L 10/19/2021 - 23:21:15: [SM] [1] Line 451, /home/forums/content/files/3/0/4/6/6/5/189682.attach::OnClientDisconnect
    L 10/19/2021 - 23:243: Error log file session closed.
    Krufftys Killers is online now
    Mystik Spiral
    Senior Member
    Join Date: Oct 2020
    Location: Orlando, FL
    Old 10-23-2021 , 13:12   Re: [L4D & L4D2] ReverseBurn and ExplosionAnnouncer [v1.2.1 (08-Jun-2021)]
    Reply With Quote #10

    Originally Posted by Krufftys Killers View Post
    Over the last few days getting this error
    L 10/19/2021 - 23:21:15: SourceMod error session started
    L 10/19/2021 - 23:21:15: Info (map "l4d2_pdmesa01_surface") (file "/home/container/left4dead2/addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20211019.log")
    L 10/19/2021 - 23:21:15: [SM] Exception reported: Cannot ban fake client 2
    L 10/19/2021 - 23:21:15: [SM] Blaming: l4d_ReverseBurn_and_ExplosionAnnouncer.smx
    L 10/19/2021 - 23:21:15: [SM] Call stack trace:
    L 10/19/2021 - 23:21:15: [SM] [0] BanClient
    L 10/19/2021 - 23:21:15: [SM] [1] Line 451, /home/forums/content/files/3/0/4/6/6/5/189682.attach::OnClientDisconnect
    L 10/19/2021 - 23:243: Error log file session closed.
    Given these errors, it appears that a player attacker disconnected (and was likely banned) during a reverse burn and a bot took over, then a new player quickly joined while the reverse burn was still going and the bot disconnected causing the error. This should be fixed in new version (v1.2.2).
    Mystik Spiral is offline

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