Fix warning
warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "g_hGetTableName"
warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "g_hGetMaxStrings"
warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "g_hSetTick"
PHP Code:
stock Handle g_hDeleteStrings;
stock Handle g_hCreateStringTable, g_hRemoveAllTables, g_hFindTable, g_hGetTable, g_hGetNumTables, g_hSetAllowClientSideAddString, g_hCreateDictionary;
stock Handle g_hGetTableName,g_hGetTableId, g_hGetNumStrings, g_hGetMaxStrings, g_hGetEntryBits, g_hSetTick, g_hChangedSinceTick, g_hAddString, g_hGetString, g_hSetStringUserData, g_hGetStringUserData, g_hFindStringIndex, g_hSetStringChangedCallback, g_hDump, g_hLock;