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[L4D & L4D2] Anti Rush (1.23) [16-May-2024]

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Slowdown or teleport rushers and slackers back to the group. Uses flow distance for accuracy.
Old 03-26-2020 , 02:00   [L4D & L4D2] Anti Rush (1.23) [16-May-2024]
Reply With Quote #1

  • A proper Anti Rush plugin.
  • Uses the Survivors map flow distance to accurately determine who's ahead/behind.
  • Can slowdown a rushers running speed or teleport them back.
  • Can teleport forward slackers who are lagging behind.
  • Various options to customise.
  • Supports translations.

Loops through Survivors checking their flow distance to the nearest half of Survivors (leading half for rushers, slowest half for slackers). Someone is detected as rushing or falling behind when their flow distance to that half of survivors exceeds the relative l4d_anti_rush_range_* cvar value.

It only checks the nearest half and not everyone because the flow distance data set can be skewed (some people lagging behind, some people ahead). Therefore only when they exceed distance limits to their relative half are they considered out of bounds.

If slowdown is enabled and affecting someone, it will be disabled when their flow distance decreases as they start moving back toward the group, or when they no longer exceed the range cvar distance, or when survivors die and the number alive falls below the minimum threshold of survivors required (minimum 3, set by l4d_anti_rush_players cvar). This means if only 2 survivors are alive, neither will be affected - slowed down or teleported forward because there is no average group to work from.

Does not teleport players who are incapped or pinned by the Smoker, Hunter, Jockey or Charger.

Optionally added left4dhooks forwards "L4D_OnGetCrouchTopSpeed" and "L4D_OnGetWalkTopSpeed" to modify speed when walking or crouched. Uncomment the section and recompile if you want to enable. Only required to slowdown players more than default.

Gauntlet Crescendo Events:
Since version 1.9 an optional config can be setup to detect events where survivors must rush from somewhere to switch off an alarm etc. The config will allow extending the rushing detection range during these events and reset after.

Using Stripper:Source and the command sm_stripper_dump to dump the maps properties, you can find the entity classname and targetname or hammer ID and their entity output to hook and detect for various buttons or triggers etc that turn on and off the crescendo events.

Here is an example config, please post configs for other maps that have gauntlet style events including 3rd party maps.

  • KasperH - For the request.
  • Lux and MasterMind420 for various ideas.
  • xZk, MasterMind420 and Cuba for testing version 1.1.


Saved to l4d_anti_rush.cfg in your servers \cfg\sourcemod\ folder.

PHP Code:
// 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on.
l4d_anti_rush_allow "1"

// Turn on the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = all).
l4d_anti_rush_modes ""

// Turn off the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = none).
l4d_anti_rush_modes_off ""

// Turn on the plugin in these game modes. 0=All, 1=Coop, 2=Survival, 4=Versus, 8=Scavenge. Add numbers together.
l4d_anti_rush_modes_tog "0"

// Should the plugin activate in finales. 0=Off. 1=All finales. 2=Gauntlet type finales.
l4d_anti_rush_finale "2"

// Players with these flags will be immune from teleporting forward when behind or slowing down when ahead.
l4d_anti_rush_flags ""

// 0=Off. When rushing or slacking display a flash when health is being taken away: 1=Red flash, 2=White flash, 3=Black flash.
l4d_anti_rush_flash "1"

// 0=Off. Amount of health to remove every second when someone is rushing.
l4d_anti_rush_health "0"

// Should players with the immune flags be counted toward total flow distance. 0=Ignore them. 1=Count them.
l4d_anti_rush_ignore "0"

// 0=Off. How many survivors must be incapped before ignoring them in calculating rushers and slackers.
l4d_anti_rush_incapped "0"

// Minimum number of survivors before the function kicks in. Must be 3 or greater otherwise the lead/last and average cannot be detected.
l4d_anti_rush_players "3"

// 0.0=Off. How far behind someone can travel from the average Survivor distance before being teleported forward or health drained.
l4d_anti_rush_range_last "3000.0"

// How far forward someone can travel from the average distance before being teleported or slowed down.
l4d_anti_rush_range_lead "3000.0"

// Maximum speed someone can travel when being slowed down.
l4d_anti_rush_slow "75.0"

// Empty string = none. When rushing or slacking display play this sound when health is being taken away.
l4d_anti_rush_sound "player/neck_snap_01.wav"

// 0=Off. 1=On. Should Anti-Rush be enabled when there are active Tanks.
l4d_anti_rush_tanks "1"

// 0=Off. 1=Print To Chat. 2=Hint Text. Display a message to someone rushing, or falling behind.
l4d_anti_rush_text "1"

// How often to print the message to someone if slowdown or health drain is enabled and affecting them.
l4d_anti_rush_time "10"

// What to do with rushers. 0=Ignore (used for health drain only). 1=Slowdown player speed when moving forward. 2=Teleport back to group.
l4d_anti_rush_type "1"

// What to do with slackers. 0=Ignore (used for health drain only). 1=Teleport back to group.
l4d_anti_rush_type2 "1"

// How far behind someone can travel from the average Survivor distance before being warned about being teleported.
l4d_anti_rush_warn_last "2500.0"

// How far forward someone can travel from the average Survivor distance before being warned about being teleported or slowed down.
l4d_anti_rush_warn_lead "2500.0"

// 0.0=Off. How often to print a message to someone warning them they are ahead or behind and will be teleported or slowed down.
l4d_anti_rush_warn_time "15.0"

// Anti Rush plugin version.

1.23 (16-May-2024)
    - Added cvar "l4d_anti_rush_flash" to display a flash when health is being taken away.
    - Added cvar "l4d_anti_rush_sound" to play a sound when health is being taken away.
    - Added cvars "l4d_anti_rush_type2" and "l4d_anti_rush_health2" to hurt players who are rushing.
    - Changed cvars "l4d_anti_rush_range_last" and "l4d_anti_rush_time" description to include health drain.
    - Changes requested by "Voevoda".
    - All translations updated.

1.22 (05-Mar-2024)
    - Fixed using the lead range instead of last range when teleporting the slacker. Thanks to "49459317" for reporting.

1.21 (28-Jan-2024)
    - Fixed memory leak caused by clearing StringMap/ArrayList data instead of deleting.

1.20 (10-Jan-2024)
    - Changed the plugins on/off/mode cvars to use the "Left 4 DHooks" method instead of creating an entity.

1.19 (10-Mar-2023)
    - Added cvar "l4d_anti_rush_health" to hurt players who are rushing. Requested by "Voevoda".
    - Changed cvar "l4d_anti_rush_type" to allow disabling teleport or slowdown, to only enable health drain.
    - Translation phrases updated to support the health drain only type. Thanks to "Voevoda" and "HarryPotter" for updating Russian and Chinese translations.

1.18 (01-Jun-2022)
    - L4D1: Fixed throwing errors.
    - L4D2: Added map "c5m5_bridge" to the data config.

1.17 (04-Dec-2021)
    - Changes to fix warnings when compiling on SourceMod 1.11.

1.16 (19-Oct-2021)
    - Plugin now ignores players who are being healed or revived, or players healing or reviving someone. Requested to "Psyk0tik".

1.15 (09-Sep-2021)
    - Fixed the last update breaking the plugin in L4D1.

1.14 (25-Aug-2021)
    - Plugin now ignores players being carried by the Charger. Thanks to "Darkwob" for reporting.

1.13 (30-Jun-2021)
    - Plugin now ignores players inside elevators.

1.12 (16-Jun-2021)
    - L4D1: Fixed throwing errors about missing property "m_type". Thanks to "Dragokas" for reporting.

1.11 (20-Apr-2021)
    - Added cvars "l4d_anti_rush_flags" and "l4d_anti_rush_ignore" to make players with certain flags immune to the plugins actions. Requested by "Shadowart".

1.10a (12-Apr-2021)
    - Updated data config "data/l4d_anti_rush.cfg" with new triggers. Thanks to "jeremyvillanueva" for providing.

1.10 (23-Mar-2021)
    - Cleaning source code from last update.
    - Fixed potentially using the wrong "add" range from the config.

1.9 (22-Mar-2021)
    - Added optional config "l4d_anti_rush.cfg" to extend the trigger detection range during certain crescendo events. Requested by "SilentBr".

1.8 (09-Oct-2020)
    - Changed cvar "l4d_anti_rush_finale" to allow working in Gauntlet type finales only. Thanks to "Xanaguy" for requesting.
    - Renamed cvar "l4d_anti_rush_inacpped" to "l4d_anti_rush_incapped" fixing spelling mistake.

1.7 (09-Oct-2020)
    - Added cvar "l4d_anti_rush_tanks" to control if the plugins active when any tank is alive.
    - Fixed not resetting slowdown on team change or player death (optimization).

1.6 (15-Jul-2020)
    - Optionally added left4dhooks forwards "L4D_OnGetCrouchTopSpeed" and "L4D_OnGetWalkTopSpeed" to modify speed when walking or crouched.
    - Uncomment the section and recompile if you want to enable. Only required to slowdown players more than default.
    - Thanks to "SilentBr" for reporting.

1.5 (10-May-2020)
    - Added Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese translations. Thanks to "fbef0102".
    - Extra checks to prevent "IsAllowedGameMode" throwing errors.
    - Various changes to tidy up code.

1.4 (10-Apr-2020)
    - Added Hungarian translations. Thanks to "KasperH" for providing.
    - Added Russian translations. Thanks to "Dragokas" for updating with new phrases.
    - Added cvar "l4d_anti_rush_incapped" to ignored incapped players from being used to calculate rushers or slackers distance.
    - Added cvars "l4d_anti_rush_warn_last" and "l4d_anti_rush_warn_lead" to warn players about being teleported or slowed down.
    - Added cvar "l4d_anti_rush_warn_time" to control how often someone is warned.
    - Removed minimum value being set for "l4d_anti_rush_range_lead" cvar which prevented turning off lead feature.
    - The cvars "l4d_anti_rush_range_last" and "l4d_anti_rush_range_lead" minimum values are now set internally (1500.0).
    - Translation files and plugin updated.

1.3 (09-Apr-2020)
    - Added reset slowdown in case players are out-of-bound or have invalid flow distances to calculate the range.
    - Increased minimum value of "l4d_anti_rush_range_lead" cvar from 500.0 to 1000.0.
    - Removed minimum value being set for "l4d_anti_rush_range_last" cvar. Thanks to "Alex101192" for reporting.

1.2 (08-Apr-2020)
    - Added cvar "l4d_anti_rush_finale" to allow or disallow the plugin in finales.

1.1 (07-Apr-2020)
    - Changed how the plugin functions. Now calculates rushers/slackers by their flow distance to the nearest half of Survivors.
    - Fixed not accounting for multiple rushers with "type 2" setting.
    - Fixed "IsAllowedGameMode" from throwing errors when the "_tog" cvar was changed before MapStart.

1.0 (26-Mar-2020)
    - Added Russian translations to the .zip. Thanks to "KRUTIK" for providing.
    - No other changes.

1.0 (26-Mar-2020)
    - Initial Release.


  • Download the .zip and extract the files to their respective folders in your servers \addons\sourcemod\ folder.

Current Translations: English (en), Hungarian (hu), Russian (ru), Simplified Chinese (zho), Traditional Chinese (chi).

Updating from 1.10 or older:[LIST][*]New cvars have been added: use the Cvar Configs Updater, or delete the old cvars config or manually add them.

Updating from 1.18 or older:
  • Translation files have updated.
Attached Files
File Type: zip l4d_anti_rush.zip (31.5 KB, 504 views)

Last edited by Silvers; 05-16-2024 at 05:29.
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Old 03-26-2020 , 05:31   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Anti Rush (1.0) [26-Mar-2020]
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Russian translation
Attached Files
File Type: txt anti_rush.phrases.txt (1.0 KB, 520 views)
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Old 04-03-2020 , 18:45   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Anti Rush (1.0) [26-Mar-2020]
Reply With Quote #3

If you need help to test please let me know. I have supercoop and superversus servers.
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Old 04-05-2020 , 04:22   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Anti Rush (1.0) [26-Mar-2020]
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Hope to support single player mode, when survivor_limit 1, prohibit players to sprint
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Old 04-05-2020 , 04:24   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Anti Rush (1.0) [26-Mar-2020]
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Originally Posted by ZBzibing View Post
Hope to support single player mode, when survivor_limit 1, prohibit players to sprint
lmao, there are methods for that.

I'm finally going to re-write this today/tomorrow and should be able to publish a fixed version in the next few days.

Last edited by Silvers; 03-22-2021 at 17:02.
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Old 04-05-2020 , 13:19   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Anti Rush (1.0) [26-Mar-2020]
Reply With Quote #6

Originally Posted by Silvers View Post
lmao, there are are methods for that.

I'm finally going to re-write this today/tomorrow and should be able to publish a fixed version in the next few days.
Oh nice.
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Old 04-07-2020 , 17:02   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Anti Rush (1.1) [07-Apr-2020]
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I've decided to post the update to get more feedback on any issues. I think it's working fine now, please let me know.
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Old 04-08-2020 , 18:25   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Anti Rush (1.2) [08-Apr-2020]
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I am currently testing the plugins. Haven't found an issue yet, but I wasn't able to test a lot. I will get back to it.
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Old 04-08-2020 , 20:11   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Anti Rush (1.2) [08-Apr-2020]
Reply With Quote #9

So far it's good. However there is some changes that could make it a little bit better.

Maybe it would be better if rushing and behind players were warned before applying the punishment. Simply a message to pop up when survivor reaches certain length. So rushing punishment would be 3000 and warn 2500.

Last edited by Alex101192; 04-09-2020 at 02:06.
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Old 04-09-2020 , 18:20   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Anti Rush (1.2) [08-Apr-2020]
Reply With Quote #10

The l4d_anti_rush_range_last does not disable teleport of behind players when set to 0.0 as said in the comments. Instead it just makes the distance at which behind players get teleported very short and very annoying. Only way to get rid of it for me was to set it to a very high number like 999999.
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