Hi rtxa, great work with this mod, really hope to get a server up and running for it.
First of all I tried this with windows locally, I followed the step by step instructions and everything is running. I do have a couple of issues if you might have any advise on. Server works and I can join the game, however crosshairs appear to be missing for the weapons. I don't know if this is something to do with Bug fixed HL or with Weapon Mod.
I host my main servers using Linux, so I followed the same steps as I did with windows and I am able to start a server using Linux with all plugins running. However, once I try to connect to the server, I receive the following errors and the server crashes, so I am not actually able to join the server, it crashes as I connect.
Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the first dump from the console
couldn't exec startup_server.cfg
L 07/09/2024 - 09:28:05: -------- Mapchange to vs_niteclub --------
[WEAPONMOD] Found hl.so at 0xecb7f000
Half-Life Weapon Mod version 0.8 Copyright (c) 2012 AGHL.RU Dev Team.
Weapon Mod comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `wpnmod gpl'.
This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under
certain conditions; type 'wpnmod gpl' for details.
couldn't exec maps/vs_niteclub_load.cfg
[AMXX] Loaded 1 admin from file
L 07/09/2024 - 09:28:05: [ORPHEU] Function "SV_FullClientUpdate" not found
L 07/09/2024 - 09:28:05: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "hl_player_models_api.amxx", version "1.2")
L 07/09/2024 - 09:28:05: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "OrpheuGetFunction")
L 07/09/2024 - 09:28:05: [AMXX] [0] hl_player_models_api.sma::plugin_init (line 64)
[S_API] SteamAPI_Init(): Loaded local 'steamclient.so' OK.
CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread took 2 milliseconds to initialize
SteamInternal_SetMinidumpSteamID: Caching Steam ID: 76561197960265728 [API loaded yes]
SteamInternal_SetMinidumpSteamID: Setting Steam ID: 76561197960265728
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
SteamInternal_SetMinidumpSteamID: Caching Steam ID: 76561197960265728 [API loaded yes]
SteamInternal_SetMinidumpSteamID: Setting Steam ID: 76561197960265728
Could not find steamerrorreporter binary. Any minidumps will be uploaded in-process
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
Connection to Steam servers successful.
VAC secure mode is activated.
[S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface SteamNetworkingUtils004 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.
Dropped sook from server
Reason: Client sent 'drop'
Warning: Unable to open sound/ambience/disco.wav for transfer
Warning: Unable to open sound/ambience/heavy19.wav for transfer
Warning: Unable to open sound/ambience/nightclub1.wav for transfer
Warning: Unable to open sound/ambience/heavy19.wav for transfer
Warning: Unable to open sound/ambience/disco.wav for transfer
Warning: Unable to open sound/ambience/nightclub1.wav for transfer
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
warning: Section `.reg-xstate/43' in core file too small.
warning: Section `.reg-xstate/43' in core file too small.
email debug.log to [email protected]
Tue Jul 9 09:28:17 BST 2024: Server restart in 10 seconds
Here is the dump from the AMXX Log, regardless of the map, the server crashes.
L 07/09/2024 - 00:02:25: Start of error session.
L 07/09/2024 - 00:02:25: Info (map "vs_niteclub") (file "addons/amxmodx/logs/error_20240709.log")
L 07/09/2024 - 00:02:25: [ORPHEU] Function "SV_FullClientUpdate" not found
L 07/09/2024 - 00:02:25: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "hl_player_models_api.amxx", version "1.2")
L 07/09/2024 - 00:02:25: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "OrpheuGetFunction")
L 07/09/2024 - 00:02:25: [AMXX] [0] hl_player_models_api.sma::plugin_init (line 64)
L 07/09/2024 - 09:28:05: Start of error session.
L 07/09/2024 - 09:28:05: Info (map "vs_niteclub") (file "addons/amxmodx/logs/error_20240709.log")
L 07/09/2024 - 09:28:05: [ORPHEU] Function "SV_FullClientUpdate" not found
L 07/09/2024 - 09:28:05: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "hl_player_models_api.amxx", version "1.2")
L 07/09/2024 - 09:28:05: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "OrpheuGetFunction")
L 07/09/2024 - 09:28:05: [AMXX] [0] hl_player_models_api.sma::plugin_init (line 64)
L 07/09/2024 - 09:28:31: Start of error session.
L 07/09/2024 - 09:28:31: Info (map "vs_niteclub") (file "addons/amxmodx/logs/error_20240709.log")
L 07/09/2024 - 09:28:31: [ORPHEU] Function "SV_FullClientUpdate" not found
L 07/09/2024 - 09:28:31: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "hl_player_models_api.amxx", version "1.2")
L 07/09/2024 - 09:28:31: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "OrpheuGetFunction")
L 07/09/2024 - 09:28:31: [AMXX] [0] hl_player_models_api.sma::plugin_init (line 64)