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[TF2] Slender Fortress (v1.5.1, 11/10/2019)

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A modification of Team Fortress 2 based on the game Slender: The Eight Pages.
Old 10-10-2019 , 16:23   [TF2] Slender Fortress (v1.5.1, 11/10/2019)
Reply With Quote #1


What is Slender Fortress?
Slender Fortress is a game mode for Team Fortress 2 based on the game Slender: The Eight Pages. The game mode follows the base idea of collecting a specific amount of pages and then escaping the map/terrain.

How do you play Slender Fortress?
It's simple! As a member of the red team, your objective is to collect a predefined amount of whatever object you are tasked to collect, these will change depending on the map. Once you collect these pages you are offered an escape route, which you must head to be able to escape before being caught by the boss selected for that round. If everyone alive during the escape period manages to escape, your team wins. Be careful though, by default you must manage your stamina and your flashlight level, which can be seen down at the bottom left of your screen. By default clicking your right-click on your mouse will toggle the flashlight, and holding your middle click will allow you to sprint. There's also a blink meter, this blink meter counts down and once it reaches zero, you blink!. This adds difficulty against bosses like the Weeping Angel for example.

As a member of the blue team, your objective is too, well wait. You are put into a waiting area in which you can battle it out with your friends, do some parkour or get offered to spectate the game, you are unable to communicate with players alive on the red team, no matter how hard you try, you just sit there and watch them get chased down and killed by a scary Rake.

How much can you customize Slender Fortress?
You can customize quite a bit inside of Slender Fortress, for example. You can create your own Slender! (We will be calling them bosses from now on.) using different models, materials, and sounds. You can also change the behavior of the bosses so they will find different methods to attack you.

What types of bosses are there?
Excellent question!, to answer this question we will be also showing off the three main bosses which come in Slender Fortress. These will show off the different abilities these bosses have and also show off the appearance of the bosses.

Slender Man

The classic boss of Slender Fortress!, this guy is pretty simple. He will show up around corners at an attempt for you to run right into your own demise! he's slow, hardly moves and is easily noticeable and easy to run away from. Be careful though, if he traps you in a corner you are done for.

The Weeping Angel

A Doctor Who favorite! this boss works exactly like how she does in the show, look at her and she freezes, look away and she moves closer. Keep on eye on your blink meter, she can move for that tiny amount that you blink as. If she comes to close to you whilst you are not looking, you will die a very short death.

The Rake

This mysterious beast appeared out of nowhere! You hear it move around the corner, it looks you right in the eyes and starts screaming! suddenly it will start to chase you, you better start running, because getting away from this beast will prove to be difficult. It will not stop until it sees your blood all over the floor, or you manage to give it some other prey to hunt, whatever works for your survival.

This looks cool!, how do I set it up?
Read here on the basics of setting it up.


Github releases page.

ConVar & Command List

Everyone who worked with KitRifty (and KitRifty himself) to help achieve the original creation of the game mode.

Kenzzer for updating a few things and making 1.5.0 a stable version of the game mode.

Last edited by cigzag; 09-10-2023 at 19:17. Reason: Add link to different SF2 version
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Old 10-10-2019 , 16:26   Re: [TF2] Slender Fortress (v1.5.1, 11/10/2019)
Reply With Quote #2

Creating your own bosses in Slender Fortress

Glubbable has created a documentation repo which shows different examples and detailed descriptions on certain parts of creating content for Slender Fortress, you can read it here:

What do you need?
A model with materials (with an animation set) that you can pair with sounds.
An idea of what you want your boss to do.

How do I get started?
First off, a smart idea is to organize bosses you want to add into packs, so I'll cover the basics of creating a boss pack. Inside of configs/sf2/profile_packs.cfg you should find an example of a Boss Pack I set which contains the Weeping Angel.

"Profile Packs"
			"name"	"Core Boss Pack"
			"file"	"corepack.cfg"
			"autoload"	"1"
			"show_in_vote" "0"
If you want to start creating your own Boss Packs, I highly recommend taking the Weeping Angel profile from that example boss pack (Found at /configs/sf2/profiles/packs and putting it inside the default profiles.cfg, this is a failsafe way to ensure that the weeping angel gets loaded just in case you screw up the boss pack configuration.

From here I also recommend renaming your boss pack to something which will easily identify what bosses you will put into these packs. For example:

"Profile Packs"
		"ark" // The name value, the plugin reads this as the name, not the name below.
			"name"	"ARK Boss Pack" // The name identifying the boss pack
			"file"	"arkpack.cfg" // The config file name
			"autoload"	"1" // Load the boss pack automatticly on every map?
			"show_in_vote" "0" // To show in the vote at the end of each map, currently broken, if you find the ConVar, do not use.
Now that you've created a boss pack for ARK bosses, let's move onto creating a profile for a boss inside the boss pack!

Once you open up your newly created boss pack file, it should be empty, promptly add


Once you've done that, you can do one of two things.

1. Read over the detailed parts of creating a boss, and put all the inputs in manually.
2. Copy and paste a boss you'd like your boss to have similar behavior of (Example: The Rake), and then modify its inputs to customize it how you want.

I've gone ahead and created a raptor example, using ported ARK models (No you can't have them!), this boss is based on The Rake.

		"name"	"ARK - Raptor" // Name of the boss
		"type"	"2" // Important think to note here, type 2 is chaser, type 1 is Slenderman style.
		"speed"	"360.0" // Speed in hammer units
		"acceleration"	"1600.0" // Acceleration in hammer units
		"speed_max"	"460.0" // Maximum speed the boss can go
		"walkspeed"	"120.0" // Speed the boss walks at
		"walkspeed_max"	"200.0" // Maximum speed the boss can walk
		"model"	"models/arkse/dinos/raptor.mdl" // Directory line to boss model
		"model_scale"	"1.4" // Scale of the model
		"eye_pos"	"0 0 72" // Eye position relative to the bosses origin point
		"mins"	"-16 -16 0"
		"maxs"	"16 16 64"
		"turnrate"	"550.0"
		"fov"	"220"
		"copy" "0"
		"copy_max"	"0"
		"teleport_time_min"	"3.0"
		"teleport_time_max"	"6.0"
		"teleport_range_min"	"400.0"
		"teleport_range_max"	"1000.0"
		"teleport_target_rest_period"	"3.0"
		"teleport_target_persistency_period"	"8.0"
		"teleport_target_stress_min"	"0.5"
		"teleport_target_stress_max"	"1.0"
		"teleport_type"	"2"

		"attack_props"	"0"
		"attack_damageforce"	"12"
		"attack_damage_vs_props"	"30"
		"static_on_look"	"1"
		"static_on_radius"	"0"
		"static_rate"	"0.8"
		"static_rate_decay"	"0.9"
		"scare_radius"	"350.0"
		"scare_cooldown"	"2.0"
		"anger_start"	"1.0"
		"anger_page_time_diff"	"99999.0"
		"anger_page_add"	"1.0"
		"appear_chance_threshold"	"0.25"
		"appear_chance_min"	"0.0"
		"appear_chance_max"	"1.0"
		"think_time_min"	"2.0"
		"think_time_max"	"4.0"
		"blink_look_rate_multiply"	"1.0"
		"blink_static_rate_multiply"	"1.0"
		"search_range"	"3600.0"
		"search_alert_gracetime"	"0.66"
		"search_chase_duration"	"6.0"
		"search_chase_persistency_time_init"	"1.0"
		"search_chase_persistency_time_add_newtarget"	"0.0"
		"search_chase_persistency_time_add_visible_min"	"0.06"
		"search_chase_persistency_time_add_visible_max"	"0.14"
		"search_chase_persistency_time_add_attack"	"0.3"
		"jump_speed"	"600.0"
		"airspeed"	"600.0"
		"idle_lifetime"	"5.0"
		"attack_delay"	"0.12"
		"attack_range"	"175.0"
		"attack_begin_range"	"110"
		"attack_damage"	"28.0"
		"attack_damagetype"	"1048576"
		"attack_punchvel"	"60 60 1"
		"attack_endafter" "0.60"
		"attack_spread"	"45.0"
		"stun_enabled"	"1"
		"stun_health"	"300"
		"stun_duration"	"2.2"
		"animation_idle"	"idle1"
		"animation_walk"	"walk_all"
		"animation_walk_playbackrate"	"1.0"
		"animation_run"		"run_all"
		"animation_run_playbackrate"	"1.0"
		"animation_attack"	"attack_main"
		"animation_attack_playbackrate"	"1.0"
		"animation_stun"	"jump"
		"animation_stun_playbackrate"	"1.0"
			"1"	"models/arkse/dinos/raptor.mdl"
			"1"	"models/arkse/dinos/raptor"
			"1"	"materials/models/arkse/dinos/raptors/MM_Dino_Emissive_Colorize"
			"2" "materials/models/arkse/dinos/raptors/MM_DinoFur_Emissive"
			"1"	"materials/models/arkse/dinos/raptors/raptor_d.vtf"
			"2"	"materials/models/arkse/dinos/raptors/Raptor_Fur_Atlas_D.vtf"
			"3"	"materials/models/arkse/dinos/raptors/Raptor_Fur_Atlas_N.vtf"
			"4"	"materials/models/arkse/dinos/raptors/raptor_n.vtf"
			"1"	"slender/arkse/s_raptor_call.wav"
			"1"	"slender/static.wav"
			"1"	"slender/arkse/s_raptor_jump_out_02.wav"
			"1"	"slender/arkse/s_raptor_chase.wav"
		"sound_chase_music_volume"	"1.3"
			"1"	"slender/arkse/s_raptor_jump_out_01.wav"
			"1"	"slender/arkse/s_raptor_startled.wav"
			"1"	"slender/arkse/s_raptor_idle_01.wav"
			"2"	"slender/arkse/s_raptor_idle_02.wav"
			"3"	"slender/arkse/s_raptor_idle_03.wav"
			"1"	"slender/arkse/s_raptor_jump_in_01.wav"
			"2"	"slender/arkse/s_raptor_jump_in_02.wav"
			"1"	"slender/arkse/s_raptor_attack_05.wav"
			"2"	"slender/arkse/s_raptor_attack_04.wav"
			"1"	"slender/arkse/s_raptor_attack_01_foley.wav"
			"2"	"slender/arkse/s_raptor_attack_02_foley.wav"
			"1"	"slender/arkse/s_raptor_attack_03.wav"

				"type"	"dynamiclight"
				"event"	"constant"
				"origin"	"0 0 60"
				"origin_custom"	""
				"angles"	"0 0 0"
				"angles_custom"	"0 0 0"
				"rendercolor"	"100 255 255 255"
				"distance"	"120.0"
				"brightness"	"7"
				"cone"	"-1"
				"spawnflags"	"1"
As you can see, I've changed around some files in order for the model and the sounds to change for the boss. Once you've created your boss profile, plop it into your boss profile pack and test it in-game!, you can use the Slender Fortress administrative menu to remove the current boss and add your custom one! (Or wait for it to be picked automatically)

Mine looked like this in-game!

I highly recommend you read the documentation which Glubbable has given to help you understand the different parts of creating a boss, and understanding other things like Map creation.

Last edited by cigzag; 10-10-2019 at 17:19.
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Old 10-10-2019 , 16:36   Re: [TF2] Slender Fortress (v1.5.1, 11/10/2019)
Reply With Quote #3

Just saying, you should not be uploading your entire scripting directory. Especially not the includes, artifacts, and even the tests/gamedata coming from dependencies.

The commit diff is almost unreadable due to all these files that are supposed to be ignored.


Last edited by RumbleFrog; 10-10-2019 at 16:40.
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Old 10-10-2019 , 17:01   Re: [TF2] Slender Fortress (v1.5.1, 11/10/2019)
Reply With Quote #4

Originally Posted by RumbleFrog View Post
Just saying, you should not be uploading your entire scripting directory. Especially not the includes, artifacts, and even the tests/gamedata coming from dependencies.

The commit diff is almost unreadable due to all these files that are supposed to be ignored.
Alright, I will fix it.

EDIT: Fixed

Last edited by cigzag; 10-10-2019 at 17:08.
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Old 10-10-2019 , 19:49   Re: [TF2] Slender Fortress (v1.5.1, 11/10/2019)
Reply With Quote #5

NavMesh still exists within the repository. You should link the required dependencies' respective threads/repo.
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Old 10-11-2019 , 18:49   Re: [TF2] Slender Fortress (v1.5.1, 11/10/2019)
Reply With Quote #6

Originally Posted by RumbleFrog View Post
NavMesh still exists within the repository. You should link the required dependencies' respective threads/repo.
Woops again, fixed.
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Old 10-16-2019 , 07:05   Re: [TF2] Slender Fortress (v1.5.1, 11/10/2019)
Reply With Quote #7

Plugin crashes the server when tries to load.
Here's one of Accelerator logs.

Idk, what this means. I've SM

This is probably caused by one of SDKTools's natives (possibly something like StartPrepSDKCall (or vector natives?), but i'm not sure).
Or maybe gamedata's broken?

Also, this happens on Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS.

Last edited by MAGNAT2645; 10-16-2019 at 07:46.
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Old 10-17-2019 , 00:40   Re: [TF2] Slender Fortress (v1.5.1, 11/10/2019)
Reply With Quote #8

Originally Posted by MAGNAT2645 View Post
Plugin crashes the server when tries to load.
Here's one of Accelerator logs.

Idk, what this means. I've SM

This is probably caused by one of SDKTools's natives (possibly something like StartPrepSDKCall (or vector natives?), but i'm not sure).
Or maybe gamedata's broken?

Also, this happens on Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS.
Does this happen on server startup?, I have not been able to reproduce this error.
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Old 10-17-2019 , 05:30   Re: [TF2] Slender Fortress (v1.5.1, 11/10/2019)
Reply With Quote #9

This happens on plugin load. I load plugins via sm_exec (map configs).
slender_.cfg has these lines:
sm plugins load disabled/navmesh
sm plugins load disabled/sf2
Navmesh loads fine (without any errors) but server crashes before second line (on SF2 load).
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Old 10-18-2019 , 00:28   Re: [TF2] Slender Fortress (v1.5.1, 11/10/2019)
Reply With Quote #10

Originally Posted by MAGNAT2645 View Post
This happens on plugin load. I load plugins via sm_exec (map configs).
slender_.cfg has these lines:
sm plugins load disabled/navmesh
sm plugins load disabled/sf2
Navmesh loads fine (without any errors) but server crashes before second line (on SF2 load).
I can't reproduce this error at all, odd?. I'd say ensure all the dependencies are installed and ensure the file permissions are set properly?
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